• Published 6th Mar 2014
  • 1,943 Views, 21 Comments

Main Six, Kirby and Friends: The Adventure to Save Equestria - pepdog1

When the inhabitants of Dreamland are transported to Equestria, things go wild as the mane six try to get Dreamlandians Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Steve and Magenta back to Dream Land. Trouble pursues. Laughs will be created. Read this fiction.

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Act One: Dimension Hopping is Dangerous

Author's Note:

I've played too much Kirby's Epic Yarn, and was inspired to write a crossover story! Yay! I didn't get much time to study the characters from Dreamland, though, since I missed out on half of the cut-scenes and because Epic Yarn is the only Kirby game I have ever played.

I call Kirby and the people of his kind "Star Warriors", because that is what they are called in the TV series called "Kirby, Right Back at Ya!" Just a bit of info for those people and ponies who are not so familiar with Kirby.

Takes place after Kirby's Epic Yarn and before Magical Mystery Cure, but after Keep Calm and Flutter On.

Tell me your favorite parts! This will help me to write more parts like that in the future!

Also, if you find any spelling/grammar mistakes, please notify me. I really appreciate any input you have to offer. (Note: Dedede's, Applebloom's and Applejack's speech is spelt differently than the other character's due to their accent, but if you find any word that isn't spelt like they would say it in the shows, that counts as a mistake.)

Theme Song

Twilight Sparkle sat quietly on the stool, carefully pouring the contents of one test tube into another. She was about to pour another test tube of purple liquid into the one she was levitating when she heard something going thump, thump, thump behind her. As she turned to see what it was, she saw Pinkie Pie, falling down the stairs, with her other four best friends walking carefully behind her.

"Girls! I'm so glad you could make it!" Twilight cried, running up to greet her friends and help Pinkie up from her unusual position that she had fallen into, with her feet inside her tail and her nose touching her flank.

"It took us a while to find this place." Rainbow Dash replied. "Spike was asleep and the door to this place was locked so we had to find the key. But it was all worth it to see your AWESOME lab! But... do you think it was a good idea to invite Pinkie Pie?"

"You mean, 'Do you think it was a good idea to invite RAINBOW DASH!?!'" Pinkie shouted, looking Dashie in the eye and smiling cheekily.

Rainbow Dash pushed her head up against the pink pony's and growled. Pinkie jumped up onto Fluttershy's neck in mock fright, all four feet off of the ground. Fluttershy couldn't handle the earth pony's weight, and toppled over, falling into a shelf and causing jars of bugs to crash to the floor next to Rarity's hooves. Rarity jumped backwards, knocking into another shelf. She fell down onto her back, knocking her head on the ground and causing her horn to shoot a blue laser beam at Applejack. The beam hit Applejack square in the chest, knocking her into another shelf. This one was full of books. The books fell onto Applejack and Rainbow Dash, covering them completely. Twilight rushed to help them. As she started to pull the books off of her friends, one last book fell from the shelf and hit her on the head, knocking her to the ground.

As Twilight lay on the cold concrete floor looking at her friends rubbing the sores they had inflicted on themselves, she realised that this was going to be a long day.

Magenta flicked a switch, turning her spaceship onto autopilot. As she leaned back in her chair, she decided to go over her unauthorised mission.

She was going to Dreamland to assassinate King Dedede. The other two star warriors that mission control had sent there, Meta Knight and Kirby, had not completed their goal yet. Kirby was too kindhearted and young, while Meta Knight was under strict discipline training, and so was unable to kill anybody until he finished it, unless the world he was protecting was under direct threat of being destroyed.

Kirby also had the downfall of not being able to read, or speak native tongues. This ability had been replaced by his copy ability; the ability to be able to transform into any non-food item he ate, so he could only speak the language of the star warriors.

Magenta herself was a skilled swordswoman, much like Meta Knight, but without the help of wings. She was also a master of disguise and had a sharp mind and quick thinking.

As her ship drew closer to Dreamland, she smiled. This will be as easy as taking candy from a baby. She thought. Or, taking life from an overgrown penguin...

Twilight Sparkle had found the perfect solution to her problem. She had frozen the hooves of her five friends to the ground with a special magic spell, and had also frozen Pinkie's mouth shut, just to be sure that she had no distractions.

