• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 585 Views, 3 Comments

Where the Wanderer Will Rest - DerGroBeHengst

Ponyville's newest, hopeful resident is shrouded mystery and struggles to adjust to being around other's. Settling down down in this town will force him to confront his greatest fears; which are rather unexpected.

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Sleepless Nights

Dusk had set over Ponyville and the commotion of the day had settled down to a dull roar as the day was finalized. All around ponies slowly retreated to their homes; some with drowsy children following close behind. The shops were closing and ponies with stalls were packing up and going home for the day. Twilight was no different, though her library didn’t see as much traffic as the rest of the establishments; she would await anyone with a desire to learn. While Spike was inside; preparing their dinner for the night she put away the books that had begun to clutter desks and tables inside. Most of the books that were being tidied were books that she herself had read but even if she was her own best patron there was at least that much work to be done. Finally she had finished sorting the works when she noticed a shadow passing by her window. She peeked out to see a tall stallion lazily dragging his hooves as he sleepily moved forward. She quickly recognized him and ran out to meet him.

“Bo!”, she called out to him and he turned slowly, doing his best to shrug off his exhaustion for a genuine smile.

“Hey Twilight”, his ears pulled back and his head reared in a long yawn, “What brings you here?”

Twilight cocked her head in confusion and raised a hoof to point at the library behind her, “Sorta live here…”

“Right, right… sorry… I haven’t been sleeping too well”

‘Your house isn’t done yet right? Where are you staying?”

“Oh you know… here and there… tents”

“You’ve been sleeping outside? I thought the whole reason you moved to Ponyville was to enjoy a real home?”

“I will… as soon as it’s finished…”

“Stay with us!”, they both turned to see Spike wiping his claws on his pink apron, “We have room and it’d be great to have a guy to hang out with… please Twilight”, Spike shot her a sad and pleading gaze.

“Okay… Bo would you like to stay with us?”, she couldn’t hide her reddened cheeks: she was asking a stallion to spend the night at her house, even if he was scared of mares.

“I wouldn’t be imposing would I?”

“No, it’s just as Spike said; we have more than enough room and I can’t very well condone you sleeping this sporadically”

“Alright but I insist on helping with dinner”

“I’ve got it covered”, Spike said proudly.

“Didn’t say I’d be taking over, just helping; you’re in charge buddy just tell me where to go”, Spike eagerly dragged Bo towards the kitchen and Twilight followed them inside shutting the door behind her.

Some time passed and the trio sat around a table of empty dishes that bore stains of a substantial meal. All three seemed extremely satisfied, finally Bo got up and gathered the plates; heading back into the kitchen.

“Spike, you’ve outdone yourself”, Twilight smiled at her assistant.

“Thanks but Bo helped a lot, apparently he knows a ton about making meals more nutritious. He gave me a lot of tips”

Twilight smiled, it had been quite a long time since Spike had a guy to look up to; not since her brother Shining Armor had left for the guard academy. There were plenty of stallions in Ponyville but Spike never really talked to any, since Bo was one of the few that came to the library it seemed like Spike bonded to him.

Bo poked his head back in, “I took the liberty of feeding your owl but if it wouldn’t be a bother…”

“Oh right! Spike, can you show him where he can sleep?”, to this Spike came back to life and raced up the stairs with Bo.

Twilight sat letting the food digest for a moment, she desperately wished to have Pinkie’s talent for eating insane amounts without the discomfort. Finally she got to her hooves and started up the stairs. As she reached the top she looked over at the large outcropping; there was simply a sofa surrounded by book shelves. Upon the sofa a black coat and a red scarf were neatly draped; this caught her interest as she had never seen her new friend without his signature accessories. Quietly she snuck around a bookshelf to get a better angle and rounding the corner she nearly bumped into the large white stallion. For a moment she took in the scene, his face was actually quite handsome, his cheeks were a light rosy color, and there weren’t any marks or deformities on his normally covered torso. Soon enough he backed away a bit.

“Since I’ve been spending more time with all of you I’m okay with being that close but the staring is kind of making me nervous”

“Sorry uh… don’t take this the wrong way but you look normal”

“I’m sorry?”

“I don’t mean anything by it but you always keep the scarf and coat on so I guess I sort of assumed you’d look strange”

He scanned himself, lifting his wings and checking his mane, “I don’t think I look strange, I have scars over my eyes but that’s about it. I just keep them because they feel natural”, an awkward silence fell over them that was broken by Spike’s snoring. “He’s got the right idea, good night Twilight… thanks for letting me stay here”

“You’re welcome, see you in the morning”, she turned and walked towards her bed.

