• Published 21st Feb 2014
  • 912 Views, 15 Comments

Cloudburst - Xaigatomon

Nopony is exactly sure where he came from, but when a strange newcomer 'arrives' in Ponyville, things are certain to get interesting.

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1 - First Contact

Author's Note:

:EDIT: I've done a massive rewrite of this chapter. it's amazing how much i've improved since i'd written this and how many horrible problems I noticed when rereading it without having seen them the first time. I know I'm meant to be writing new chapters but before I can do that I have to remake the story outline and basically replan the entire thing, so in the mean time here's a little something. there's a lot more descriptiveness, and a lot more heart and colour now, enjoy.

It was a quiet and tranquil morning in Ponyville. Just like any morning, the sun beamed its gentle caress over the small rural village to gradually bring the day to a start.

The colourful ponies trotted around, attending to their daily tasks; sharing a smile with one another as they passed, taking care of their chores with a cheerful canter. It was a perfectly average and unassuming day, there was no reason for any of them to suspect that one who was not so familiar with this placid lifestyle would soon arrive.

While the Earth ponies and Unicorns trotted around on the ground, one certain young Pegasus was quietly dozing on a small fluffy cloud that floated above the dusty streets without a care in the world. With her cyan coat and brilliant multi-colour mane and tail, Rainbow Dash lay with her front legs propped up behind her head and one leg rested comfortably on top of the other in a lazy position as she enjoyed her afternoon nap.
During these serene days, the young mare loved nothing more than to spend some time dozing after finishing her work. Despite the fact that it was only mid-morning, she had already met with her team and had a few groups organized with tasks; from menial things like counting and evaluating the leftover clouds from the night before, to more important things like arranging an array of clouds for coverage that day, and gathering denser clouds for a shower they had planned later on. After setting the teams to their tasks and doing a little cloudbusting herself to eliminate the leftover cloud remnants, dash had found herself with a break in work. She had already had her morning flight too, which left her fairly deserving of her moment of relaxation.

Rainbow herself was plenty energetic, it was a widely known fact that she idolised the incredible stunt flying team, The Wonderbolts, and aspired to join them one day; to this effect she trained herself almost every day and was actually one of the strongest, fastest and most skilled flyers in all of Equestria. But all that energy had to come from somewhere, and that’s why she let herself slow down every now and then to catch her breath.

The sleepy Pegasus eventually stirred and opened her eyes, allowing herself a wide, powerful stretch. She only stopped once she heard several satisfying snaps in her back, and let out a pleasureful sigh before flopping limply back down onto her cushiony cloud for a moment to recover from this revitalising action. After letting her lungs fill and empty again to provide her the energy she needed, she hopped to her hooves and began to stretch her legs, as well as giving her wings a few practice flaps to wake them up. She briefly checked that nopony was nearby and perched on her rear to begin pruning herself, and picked out a small scattering of old blue feathers. Once she was finally done with this slightly more private task, she got up and let herself drop from the cloud. That initial rush as gravity took hold of every inch of her body and soul never failed to stimulate the athletic pony, it was an almost euphoric feeling that she had learned to crave over her years of flying.

The young mare’s cyan wings extended and caught the wind as she gently spiralled through the air, bringing it to her complete command, with every slight twitch and movement in her body and wings giving her new motion, and eventually found her hooves reaching the dusty ground with a soft thud.

Ponyville was not the sort of abode one would expect a competitive flier such as Rainbow Dash to take residence in, but the young mare loved the quaint, content lifestyle the little town had, and the wide open skies left plenty of room for her flying. She originated from the majestic, floating city of Cloudsdale, and at times she felt rather homesick, but Ponyville was her home now, and she got homesick much faster when she was away from here. Besides, she could always visit Cloudsdale whenever she pleased.

“Today is a nice, easy day,” she thought to herself. Nothing seemed to be happening, and although she got restless when there was nothing much to do for too long, she did appreciate the occasional lazy day.
Little did she realise, that she wasn’t going to be having a particularly routine day like this for quite a while… and least of all today.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t quite put her hoof on it, but there seemed to be a strange feel in the air as she trotted into the outskirts of the town, moving into a low altitude glide over the dirt roads outside, around the trees and hilltops. It was like a subtle energy, a gentle underlying buzz that went almost unnoticed.

She settled on a grassy hill covered with a canvas of small flowers, and sat herself down, resting her back gently on the moist grass and taking extra care not to crush her wings at an odd angle as she did. Leaning back against the grass, she let out a content sigh; the ground could be a pretty relaxing place too.

