• Published 17th Jan 2014
  • 1,217 Views, 31 Comments

Mega Mare Dash 2 - Shazam 25

Months after Defeating the Chaos Soldiers and Night Star, Rainbow was hoping for rest, but now they return and so has Mega Mare Dash!

  • ...

Wire Sponge

Sometime after destroying the building that had the Chaos Soldiers, Rainbow decide to head to Canterlot Castle as Mega Mare Dash to warn the Princesses about the return of the Chaos Soldiers. She teleport in the castle and look up at the two guards who were surprise to see her. They knew who she was however.

"Mega Mare Dash! It been a long time." One of them said.

"Yes, I'm here to warn the Princesses about the Chaos Soldiers return." Rainbow said masking her voice, which she started to call her mega voice.

The guards were surprise to hear the Chaos Soldiers name. They knew the Chaos Soldiers were dangerous and were not to be taking lightly. They move aside and Rainbow enter the throne room were Celestia was talking to Twilight.

"It is strange, an explosion appear few miles away from Ponyville was seen and I don't know what cause it." Twilight said.

"That is strange, but there has to be a reason." Celestia said thinking about it.

"That was me." Rainbow spoke up in her mega voice.

Twilight turn and her eyes widen on the sight of Rainbow Dash's armor.

"Mega Mare Dash!" She said in shock.

"Mega Mare Dash, it been a long time since we saw you." Celestia said surprise as well.

"Yes, I know. The reason why I'm the one that cause the explosion is because the Chaos Soldiers might be returning." Rainbow explain.

"The Chaos Soldiers?!" Twilight shouted.

Celestia was just as surprise.

"Yeah, You should warn everypony about them, that way we can avoid panic." Rainbow said.

"Yes of course." Celestia said.

"What about you?" Twilight ask.

Before Rainbow could answer, a beep was heard from her helmet. Rainbow tap the side of her helmet and spoke into it.

"This is Mega Mare Dash, what's the problem?" She said.

"Dash, a Chaos Soldier has been spotted in an abandoned weather factory." A voice said.

"In a cloud?" Rainbow ask to make sure.

"No this factory was built by Earth Ponies a long time ago for Pegasi but, it became abandoned when they started using clouds." The voice explain.

"Uh, Alright I'm on my way." Rainbow said and remove her hoof.

She turn back to Twilight and Celestia, who both had a surprise look on their face.

"What was that?" Twilight ask.

"I'm a member of the Harmony Protectors. I got a call telling me that a Chaos Soldier has been spotted." Rainbow explain.

"Hm, I see.", Celestia said, "We will leave you to stop the Chaos Soldier." Celestia said leaving Twilight a little confuse.

Rainbow nods and teleport out of the castle.

Incoming Mission...Search for the Chaos Soldier and stop him.

Ready? Start!

Rainbow appear in the Abandoned Factory and look around. She was able to spot trees around the place and a few buildings.

"Guess I better look around for that Chaos Soldier." Rainbow said to herself.

Rainbow ran through the Weather Factory and saw it was indeed almost like a Weather Factory from Cloudsdale only on the ground.

"Hm, this place does look like a Weather Factory. Now, where that Chaos Soldier?" Rainbow said as she look around.

Rainbow step outside and saw she was in a field of some shorts. She saw a Chaos Creature, which she started to spit from the new Chaos Soldiers, that look like a frog. She easily got ride of it and move on. Once she reach an orb the area suddenly became very hot. Luckily Rainbow armor protect her from the heat and move on. Rainbow destroy more Chaos Creatures until she reach another area that became a rainy weather.

"Hm, I think the Chaos Soldier is casing this. But I don't think it a Pegasus." Rainbow said as she walk on.

Rainbow saw floated platforms and an area above her. She look down and saw the floor was fill with spikes. Knowing her armor was not spike-poof she took the higher route destroying the Chaos Creatures as she went through. Rainbow enter another room and she saw a platform that rose up on it on. After another one appear, She jump on and rode up fighting Chaos Creatures as she did. After reaching the top, and getting off before it hit the spikes, Rainbow saw that the area chance again. This time to a storm.

