• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 791 Views, 7 Comments

Gotham City, Equestria - Kumquatodor

When she has a run in with the Bat, Twilight becomes determined to find him. With the help of billionaire Bruce Mayne, she works to prove that the Bat is just an ordinary pony in a cape and take him to justice.

  • ...

Bruce Mayne: Jerk of the Century!

The ponies arrived at Mayne Manor. It was large, and though it was only half the size of Canterlot's castle, it was somehow more intimidating. Its yellow stonework was now covered in foliage trying to push its way into the cracks. The Manor's high towers were lined with large cameras that flashed several times, though obviously the collapsed towers were devoid of such instruments. The gardens off to the side were old and full of weeds, and beyond that was a forest, kept into place by magic runes placed there centuries ago.

Alfred led the ponies up the steps, to the door. He stepped to the side and moved a stone out of its position to reveal a small hole. The butler levitated a seemingly random stick over to the hole, inserting it into what the ponies realized was a lock. The butler then removed the stick and snapped it in two. He took the now two sticks, then put one into the lock and threw the other into a hole in a tree. When the stick landed in the tree, one of the stones of the manner flip around to reveal a board covered in numbered buttons. Alfred pushed in a four number code, then the huge gates of the manner cracked open.

"How paranoid is this guy?" whispered Rainbow Dash to no-pony in particular.

She gasped when Alfred answered, "VERY. I have to look underneath the chariot every time I ride in it. He's afraid someone put a bomb under it. You'll have to forgive him."

The ponies walked through a huge hall area decked with the cameras from. Up some steps flanked with photos of Waynes the ponies trotted, finally entering into a dining room. The table was covered in extravagant food, most of which only Luna had tasted before. There were eight plush chairs around the fine oak table. In one sat a large, handsome stallion wearing a puffy gown-like suit sprinkled with jewels. He was a darker shade of orange than Applejack, and his coat was far more orderly than anyone would have though possible. Not one hair was longer than any other, except for his relatively short mane.

"Greetings. I realize that it is late, but I do not know how much food you've had, so I felt it necessaryy to have Alfred prepare a feast. You are under no obligation to partake in this meal, though. If you wish, Alfred will take you to your guest room. He will also take your bags. So, how many of you intend to eat."

Apparently, all the ponies intended to eat. Despite their tiredness, they all hadn't had any meal of substance since the early morning. Also, Bruce Mayne was kinda gorgeous, and he did go to all the trouble of telling his butler to make a whole meal.

"If you don't mind me asking, who designed you lovely suit?" Rarity asked. "I'm absolutely jealous!"

"I did," said Mayne, a small smile playing on his lips.

Rarity giggled at the joke, or at least she thought it was a joke.

"So how was the trip here?" Mayne asked.

"It was TERRIBLE! We stayed in a train for eight hours and, then, we got lost! We were attacked by this meany named Zsasz, who kept flirting awkwardly, and he wanted to cut us or something and we barely made it alive. Your butler saved us, so I'll have to throw him a party. Oh! Doyoulikeparties? Iloveparties. Iknow! Wecouldthrowa----"

"I'mnota hugefanof parties, but there is apartyI'm goingto attend nextwee---"


"Yesaparty. Itneeds a planner.Wouldyoulike to help?"

The other six ponies watched in awe as Mayne and Pinkie conversed at speeds faster than any of them could easily understand. Mayne was almost keeping up, though he often slowed to take a breath. How did he do this?

After a series of event no one could be completely sure about, Pinkie had ended up leaving to plan some party. Mayne was panting hard, completely out of breath. The ponies stared at him in awe. "Wha-at?" he wheezed. "It got he-er awa-ay, dinin't it?" It took several seconds for him to fix his breathing pattern, but once he did, he turned his head to Twilight. "Everything alright? You look pre-occupied. Anything my money can do to fix it?"

"Wha-Oh. Ah--no. Thanks. I'm just thinking..." Twilight said.

"About what, if you don't mind my asking,"

"Uh... the Batpony," Twilight blushed.

Bruce just stared at her for a second. Thinking. Then his eyes narrowed, staring not only into her eyes, but into her soul. "He saved you, didn't he?"

Twilight gasped. "How did you know that? Pinkie didn't talk about that part, did she?"

"No, she didn't. She said Alfred saved you. I deduced it. I studied detective work for eight months. I know some tricks."

"But how did you deduce that?" Applejack asked.

"There was a attractive young stallion sitting in front of her, the most attractive ever to live. He was wearing the most distracting garb in his closet. She was surrounded by gorgeous decor. Everypony else was marveling at something in the room, be it me or a portrait. If she was thinking about the Batpony for more than a half a minute, it would be likely that she had some kind of encounter, especially considering that she was attacked earlier. Alfred, though more agile than most ponies his age, would not be able to fight of a murderous pony. Batpony, however..."

Twilight lifted her jaw off of the table. "What if you were wrong?"

"Then I would be wrong, and lose nothing. But I'm never wrong." He smirked in an irritating fashion.

"Well... uh... I-I'm going to find him. I owe him a thanks."