No sooner had her relaxation began, than the soothing breeze that had been gently whistling through her mane suddenly picked up pace, and in the beat of a wing it had turned into a ghastly wind that almost blew her off the hill. Rainbow yelped and had to use all her strength to regain her footing after tumbling over backwards. She managed to straighten herself up and opened an eye, using one hoof to shield her face. The weather mare squinted as she tried to figure out where this sudden storm had come from. Even with a certain klutzy gray mare on the weather team around here, they couldn’t have screwed up that badly, there had to be some mistake!

Astonishingly, the entire sky was dark when only a second ago it had been brilliant sunshine, but not like night time; she could still see the fluffy white clouds and even the sun poking out from behind one of them, but it was almost as if the entire area had been filtered out by a dome of dark tinted glass.
The atmosphere was dim and scary, the plastic sky seeming so distant now, and for the life of her she couldn’t figure out where the wind was coming from. The clouds overhead seemed tranquil as they drifted about, and upon analysing the direction the nearby trees and grass blades were moving in the draft seemed to be coming from absolutely nowhere, a spot roughly 40 or 50 hooves off the ground in the middle of the clearing. It was a little trick that any good flier picked up, by closely examining the directions of all the leaves, branches and even waves in the grass below, a Pegasus was able to clock the directions of all the breezes and wind direction as they fly, making it easier for a Pony in flight to gain more control over the air and their flight. But as she squinted through the blast of air she could see the trees were not blowing towards her, but all seemed to be craning away from this one point, ripples in the grass pulsing outwards underneath.

“Wha- What is this?!” she questioned out loud to no one. “What’s with this wind?!”

As Rainbow tried to pinpoint the exact altitude of the point the air was spilling out of, her magenta eyes were glossed over with a flash of blue light. Small sparks of lightning started flying out from this invisible place, finally telling her exactly where it was. Then, something even stranger happened. A bright light graced the dim area , blinding the young mare for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she found herself gazing upon a large rotating shape made of pure cerulean coloured light, a weird magical circle of some kind that spun slowly on a horizontal plane something like 50 hooves above the unsuspecting grass.
All Rainbow could do was sit and watch, as two more, smaller circles appeared, one above and one below the first one, both with a similar shape. After another second or two, her ears were tickled by a slowly building sound, deep and resonating and getting louder by the second, like something powerful was building. And then the real show started; half a dozen more of these unfamiliar shapes flashed into view in an instant, all in a tower underneath the original, much bigger ones. Simultaneously, the biggest ring started glowing and then a bright beam of light shot down through it. The bottom-most ring seemed to glow faintly as the pillar of light descended towards it, slowing down somewhat as it passed through each ring. As the light lowered onto the final ring, the others above seemed to fade away, as though evaporating, one at a time in quick succession. As the light melted into that final circle it slowly emerged from the bottom, but now, it seemed to all melt together into a glowing blob, that slowly floated down as if unaffected by gravity.

Rainbow watched, awestruck, the last ring’s fading away completely lost to her as her magenta orbs fixated on the strange glowing shape that gently floated down towards the ground. It was then that the realisation hit her, that it was the shape of a pony!
Rainbow could hardly move, it took a moment to realise her body was shaking violently. She had never seen anything like this in all of Equestria. Her mind seemed to be sending conflicting commands to her legs, one screaming to run over and help, one telling them she was far too terrified to move.
It seemed like an eternity after the glowing shape touched like a feather to the ground, and the light washed away from it. Eventually though, as the sky grew lighter once more and the sound of birdsong reached Rainbow’s ears, she was snapped out of her paralysis, and with a nervous gulp and a deep breath to steady her nerves, her hooves placed one after the other over the grass as she cautiously made her way down the hill, almost like a stalking cat, she approached the strange pony. Whether they were dead, asleep or unconscious she didn’t know.

She finally made it to the stranger’s side, looking down to examine the mysterious newcomer she noticed her was a young stallion, about her age, and a Pegasus too. He had a sky blue coat, and a darker navy blue mane and tail. The main in particular was very feathery and loose, with a short spiky fringe.
To the young mare’s relief, his chest slowly puffed out and deflated again in repetition, indicating that he was breathing – and therefore alive.

