• Published 28th Jan 2014
  • 317 Views, 2 Comments

Short Story Collection - Darkmale76

Some Stories I've Written Cause I Was Bored

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The Death Of Magic (Perfect Measure)

There I was, sitting in front of my desk, head in my hands, my mind racing at a million miles an hour, trying to devise a solution to my current predicament.

A large piece of parchment with random scribbles and complex chemical equations, most of which I didn't even remember writing down.

However, even if I don't remember writing them, I could still understand what they would create if combined. A potent anti-magic potion.

The one potion that if used for evil would leave even the most powerful unicorn or, dare I say, alicorn devoid of magic, for the rest of their life.

Being a unicorn myself, I felt a fear that shook me to the core as I looked at the equations that i had written.

Whether they were written by hoof or horn they needed to be destroyed, but some part of me knew that there was a practical use for this potion.

This potion could be used on those unicorn criminals who were deemed to dangerous to be allowed to live.

This would give them a choice between death or a life without magic, but I had a feeling that most would rather die than continue to live without their magic.

The battle raged in my mind as stared at the page before me.

One part wanted that paper and all of the scribblings on it to be destroyed, another suggested that we show it to the Princesses and see what they thought about the potential uses for it, while yet another part just sat on the fence and thought about how much easier life was when we were younger.

I generally ignored that section of the brain, unless it had anything of particular importance to say about the past that helped in the current situation.

At one stage during the battle my magic picked up the paper and was about to destroy it before the opposing part of my brain stopped the flow of magic.

These internal battles were nothing new to me.

I had been at war with myself ever since I had earned my cutie mark.

At this point in the war the fence-sitter took over control of the battle field and quickly subdued both parties that were fighting for control. It then picked up the paper in my magic and teleported us into the throne room.

The Princesses, who were in the middle of a court session, looked at me, surprised by my sudden appearance, before i bowed to them and sent a stream of thoughts towards the Lunar princess.

She gave me a quizzical look and turned to her sister and quietly conversed with her. I assumed that they were talking about the predicament I was in.

Celestia and Luna finished their conversation and looked out upon the assembled nobles and commoners, saying in a voice that carried to the corners of the large room, "I'm afraid a matter of dire consequences has arisen. Court adjourned. You may come back next session."

Most of the ponies bowed and left without another word, while a handful just stood there with their mouths slightly open.

"That means leave the room, subjects," Luna added with a hint of anger in her voice.

The remaining of the assembled bowed and fled the room quickly.

"Guards. You may leave us now," Celestia said to the gold armored ponies stationed around the room. They nodded and slowly marched out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Now, Professor Measure. What is so important that it could not wait until after the court had finished?" Celestia asked, leaning forwards on her marble throne.

"This," I said floating the parchment over to the Princesses.

They studied intently for a while before Celestia gave a sharp intake of breath, while Luna just looked at it, a very confused look on her face.

"What, pray tell, is this Professor?" Luna asked.

I was about to explain the complex equations when Celestia interrupted me and exclaimed, a look of utter horror on her face, "This, dear sister, is the death of all magic."

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife as both princesses looked at me with terrified looks plastered on their faces.