Bo made his way towards his make shift bed and settled right in. To him the cushioning felt softer than a cloud and all the sleep he had missed caught up with him as his eyes began to flutter. The morning sun poured in from the window above Bo’s sleeping area, despite going to sleep early it was fairly later than he would normally wake up and he began surveying his surroundings to no avail as he had been blinded by the sunlight on his newly awakened eyes. Everything melded into a solid color; slowly he was able to make out rudimentary shapes. He passed Twilight’s room where he heard a deep snoring sound which was obviously Spike and a light whimper which he assumed was Twilight. He proceeded downstairs and tried to find the kitchen in order to get started on breakfast, then came a knock at the door, accompanied by hushed voices.

“Do you think she’ll be surprised?”, a female voice asked excitedly.

“Of course she’d never see this coming besides I know two ponies who’d really like to know how their daughter is fairing down here.”, the second voice was male but no one he recognized from town.

As the only one awake he decided to greet and entertain the guests until Twilight woke up. If they were going to stay for breakfast he should at least see how much more he should make. He opened the door and the sunlight poured in; further blurring his vision. He could only barely make out two silhouettes, apparently unicorns, standing in the doorway.

He rubbed his eye and greeted them, “Good morning… how may I help you?”

“Um… well first are we in the wrong place? This is the Ponyville library right?”, the female voice asked.

“Yes, it’s not exactly opened yet but…”

“We’re actually looking for somepony: lavender coat, purple mane, unicorn, adorkable, ring any bells?”, the male voice asked.


“Bo? What has you out of bed so early?”, all three turned to the stairs to see Twilight with a disheveled mane, breaking into a small yawn. She noticed the open door and quickly identified the guests. “Shining! Cadence! What are you doing here?”, she asked; visibly excited.

Hearing the name Bo’s sight quickly focused: he beheld a white unicorn with a blue mane standing next to a pink alicorn with a purple, yellow, and pink colored mane with a crown. He looked back and forth between unicorns: the white one’s face twisting in a growing anger. Bo didn’t even have time to panic about the beautiful mare, the angry stallion took precedence.

“This is uh… I can… would you care for some breakfast?”, he managed to stutter out before the white unicorn punched him in the face. He reeled back but didn’t go as far back as expected due to his size. Shining pounced and Bo disoriented him with a wing and managed to get around him like a bull fighter.

Twilight gasped and ran down stairs but was cut off by Cadence. The two stallions tumbled and struggled in the background as the two mare exchanged words.

“Good to see you again, we were hoping to surprise you and ended up getting one ourselves. Twilight, who is that?”

Twilight kept trying to poke her head around Cadence to try and get a fix on the two stallions but Cadence moved with her. “He’s a friend of mine… he just moved here and his house isn’t ready… he wasn’t sleeping well so I let him stay here… can we please break this up now?!”

“Sure. Shining, please stop.”, like clockwork they came to a halt while they were both winding a punch.


“No buts, he’s Twilight’s friend and deserves better”

“Fine…”, he trotted towards his wife.

“I’m all for a morning workout but that was too much”, Bo’s sighed.

Shining whipped around to look at him again.

“Come on Shining, I take off my scarf and grow my mane a little and you can’t even remember me?”, Bo pleaded.

Shining cocked his head and then took a better look at the stallion’s face. “Bo?”

Both mares were surprised that the two knew each other; bringing up the question of how.

“Yeah it’s Bo, apparently a few years is all it takes for you to forget your bunk buddy”, Bo rubbed his sore cheek.

“You two know each other?”, Twilight and Cadence said in unison.

“Yeah… we bunked at the Guard Academy… he was only there for a few years though”, Shining looked the stallion over well.

Spike came down after the racket and saw the mess that had been made. He spotted Shining angrily eyeing Bo and Twilight at a loss for words. “I’m… gonna go start breakfast…”

They sat around the table awkwardly as they ate: Twilight had already explained some things and Bo explained the other but there was still a mistrust that lingered.

“So you’re one of Shining’s old friends, that’s great I never met any of them”

“You make it sound like I don’t have any…”, Shining pouted.