"OK!" Twilight said out loud to her friends. "I shall be conducting a very, VERY important experiment. I need total concentration. One wrong move, and Equestira could be in for a disaster, got it? Good. Now, If you'll excuse me..."

She turned around and continued her experiment. She was just about to pour a bowl of extremely spicy sauce into a test tube when she heard a soft voice from behind her.

"Um, excuse me..."

Twilight got so startled that she dropped the bowl of sauce. It landed face down on the table, making the other test tubes jump around in their holders. The spicy condiment, being made out of mostly acid, made a hole in the table and dripped onto the floor, making a sizzling sound as it ate through the concrete.

Twilight spun around quickly, a look of frustration on her face. "What?!?!" She asked gruffly, looking the yellow Pegasus in the eyes.

Fluttershy shrank backwards. "Um... I was just wondering... um... what would happen if the experiment... um... went... wrong."

Twilight sat back on her haunches and threw her front hooves into the air. "I don't know!" She shouted. "Maybe a bunch of adorable but dangerous creatures would appear, and we would have to catch them inside little red and white ball-like capsules and use them to battle other creatures so that we could catch them too!"

She then produced a ball of blue light from the top of her horn. It went speeding off towards Fluttershy. Before the shy pony had time to even blink, her mouth had been shut tight.

Twilight looked at her other friends. "Now..." She said. "NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS!!! Understand? Good." The last thing she saw before she turned back to her work was the frightened faces of her friends.

There. She thought. They won't be talking again for a long time. A very long time...

Kirby sat on the hill, slowly chewing the delicious cake that his friend, Fumu, had baked for him after he had defeated the vicious sorcerer, Yin-Yarn. It was a delicious cake; a sponge cake with jam in the middle, covered in homemade whipped cream and lots and lots of different fruits.

As he finished off the last few crumbs, he noticed a sparkling object flying in the sky. After closer inspection, he noticed that it was a spaceship, much like his own, and it was heading straight for him!

Kirby quickly ducked as the spacecraft flew over his head, almost knocking him out. It crash-landed on the other side of the hill.

Kirby, as curious as ever, rushed to see if he could find anything interesting.

Once at the bottom of the hill, he saw something very strange. It looked exactly like him, only a darker, more purple colour rather than pink. The star warrior also had longer eyelashes, and orange shoes instead of red, like his.

At first Kirby thought that he was looking at a strange, discoloured mirror. That is, until the strange person stepped forward and shook his hand.

"Hello there." The girl said. "You must be Kirby."

Kirby nodded his head.

"Good." The girl responded. "My name is Magenta, and I need you to help me with something..."

Twilight was trying her hardest to keep her head. In the past minute, she had to freeze all of her friends' mouths shut, due to coughing, sneezing and loud sighing that interrupted her work.

She was just about to add the final ingredient to her test tube, one drop of dragon spit, when she heard a loud humming sound coming from where her friends were.

Twilight spun around quickly again. Her hair had become messy and her face was red with frustration. Then, she saw what was wrong.

Pinkie Pie's face had become completely red. Twilight noticed that the ice she had made to cut off the sound from her friends mouths and the ice on their legs had grown. The ice on Pinkie's face had grown to cover her nose, and she couldn't breathe.

Twilight became very worried. She quickly grabbed a book from a nearby bookshelf, knocking down the other books that she had just finished replacing in their proper order.

She quickly flicked through the pages of the paperback. "Where is it where is it where is it where is it..... HERE!!!" She shouted as she found the page that contained the reversal spell. She quickly cast it, removing the ice from her friends' legs and faces.

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath. Twilight lent forwards, waiting to hear what the pink pony had to say. Pinkie didn't say anything. Instead, she fell sideways. The earth pony had fainted.

Twilight got back to her work. This is going to be a tough one to figure out...

Kirby listened as Magenta explained what she wanted him to do.

"You see," She said, "King Dedede and I are... good friends. We like play a little game together called "Surprise Surprise", where we go to each other's house and leave a surprise. We need to hide it somewhere where we think that the other person will never find it. The person who finds the surprise the fastest wins! I'm the champion. I found mine in only 5 minutes! But, I have somewhere to be, so I don't have time to hide my surprise for him. Could you do it for me?"