She allowed a hushed sigh of relief to slip through her lips as she inspected him.
Cautiously, she bent down ever so slightly before gently nudging him with her hoof. After receiving no response, she lowered her neck and cautiously took note of his scent; he certainly smelled like a normal pony, though without the tang of grass, mud dust that naturally accumulated on them as they walked, he smelt clean, almost like a newborn. Rainbow nudged him again with her nose, slightly firmer this time. In the first moment she still got no response, the bewildered mare looked around, firstly to see if anypony was around to help her – which there was not – and secondly to take a step back and wonder what had just happened… that weird anomaly had faded as quickly as it had arrived. In the moment following, a soft murmuring sound made her ears flick up to alert position – her second prod had worked, and her eyes darted back to the newcomer.

The stallion’s eyes flicked open to reveal dazed orange orbs, unfocused and glossed over. From his position, everything was blurred. The shapes and mismatched colours still hadn’t aligned themselves in a meaningful manner, and most of his vision was still pitch black, with this blurry spot in the middle slowly reaching the edges like a jigsaw puzzle building outwards. All of this meant nothing on top of his completely empty head, like a computer booting itself up slowly he simply lay and waited for his systems to turn on.

Finally, his lungs pulled in a sharp breath through his nose, the arenaceous breath smelled of dust and fresh grass. Next, his eyelids took a welcomed blink to re-moisten his unfocused sunset orbs. He furrowed his brow, scrunching his eyes shut as tightly as he could to remedy leaving them open for so long, before finally his eyes flicked open again, now rather watery. He felt so incredibly strange, and so lost and disoriented. On top of that, his whole body felt numb, though not completely, more like it was... unfamiliar. He could see something strange and blue in front of his face, but when he tried to reach out to touch it, it moved at his command; evidently it was his leg.
The dizzy stallion realised he could hear muffled sounds, as his brain continued its attempt to get everything functioning. He looked up and after briefly squinting to adjust to the harsh light of a clear blue sky, his attention turned to the partially-silhouetted figure above him. In a still clearly disoriented attempt to communicate, his jaw limply responded and some gibberish fumbled its way from his lips. After taking a few satisfying breaths to fill his lungs he tried again.

“Mhm wh- what… who? Where…?” Evidently he couldn’t think of which question to ask first as he realised he was more lost than he initially thought. He couldn’t quite seem to remember who he was, or where he was, or what happened.

An attempt to sit up yielded no success. As his hearing cleared he could now understand the voice in his ear.

“S- Seriously dude you okay? Should I get a doctor? C- Can you hear me?” The voice was a girl’s, it was rough and un-feminine yet rather cute regardless. With a high pitch that occasionally squeaked into effect as she spoke.
He rolled his heavy head around to look up toward her again. “Mhm… I- … I think I’m okay” he eventually managed to croak out. His voice box felt tired and empty, and his mouth felt rather odd.

“Can you sit up?” the girl’s voice came again. As he tried a second time to prise himself up, he felt the appendages of the girl brace his shoulder in assistance, and he managed to shift his centre of gravity onto his behind.

“I’m so… dizzy.” he muttered before being abruptly cut off by a cough. “Th- thanks.”
And it was then that he opened his eyes to look at her, and without the bright sky blinding him he could see her properly now. He looked over her figure and his eyes widened, while he face took a more quizzical look. “Y- You’re…”

“Uhh, yeah? You heard of me?” Rainbow began, a tone of confusion in her voice.

“N- No you’re… uhh…” He didn’t know quite where to begin, and ended up stumbling into gibberish again. “Cuteblueponyrainbohorsewhat…”
A moment of silence fill in and he felt a slight warmth flush in his cheeks, and decided to think more careful before trying to speak in the future. “Uhh, what exactly are you?” he elaborated. “You’re… blue… and all…” he really didn’t know how to phrase the next comment and paused, at which point she cut in.

“Do I really look that strange? I’m just a normal pony. Like you. And you’re blue too, thank you.”

“I… a pony? Huh?” he asked with a completely bewildered tone and then a chill of surprise flicked down his spine, and against his knowing but not out of his notice, his ears flicked up. He hurriedly looked down at himself, inspecting his body and his appendages, and confirmed he was indeed the same as her. “Wh- WHAT?!”

“Uhh, you hit your head dude?” Rainbow asked, before realising how dumb that question was seeing what just happened. But now that it crossed her mind, her ears picked up too. “Oh! That’s right, what the hay just happened?! You like, appeared out of the sky in some sort of cool glowy magic circle thing, and uhh, there was all this wind, and everything was dark!”

The confused young stallion watched her hooves wave about as she explained. “Um… s- sorry I’m kinda lost… I can’t remember anything.”

