• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 396 Views, 2 Comments

The Life and Adventures of a Trickster - Argentum Fabulam

Twilight Sparkle, the recently crowned princess, finds an old journal that seems to be over 1000 years old. The journal tells of a young unicorn whom experiences the fall of his home kingdom and is cast out into a world outside...

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Prologue - The Journal

Prologue: The Journal

A loud screech came from a heavy metal door, it whined while its old hinges began to move again. Light shown into the dusty old room once again, revealing the many bookshelves covered in cobwebs that once were home to spiders long ago. The frail room wheezed as a breeze gusted in, and in stepped a lavender alacorn. Her eyes lit up as she stepped into the forgotten library, and she quickly rushed over to the nearest shelve encompassing any book that peaked here interest even slightly in a magenta glow.

Moments later a purple and green baby dragon came in with an empty wheelbarrow. "So Twilight, what did you want with-" the dragon started as books flew into the wheelbarrow, instantly making it overflow.

"Take these back to my room Spike." Twilight said as she moved to another bookshelf. "We are going to be doing a lot of studying as soon as I find everything I want." Spike sighed and began to push the over filled wheelbarrow away.

After many cycles of this, Twilight had scoured almost every shelf the ancient library had, and Spike had become exhausted. Twilight had told him to go to bed and that she would get the rest herself. After saying their goodnights, the two went their separate ways. Venturing deep into the library once more, Twilight came by a book she found quite interesting. It was a leather journal that seemed to be extremely old, she seemed drawn to this book and as she looked at its cover she saw an odd symbol. It look like two opposing arrows were merging into one.

Upon opening the leather book, Twilight was greeted with a surge of dust. After a few moments of coughing she began to read the first lines.


My name is Flare Frost, and you know what, I really hate my name. Its a complete oxymoron and sounds like my parents, bless their fool hearty souls, just threw two things together since my coat is an icy blue and my mane is a fiery mix of orange and red. But enough of my moaning, I should really get on with how my tragic adventure of a life became as such.

Of course for the sake of whomever decides to read this, I guess I should tell you about what my life was like before my adventures started.

I was born into a somewhat wealthy family, my mother was an earth pony peasant and my father a unicorn noble. That probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but back when I was born it was, some of the other nobles wanted to strip my father of his status, however there was just enough reasonable ponies on the council (including my grandfather). Instead my father became part of a new, and might I add, separate status known as middle class. This meant that there children would be allowed into school, they could take part in some noble activities, and my mother would be "freed" of her status. I never understood any of what that meant when I was young, and therefore I grew up ignorantly blind to the horrible world outside our castles walls.

My parents had two children, my older sister cherry blossom who had a vibrant white coat with a pink mane that had cherry red streaks, she also got my fathers dark blue eye's and was an earth pony like my mother. Then there was me, an icy blue unicorn with a fiery red and orange mane, and purple eye's. Even my parent's weren't sure how I got them, but as I was to the world outside, they remained in ignorant bliss to it.

After a few years I started school, the class was full of unicorns my age, we were taught how to use are magic, how to read and write, blah blah blah... All my teacher did was talk though. There were the times we were meant to read, or practice magic, but as soon as that was over she went straight back to talking. It really made me look forward to our breaks were we got to go outside and eat, I would constantly play tricks on my classmates. These tricks would range from simple things like swapping two ponies lunches to elaborate schemes that took a few days of planning. The one I got in the most trouble from was when I was 10, I "convinced" Bard Song, the classes musically talented teachers pet, that Gem Stone, the classes pretty boy, had stolen his harp. As they "solved" the dispute I asked the teacher if she could help with resolving their dispute. As she did so I enchanted the apple on her desk (which was also her lunch) to make her mane change colours and shape. The enchantment didn't work as intended though. Lets just say she had a case of violently explosive diarrhea for the remainder of the week. After she found out it was me who did it, she brought in my parents to discuss my punishment. After explaining what had happened my mother said, "That doesn't sound like anything my little Flare would do." and then I burst out laughing. It was in that moment I got my cutie mark, a weird symbol that I later learned was called a Hand of Eris, it was half red and half blue. Frankly, I had no idea what it meant. My father then decided it might be best to enroll me in the military to "toughen me up." I never had to set hoof in that boring class room again thanks to that prank, but my sister scolded me for doing it. She said I gave up the chance she never had, that I was going to waste my potential. Back then I was to naive to understand, but even if I had known what she meant I don't think I would have changed anything.

A few days later boot camp started for me, I was yelled at and forced to run, but overall it wasn't so bad. There was quite few days at first where we were forced to stand at attention for hours on end, I wasn't one who liked to be still for very long so this was very difficult for me. After the day was done and we were told to get to bed is when I let loose a little. Every night was something different, sheets missing off of cots, two recruits mysteriously waking up in opposite beds, everypony being covered in flour (including myself to draw away suspicion), they were good times. Not just for me though, every one of us got a good laugh after all was said and done.

We all went through boot camp for about a month, we didn't learn much of anything other how to stand at attention and run for hours on end, but what came after boot camp wasn't much better, it was our basic training. For 5 months they made us learn how to fight with and without weapons, then we were given a break. We were allowed to spend a month with our families. One short month.