“Well I never met them; Twilight was your best mare so even at our wedding…”

“Okay… so I don’t have that many…”

“And you greet the ones you do have by punching them in the face?”, Twilight scolded. Bo merely remained quiet and began taking a drink from his glass.

“Well I do the ones that are dating my sister without permission!”, Shining shouted. Bo began to choke and swallowed his drink quickly to avoid spitting.

“Excuse me?”, Twilight asked. She glanced at Bo, “I’m pretty sure you know why that’s impossible”

“What’s wrong Twilight? Bo seems nice”, Cadence added.

“I have gynophobia”, Bo managed to choke out.

“Are you still afraid of mares?”, Shining asked.

“Do you still carry a picture of Cadence everywhere?”, he retorted.

Now under the gaze of his wife, Shining began to stutter and then he pulled Bo in close, “That was a secret”

“You punched me in the face: apart from not being invited to the wedding yet sending a gift and then being hit before I could even say congratulations, this makes us about even”, he whispered.

“Okay if you aren’t dating then why are you staying here?”

“I told you already, his house isn’t done”, Twilight persisted.

“But… I guess it’s okay…”, Shining gave up and folded his forelegs.

“Don’t be glum Shining, I only stayed for the night, I’ll find somewhere else to sleep tonight”, all three ponies looked a little surprised and Spike immediately protested.

“You don’t have to go…”

“Well Shining and Cadence probably want to spend time with you and Twilight; having me as a house guest would get in the way. It’s fine, worse comes to worse I’ll book a room at the Maritrot in town”

They finished their meal and Bo gathered himself before biding his friends farewell. He didn’t have the heart to tell them that the Maritrot was booked full but he would figure it out; the last thing he wanted was to get in the way of such a closely knit family. Soon his wandering carried him all over Ponyville, dusk was beginning to settle again and the familiar tugging of sleep pulled at his eyelids.

Sometimes being a gentlecolt is hard, I’d pay if someone would just give me a roof over my head for the night. Last night was the best I’ve slept in ages. Maybe someone in the market will be kind enough. I could ask a friend like Twilight to put me up… who though? Pinkie?

An image of him in a peaceful sleep came into mind, enticing him; soon it was interrupted by a pink mare bounding in and bouncing up and down at the foot of his bed. She began speaking quickly and incoherently, faster and faster. Bo shook the thought from his mind, he was sure that that would be the case if he asked her for a place to sleep. Caught in his thoughts he made his way into the market and scanned the crowd for any signs offering a room or some sort of vacancy. He found no such thing but caught sight of Applejack trudging along, pulling a wagon with the day’s leftovers. He got behind the cart and helped push to lighten the load.

“Hey! Whoa! What the dilly? Bo? Warn a pony before you help, nearly scared my cutie mark off”, she spotted him by his large wings and quickly softened into a smile.

“Sorry… um Applejack, if it wouldn’t be too much could I ask you for a favor?”

“Don’t see why not, what’cha need?”

“I could really use a place to stay for the night…”

“Hm… well the house is pretty big and you are sorta helping me get this home so I guess sendin’ ya away wouldn’t be very neighborly… alright”

Bo smiled and moved faster; he had a place to rest for another night. They made it through the orchard and to the farmhouse; a large building that seemed to be big enough for at least ten ponies. They put the leftovers aside and got into the living area where the rest of her family was spending their time. Big Mac: a large crimson stallion with a dirty blonde mane was sitting on a modest couch. Opposite him was Granny: a wrinkled, soft green mare with a white mane and an orange dotted cloth draped around her. Finally Apple Bloom on the floor with what appeared to be school work.

“Everypony this is Bo-“

“I knew it! I told ya she’d bring a stallion home someday but nobody listens ta granny. Pay up!”, Granny held out a hoof; Big Mac and Apple Bloom place a sum of bits into it before she pulled back.

“Huh?”, Applejack asked in confusion as Granny Smith counted her bits.

“Nothin’ so who’s the big fella?”, Granny asked as she hid away the bits.

“This is Bo, he moved ta Ponyville but he’s got no place ta stay so I thought we could put him up for a while”

Bo stepped forward and bowed; after his last encounter he aimed to make a good impression on the family, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Applejack has been kind to me since my arrival so I hope staying here won’t be a bother”

Granny looked him up and down, stopping at his hooves and face. Big Mac had gotten to his hooves, watching Bo like a hawk sizing up a meal and Apple Bloom simply stared in confusion.