"Whoever this Chaos Soldier is, it going to need a few pinpoints on how to control the weather and I'm just the mare to do that." Rainbow said and push though the area.

She reach the next area and as she went through, it mix with all the weathers she be though. Sunny, Rainy, and Stormy. Like it was trying to stop her but, with little effect. She reach the main building and walk inside. She climb a few ladders and fought some more Chaos Creatures. She then saw a new Chaos Creature that look like a scorpion and fire at her from it claws. Rainbow duck and fire a charge shot. It then try to attack Rainbow with it tail but Rainbow roll out of the way. She fire another charge destroy it. She soon come to the boss doors.

"Heh, This area was to easy to get pass. I don't even need to check my energy because I haven't been hit once." Rainbow said and walk though the doors, charging her buster.

Once she enter the room it remind her of String Chameleon's place only inside a weather factory. She soon saw something come from the ceiling. It look like a plant with feet and hands holding on what looks like some kind of triple arrow heads.

"AH, You must be Mega Mare Dash, the Pony that defeated our Leader Night Star." It said.

"Heh, That me. But you know, I was expecting of a Chaos Soldier it be more weather base. You just a plant." Rainbow said.

"I am Wire Sponge! I will use the weather to cause chaos on this land before spreading it all over this word." He said.

"Your not spreading anything Wire Sponge. Not if I got something to say about it." Rainbow said and ready for battle as her mind shout, WARNING! WARNING!

Wire Sponge try to jump on her, but Rainbow dash out of the way. She turn and fire her charge shot as soon as he lands. He then spin his weapon around him acting like a shield. To test if this was true, Rainbow fire a shot and saw it boucle off. She nods knowing to wait until he lower it. But didn't except him to throw it like a chain. She was knock back as the top hit her. If she wasn't wearing her armor, then it would have stab into her skin and pull her back to Wire Sponge, instead she was knock back. She stood up to see Wire Sponge threw his chain to the ceiling and started to rise up. As he did, the flower on his head started spiting seeds that grew into what look like weeds to her.

Rainbow blast the weeds and even got a few shots on Wire Sponge. He drop back down and look to be really mad.

"THAT IT! FEEL MY RAGE!" He said and Rainbow watch as he turn red.

Rainbow try to shoot him but her shots boucle off. He then fire a thunderbolt into the air and one hit him covering him in electric. Another one struck Rainbow and she fell back. Another one come towards her but she dash out of the way and charge her shot again. As the battle went on Rainbow could see that Wire Sponge only has three to four attack. Rising to the ceiling, making weeds grow as he did, when on the ground, he use one of his chains to act like a shield before throwing it, trying to jump on her, which she easily dodge, and from time to time use his rage attack. To Rainbow the fight past in a blur.

"That was too easy. The only attack I was worry about was your rage attack." Rainbow said as Wire Sponge stop moving.

"GRRR! What are you? You not a pony at all." Wire Sponge ask.

"Yes, I'm a pony. A Pony that was giving this armor to protect all of Equestria." Rainbow said.

"Curse you! Our master will...will..." Wire Sponge try to say before he exploded.

"Master? Wait! NIGHT STAR!" Rainbow ask then shouted.

Night Star, the Leader of the Chaos Soldiers and Rainbow's Great-great-grandmother. Rainbow fought Night Star before and saw her castle explode with her in it. Rainbow was sadden on what her great-great grandmother had become all because she try to find out who try to steal her armor long ago. This was something she doesn't just need to report to HQ about. No, the Princesses need to know as well.

Rainbow check her buster as saw she got a new weapon.

"Weapon Get! Strike Chain!" It said.

Rainbow nods and teleports back to Canerlot Castle.

Rainbow appear in the castle and told the guards she had to see the princesses right away. They told her that they were in a meeting and had to wait.

"I don't have time to wait! It possible that the Chaos Leader has return!" Rainbow told them.

The Guards knew about Night Star as well. Celestia and Luna were once used by her and they let Rainbow go to the meeting to warn the Princesses.