“R- Really? Well, do you remember your name at least?” Rainbow asked, mentally crossing her hooves.
The stallion simply dipped his head in thought for a moment, and then looked back to her and gave her a prompt shake of his head. He couldn’t seem to think of anything. He had no idea what his name was, or where he came from, or how he got here.

“Oh man… this is serious.” The rainbow maned pony said with worry as she rubbed a hoof on top of her head. “And why are you so stunned by being a pony?” she asked as her quizzical expression returned.

“W- well… I can’t remember anything about…. Anything from before I came here, but I’m pretty sure I wasn’t… this!” he held up his hooves as if there was obviously something wrong with them.

“Well you are a normal pony from what I can see. Anyhoof, we gotta figure out what’s going on.”

“a- anywhat?” he asked, his question going completely ignored.

Rainbow’s ears once again perked up in inspiration, what he was sure was the universal symbol for a metaphorical lightbulb appearing above one’s head. “Oh!! Twilight!” the cyan mare said with a face that looked delighted at her epiphany.

“Uhh, what?” he looked confused. But at this point he wasn’t going to make any assumptions as to what anything meant.

“My friend, Twilight Sparkle! She’s probably just about the smartest pony in Equestria~ huge bookworm.” she beamed proudly. “If ANYPONY knows what’s going on, it’s her.”

“Equ-what? Anywhat?” he asked, his questions again going ignored.

“Come on, Twilight lives right here in Ponyville! I’ll take you there. Twilight knows just about everything about magic.”

Finally there was one unfamiliar word he could understand from context, ‘Ponyville’ must be the village she lived in. though he felt rather overwhelmed by all this colourful whimsy. The word ‘magic’ piqued his interest suddenly. “Wait, Magic?”

“Yeah!” she answered. “She was only the most amazing unicorn in all of Equestria. No surprise she’s an amazing Alicorn too.”

“U- UNICORN?!” he shouted in surprise, an act that seemed to startle the cyan mare.

“Uhh, yeah? A Unicorn? Yaknow…” she started as she put a hoof to her forehead to mimic a horn. “all magic and stuff?”

“You mean there are actual unicorns here? Cool!”

The mare suddenly laughed, her giggling rife with the high pitched squeaking her voice usually held back. “Dude you’re so weird. It’s not like they’re rare. Unicorns are just normal ponies. And so are we Pegasi.”

“Wh- huh? A Pegasus?” he repeated, his pupils dilating a little.

“Yyyyyyyes?” she answered cautiously as she held up a wing. “We’re Pegasi.”

“M- ME TOO?!” he balked and span around, seeing that indeed there were wings attached to his side. With his head bent down into an almost upside-down position, he used a hoof to lift up his left wing as he inspected it. After a second, he snapped back to an upright position with a huge grin on his face. “This is so cool.” He stated bluntly, although the excitement was hard to hide from his voice, betrayed moreso by the grin.

Rainbow couldn’t help bursting out laughing again. “So… so weird.” She gasped between breaths and snorts. Once she had finally composed herself she stood up. “C- Come on, Ponyville is just over there.”

A quick glance in the direction she pointed confirmed her statement. He could see quaint little houses with thatched roofs brimming just over the treetops. Steadily, he tried to clamber onto his ‘hooves’ and almost fell over if he hadn’t been caught by the mare standing next to him.

“Whoooa, easy there dude. C’mon, nice and slow. One hoof in front of the other.”

They began trotting slowly, only to have him fall over anyway.

“Argh, what is it?” she asked as she stopped to help him back up.

“I- I don’t know how to walk on four legs.”

A facehoof from the mare caused his cheeks to flush a little. “Seriously?” she questioned. “Uhh let’s see…” she sat for a moment and explained, numbering each of the hooves and giving him the order in which to walk with and demonstrating briefly.

He picked up fast enough, though he was rather slow at first. He took a few paces along with her and smiled as she started getting the hang of it.

“Oh, so, what’s your name by the way?” he asked, only now realising she hadn't introduced herself.

This realisation seemed to hit the rainbow-maned mare twice as hard, like the very idea of it was unfathomable. A cocky grin perked its way onto her face though, as she prepared to give her introduction.

“They call me…” she began, and crouched down low, before suddenly springing into the air in a dramatic backflip, her wings spread in glory as she flipped over but didn’t come back down to the ground. Instead, she stayed hovering in mid-air, wings flapping gently as she hovered in place, pulling a proud pose.

“Rainbow Dash!”