Kirby stared at her for a moment, letting all the new information sink in, before nodding his head vigorously.

"Good!" Magenta smiled, handing a small gift to Kirby. "Now, make sure that you have a good hiding spot for it, and then see me back here at twenty-four hundred hours."

Kirby stared at the girl blankly.

"That means midnight." Magenta giggled.

Kirby nodded, and took the gift. It had a small tag on it, with words that Kirby couldn't read. He didn't mind, though. It was probably just to tell Dedede what it was.

As Kirby bounced off happily, Magenta smiled to herself.

"Now that Kirby is out of the way, it's time for the second stage..."

Twilight had finally found a permanent solution to her noise problem that didn't involve freezing her friends. She simply put up a magical sound-proof barrier that sat between her and the other five ponies. Now she could finally finish her potion in peace...

The CMC walked along Main Street with their heads lowered. They were bored. Very bored.

"Why wouldn't sis' le' us come with 'er ta watch Twilight do ha' ex-per-i-ment thingy?" Applebloom whined.

"Maybe she wanted us to work on getting our cutie marks?" Sweetie Belle asked helpfully.

"Yeah, right." Scootaloo replied. "More like they want us NOT to get our possible cutie marks for potion making."

"Yeah, that's kinda funny," Applebloom added, "'Cause Zecora didn't let us either. I wonder why..."

Sweetie Belle stopped walking suddenly. She had seen a rat sneaking around in an alleyway. Then she had an idea.

"We could get out cutie marks as rodent exterminators!" She cried, grabbing her two friends by the necks and pulling them into a big hug, the thing she usually did to get their attention.

The earth pony and the Pegasus stared at her for a moment before their faces burst into huge smiles. Sweetie let go of them, happy that her idea had been acknowledged.

The three fillies put their hooves together. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS RODENT EXTERMINATOR CUTIE MARKS!!!"

Kirby was having trouble thinking of where to hide the gift.

Well, first thing first. He thought to himself. This gift is going to need a disguise...

He suddenly noticed a Waddle Dee walking past, and had an idea. He quickly spat out a piece of paper that he had swallowed earlier, as well as a couple of crayons, and started to draw.

This is what he drew:

He then spat out a pair of scissors, (Goodness knows how he managed to swallow those.) and cut it out carefully. He then stuck the picture of the Waddle Dee to the front of the gift.

"Perfect." He said to himself, although he knew nobody would be able to understand him.

He took the present and started running to Castle Dedede...

Meta Knight stood on the top branch of a tree. He had finished his day shift, and was enjoying his half hour break before his night shift. He had taken his mask off, and it was lying next to him. It wasn't very often that her got a chance to have some fresh air. Whenever he got the chance to have a break, it would constantly be interrupted because he was constantly asked to help the townsfolk with their problems. And, he didn't know it yet, but that was exactly what was going to happen again...

"Meta Knight! Would you come down here?"

Meta Knight sighed and put his heavy, iron mask back on. He then floated down out of the tree, using his wings to control the speed of his fall.

Once he landed, he soon saw who had called him. It was a pinkish-purplish female star warrior.

"What do you want?" He asked gruffly.

"My name is Magenta. I saw Kirby earlier this day, you see. He was carrying a small present. I asked him what it was and he said that it was a big surprise for King Dedede. I heard it ticking, and I think that it might be a bomb!" Magenta cried.

Meta Knight stood where he was. "I don't think that Kirby would want to harm anybody, not even the king." He replied simply.

Magenta stepped closer to him. "Well," She said, running a hand down his cheek, "If things go wrong, I know you will do the right thing." She giggled.

Meta Knight could feel his cheeks glow red. "I... You have my word, m'lady."

Magenta walked off. "Ta-ta!" She cried out. "Teach that Kirby a lesson!"

Twilight was sweating as she added the final ingredient to the test tube.

One drop out of place and it could explode! She thought, tipping the tube containing the clear liquid of the dragon spit sideways slightly. One single drop fell out, and then...


A cloud of blue dust came out of the tube.

"I'VE DONE IT! I HAVE DONE IT!" Twilight cried, jumping out of her seat.

