• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 1,264 Views, 16 Comments

Kingdom of the Moon - PheonixCircle

Luna has a secret she wants to keep from her sister.

  • ...

No Time to Rest

A pony, wearing a black hood and cape which hid his appearance, stood south of the eastern entry to Westbrucke. He smirked and slowly started to turn around when he noticed another pony. This pony was wearing a saddlebag and was currently leaving the town and heading north towards the castle of Icewind.

"Curse them", whispered the hooded pony as his smirk vanished from his face. His masters had hoped that Westbrucke would have been defenceless when they decided to take it over as they were well aware of the deteriorating relationship between Westbrucke and Icewind. This messenger could be a sign that either this information was wrong or that they intended to restrengthen the bonds between the two cities.

The hooded pony turned to Flankrium, his home, and began to trot in this direction. His task was complete even if his masters would not appreciate the news he brings home. At least he had news to bring home, he had seen the alicorn even if it was just for a short moment. They will be prepared when they arrive at the gates of Flankrium.


A few days later Luna was answering to another letter Moonprayer had written her. Moonprayer had done so every day since Luna left Westbrucke, and the princess was happy to receive and answer to these letters.

The letter contained minor information about how life in Westbrucke was. The only thing Luna was really interested in was the fact that the mayor was not only getting along with Moonprayer but actually seems to guide her and teach her about leading smaller groups of ponies. This was a very interesting turn of events, Luna thought, and she knew that at least for the mayor her plans were apparent. She would have to be a bit more careful from now on. Not everyone would be this kind.

She answered in the same way she received the letters. A few information about daily life in the palace with her sister. She had nothing particularly interesting to write at the moment. The only thing she found mentionable was the fact that her sisters student visited the palace today with her friends from Ponyville. The same ponies which defeated her evil side and rescued her good one.

At least she thought that times were calm. She had just sent the letter back when she heard a commotion from the throne room. She fought her curiosity while she stayed in her room, she was supposed to be asleep after all, but a loud BANG! and her curiosity overcame her. She opened her door and rushed to the throne room.

She saw her sister glaring at the wall on the other side as she entered the throne room. "Sister, is everything okay? Some loud bang woke me up. What happened?" she said as she slowly walked towards her sister.

"Discord has awakened and he took the elements," her sister answered, her voice shaking from anger. Luna had not seen her sister like that for a long time. She knew how much Celestia despised Discord but this was something new. 'Is she worried about her student?' Luna asked herself.

"Luna, we will stay in this castle. Without the elements we are no match for Discord. Only my student, Twilight Sparkle,with the assistance of her friends is now able to compete with him." Celestia commanded. Luna was shocked that her sister had gotten this worried but she had to agree with her. The princesses memories were fresh and she knew what Discord was capable of.

"I understand." Luna answered, her voice steady as ever. "I will return to my room now. If there is nothing else to discuss." She yawned to show her sister that she was tired but her plans looked different. There were some ponies in need of a warning.

"You may, for now. We might have more to discuss later but I know that you are tired. Sleep well , little sister", Celestia said, her voice steadier and warmer than before. She was slowly regaining her composure. Luna turned around and noticed the garden labyrinth. It was distorted and Luna noticed the ponies walking through it.

She asked herself why her sister didn't say anything about that. Did she think she wasn't trustworthy, that she would turn evil again? Or was there another reason? She shook her head slightly and headed towards her room. She had something else to do, somepony else to worry about.

She wrote a letter and and enchanted it to follow it's receiver, before throwing it into the fire. She asked Moonprayer to gather all the ponies inside the church, telling them that her princess had something important to tell them. Then she sat down and waited, looking at the blue flame with it's calming light.


Discord was preparing his next act as he froze in place. He believed that something had touched him slightly. He turned around but saw nothing. A smile appeared on his face and he continued his preparations as he felt it a second time. He turned around as he opened additional eyes and looked around. Again, nothing was to be seen.

He thought that he would go crazy as he realised that he already was. That was the reason he was the god of chaos. His madness gave him the power to mend the world. Or was he mad because he was so powerful? He smiled, shook his head and went on to focus on his next act, his next victim, his next playmate.


Luna read the letter and nodded. Apparently somepony was a bit further outside and the meeting would have be delayed until later this afternoon.

She prepared another enchanted letter giving her approval to the meeting time and went to bed. The little bit of sleep she would get now would be the best thing for today. She was still worried that Discord would do something to the castle itself as she faded into her dreamworld.

There she saw her past self standing in front of Discord, alone. It was a picture, nothing moved, and Luna could alter the scene as she wished. She tried to think when she had last dreamt without being able to alter her dreams but she couldn't remember. She changed the scene to one further into her past when Celestia and herself were younger. The smiles of the fillies comforted her and she began to rebuild the scene to something fantastically spectacular.


A few hours later Discord stood in Ponyville. He was preparing the arrival of the Elements of Harmony. Well, more of the Elements of Disharmony. His spell has worked almost better than he expected. He was sure he had already won, looking at how he had shattered the friendship they had held so dear.

He was eating the forks with the spaghetti in his claws. A skill he was rather proud of, had he never seen someone else eat like that. Especially because there are not many creatures capable of holding something with their claws or hooves. A thought that brought a smile to his face.

