• Published 1st Jan 2014
  • 669 Views, 1 Comments

MLP X Pokemon Adventures in the Equestria Region. Episode 2: Enemies approach. - trahzo

Part 2 of my crossover where Querxov meets the 1st executive of Team Disharmony: Garble, and battles the Gym in Fillydelphia.

  • ...

Part 5: The Further Adventures of Daring Do!

"Woah, you really are real?"

"Yes, and i need some help."

"With what?"

She then led Querxov to a big dug-up area and pointed down!

"See those shady looking guys?"

"Yeah, why?"

"They have taken those 2 poor girls over there hostage for witnessing what they are doing & with my great disguises, I was able to find out these people are looking for the most strongest stone ever, the mega stones!"

"Hey, I heard of those, they make certain Pokemon get an even further level of evolution!"

"Precisely, they plan to get as many as they can to rule the world then end all love & friendship as we know it!"

"Those fiends, those are the 2 things that allow everyone in the world to get along!"

"Yes, now here's the plan..."


"Hey meat-heads!" she cried out!

"A witness, don't let her escape!" called out the one running the operations!

"Roger, Executive Garble." Then his henchmen chased after her.
While she distracted them, Querxov sneaked over to the 2 girls who were tied down and untied them.

"Thank you, here, a voucher for the Great & Powerful Trixie's next performance in Fillydelphia." Then she vanished in a flash of smoke.

"Thank you, here, have a candy cane!" she gave him one, then left.

"Huh? Hey, the prisoners have escaped! Get that man!"

"Roger!" Then they turned away from Daring and began running towards Querxov, but that's when their path was blocked by a rock wall that popped up out of nowhere! Then Tom the Gigalith came out of the ground.

"Him again?"

"Grr...you've ruined our plans, that's why I'm gonna destroy you!" Then Garble jumped down to Querxov. "No-one ever messes with Team Disharmony.

*You are challenged by Team Disharmony Executive Garble!*

*Executive Garble sent out Fraxure!*

"Go, Shinobi the Nuzleaf!"

"Use razor leaf!"

*It's not very effective!*

*The foe's Fraxure used Incinerate!*

*It's Super Effective! Shinobi fainted!*

"Shinobi return! Go Lopunny!"

*The foe's Fraxure used dual chop!*

"Quick, back flip out of the way, then use Ice Beam!"

*Fraxure missed!*

*It's super effective! The foe's Fraxure fainted! Executive Garble sent out Arbok!*

"This battle raged on until...



"What was that?"

That's when Ponytas with bat-wings showed-up!

"Ah, legends are true! I'm outta here!" Said the minions fleeing the scene!"

"Ugh, I'll let you deal with this freak of nature! Executive Xeenam, get me out of here!"

Then a man in a hooded cloak appeared in a bright flash, then teleported in the same flash, but not before saying...

"All, will become my Ghost Pokemon slaves! Even you and your precious Servine!"

"(Whoa, another death threat, also, his voice was similar to that man I met...)"

"Querxov watch out!" Daring Do called out!


"Oh-no!" he braced himself

The bat Ponyta was gonna strike but that's when it was hit by Tom's Power Gem & fainted, then Tom used dig then left again!

"Whoa, who ever owns that Gigalith, I must thank them!"

"Hey, you did a nice job there kid."

"I'm not a kid, I'm 17."

"Well anyway, here, take these 4 mega stones, you've earned them!"

*Querxov obtained Charizardite X, Charizardite Y, Venusuarite, and Blastoisinite!*

"Whoa! Thanks D...Daring Do? Must be off on her own path now. Alright, now to continue on!"

So he made it to the other side of the cave then, right over the horizon, was the city that held his next Gym badge, Fillydelphia!