She quickly got rid of the magical barrier letting her friends out so they could see her achievement.

"Um..." Rarity mumbled, getting closer to the blue cloud rising from the tube. "What exactly is it supposed to do?"


Kirby quietly tiptoed into Castle Dedede. All of the Waddle Dees were mysteriously asleep, but Kirby didn't care. He was having too much fun.

As he walked inside the main throne room, he pondered on where to hide the cute little gift he had been handed. He finally decided that the best place to hide something was in clear view, and placed it in from of the throne, the drawing of the spear Waddle Dee facing the main door.

Kirby quickly raced out of the room. Dedede is going to enjoy this! He thought.

He couldn't be further from the truth...

Twilight and all of her friends, excluding Pinkie Pie who was still in a state of unconsciousness and was lying on the stairs, leaned in closer to get a good look at what Twilight had created.

The blue cloud slowly spiraled around, making an oval shape in mid air. Then, a yellow cloud started to grow in the middle. This cloud also spiraled outwards, making something that looked like this:

The five mares ooohed in unison.

"What is it?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"I think it is a portal to another dimension!" Twilight exclaimed.

Rainbow raised her hoof up to the portal, only to have Twilight to smack it with a rather hard book.

"Are you crazy?" Twilight yelled. "Don't you know anything?!? Dimension hopping is dangerous!!! VERY dangerous!"

If I can say one thing, it's this; always listen to Twilight. The main six were about to find that out the hard way...

Kirby sat on the hill, the same hill on which he first saw Magenta. The pinkish-purplish star warrior had moved her spaceship, and they were nowhere to be seen. Kirby didn't mind, though. He was too caught up in wondering what the gift was.

Was it a cake? A small toy? A diamond?!? Kirby admitted to himself that he would probably like the cake better, but, then again, he was not Dedede, and Dedede was not him.

He suddenly heard a muffled boom sound, coming from Castle Dedede. Kirby, as curious as ever, rushed to see what had caused it.

As he got closer, he heard some shouting.

"When I find that Kirby, he is gonna be in such big trouble!!!"

Kirby recognised the voice. It belonged to Dedede. Kirby didn't think much of it, though. King Dedede was always blaming Kirby for everything. It was better to just keep calm, and flutter on.

When Kirby came into Dedede's sights, he was instantly attacked by a herd of Waddle Dees, which the star warrior soon got rid of by jumping over them and letting them beat up each other.

Kirby had landed safely on the ground when, suddenly, he was picked up by the top of his head, and lifted so that he was face to face with a very angry King Dedede.

"So... try'en to blow up me an' my castle, are ya?!?" The king shouted. "Luckily, I was out for some special business! What does you have ta say for ya'self?"

Kirby didn't say anything. He didn't have time to. He had been knocked out of Dedede's flippers by...

"Meta Knight?"

Kirby stared up at the masked knight, who was currently standing on top of him.

"You don't believe King Dedede, do you? You know that I would never do such a thing!"

Meta Knight didn't answer. Instead, he threw Kirby a crumpled box, wrapped in white paper with a red bow, Identical to the one Magenta gave him, only squashed.

"I have reason to believe that this belongs to you..."

"No! It.."

"But you did have it earlier this day?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"And it contained a bomb..."

"Yes, but... Wait, A BOMB?!?!"

Meta Knight drew his sword from it's holder. He tried to stab Kirby's head, but the pink warrior was too fast, and rolled out of the way. The sword became stuck in the ground. Meta Knight tried to pull it out, but it was held tight. Kirby saw this as an opportunity and body-slammed the knight in the side. As Meta Knight was flung sideways, the sword flew out of the ground and landed next to Kirby. The young warrior sucked it into his mouth, and transformed into Sword Kirby. Meta Knight had a spare sword, and drew that one out of the holder as well. He swung it at Kirby, who blocked the attack.

While that battle was taking place, Magenta had snuck up behind Dedede, who was thoroughly enjoying watching the events of the battle take place. She drew a knife out of midair, and stabbed the penguin in the back. At least, that is what was supposed to happen. Dedede had heard the purple star warrior, and blocked her attack by flinging her into the air with his big hammer, just as she made her move. Magenta was a rather good acrobat, though, and landed on her two feet, unharmed. Using magic, Magenta then made her knife longer, transforming it into a sword. She swung at the king, who dodged her attack.

