• Published 3rd Feb 2014
  • 1,494 Views, 17 Comments

Luna's Reprieve - Kwinohiro

Luna comes back after her banishment and meets a kind soul who will help her more than either of them realize.

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Chapter 1: Discovery


Kwin rolled over, and checked his head. There was no bleeding, but it felt as if whatever happened had left him with a bruise. Wait a minute. What had happened?

"Ouch, yep, that hurts. Did I fall off the bed? I don't think that would hurt that much, 'cause the bed isn't that high u... whoa. When did I get here?"

As he had looked up, he had seen that he was no longer in his home, and the scenery had changed drastically. Originally, he had been on the outskirts of town, in a more plains-like location, but now... now, he didn't even know where he was. It was a forest, that much he was sure, but that didn't make any sense, because where he was from, there weren't any forests for about half a state.

"Where the hell am I?"



Luna heard her name called by Celestia in the throne room. Well, who else would call me? No one is ever comfortable around me... even Celestia is a bit unnerved, and has been, ever since the... she grimaced as she thought of the recent incident that had, while re-united them, set them farther apart than they had ever been, while still under speaking conditions.

She walked into the majestic hall, admiring the glass portraiture lining the walls, as they never ceased to amaze her. Then she passed a particular one she didn't like, one with the elements of harmony expelling shadow from the guise of a certain blue alicorn.

"You called?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yes, I did." Celestia said, sounding rather worried. "I detected some magic, from here, that took place in the Ever-Free Forest, about half-an-hour ago. It's strong magic, magic that would leave both of us weakened for a number of days if we both helped each-other cast it."

Luna put on a worried look herself at this. Something stronger than both I and Celestia? I wonder what could possibly muster such strength?

"Does it mean well? Or for bad?" She asked, uncertainly.

"I do not yet know of either, but it is a problem that we must face carefully, or rather, you must face carefully, I should say."

Luna was confused. What does she mean, me?

"I do not understand, sister. What do you mean by me, and not we?"

"I have been informed, after detecting this and informing the guards of my departure, that I cannot investigate."

"And why ever not? Not to sound disrespectful of course, but is there another issue that needs dealing with? What could be more important than this?"

Celestia looked annoyed at this. "Well, it's not that important of a problem really, but its... I have to show in royal court to judge some things, and they would be very sore if I ignored them, so I can't go to find out what it is myself. I can't go tomorrow, as whatever it is would have a chance to do whatever it wants before I can stop it, if it's bad. You understand then, why I send you instead."

Luna did understand, and simply said, "Okay, I'll keep my eye out for anything suspicious."

"Good, but also check Zecora's home, as she might have had something to do with it."

"The zebra?"

"Yes, I hear that the ponies of Ponyville have accepted them into their community."

"Okay then." Was all she said before she was out of the balcony of the palace.


Kwin was looking around, and so far, had not found any signs of civilization. It unnerved him. Sounds came out of the shadows of the forests, and when he questioned their darkness, the answer to his inquiries was left unheard. Finally, when he had given up for that day, and had decided to look for some shelter, he heard a growl from directly behind.

"Oh god... what was that?"

His answer came forth as he reared his head and came face-to-face with a menacing creature. It had the head of a lion, a pair of leathery bat-like wings, and the tail of a scorpion, including the stinger, which, he had no doubt, was filled with poison.

It roared into his face, and he turned as quickly as he could and ran, barely avoiding the singer, singing as it whipped through the air at him. He was running as fast as he could for dear life, as he was acutely aware that if he faltered, his life could be taken away from him as quickly as the fire of a candle being blown out.


"Ah! That hurts...wow, déjà-vu. Where have I seen this before? Well, the only difference is, this time I'm trying to staunch bleeding instead of nursing a slightly bruised head. He looked up at the dimming sky, and had reminisced. Even though I've almost died, the sunset here was more beautiful than I remember it usually being...

He had managed to get away, but not before the beast following him had gotten in a few rakes at him. The worst part was, its claws were dirty and he had to wash the cuts out thoroughly as to avoid infection, an activity he did not enjoy. He warmed his chilled limbs near his campfire. He had built it to warm himself, and also to boil a few parts of his shirt that he had ripped off, so as to sanitize them, so he could use them as bandages to stop his bleeding.

He looked up again and something caught his eye. He thought he had seen something go across the sky. Must be a bird, he thought. But it was too big to be a bird. It was coming quickly towards him, and as it got closer, he saw that it had more of an equine shape, with wings as well.

What is that? Another creature meant to bear me harm? Several thoughts similar went through his mind as he saw the horse land. No, not horse, horses are bigger. Pony, maybe?


Luna had seen a smoke trail, and of course, the fire from which it trailed. That must be something, of anything. It could be another pony, but I have no other leads. She had been to Zecora's, and had found that the zebra in question had not done much that day, except read and make soup for her evening meal.

As she drew closer, she saw a strange shape sitting by the fire. It looked like it was kind of in the shape of some monkeys. It was looking towards her, that much she was certain, but it hadn't moved much.

She landed and looked towards it. It had bandages on its lower right leg, left shoulder, and right forearm. It was hurt, and she was concerned.

"Hello, I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria. I am here on the behalf of Princess Celestia. I assume you mean no harm, as you haven't moved to injure or impede me, but may I cast a spell on you, just to make sure you don't?


Had the pony just spoken? "Um... I guess so. But it won't hurt anything, will it?"

She, and she was unmistakably female, by her voice and more feminine features, responded, "Oh, no, of course not, but if you wouldn't mind, after I do that, if I can heal your wounds?" She said while looking towards his bandages


"That would be appreciated, thank you." He had replied, as he was obviously male, with his strange, yet enticingly masculine features. He had on a white t-shirt, and pale-blue pants, which looked a bit rugged, and again to the bandages.

"Okay, I'm about to cast the first one."


The Horn on her forehead acquired a blue sheen as she closed her eyes and concentrated. He felt a funny feeling as she did this, and it was a questioning feeling. He lobbed a bit of his mind and memory at it to answer its questioning tampering. It seceded after a moment and she re-opened her eyes, looking pleased, and, he noted, a bit nervous.

Her spell had proven, without much of a doubt, that he was not of malicious intent. He had shown, with some searching, that he was not of any ill intent.

"Okay, so now let's tend to those injuries of yours."

"My thanks for your help and concern." He smiled.

She returned the expression, with a bit of thought in it.

She turned towards his leg, and cast a healing spell, as she did with his arm, and could see his expression turn from pained to relieved. It wore her down a bit, as whatever had given him the lacerations had cut rather deeply.

She then leaned down, towards his shoulder, and as she did, she looked into his eyes, his frost blue eyes, and almost got lost in them. She blushed. In them, she found a friend, or perhaps more.

"Sorry, I'll get right to it." She laughed nervously.

"Oh that's fine, but don't hurt yourself. I don't want to share my pain with someone who's been so friendly towards me, even if I just met you."

She looked into his eyes again, and felt something right then.

He cares.