A smile that vanished when he felt the graze again. But this time it was much stronger and he could finally locate where it came from. It was just at the border of the realm of madness he used to travel from one place to another, in the matter of worldly seconds.

He could also feel who caused this feeling, who travelled besides the realm in another realm no one was supposed to enter. The younger princess, the traitor, the banished, the sealed, the moon and stars of this orderly world.

He was thinking about heading to Canterlot to get rid of the sun-flanked nuisance and then further into the north, where he felt the traitor leave the realm, but he decided against it. It was just too much fun, looking at these six fillies trying to overthrow him. His smile reappeared when he noticed the six approaching. Well, there were only five, and a baby dragon, wearing the stones. Such foolishness, such madness, such an enjoyable moment.


At the same time Celestia, walking around the throne room, stopped and looked around. Something seemed odd, as if something was missing, but she couldn't really grasp what it was. What could possibly be different from just a moment ago?

What she missed was the feeling of Luna's power. The two alicorns could feel each others presence if they were near and Luna was now far away. Celestia had forgotten this feeling, as had her sister, after a thousand years. And the previous occasions were no emergencies, no situation which used all the princesses concentration.

But now, for the first time since a thousand years, Celestia sensed, even if she didn't understand, that her sister was away, that she was no longer nearby.


"Dear ponies of Westbrucke", Luna began her speech in front of everypony in the church. "The situation is dire. Our old foe, Discord, the ruler and god of all that is mad and chaotic, has broken free from his prison. The six elements are on their way of defeating him but he is not to be underestimated."

Luna made a small break before she continued: "If you receive message from me to flee, or if you receive no answers to your letters anymore, flee immediately. Go to Icewind, tell them what happened and venture further to the north. It may be a rough place, rougher than here, but it is still far better than living in a realm without sense, without physics and time."

Whispers began to spread in the church, almost unbearable echos thrown from the chapel walls. Luna waited for the ponies to stop the chattering before she continued: "You know that I wouldn't ask you to do this if the situation wasn't as bad as it is. Ready your most important belongings. I do not wish any delays in your departure. Did I make myself clear?"

The murmuring started again. Some ponies nodded. Not one was raising his voice in disregard of their princess. They still remembered the stories of the old, the reason why they came here in the first place. Moonprayer was the only one asking a question, a question which only two could have answered her.

"But how should he know that we are here, this far in the north, the place you once chose as a safe place if he should ever return?"

"Because he felt me travel through the flame as I felt touching his realm as I did. He knows where I started and where I arrived and he won't forget." Luna answered to the priestess.

Luna turned around and headed towards the flame. "I have to go now. In this situation my absence in the castle could be disastrous. Farewell, my friends", she said before leaving.

The ponies remained in the church for a while, discussing the matter at hoof. It was Moonprayer who brought silence to the church again, beginning to pray in front of the flame, her horn touching the ground. One after another began to pray, until everyone was kneeling in front of the altar, silently.


Her sisters power was a shock for Luna when she returned to Canterlot. She had forgotten how it felt to be near hear and was shocked how she would dare to attack such a powerful being, underestimating herself by measuring her momentary state with her state a millennium ago.

At the same time, Celestia felt that the missing thing had returned, a comforting pressure of power, but she couldn't tell what it was. Her sisters power was different and memories fooled her perception in this matter.

Then the green dragon flame appeared before her, bringing her a letter. The seal was unmistakably her students and she opened it hoping for good messages. She had finished it, a smile in her face, when Luna entered the throne room.

"I am here for the transition", Luna said to her sister, adding after she saw her sisters smile: "Did something good happen? Did the elements defeat Discord?"

"Yes, they did", Celestia answered. "They grow stronger in their friendship with each passing day. It is a joy to watch them grow, Luna, especially Twilight. Do you think she is strong?"

Luna was a bit confused but she answered her sister in all honesty. "She is strong, and even stronger with her friends. Only a lifelong friendship is this strong. I admit that I am jealous of her for that. I also believe that she will ascend to our ranks one day. And I know that you think so, too. You wouldn't have taken her as your student otherwise."

Celestia smiled, as she answered: "You are right, I believe she has the capabilities to ascend to our ranks. But I have to correct you in one tiny fact. They are only friends since you returned. She is a bookworm, highly intelligent, but she has never been a social pony. Her brother was the only exception and he had no time lately, being in the royal guards."

Luna's eyes widened in disbelief of what her sister just said. They got strong enough in a matter of days to defeat Nightmare Moon? And they were even capable of defeating Discord after a few months? Their friendship seemed to be destined and their potential far over anything she could have achieved with her sister.

Celestia smiled as she tapped on the other throne to her side. Luna understood, sat on the throne and commenced the transition. They kept silent knowing that words would be useless for this moment.

As the night passed Luna thought about what her sister had told her. She noticed that there were a few ponies with stronger dream lights and one the brightest of them was her sister's student dream. 'You found a rather unbelievable strong character, sister' she thought before guiding her mind northwards.

Author's Note:

Edit 30.04.2017:
Few fixes

Again huge thanks to Xhoral1865 editing this storehouse full of commas.