• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 303 Views, 5 Comments

The Singed Wings - Sabuus

Sabuus arrives to Ponyville. He wants to leave to run from something, but the Mane six keep slowing him down.

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Chapter 1: Making a First Impression

“Last stop, Ponyville!” shouted a voice from the front of the train.

“Really? This is as far as it'll go?” said the pony as he walked off. His blue main pointed down, and his green head pointed towards the ground. “I was hoping it would take me farther, but I guess I could walk the rest of the way,” he continued with his saddle bags on his back walking away from the train station.

“Hey!” shouted a pink pony as she walked by. “Are you new here? I haven't seen you before, so you must be new. After all, I know everypony in Ponyville.”

“Yes, I am. Just call me, Sabuus,” the green pony replied.

“Well then, meet me at the library; I absolutely positively must throw you a super stupendous party, Sabuus!”

“I was just leaving.”

“But you just got here”

“This was only as far as the train could take me”

“Oh, okay then,” she responded. Her head drooped, along with her hair.

Sabuus' cold stare met her sad eyes. He turned the idea over in his head. Maybe it could help him look for what he was looking for. He sighed, “I guess I'll follow you to the library; if, it really means I don't have to wander aimlessly.”

She jumped up and shouted, “That's great, follow me!”

They began to walk when Sabuus asked, “What's your name anyways?”

“Oh, it's Pinkie Pie,” she said, “I can't believe I forgot! Silly me.” she laughed. The two walked down the streets. Pinkie said, “Hello,” to everyone they passed, but Sabuus just kept walking with a goal on his mind. He just wanted to leave. “Here we are,” she told him with a giant smile on her face once they reached a tree with a balcony on it.

“This . . . this is a library?” he said hesitantly.

“Yes siree,” she replied. “Go on inside.”

“Okay?”, he still questioned if she was telling the truth or not; however, he still walked in anyway. Once he entered, the door behind him disappeared, and all he could see was the floor. Everything else was dark. “What's going on here?” he asked himself.

“Did you think you could outrun us?” said a voice from the darkness. Sabuus paused for a moment “Well, did you?”


“Did you think you could outrun us?” the voice repeated.

“I'm sorry; you sound familiar, but I don't know you.” Sabuus told the voice.

“I'm Sabuus of the royal guards. You are going to die today,” the voice had said.

“No, this isn't right, “Sabuus said. He was about to say something; however, he was brought back to inside the tree. He was lying on the floor. He had his hooves in front of his eyes, and he had curled himself up in the nearest corner.

“Are you okay?” said Pinkie who was standing behind him.

“Yeah,” he replied hastily.

“You don't seem alright.” Said a yellow pegasus. Her pink mane covered an eye, and she hid herself slightly when Sabuus' eyes turned to her.

“I'm fine,” he said.

“Are you sure?” said a purple pony. Her mane was curved, and it covered a wing; however, the other wing on her right side was visible.

“Yes, I'm sure. Stop asking,” Sabuus then turned his head to look at the next voice. His face grew angry as he turned his head to the purple pony. “Leave me alone already. All of you! Especially you!” he pointed his hoof at the last speaker.

“Hey! We were only wondering!” Pinkie said. “What do you have against Twilight anyway?”

“Oh, so you're the new princess!” he said angrily. “Well, whatever you do! Keep me out of all your actions!”

“What're you talking about?” Twilight replied.

He left the room with his parting words being, “I just want to keep moving!” After he left, a light blue pegasus fell from the sky, and her rainbow mane had gotten caught in Sabuus' saddlebag. He took it off, and her mane got out. Also, scorched wings replaced the space that the saddlebags had taken up before them.

“Woah, what happened?” she said.

“I don't like to talk about it,” he had told her. “Can I just go on my way already?”

“Uh . . . sure, but there's one name you shouldn't forget. It's Rainbow Dash!” she said. “I'm the fastest pegasus around!”

“Hello and goodbye, I'm Sabuus” he began to walk away.

“Rarity! How did the trick look!” Rainbow had yelled to a white unicorn with a purple mane that was walked their direction.

“It looked great,” Rarity responded, “you just need to work on the landing.” Her head turned to Sabuus. “Oh, hello there! Are you okay? Did . . .”

Sabuus cut her off, “I'm fine already! Leave me alone already!”

The other three left the library, “You really didn't get far, did you?”

“No thanks to you,” Sabuus yelled as he ran off.

“What's his problem? He seemed nice,” Rainbow Dash said.

“I don't know, but he really didn't like me. I didn't even say anything!” Twilight said.

Sabuus ran out of town and ended up outside of a farm. The barn looked fairly new with its fresh red paint, and the trees had apples on them. The sign above him read, "Sweet Apple Acres". Also, three ponies could be seen harvesting the apples from the trees. An orange one had spotted him, and she began to walk over to him. It wasn't long before he had a hat in his face before she greeted him.

“Howdy partner. My name's Applejack. What's yours?” she said. Her yellow mane was in a ponytail, and her face looked full of joy.

“Hello, I'm Sabuus” Sabuus replied exhaustively. He was starting to wonder when he could stop sounding like a broken record.

“Where are you headin' to?” she said.

“Away. No place in particular,” he began to walk away.

“Well then, I guess you wouldn't mind staying for a meal before you head out on the road.”

Sabuus knew he had no plan to get food on the trip, and he knew it would be easier than trying to explain why he was leaving. "Sure," he said, and he followed Applejack to the barn.