The first day back was pretty hard for me, I practically melted into my mother's hooves as I told her how much I missed them. When my father saw me he told me how he was surprised that I had changed so much, and at the same time on the inside I was still that mischievous colt they sent of to boot camp. I told him no amount of standing or exercise was going to change me, and he chuckled. Not a chuckle of amusement, but one of worry. I later realized why he was worried.

As if all too soon I had to go back. I had to say my good-byes once more to my family and get back to the training camp, my mother was crying, my father ruffled my hair with a sad look on his face, and my sister gave me a hug, which was surprising since we were always conflicting. She also made me promise to write to her every week.

An hour later I was back at the training camp, ready to practice whatever they were going to make me do. Then they made us do a bunch of tests, some of which were physical and endurance and others were with magic and questions like what we would do in certain situations. Then we were told to wait in the barracks.

We waited there for hours wondering what we had just been tested on, well eveypony else did, I simply pulled a few pranks and told some jokes. Then we were told to meet outside, as soon as we all had gathered up, an officer yelled that when we were called up we would be assigned our division and sent to those barracks. Everyone began to worry, except for yours truly, after all I was just along for the ride.

Once I was final called up the officer told me I had been accepted into the battle mage division, and gave me congratulations that from the tone of his voice seemed to be fake. As I made my way over to my new barracks, I realized that none of the other recruits were following me. I came to two conclusions, either I was the weak link being sent to a place for dunces, or the found me spectacular in some way. I couldn't comprehend either quite frankly, I found myself quite average, and I liked it that way but alas I was on my way to this special division, not knowing what to expect.

As I stepped into the battle mage barracks an authoritative, feminine voice spoke, "Flare Frost?"

"Yes ma'am," I responded obediently looking at the stone gray unicorn mare with a brown mane that was at least twice as big as me, wearing a brown battle robe.

"Hmm, I expected you to be older. Nonetheless, welcome. I am Amethyst Shine, the commander of the battle mage division."

"I've heard about you, you're a geomancer right?" I asked.

"Indeed I am, so kid..." Amethyst began.

"What's your specialty, kid?" said a deep blue stallion with a sea green mane wearing a blue battle robe, an aquamancer I assumed.

"Well I... Haven't chosen what I want to specialize in yet." There was an ambient silence for a few moments as everypony looked over to me, then they all began to laugh. All save for Amethyst, she was smiling, but it was more of an appreciative smile. While I felt like was being looked down upon, she seemed to be looking straight on at me, at my level it seemed.

"So what are you interested in then, kid?" Amethyst Shine said causing everypony to shut up, not daring to piss off their leader.

"Well, I don't want to be pinned down by one type of magic, I kinda wanted to learn about all the types." I wasn't lying either, I really didn't want to be pinned down by one thing, but I may have exaggerated the all the types part.

"Very ambitious." said the aquamancer in a very snide tone. I could tell he didn't like me all that much, Amethyst however seemed...

"I like you kid, keep up with what you're good impression has left and who knows, you might even surpass me one day."

For the next two years I studied about five different combat magics and did some more weapons training. I eventually earned the rank of a blue mage sometime during the second year. As it turns out the robes showed rank not magic style. Who knew? For references sake of you the reader the ranks go, gray, white, green, blue, red, brown, gold (although it looks yellow), crimson, and finally black. I never saw a black mage through out the time I was training, however. I was told that nopony had ever received the rank due to it meaning you were skilled in a form of dark magic that had only been seen once before, and as much as I dug, I couldn't find what it was called. The night I did find out thought, was a very fateful night, the night were my story actually begins.

So, let me tell you about the night, the kingdom of Havel, my home, fell and the raging winter that followed.


Twilight lay in her bed, using her horn to create just enough light to read so she didn't wake Spike. She was about to turn the page and continue when she heard a smooth serene voice asked,"Twilight, what are you doing up this late?"

She looked up to her once mentor who was looking at her with a concerned surprise. "Princess," she said as she bowed her head, "I was just reading this Journal I found."

Celestia looked at the old leather journal and chuckled, "Ah yes, quite the adventures he had," she smiled warmly at the book, looking at it as if it were an old friend, "Out of curiosity, where did you find it?"

"Beyond the old metal doors marked 'Unlabeled' that I never had access to before in the royal library." Twilight said causally.

"So that's where I left you," She chuckled at the book, "Well Princess Twilight, as much as I would love to tell you, 'you really should continue reading', I really should tell you, you should get some sleep." as she set the journal on Twilight's side table.

"Good night Princess." Twilight yawned setting her head on her pillow.

"Good night Twilight." Celestia said as she closed the door to Twilight's room. As she started down the hall she chuckled, "She's so much like you were Flare."

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed this prologue and if you liked it don't worry, more to come! (.... Eventually.....)

For the next month I probably will be quite busy with exams coming up. But with my trusty PlayBook I will write when ever I can find the time, where ever that may be!

Also, I am willing to do an audiobook and will most likely make a "soundtrack" for you guys in the near distant future (the audiobook will only be made if enough people want it and the "soundtrack" will just be songs in a youtube playlist, and suggestions are welcome.)

Any and all constructive criticism is welcomed, but know that if your opinion has no supporting facts (eg. I hate this because its stupid and I hate it.) it will be left there to rot in it's non-useful existence.

With that, have a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you.

- Argentum