• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 363 Views, 8 Comments

The princess and her guard - verse jumper

A fic following the events after Verse Jumper has lost his only two friends and the rest of his days as a Lunarian guard

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3
It was another day in the life of Luna’s usual schedule, enjoy breakfast with Celestia then talk to any delegates from other countries that wish to speak with Luna about the night hours, handle the concerns of other subjects, and the occasional meeting. All the while Verse had stayed by her side, keeping an eye out for rowdy subjects, any ponies that wished to take Luna’s life; and the occasional poorly mannered ambassador, he had added this to his list ever since he put that rude griffon in the hospital who had decided it was a good idea to call Luna “less royalty and more of a ticking time bomb”. Luckily nothing went wrong this time, Luna seemed to be happy and healthy, but at times she seemed to be off somewhere else, lost in thought, which was unusual for her, she always seemed to be on task. Verse decided to not pay this too much mind; perhaps she just did not receive enough sleep after the attack, which was a fair assumption.
The hours continued to roll by, the whole day seemed to meld into one really long guard shift, unlike most days Luna was not as chatty with verse as she usually was. She was actually pretty quiet and kept to herself whenever she was alone with the guard pony in the royal halls. Soon it was time for dinner, in which members of the royal family and other guests that were present at the castle would adjourn to the spacious dining hall for a large feast. Verse stood at his usual post, right next to the guard assigned to guard Celestia for today; they were on constant rotation, unlike verse whose only shift was his entire job. At the table was a small group tonight, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Prince Blueblood, and Princess Twilight, who was visiting this evening. As the group was served their meal, Luna waved her hoof to call over Verse; he trotted to her side “yes princess? Do you require something?” Luna nodded “yes Verse, I wish to ask you, would you like to join us for dinner? I believe my sister would not mind, and you are a friend to all of us at this table.” Verse was a little token back, normally guards wouldn’t sit down and just have dinner with the royal family, he went to protest but was cut off by Celestia herself “I see no harm in that, please Verse, join us” she waved to a servant to retrieve a plate for Verse before Verse could even say no. He tried one more time to say no but was cut short once again, now by Twilight “that sounds great! It’s been a long time since we’ve talked Verse, I don’t see you around ponyville anymore and I really would like to know how your new job as a guard is working out for you.” With that Verse was defeated, three of the princess of equestrian just asked him to join them for dinner, he was worried if he said no he’d be tried for some form of treason.
He sat down at an open seat, taking off his helmet and putting in on the floor beside him “thank you, I’m…rather surprised if not humbled by the offer” he sat right next to Luna, across from him was twilight and blueblood, and at the head of the table was Celestia, it felt so odd the be sharing dinner with some of the most important ponies in all of Equestria. The colt was able to crack a sheepish smile as a plate was set before him, a serving of what looked like the most intricate dish of rare fruits and fresh vegetables was laid on top. Verse was no stranger to table manners and ate and politely as he could, the fancy food tasted amazing but he wasn’t really used to all these exotic flavors, so he did his best to pretend he was enjoying it. As Verse ate his meal, Twilight spoke up “so Verse, why did you decide to work for Luna full time? I thought you liked living in Ponyville, you never seemed like the big city type.” Verse swallowed his bite and whipped his lip with a napkin “well, I guess I just needed a more full time job instead of freelancing around ponyville, and as things started to quiet down around there, I thought that working for Luna full time would be an interesting line of work at least” as he finished he heard a scoff come from the pampered Prince Blueblood.
“Freelancing? What were you? Some sort of vigilante than ran around ponyville like some foal’s fictional character?” the prince asked in a slightly mocking tone, Verse never liked Blueblood; the colt just seemed to enjoy pushing pony’s buttons. Verse kept his cool all the while as he set down his fork, looking up at Blueblood, even though the pampered colt was a royal pain, he was still royalty and had to be treated as such “in some ways, yes, in reality myself including my friends at the time would find ourselves caught up in situations that Princess Twilight and her friends had sometimes found themselves in as well, usually these situations would involve forces that could harm Ponyville and its residents…so yes, in a way, I helped the town on more than one occasion”. Blueblood only rolled his eyes, not impressed for he was barely listening as he returned to his meal, Verse caught the eye-roll, his brow furrowing in annoyance, yet with one glance at the princess from the night he regained his composure and returned to his meal as well. It