Mayne leaned in close, though he was across a table, so it didn't matter. His elbows went into bowls of pudding and gravy. He seemed to ignore them, focusing on Twilight. He dropped his voice to a whisper, despite knowing the fact that everypony else at the table could easily hear him. "Now, you didn't hear it from me, but there are rumors that police lieutenant James Gordon secretly works with the Batpony. If you confront him about it, he would deny it. But if you say something like 'The Batpony save me and for that I am eternally grateful', well, I'm sure he would pass the message."

"Thanks for the suggestion." Twilight said. She would have to meet this James Gordon. 'Side note,' she thought. 'What's with these rediculous names? James Gordon? Zsasz?'


The ponies had all retired to bed, including Twilight. She was too busy planning too think about the ridiculously large bed or the perfectly temperature pillow. In fact, she only noticed the box when she laid on top of it. Shook lucid by the sharp edges going into her back, she sprung off her bed, then examined the box. It was, of course, beautiful. On it, it had a tag. To Twilight S., From Bruce M..

She undid the wrapping, feeling a bit guilty at tearing the jewel-encrusted paper. Inside was a dress that somehow fit her perfectly. It was, again, perfectly en-jeweled with real diamonds. She could imagine Rarity fainting over its beauty. In the box was also a note:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
A beautiful dress for a beautiful mare.
Please do not tell the others Elements.
If they knew I made you such presents,
They would become such a scare.
Sincerely, the last Mayne.

Twilight read the card over several times. He had been so nice to give her these gifts. Was he just trying to be friends? Was he trying to be something more? Did it matter? Bruce Mayne had been arrogant, sure, but he could be useful in finding Batpony. He had so many resources... No! I can't allow myself to take advantage of him like that. Ponies are ponies, not tools to throw away when you're done! Twilight silently scolded herself for her manipulative plots.

"I was stupid and careless!" she heard a voice in the next room say, a strange one. A dark one. A scary one.
"Shh, sir... they'll hear!" said Alfred's voice.

What was going on? Some guy was scolding himself. Who? No-pony could possibly get in hear with that lock unless Alfred let them in. She had been away from the room for five minutes, so they couldn't have let anypony in... Could it have been Bruce? Alfred called him "sir". His voice DID sound fake earlier... to high. Maybe? No. He had no reason to hide his voice. Unless he was that paranoid. It was possible.

But he locked his house so no-pony could enter without his permission. Why disguise his voice? What was he protecting? Then it hit her. He had deduced that she had been saved by Bat-pony. If he was Bat-pony, he could know that, and claim it to be deduction.

If Mayne was Bat-pony, he left for ten years to perfect his magic to terrify criminals. Mayne must be on level with the Princesses if the legends were true. The legends, she gathered from Luna, involved a monster teleporting several times, fighting off several ponies, flying, controlling weather, disrupting magic, and even moving the sun backwards. If these legends were true, then Mayne would be very powerful. And she knew how to be sure. She would perform a spell so that she could see a pony's magical aura. Yes. Then she would confront Bruce if her theory was correct.

Her horn started to glow, and she started to sweat. The magic flowed from her as she recited Latin. Then it stopped. She looked down at her hooves and saw a bright purple aura around them. It worked. There was a small bit of magical residue that marked her hoof steps.

But wait... The spell wouldn't last till morning. She would have to do this again. Unless...Why should she wait? She could go see Mayne to thank him for the dress, then she would see his aura and prove that he was Batpony and thank him. Yes.


Twilight crept out of her room. She tip-hoofed down the hall. She saw Luna's hoof-steps along the way, teaching her not to look directly at them. Luna's magic residue was so bright that it gave Twilight head-aches, though Rarity's hoof-prints were not too terribly bright.

She found Bruce's hoof-prints and followed them. Her theory was failing, though. His magical hoof-prints were not bright; they were dull. She had to make sure the spell was still working just to make sure. All ready starting, her curiosity took over as she followed the spectral hoof-prints down halls, up stairs, down stairs, in a circle, on the roof for some reason, and her journey culminated at... a wall. A dead end. What? This would mean that he had a secret hide-out behind the wall. She marked its location for later. It might be useful.

She turned back ready to go back to her room. As soon as she did, however, she met eyes with Bruce Mayne, who had appeared out of nowhere. He stuck a hoof over her mouth to muffle her scream. "Quiet. Ponies are sleeping." he whispered and smirked.

"Speaking of that, I better," Twilight started, about to trot off.

"You were following me, weren't you?" Twilight stopped, and turned to face him.


"You heard me..." his voice still had the playful arrogance it usually had.

"Well... I... I thought... It... I don't have to answer you!" She whispered very aggressively, already forgetting her excuse. She turned back around to trot off, but she jumped back when she once again met eyes with Bruce.

"Weren't you just---"

"Why were you following me?"

"How do you know I was following you?"

"Your horn is glowing. You turned your head when you looked in the exact place that Luna stepped. You followed my hoof-steps perfectly. I know that because I followed you from the stairway you went up." He smirked at her blush. She was suddenly feeling very stupid.

"... Yes. OK. I... I thought you were Bat-pony..." Twilight blushed slightly, then looked into Bruce's eyes. Bruce just stared at her, and the look on his face told her she was right. He was Bat-pony, and he was looking for a way to prove otherwise. She smirked, knowing she had beaten him. Her smirk dropped, however, when Mayne responded with his own smirk.

"That's funny. I was thinking that YOU were Bat-pony!"