Celestia sat in her chair with Luna next to her. The meeting was slow and most ideas she hear was just plain silly but make a little sense. Having some more ax's to defend themselves. From what she decide not to ask. Having a plan to ensure that attacks will never rise the dead, which she found just plain silly. But there was one question that she hated more than others.

"When are we going to catch Mega Mare Dash?" An Red Pegasus with an orange mane and tail with a fire cutie mark.

"Smoke Fire, I told you before, Mega Mare Dash is not like the Chaos Soldiers. She fight against them, not with them." Celestia said.

"And you forget that she save both my and Celestia lifes when the leader invade the castle." Luna added.

"She could have done that to grain your trust and if she get too much power then she could over run us and start a new Chaos Soldiers group." Smoke Fire said.

"Like that will ever happen." Said a new voice.

Everypony turn and saw Mega Mare Dash walk into the room. Smoke Fire wanted to arrest her right then and there but knew he couldn't do that since the Princesses were there.

"Mega Mare Dash? What bring you here?" Luna ask.

"Sorry for uninvited visit but I have some news for you. I just learn something about the Chaos Soldiers." She said.

"What is it?" Another pony ask.

"It could be possible that Night Star, the Leader of the Chaos Soldiers, is still alive." Mega Mare Dash said.

That shock all the ponies in the room, even the Princesses.

"Are you sure?" Celestia ask.

"Yes, but I'm not fully sure yet. I came here to warn you that it is possible. Don't want the castle to fall under their control again." She answer.

Celestia nods. Warning her was the best idea incase any enemy does return. Night Star was an Alicorn like her and her sister but her heart was fill with darkness. She could also feel that Night Star and Mega Mare Dash were connected some how, but didn't question it.

"How do we know your not trying to take over the castle yourself?" Smoke Fire ask.

"You'll be wise to hold your tongue Smoke Fire. Me and Celestia have seen Night Star ourselves." Luna said.

"Yes, she even use us to fight Mega Mare Dash. We also knew she only fought back to free us." Celestia said.

Smoke Fire sat back not believe the Princesses were defending a mare that could be dangerous.

"I already report to the Harmony Protceters about this so we are on alert as well." She said.

Smoke Fire eyes widen. So she did have some behind the scenes, now all her had to do was find their base and expose their true plan.

"Thank you Mega Mare Dash. We'll be on guard." Celestia said.

Mega Mare Dash bow before teleporting out of the castle shocking all but the Princesses.

"How did she do that?" One ask.

"That armor was built by a pegasus long ago. It was met for his son but somepony try to steal long ago. He hid it away and it was never found until Mega Mare Dash appear." Luna said remembering the letters that Mega Mare Dash gave them.

"Who was the Pegasus that build the armor she was wearing?" another Pony ask.

"Rainbow Chaser." Celestia said.

I don't care if Rainbow Chaser made that armor or not! Mega Mare Dash is a threat, and with the armor she wearing she could easily take over Equestria unless she is stop. Smoke Fire thought as the Princesses ending the meeting.

Deep in a room, the three Shadows watch as Mega Mare Dash spoke to the Princesses and saw how Smoke Fire was cold towards her.

"It appears we are not the only ones trying to stop Mega Mare Dash." The first shadow said.

"Yes, Wire Sponge foolish slip out part of our plan but she said herself she was unsure." The second said.

"We need to get Smoke Fire in on our plans without him knowing. He can buy us time until the plan is ready." The third added.

They all nod. They knew who was going to be send next. Even if Mega Mare Dash beat him, she will have to deal with them.

Author's Note:

Now at first I wasn't going to have a Pony that saw Rainbow Dash armor form as a threat but after reading Mare of Steel, I decide to have it in. Smoke Fire is an OC that believes that Mega Mare Dash is more dangerous than the Chaos Soldiers. Rainbow will deal with him after fighting the next Chaos Soldier which is Wheel Gator. Here a question, should I use the cheat to get the armor upgrade or have her come back after getting the boots upgrade first?