was Twilight’s turn to speak up again “but, if I’m correct you can’t just apply for the Lunarian guard, Verse, Luna picks out ponies from Celestia’s guards or from other sources, how did Luna accept you not only as a guard but as a high ranking one the day you were assigned?” Before Verse could reply, Luna spoke over him “that is a very good question Twilight, you see I was aware of Verse’s actions in Ponyville and kept quite a close eye on him, seeing as he was different from most colts, and his abilities in combat, I had offered him the job a quite long time ago, yet he refused politely”. She turned her head to Verse with a soft smile “I never actually revoked the request as I decided to leave the offer on the table, and lo and behold much later he takes me up on the offer, and thus I gladly accepted him into my guard detail” as Luna finished another scoff could be heard from the prince.
Verse looks over at the prince once more, raising an eyebrow “is there a problem Prince Blueblood” he asked in a flat tone, holding back his annoyance towards the pompous colt. Blueblood flicked his mane to the side “I just don’t see what’s so special about you, you look just like a normal earth pony to me, a commoner even” he said with a chuckle, Celestia opened her mouth to scold her nephew, only for Verse to chime in before she could speak leaning forwards to shorten the distance between them “then perhaps I can show you what I’m capable of…” he said with a stern and almost threatening tone. Luna set her fork down, glaring at Verse “Verse, sit down and eat your meal, though I was kind enough to let you eat with us, that does not give you the right to speak up at the royal family” Verse frowned at Luna, hoping for her support in the matter, then he noticed the look in her eyes…it wasn’t one of scolding, but a look of pleading, pleading for him to play along. He sat back down and nodded “I’m…sorry for stepping out of line Princess…forgive me” he said quietly, quelling his rage. Blueblood proceeded to laugh mockingly “yes dear Luna, keep that dog of yours on a short leash” he continued his little laughing fit, finding this dinner very amusing “perhaps you’re right Luna, he does belong in your guard, sure, he looks like he won’t harm any pony, but give him a push or two and the real monster comes out to play” he chuckled as he looked at Luna “sound familiar?” the pompous prince said with a devious smirk. Luna’s eyes widened a bit, hurt by the comment, Celestia had enough, rising from her seat to set her nephew straight, only for a dinner knife to fly past Blueblood, taking off a tuft of his hair as it stuck into the wall, everypony turned their gaze to where the knife came from, only to see Verse standing next to his seat, seething in rage. Blueblood sat there in shock, his precious mane had been cut and he was nearly injured by this mongrel of a colt, before he could shout for the guards, Verse leaped over the table and tackled Blueblood, a fork pressed up against his neck. Verse leaned his head now, speaking under a growl “apologize….now” Blueblood’s eyes widened and he fainted with a whimper “VERSE! Enough!” Luna had shouted, yanking the colt off of the unconscious prince. The colt on the floor soon regained consciousness, the guards pulling Verse away from Luna, holding him firmly by his for legs, Blueblood looked furious as he shouted “guards! This barbarian tried to take my life! Arrest him! NO! Execute him instead! He must pay for his crimes!” A guard put a blade up to Verse’s throat, the blue colt growled, starting to resist and pull, the guards having a hard time keeping the colt still.
Luna stepped forward and slapped Blueblood across the face “Thou will do no such thing! Thou will not harm our loyal guard!” she shouted in the royal canterlot voice, causing Blueblood to freeze up in fear. Twilight stayed back, unsure of what to do as Celestia stepped in between the middle of the slowly escalating mess “that’s enough from all of you” she said with a voice of stern and fair authority “guards, release Verse, my nephew stepped out of line, I believe Verse’s actions were just…” she said, looking at her pampered relative “a lesser colt would have struck you down outright nephew…you insulted my sister and mocked her friend and guest, it is you who has crossed a line…and you will be punished accordingly. Adjourn to your private chambers; we shall speak about this later.” As she spoke down to Blueblood the guards released Verse, dropping him to the floor, Verse was still enraged and tried to strike Blueblood again, only for Luna to wrap her for legs around him, stopping him “Verse, it’s ok, calm thyself…” Verse struggled for a moment in his princess’ arms, and then calmed down, staring daggers at Blueblood as he was walked to his room like a foal who had misbehaved. Twilight soon left as well as Luna held onto Verse for a little while longer, calming the colt down, she then stood up “thank you Verse for defending my name…but you must be careful…Blueblood may be foolish, but not ignorant, he won’t forget this.” The colt looked down, ashamed of his outburst now “yes princess Luna…I’m sorry” Luna shook her head and looked out the nearby window to see that night had fallen “come Verse, I think it would be best to try and rest, and for you to attend to your post.” Verse nodded and soon followed the princess of the night up the stairs into her bed chambers.