Kirby noticed the lady star warrior attacking the king, and so rushed up to help him. Meta Knight, confused as to why the pink warrior was running away, chased after him.

Just as Magenta was about to swing her sword and Dedede again, Kirby pushed her, hard, causing her to fall to the ground, and for him to fall on top of her.

That's when it happened.

A blue and yellow spiral suddenly appeared in front of the four. It began to suck them in, like Kirby sucking up a cake until in flies into his mouth. The four tried to run away, but the sucking was too strong, and they were sucked up.

One of the Waddle Dees from the herd of Waddle Dees that had attacked Kirby rushed up to the spiral, trying to save the king. It didn't work so well, and he got sucked up as well.

And with a small thwoomp! the portal closed.

Twilight was explaining to her friends about how dimension hopping is dangerous, and boring them to tears, when, suddenly, the group of five mares where knocked out by something that flew out of the portal.

Pinkie Pie suddenly woke up. She was very surprised to see her friends in a pile, with a small pink ball lying on top of them.

The pink ball suddenly woke up and looked up at her, rubbing his eyes. That pink ball happened to be Kirby. When he saw Pinkie, the jumped backwards in fright, giving a small shout.

Pinkie flinched backwards. "Hold on, there!" She said, "I'm not going to hurt you!"

She took a few steps forward. "What's your name, little guy? My name's Pinkemena Diane Pie, but you can call me Pinkie!"

Kirby stared at the hyperactive pink pony for a while, before responding. "My name is Kirby!!!" He smiled, jumping up and down. Then, he stopped, remembering that nobody would understand him unless they spoke the language of the star warriors.

Pinkie Pie, though, seemed unfazed. "Well then Kirby..." She said. "Would you mind getting off of my friends?"

Kirby looked down. He was standing on a bunch of other ponies. He chuckled sheepishly before jumping onto Pinkie's head.

"Thanks!" The pink pony replied. "You know, I think my friends will really like you! We just need to wait until they wake up..."

Meta Knight awoke in a dark place with a big headache. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw that he was in a dark alleyway, and that his mask was missing.

"Finally awake, I see." Said a voice behind him.

Meta Knight turned around. Magenta was sitting on the floor, polishing his mask with a cloth. He walked up to her.

"Can I have my mask back, please?" He asked, before covering his mouth. He never tried talking without his mask on, and his voice had lost it's deep tones completely. He sounded just like Kirby.

Magenta chuckled. "Here you go." She said, throwing it at him, hard. He flew backwards and hit the wall of the alley. The mask rolled back to Magenta.

The magenta coloured star warrior walked up to Meta Knight calmly. "You know," She said, "You're really cute without your mask..." She leaned in and placed a small kiss on his nose, causing him to blush.

Meta Knight waved his arms around wildly. He looked a bit dumb, but it did what it was supposed to. Magenta jumped back in fright, tripped on the mask, and fell to the ground. Meta Knight put his mask back on, and then went and helped the young lady up.

"Wow," Magenta chuckled. "Real chivalrous of you, cutie. Scare me away and then help me up. I can never understand boys."

Meta Knight didn't answer. Partly because he didn't know what to say, but mostly because he saw three small figures standing at the mouth of the alley...

Waddle Dee number 17, or Steven, to his friends, was having a very bad day.

After jumping through the strange portal looking thing to save King Dedede, he had fallen into a strange place. Soon after, he was caught by three black, male unicorns in suits of armour and brought to his knees in front of two alicorns, one white and the other blue, both with flowing, ethical hair.

"Strange creature," Celestia said to Steven, "What are you and where do you come from?"

Steven got up from his knees. He would've opened his mouth to answer, but he didn't have a mouth. He didn't need one back in Dreamland, because all the Waddle Dees and Doos talked to each other in sign language, or through charades.

Let's just hope that these ponies are smarter than they look...

He started acting out what he was by waddling like a penguin.

"Ooh!" Smiled Luna. "Are we doing charades? Let me guess... Penguin? No. Duck? No, you wouldn't be a duck, would you? Um... Waddling..."