“Those are workin’ stallion hooves, not ta mention yer a big’un, uh huh… I’m all for it he can stay as long as he wants”

“Great, Bo this is Granny Smith, mah big brother Big Mac, and Apple Bloom…”, before she could finish Apple Bloom was already prodding Bo’s foreleg with her hoof, Applejack expected Bo to go berserk and run off but he kept calm. His face was practically peaceful.

He bent over to better meet the filly’s gaze, “Yes?”

“You’re so tall”, she said in awe.

“Being tall is overrated, I wish I was smaller”

“But if I were that tall I could get a cutie mark for manticore wrestlin’ or somethin’”

“But then there’d be a lot of places you wouldn’t fit, beside there’s nothing saying you won’t be, I was about your size when I was your age. You might even get taller than me”, Apple Bloom excitedly thought of all the things she could accomplish from that stature then noticed the winged cutie mark.

“What’s your cutie mark for?”, she finished excitedly.

“There’s a story to it but I got it for-“, Applejack cut him off.

“Come on Apple Bloom, he’s tired he can tell you tomorrow”, Apple Bloom looked a little disappointed but gave in.

“It’s okay, I’ll tell you some other time… promise”

Applejack smiled and received a wink from Granny, “So let me show you the room you can sleep in”, they both made their way up the stairs, leaving the other family members to talk.

“That one’s a keeper, reminds of the farm hands we had round here when I was a filly”, Granny rocked back and forth in her rocking chair.

“Nope”, Big Mac dryly added.

“Aw yer just bein’ protective, had ta happen eventually”

“Eventually don’t mean now”, he replied.

Bo was settling in the room, it was a great deal more spacious than his area in the library. He had set his coat and scarf down next to the bed on the head rest when he noticed a small form at the doorway. He turned and Apple Bloom was standing there watching him.

“Can I help you? If you want some help with your school work just ask, your family is letting me stay so I don’t mind helping out”, he smiled warmly.

“Big Mac said I have ta watch ya”, she said as her eyes drooped.

“Just get to bed, looks like you need your sleep as much as I do”, he replied. She persisted and relented until finally she fell asleep in the doorway. Bo gently picked her up in his wings and settled her in the bed meant for him. He gathered his apparel and sat down in the room next to the door; slowly drifting off to sleep.

Applejack walked through the creaky hallway to her sister’s room; it was a habit for her to check up on her. As she peered in she noticed an empty bed and quickly began to panic. Applejack raced through the house until she heard a gentle snore come from the guest room. She popped in; seeing her sister sleeping comfortably in the bed with the blankets pulled up to her neck.

“Apple Bloom? Where’s?”

“Shhh”, she was cut off by a voice next to her. She hadn’t noticed the large pegasus due to her hurried state and was a bit startled.

“Geez, what’s my sister doing in your bed?”, She asked.

“Apparently your brother doesn’t like me, she was his spy but she’s still a filly, she gets tired. I gave her my bed, just let her have it, I should leave anyway”

“Leave? It’s already dark, where ya gonna go?”

“Not sure but I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable”

“*sigh* Yer just too considerate. For a big ‘ol, tough lookin’ stallion ya don’t really act like it”

“There’s no reason to be tough here, I’m at a friend’s house, I have to put them ahead of myself”, he pulled himself up: his coat and scarf were merely laid on his back.

“You sure ‘bout this?”, Applejack pleaded once more: just behind her Granny passed by carrying a sack full of wedding invitations.

Bo’s eyes slightly widened, “Yes, I’m sure this is the best option. Hopefully see you tomorrow”, as they walked towards the door Bo straightened his coat and scarf, turning back to thank Applejack once more and then he headed out into the now dark outdoors.

The air was still and cold, Bo was immediately regretting his decision to leave but he was too proud to go back now. He knew he was on borrowed time, his eyes wouldn’t stay open forever and they just kept getting heavier. Suddenly he felt something cold run down his face, then he felt it again and again.

“You have to be kidding me!”, he looked up just as the rain picked up, “*sigh* Rainbow Dash did mention rain today… I should have paid more attention”. His eyes turned immediately to the street to check for any lights still on. He ran up to each building and knocked at the respective doors asking for a place to at least dry off. No one opened up; he just kept trying different places until he turned to the last building with lights on. It seemed to be built to resemble a carousel: painted with hues of purple and blue, trimmed with gold, and currently his last hope to get out of the rain. He sped towards it, kicking up mud and barely able to see past his soaked mane. He pounded away at the door, “Hello? Can you give a place to dry off?”

