• Published 28th Dec 2013
  • 1,877 Views, 31 Comments

Patch Day - unknown2

Its the day for the 8.10 update! There is a new japanese tech tree, some adjustments to the existing tanks, some bug fixes, and a new map! Wait, wasn't the new map called "Hidden Village?" A World of Tanks Crossover.

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Canterlot: a Different Perspective

It was another day in Canterlot. Unicorn nobles walking around in the streets, noses held high, while earth ponies did the entire menial labor, mostly indoors. Meaning they were best prepared for the upcoming catastrophe.

A red line and a red flag appear near the center of Canterlot, outside the a block away from the royal castle where the princess and the members of the nobility were discussing important political matters such as tax cuts for the nobles, cuts on public education, more statues, and higher tariffs. Another red line and green flag appear near the train station, which is filled with tourists. Two more red lines come into existence near the spots where the city ends and the cliffs begin. Strange metal creatures spontaneously materialize next to the flags. There is no flash of teleportation: one moment there is empty space, the next, they exist. Most of the creatures look the same: a light brown box with another, smaller box on top of it (most likely the head) in the back with a strange stick coming out of it. There are some differences though: several do not have a “head.” Instead, a dark brown one just has a short, wide appendage coming out of it, while another silver one has a long, thin appendage. Some have smaller heads that are in the front and different color schemes. But the majority is the light brown variety.
They just… sit there for 30 seconds, while the ponies (mostly unicorns) gape and attempt to understand what just happened.
After about 30 seconds, they all began moving and roaring. Most of the spectators were too shocked to move. The dark brown one positioned itself in a way so that its appendage was positioned at a unicorn. After about 4 seconds, a terrible noise was heard, and the unfortunate victim exploded, blood flying everywhere. The brains of the witnesses struggled to comprehend what they were seeing, causing them to freeze up on the spot, jaws unhinged in horror.

And then one of the light brown ones swiveled its head towards the crowd, and proceeded to unleash a barrage of the horrible noises at the crowd. The effect was devastating: the front rows were killed instantly, while those in the back were left to die as they lost blood from their devastating wounds.

The survivors were galvanized into action: they ran off screaming into the nearest building. Some of them were smart enough to run off screaming to the nearest guard, who flew off as fast as possible to alert the princess and the royal guard.

“And that is why more money should be put into this year’s musical performance at the Gala.”

Just another day at Princess Celestia’s court. Nobles coming up to her and asking for more money, or for a lower tax, or something else to make them richer at the expense of others.

‘Why did I create the nobility class again?’ she asked herself for the 363,789th time.

“Your majesty!” a guard shouted out after bursting in. “We have a situation: Canterlot is under attack by giant tortoises! The guard is already mobilized! Captain Shining Armor is currently leading them to fight off the attackers!”

“I’ll be there shortly.” she responded, without a trace of her true emotions on her face.

While Canterlot had not been threatened since Lun... Nightmare Moon's banishment, Princess Celestia was confident that the Royal Guard could take on the threat.


The battalion of guards charged forward, striking their enemy with spears and crossbow bolts. Most of the creatures tried to retreat from the barrage, but some fought back, raining death and destruction from their heads, cutting down large squads of brave troops. Still, the courageous soldiers fought on to defend the capitol of their homeland from these brutal and destructive monstrosities.

Captain Shining Armor put forth another shield to try to block the things from escaping. Some of them stopped where they stood, while others tried to move on regardless, and where blocked.

‘That should put a stop to their rampage!’ Shining Armor thought smugly to himself.

After a few seconds, one of them decided to use its attack on the shield, forming some cracks which the Captain had to repair.

Then all of them fired on the shield, destroying it and leaving the captain panting.

“Get the princess!” Shining Armor ordered one of the guards who was about to charge the attackers.

Well it appears that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

Still, I wonder where these creatures came from… The fact that we had no idea how they got here is disturbing: They are too large to sneak in, and I did not find any traces of teleportation. Whoever sent them must be very resourceful to have snuck them in and kept their existence secret for so long. I am going to need to increase military spending.

Now, to capture them ali…

THESE MONSTERS THEY WILL PAY! Nothing hurts my little ponies and gets away with it…

And now, to destroy these abominations who harmed my subjects!

It… didn't... do... anything...

I need to learn more offensive magic. But that magic bolt was enough to paralyze a fully grown dragon! Something so relatively small should have had its heart stopped!

I should probably cast my force field now…

The somewhat pissed off Light MK VIC known as “Notracks” turned its turret to deal with the new annoyance. When the crosshair was on the target, a white horse that was bigger than the others with horns and wings that just killed its commander with a magic blast, it emptied its clip into it. Half of the shells missed, but the other half ran into some kind of barrier that deflected most of them. However, one got through and flew by just to the right of the thing’s neck. Fuck you too RNG.

Those things are more powerful than I thought. I need to get rid of them before they do anymore damage. But how to do it?

Well, there is always THAT spell. But can I do it without the Elements? Then again, Nightmare Moon was a powerful magical entity who I needed to overpower for the spell to work…

Oh well, what other choice do I have?

Better put up another, stronger force field before I start gathering power.

Notracks watched the glowing winged unicorn (horned pegasus?) with some alarm. But then again, his clip was just 5 seconds to from reloading. Soon he would avenge his fallen commander and the drop in view range that came with not havi…

Why the sudden change in scenery?

Good thing I put up stronger shield. Those things pack a punch, especially when they work together… Well, fear is a great motivator and I manage to dispose of the other ones in the plaza quickly, but more soon showed up to avenge their fallen. That long green one was so hard to hit… And how come it took me two blasts to banish one of those dark brown ones?

This is probably not the only attack we will see. Whoever is behind it is sure to send more. But for now, I need to write some letters to the families of the fallen soldiers. I will see to it that they are given awards posthumously for their bravery…

Author's Note:

Chapter 1 from (mostly) the ponies point of view. Not much to say.