• Published 19th Oct 2011
  • 3,668 Views, 43 Comments

Home Alone - protractror

Doctor Whooves has finally settled down. But can Rainbow Dash give him a reason to leave?

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The Sun was lazily tracing its daily route across the sky as the Doctor sat idly pondering on it. The Doctor had seen many stars, in fact he could honestly say he had seen millions of stars in his travels. He had even seen a few quite up close. But in all honesty he had never seen one just like this. A sun that orbited a planet. So simple and at the same time so logic defying that it made his head spin when he first saw it. Eventually he realized that this sun wasn't defying gravity, it was ignoring it. The sun floated through the sky on the whims of someone with a magic almost unlimited.

The sun was a perfect example of this new world he liked to think he could call home. It was powered by something different than anything else he had ever seen. Not just different, but frankly better. Gravity was so boring, constant and inescapable. But the magic forces he felt here were exciting. In the Doctors one thousand or so years of living he had never encountered something like it before. Energy that could manipulate matter, become matter, disappear and reappear anything it chose. Sure, the doctor could have figured out just how it worked if he really put his mind too it, for he had been in Ponyville for a few years now. But what was the point of knowing everything? He had spent the vast majority of his live gallivanting across space and time and he knew a lot. More than he should. More than anyone should was his opinion in fact. But when he really needed all that knowledge, what help was it? Knowing that something is unchangeable, unfixable and hopeless. But if the doctor didn't understand something, well who was to say what was really possible or not? It might have been silly, but hope is a lot easier when dealing with the unknown. The Doctor knew that all too well.

He used to be the magic in people's life. That x factor that came into their life ans spread magic and hope. The excitement that just couldn't be quite quantified. For years he had traveled around with his companions, being their guardian in the maze that was the universe. But that was a different time. A different Doctor even. The Doctor chuckled too himself about the oddity he had become, and how it so much suited his new life. He was a chocolate brown stallion, with a little hourglass on his flank. It wasn't horrible, it wasn't even all that bad really. He was a lot faster than before, and he was the type of man who tended to run a lot. And although he had to use his mouth for his sonic screw driver, he was surprisingly flexible. It hadn't even been that big of a transition looking back on it. The Tardis was never built for a single human anyway, what difference did it make as a horse? He may need to eat grass and oats, but he had had weirder taste habits in the past. Really other than the occasional stepping on the tail he often forgot that he once used to walk on two legs.

He certainly wasn't thinking about it now. In fact he rarely ever thought back to his time before Equestria. The past was a place where things were forever set in stone (at least his past). It was full of quick escapades and sad endings. But he was no longer the man on the run. He was now Doctor Whooves, the madman in the little blue box by the hill. He was the Stallion who fixed things. When the Train broke down, the Doctor was there in a flash. When the oven at sugar cube corner was on the fritz, he was there even quicker, although that may have been from the complimentary Jammy dodger from his favourite pink party pony. He had a role in this community, and the that meant he was a part of the community. The Doctor had never been truly alone, but he'd never really had a community either. Now, he was a citizen of Equestria. He was a repairpony, he
was a friend.

The Sun continued its arc across the sky. The Doctor however went back inside to work on a scooter he had promised to repair as fast as he could. He had had enough stargazing in his life. Now he looked at the little things, and they looked back.


Another day, another party. Rainbow Dash had forgotten just how exciting life in Ponyville was as she floated back to her house in the clouds. It was like a dream come true here. She had five of the best friends a pony could ask for, she worked as a weather pony, she controlled the elements for goodness sake! She even had a deluxe house in the sky. It was funny how much this all made her smile, because she was probably the only pony who thought any of this was even interesting. Equestria was a beautiful place where you're born into magic and wonder. She had spent a good twenty or so years of her life here. But although Rainbow didn't look a day over twenty one, she had lived a much longer time.

A week or two ago, or a decade, Twilight had cast a spell. A spell that Rainbow seriously didn't think even Twilight understood. Rainbow was transported though time, space really probably even more. And she awoke as a young foal in a cold world. A world that was not her own and should have killed her with in the first night. But somebody took pity on her. Someone who in the coming years she would end up calling Dad.

Rainbow hated thinking about this. She had two lifetimes worth of memories in her head, fighting each other in a constant battle. When she was in ponyville, when she saw her friends or the land she knew who she was. She was Rainbow Dash, The Element of Loyalty. She was the type of pony who'd race you in a second and help you in an instant. But when she thought back, she opened up her mind to a stream of memories. She was his daughter. Rainbow Dash the pegasus who's father didn't even care what she was or looked like, because he loved her. She was Rainbow Dash, Lover of Nascar and open spaces. But one day that Rainbow Dash just stopped. She was now just a memory in Rainbow's mind.

The Other girls said that she hadn't really disappeared. All of that time in her new life had given the physical Rainbow Dash some subtle changes. Pinkie said that Rainbow was even more caring than before. Applejack said that Rainbow had lost a bit of her edge, but AJ always said that. Twilight said that the memories had touched Dash in such a way that she'll never be the same, and she should be happy for that. And Rainbow Dash was. Equestria was the place for her. It was the place for both of herself.She wasn't even homesick, because this was the place she was born to live in. But one thing ate away at her.

Her Dad was still back home. And she had never really said goodbye. She had never said that she was ok, or that she even remembered him. Hell, she wasn't even sure if there was anything to remember her by. She wanted to move on and get back to Ponyville. But she had to say goodbye first. She had too. And for the first two weeks that had been a real problem.

The only pony powerful enough to make it happen had already said no. Celestia may have been immortal, but she was not omnipotent. She didn't trust gateways between worlds, especially ones as barbaric as where Rainbow had come from. Rainbow understood, Celestia was just looking out for her little ponies. But rational thought didn't stop Rainbow's need. This man, her dad, had raised her for 18 years and she didn't even have the courtesy to say goodbye. Loyalest of ponies was not how she felt. And her friends could see it. Every day she was all smiles, mostly genuine. But when she left to go home she had a solemn look in her eyes. One of guilt and sorrow.
Rainbow wanted to enjoy herself, she really did. But she needed closure. So when Scootaloo came by the next day with stories of a madman in a box who described a fantasy world remarkably similar too Her home, she was flying at top speed.
She needed closure, and she wasn't going to let so called reality slow her down. It never had before.