There was movement beyond the door and it opened slowly to reveal a puzzled Rarity, “May I… help you?”

“It’s me Bo, I sort of got caught in the rain…”

She opened the door wider in relief, “Oh thank goodness! I saw someone running around and thought it was just some ruffian… well come in I can’t leave you out there”

Bo happily trotted in and took off his scarf, “Thank you so much… you know I’ve been here a week and had no idea this was your house”

“Not just that, it’s also my place of business. I specialize in mare attire so I don’t have many male clients… it’s no surprise you haven’t found your way to me before. It’s just lucky I was working late or you’d be out in the rain all night”

“So… I hate to impose, would you be… against letting me stay here the night?”

Rarity noticeably reddened, “I… I-I-I-I-I suppose just for one night”, she looked out at the heavy storm outside and figured that it was only polite, “I’ve never had a stallion stay the night before…”

“I hate to trouble again but… do you have a shower or a bath?”, she looked him up and down.

“Dear, you’re already soaked to the bone”

“Which is why I should bathe, to avoid catching a cold”

“Oh… right, up the stairs, the powder room is fairly easy to find”

Bo made his way up the stairs, trying to make as little a mess as he could considering how dirty his hooves were. He found the powder room: a large and girly room with a large bath tub. He peeled off his wet coat and plopped into the warm bath, dipping his head under the water, enjoying the warmth. While in the midst of scrubbing he came to a frightening realization: Rarity has used everything in this room, her subtle scent and probably a few strands of her mane were probably in the room, so albeit indirectly he was in contact with her. Shock kept him from leaping out of the tub, shock and fortitude to not sully the kindness of his friend. He managed to calm down but hurried out of the bath.

“Oh no… I forgot to ask where she kept the towels”, he scanned the powder room trying to find any place that would appear to have towels. He got out while still wet and then he heard dainty hoofsteps from the hall. He was sure that it was Rarity and stepped out into the hall with an embarrassed smile, “Would you be so kind as to tell me where… the… towels are?”, he slowed when he noticed that there was a confused and frightened filly in front of him. She was small, white, a pink and purple mane, and there was only one possibility as to who it was.

“Ahhhh!!!!”, the white filly screamed and turned tail, heading down the stairs into the hooves of her sister, “Rarity there’s a big, scary pony in the bathroom!!”


“Um… that would be me”, Bo called timidly, “Sorry I thought she was you when I heard someone and… I couldn’t find towels… and… *sigh* I’ll leave now”, he started towards the door.

“Wait… you can stay I just got a little scared… cause I didn’t know who you were”, Sweetie Belle called from Rarity’s embrace.

A towel magically drifted towards Bo: wrapped in a blue aura. Rarity smiled at him as he grabbed it.

“Thanks, say what’s your name?”, he asked as he finished drying his mane.

“I’m Sweetie Belle”

Bo quickly thought of a way to ease her mind while he stayed, “It’s a pleasure sweet heart, my name is Bo Minuano, I guess you can consider me a butler”


Bo stayed with Rarity for days: sleeping peacefully in the guest room. He did his best to return every kindness he was paid. He helped Sweetie Belle with her school work, let Rarity use him as a mannequin, and whenever she needed something carried he refused to let her lift a hoof. Finally the day when his house was ready came; he was straightening his coat when Rarity and Sweetie Belle came into the guest room.

“Bo, it was an absolute pleasure to have you here and I welcome you to stay any time you are in need of a roof over your head”

Sweetie Belle seemed a little sad to see him go but managed a smile and gave him a hug before running off.

“I simply must ask, how are you okay with a hug if you have that… condition?”

“I’m not scared of fillies, just mares, I can’t be scared of fillies: I have a little sister”, he smiled.

Nearly out the door he decided to say his goodbyes, “Thank you for your kindness, I’ll see you soon dear”, he leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek before he even realized what he was doing. He tried to speak but only an odd squeaking noise escaped: he had seen his father kiss his mother on the cheek every time he left for work and it just became ingrained in his subconscious. Both were at a loss for words, so Bo summoned everything he could muster and ran for it: a huge grin spreading over his face.

I was sure if that ever happened I would die from shock but I’m alright. I’m running like hell but I’m okay. They are helping me… one day; maybe I can show them affection… like a real friend. At the very least maybe I’ll eventually stop running.