• Published 27th Dec 2013
  • 1,052 Views, 18 Comments

Twilight Sparkles plays League of Legend. - Field Marshall Nuggetman

Her friends all play it. Her older brother plays it. Even Luna plays it. So why shouldn't Twilight play it. Well she's gonna a find out soon.

  • ...

I'll give it a try

"I don't get what's the fuss over this stupid game, it sounds like a complete waste of time." Said Twilight while she is on her phone.

"Come on Twilight just try it."

"I don't know Rainbow is it really that much fun?"

"Yeah it really is, if your team is winning."

"Can you just try to explain this game to me?" Asked Twilight.

"Well you see Twilight League of Legend is a MOBA game where you choose a champion and fight in this place called summoner rift. You control the champions and your objective is to destroy the enemies nexus and kill the enemy champion without you dying so much. It's a human game that has spread across their world and now to our world as well."

"It does sound interesting game but is there dying in there?"

"Oh no no no everyone their just respawn after death even the monster and minions."

"Well if it's that simple then I guess I'll give it a try."

"YES." Yelled rainbow through the phone."

"So how do I start?" Asked Twilight.

"First you gotta sign up go on your computer and type in www.League of Legend/sign up.com then choose a username and password. Then put in your email address and you should be set."

"Shouldn't I download it?" Questioned Twilight.

"Nah I already downloaded and updated the game the last time I was at your house for the sleepover you had a few days ago."

"Ok thank- wait a minute you didn't go to sleep and you stayed up all night playing it?"

"Yeah I kinda lost track if time."

"Alright fine then just give me a minute to type these stuff in." Said Twilight as she started typing.

"So what positions are you going to be?" Asked Rainbow.

"Positions?" Questioned Twilight.

"There's 5 positions to play as Top,Mid,Jungle,ADC and support. I always go top."

"I don't know yet. What role do they do anyway?"

"Top is a defensive champion, Jungle stays in jungle and helps other lane. Mid uses burst magic damage, ADC uses basic attack damage and support just support the team and the ADC."

"I kinda like the sound of Mid."

"Ok so you set yet?"

"Yea I'm ready to play now."

"Oh sorry Twilight I promise Applejack to help her out at the farm so I can't play right now. Go play a normal match and see if you like it."

"Oh wait Rainbow." Said Twilight but Rainbow has already hanged up and left.

"So normal high well I'm only Lv 1 right now so I guess I better start ranking up." Said Twilight as she pressed the play and clicked 'match we with teammates'.

But she quickly clicked CANCEL and looked at the front page.

"Oh I almost forgot I need to get my thing set up." Said Twilight as she got out of her seat and went to the kitchen. She quickly made some tea and set the cup on the table.

"Next a mouse."

She went to spike's room and borrowed his mouse and his mouse pad. She plugged it in and next press the PLAY button and press 'match me with teammates'.

After a minute of waiting she joined a match with nine other stranger.

Quackerjacks- summoner 1

Falling11223344- summoner 2

ALEXLEE- summoner 3

Magic Burst- summoner 4 (Twilight)

Mitch0000- summoner 5

Other five summoner is on the other team and there names are unknown yet.

"Ok so what are we all going today?" Asked Quackerjacks.

"Mid." Replied Twilight.

"Imma wing it and go ADC." Said Mitch0000 as he selected Ashe and locked in.

"Top or feed." Said Falling11223344.

"Come on are you really going to that gay ass person?" Asked ALEXLEE. (Usually curses get blocked but no imma tell you what they said)

"Yup I only played 2 games and there all on top." Replied Falling11223344.

"And let me guess you lost both games?"

"No only one of them. The other one I did pretty good." Said Falling11223344.

"Alright then imma go Jungle as he picked Lee Sin and locked in.

Falling11223344 clicked Garen and locked in.

"Magic what champion are you playing as?" Asked Quackerjacks.

"Well this is my first time so I don't really have any that I own." Said Twilight.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Said Falling11223344.

"STFU Fall, Magic pick a free champion that uses magic or AP. I'll go Leona ok?" Said Quacker as he picked Leona and locked in.

Twilight looked at the AP champions free this weak and there was three. Veigar, Lux and Kassidin. She thought that Veigar looks weird and Kassidin is kinda scary so she picked Lux and locked in. She had Ghost and Heal as summoner spells.

"Help me leash Red ok guys?" Requested ALEXLEE.

"Just don't die like a noob." Replied Falling11223344.

"Oh my fucking god Alex just mute him. I'll help you." Said Mitch.

"Good cause he's really pissing me off." Said ALEXLEE.

"Yeah he must be some sort little kid or a pony playing." Said Mitch0000.

"What's bad about being a pony I'm one." Asked Magic Burst (Twilight).

"Oh nothing it's just that I meet some really bad players and most of them are ponies." Said Mitch0000.

"Yeah it's that with out fast reflexes and hand eye/hoof coordination it's harder for a pony to do better than a human."

"Hey at least no one here is a fucking brony and going all ape shit actually asking questions about Magic Burst." Said Falling11223344.

"Well Falling that's what you think." Said Quackerjacks.

"Amen to that." Said Mitch0000.

Then the countdown begun.





"Good luck guys were gonna need it." Said Quackerjacks.

"You too Quacker." Responded Twilight as she takes a sip of tea.








Then the screen went black and the enemy team appeared.

Author's Note:

Ok so Twilight is only Lv 1 and a noob so she has no idea what to do. The other players are similar and there are smurfs here as well so well self explanatory. Also Rainbow is lv 30 but at bronze 5. so,I guess there fucked.

I need other player names and what champion and positions there are going. Anything is accepted except swear names cause that's not allowed.

Yes this universe the humans and ponies are connected via portal and MLP do exist.

I have two accounts for League

Cheddarwang-NA (forgot password)

Zhipeng222-NA (currently using) wanna play?

Please comment for names,champs, and summoner spells.

All people are lv 10 below. So no flash.

Wait a minute. I put up a link,explained the game and how popular it is..... I should get pay to sponsor for show games to other people. Oh well I guess getting to bronze 2 is good enough.