• Published 15th Jan 2014
  • 1,329 Views, 13 Comments

Power Ponies in Hostess Ads - Grenazers

Six short stories involving the Power Ponies saving the day y using Hotess products.

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Saddle Rager

Saddle Rager in Road Rage

It was beautiful day for the city of Maretropois, the sun was shining and the skies were clear. However, this great weather there is a huge amount of ponies who are not enjoying this day.

The streets in the city is having a huge traffic jam. Carriages of all shape and sizes found themselves stuck and moving very slowly.

Among the many trapped ponies, is a Power Pony named Saddle Rager.

“This is ridiculous!” The costume mare said. “How am I suppose to get all my stuff to my new home.”

The wagon behind her was carrying all her possessions. They range from books, furniture, plants, paintings, and some miscellaneous things.

“At this rate I won't be at my new home till night!” she said angrily.

While waiting for the line to move, Saddle Rager heard something of in a distance. Hearing it coming from behind, she turned around and saw a bunch of ponies running away from something.

“Hmm, something strange is going on, better take a look.” The mare said, as she flew up in the air for a better view.

The heroine saw something approaching fast from the opposite direction. Squinting her eyes, she saw who they were.

“My goodness, its the Wild Riders! Those gangs are known to members made up of the fastest ponies around. They enjoying running, but don't care about the ponies they hurt from their roughhousing.”

Saddle Rager flew back down to her wagon and search its contents.

“I must stopped them before they reach here, but how?”

She continued to search and then found something.

“Aha I found what I was looking for!” She exclaimed and left to confront the Wild Riders.

She stopped right front of the gangs and they stopped in front of her.

“Listen to me Wild Riders!” The mare shouted. “Turn around this instance and you'll receive a free Hostess Cupcakes.”

“We don't want your stinkin' cupcakes!” Said the leader of the Wild Rider.

“Well then let me change the proposition, either you take the cupcakes and leave, or I put your head two hoof beneath this road.” Saddle threaten.

“Ha, so little missy thinks she all though.” The gang leader said as he trotted up to her. “Well missy I'm waiting.”
At that moment the Saddle Rager started to grow in size, her outfit also started to tear a bit, but still held on. After her transformation was finished, the once cocky leader looked frightened.

Saddle Rager then proceeds to grab the little stallion and smash him to the road beneath them. Once she was done, the Wild Rider leader was incredibly beaten up.

“Yeah I'll take that cupcakes to go please.” Said a gang member and ran. Soon he was joined by the rest of his, not wanting to face the wrath of Saddle Rager.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Cupcakes.

Saddle Rager vs Jail Bot

There was a big battle going on in the city of Maretropolis. The two combatants are super heroine Saddle Rager, and the colossal robot called Jail Bot.

Jail Bot was created for the sole purpose of effectively arresting criminals, however it suffered virus attack and it can no longer distinguished good from evil.

Now it is on a rampage, picking up ponies of the streets and storing them inside its body. Saddle Rager came to the scene and currently trying to defeat the massive prison robot.

“Oh, I wish I could just tear that piece down, but I can't risk the safety of the civilians inside.” The mare said to herself. “I must find way to free the ponies inside, but how?”

Then an idea struck her.

“Wait I just got an idea!” She said, the mare then took out a bunch of Hostess Fruit Pie out of nowhere. “Hey ponies inside! Look at what I got!”

The ponies trapped inside looked out through their windows and saw the tasty treat outside.

“Are those Hostess Fruit Pies?” ask one of the prisoners.

“Yes, they are! Hostess Fruit Pies, filled a variety of fruity flavours.”

'Apples, lemons, peach, blueberry, cherry, and blackberry.”

“Just thinking about makes me just want to burst out of here.”

Suddenly Jail Bot's body started to started to shake. Then multiple holes started to pop all over the robot's body. Apparently the ponies inside broke out of their imprisonment, their one motivation is their desire to get the fruit pies.

With all the civilians out and in safety, Saddle Rager was free to wreck havoc on the massive robot.

While she was tearing Jail Bot to pieces, the freed ponies are enjoying themselves a delicious Hostess Fruit Pie.

You Get A Big Delight In Every Bite of Hostess Fruit Pies

BONUS ADVERTISEMENT(Warning not a hostess ad)

In the throne room of the royal castle, Princess Celestia was busy looking over a many scrolls detailing current events in Equestria.

The sun princess was working in complete silence, she preferred this way, gets work done faster.

Suddenly she heard a crunching nearby. Turing her head to the direction of the sound, the princess found herself staring into a certain spirit of chaos.

“Discord what do you want?” She queried.

“Oh come now Princess, can't an old friend just hang out with you?” The draconequus responded. He then took out a candy bar and was opening it up.

Curious to know what he has in his claw, she asked him a question. “Discord, what it that?”

“Oh this?” He pointed at the chocolate bar. “This my princess is a butterfinger bar.”

He then took a bite of it and chewed it. “Oh and before you ask, no you can't have any.”

“Why not?”


“Because why?” She said it more harshly.

Instead of answering he kept silent and chewed his chocolate bar.

Celestia decided that it was not worth the effort and just continue her work. Unfortunately this prove to be difficult with discord here.

He stayed and continued to eat his butterfinger bar. Her nose caught the scent of chocolate and peanut butter. It made her want discord's candy even more.

But, she has a strong will and she endured it until he was done.

Finally Discord finished his chocolate bar and threw away the wrapper. Celestia sigh in relief, glad it was over. Now she can focus on her work.

Then all of a sudden she heard the same noise again. Turning her head in the same direction from before, her eyes widen upon what she saw. Discord was now carrying a big bag of butterfingers, the label on the bag reads Butterfingers Bites.

Meanwhile at the same time two identical royal guards were standing guard of the door leading to the throne room. It has been very quiet today, but nevertheless the guards are ever vigilant in case something strange happens.

Suddenly the door exploded, surprising the two guards. Out came a fleeing draconequus and a enrage alicorn right behind him.

“Discord, give me those butterfingers !” Celestia shouted, using her royal Canterlot voice.

“Nuh-uh Princess.” Discord replied.” Nopony lays a hoof on my Butterfingers!”

Author's Note:

For the bonus I got idea from watching those old Simpson commercial about Butterfingers.