• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 355 Views, 9 Comments

Midnight Starsong - Pencyke

Princess Luna receives a mysterious visiter who asks for lessons.

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Chapter 1

Canterlot was silent on this particular night. For all of the residents were fast asleep. Every filly, colt, mare, and stallion. They were all fast asleep in their beds, all snuggled up in the folds of warm and cozy blankets. All was silent.

The train pulled into the station for its last stop at Canterlot that night and a single pony in a cloak stepped out into the moonlight. Silently, this figure moved down the streets watched by a certain, princess of the night.

Luna had just finished her dream walking when she noticed this strange figure running through the night. Luna looked around the balcony, “Who could that be?”. The dark blue alicorn princess often mumbled to herself when nopony was watching.

“I really like your mane.” the voice was unmistakably female. Luna jumped as the cloaked figure spoke, levitating in front of the balcony surrounded by a red glow, the unmistakable aura of magic. The pony’s red eyes glowed from under the cowl, similarly doused in the same aura of magic.

The princess quickly got over the shock and was now only slightly confused, “Excuse me?” Had she heard the floating mare correctly?

“Your excused.” The floating mare had been staring at the dark blue alicorn the whole time. “Are you the princess called Luna? Of the moon?” She peered curiously at Luna.

“Tis true, my name is Luna. Now dispose of your disguise and reveal to me who you are.” Luna, now known to the mysterious pony, wished to know who the pony that was so bold as to arrive at Luna’s balcony unannounced and unwelcome.

“I am called,” She paused to lift the hood that hid her face, “Midnight Starsong and I have come seeking training in the art of the arcane.”

Luna looked at Midnight who was still levitating. The princess took in the cyan and purple mane and the dark blue coat similar to her own. Midnight’s cutie mark was a five pointed star, the top point red, the right point purple, the bottom right point yellow, the bottom left point cyan, and the left point green. The most curious aspect of this pony was not her blood red eyes, shimmering like rubies, but the lack of protrusion on her forehead. It was an earth pony that was levitating in front of Princess Luna.

Luna blinked to make sure that she wasn’t hallucinating, then spoke. “Come Midnight Starsong, let us speak.”

“Sure thing Luna, you got anything to snack on? Flying around always makes me hungry.” Midnight trotted right into Luna’s room and sat down on a cushion at the only table in the room.

Luna chuckled at the mare’s question, “I’m a princess at my castle, I can have anything that I want brought up.”

Midnight’s eyes lit up at Luna’s statement, “Then I’ll have,”Midnight paused for a deep breath, “Arubyasaphireanemeraldsometurquoise...” She went on to name a couple dozen kinds of precious stones, “...Andanapple.” She finished smiling and licking her lips.

Luna noticed the strange mare’s teeth, she possessed fangs! “You, are not like other ponies.” Luna stated cautiously.

“Nope.” Was the reply that Luna received.

Luna sighed calling her servant and ordered the collection of gems and two apples. The servant, a tall grey stallion with his mane slicked back simply gave the princess a quizzical look and a “Yes ma’am” before running off to get the unusual order, though he did take notice of the red eyed mare staring at him curiously.

“So,” Midnight looked around the room curiously, taking in all of the decorations of the immaculate room. “What did you want to talk about, Luna?”

Luna thought carefully about her next words, “Being an alicorn I have an undefined lifespan, and throughout my extensive life I have never encountered one such as yourself,” The princess began, eyeing the earth pony as she nodded to the statement, “Not even while dream walking. So naturally I am curious as to where it is that you have traveled from.”

Midnight smiled a toothy grin, once again revealing her pearly white teeth, fangs included, “I thought that you would be interested in my origin, but sadly,” Her look changed from one of curiosity to that of a lost soul, “I do not have much to tell, besides that I grew up in a thunder of dragons.”

‘This pony is just full of surprises.’ Thought luna, “I do not understand what you mean, Midnight Starsong. The fact that you grew up in a draconic society is a tale with of volumes of information by itself. You might need to teach spike a lesson or two about it.” Luna was very excited and it showed on her face.

“Do ponies really know so little about dragons?” A look of confusion now pasted itself upon Midnight’s face. “I would think ponies would know more.” She mumbled to herself.

At that moment the servant quietly walked into the room levitating a silver platter with quite a pile of assorted gems and another plate with two apples and placed them on the table. “Your apples and… Gems, malady.”

“Thank you very much, Tart Cookie.” Luna replied.

The grey unicorn bowed and walked out of the room, “Princess you’re too kind, how do you remember the names of every servant in the castle?”

“I have my ways.” Was the only answer that the stallion received. Luna waited for Tart Cookie to leave the room before asking her next question. “Who specifically raised you?”



Midnight sighed “Dreconalfmere is the dragon that raised me.”

“So you’re saying that the dragon named Dreconalfmere is your father.”

“I don’t believe in speaking lies.” Midnight thought for a moment, “Though riddles are fine.”

“So you would speak in riddles in the stead of lies.”

“It is best to hide in plain sight, carefully observing your pursuers as they grope in the dark, as opposed to hiding in a cave, cold and dank waiting to be found out like a helpless child.” Midnight stated this cold and calmly, then she began to happily consume the gems, chomping down on them like they were candies.

‘It’s time to get down to business.’ Luna thought to herself, “Before, you mentioned that you wish to become my disciple. Please explain why.”

“Well,” Midnight paused to gathering her thoughts and finish chewing, “As I told you previously, I was raised by dragons, particularly Dreconalfmere, my father. While I did play with the other dragons much of the time, it was not the only thing that I did during my free time. I love to read, but unfortunatly Dreconalfmere does not have many books so I ended up reading the few that he had a great many times, there one in particular that I loved the most. Magic: A Beginners Guide, It was the first one I’ve ever read, and I’ve read it to many times to count since. That was where I learned levitation, fire ball, mending, and even some minor summoning spells.

“That was when I got my cutie mark, ever since that first spell I’ve had a thirst for magic! I am proud of my strength as well though, I’ve always been queen of the hoard.”

“Then I will take you under my wing, and teach you of the art of the arcane.”

Midnight flew into the air just barely missing the chandelier with a ground breaking “YAY!!!”

“But,” Luna continued unfazed, Midnight froze mid-cheer, “Before I can accept you as my disciple I must first give you a test.”

“I’ll take on anything you throw at me.” Midnight dropped onto all fours in front of the mare of the moon, a look of confidence and enthusiasm now dawned upon her face.

Luna smiled mischievously, taking a bite out of the apple from Sweet Apple Acres, “Then I won’t bother holding back.”