Steve nodded quickly.

"Ooh! So you're a Waddle?"

Steve nodded, and then started acting like he was singing.

"Um... singing... Opera? A Waddle Opera? No, that doesn't sound right... Sound! La? Do? Dee?"

Steve nodded quickly again before the princess could guess again.

"Ooh!" Luna giggled. "So you're a Waddle Dee! The fun has been doubled!!!"

Celestia groaned. He sister was having more fun than she should be.

"This is going to be a very long day..."

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were standing in front of a rather large alleyway. They were trying to find rats, but all they found were...

"Um... Giant beach balls? With arms? An'... clothes? That... talk?"

Scootaloo shook her head. "I don't think that beach balls talk, Applebloom. Or have arms..."

"But teddy bears do!" Sweetie Belle smiled. Her friends stared at her.

"Um... you know, those ones that sing when you pull the cord?"

"Oh, tha's ri!" Applebloom smiled. "I use ta have one o' those as a baby!"

Scootaloo squinted into the dark. "I don't think that those are teddy bears..."

Sweetie Belle didn't listen. Using the little magic that she had, the grabbed her two friends by the hair and pulled them besides her as she slowly walked into the alleyway. After a while, Scootaloo and Applebloom got tired of having their feet dragged painfully across the ground, and trotted up in front of the overenthusiastic unicorn, stopping her in her tracks.

"We can walk, you know." Scootaloo told her.

Sweetie Belle blushed and let go of their forelocks. Suddenly, she heard a shuffling noise coming from behind the earth pony and the Pegasus. The two quickly jumped behind her, springing into their "Rat Exterminator" poses.

Sweetie Belle suddenly burst into laughter. Her two friends stared at her. "You... You're scared of a couple of rats and two teddy bears?" She laughed.

While the three fillies where distracted, the teddy bears, Meta Knight and Magenta, started to back away slowly.

"I don't think that they're hostile creatures, Meta Knight." Magenta whispered in the language of the star warriors.

"You can never be too careful." The blue knight whispered back.

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to take a chance..."

Twilight awoke from her uncomfortable position, only to almost faint again at the sight of Pinkie Pie playing cards with a pink beach ball with red shoes and hands.

"Pinkie? What are you doing? What is this thing?" Twilight shouted, jumping out of under Fluttershy and rushing towards the duo.

Pinkie and Kirby dropped their cards and looked towards Twilight.

"Oh, hiya, Twilight!" Pinkie smiled, getting up. "This is Kirby! He came through that weird portal thing you made. Say hi, Kirby, and tell Twilight what you told me."

"Hi!" Kirby said to Twilight, although it came out more like a cute ya!

"Aw... he's so cute..." Twilight giggled, patting the star warrior on the head. "I could just eat him up.... Wait. Pinkie, did you say that he came through the portal?!?!"

"Yes, but..."

"Pinkie Pie! I told you already! Dimension hopping is dangerous!!!"

"Hey!" Pinkie shouted. "It's not his fault! Kirby, tell Twilight about what happened and how you came here."

Kirby did as he was told, but Twilight didn't understand a single word.

"What the hay does all that mean?" Twilight asked.

"You mean, you don't understand him?" Pinkie asked. "Or are you just pretending that you don't know because you want this to be a dream? Because it's not a dream."

Pinkie sighed. "He says that he is from a land called Dreamland, which is in another dimension. He and his friends, Meta Knight, Magenta and King Dedede were brought here to Equestria after being sucked into a portal, identical to the one that appeared in your lab. And now we need to round them up and bring them home before anything bad happens. He also told me that, whereas he can't speak our language, his friends can."

"And you're the only pony from our world who can understand him?"

"Pretty much, yeah! Um... what were we talking about again?"

Twilight jumped onto the desk, knocking a couple of jars off in the process, and raised her hoof into the air triumphantly. "Kirby," She said, "We will get you and your friends back to Dreamland no matter what!"

Unfortunately, things are never that easy...

Will the main six be able to re-unite Kirby with his friends (Including Steven)? What will happen if they don't? Will they even be able to find a way for them to get back to Dreamland? Also, where the hay is Dedede? Find out next time in Act 2: Dedede's Crystal Labyrinth!!!