• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 826 Views, 8 Comments

Red Ash: The Struggle - RedAsh714

When a semi psychotic teenager learns at his 17th birthday party that the girl that he loves but never got the chance to tell so is dead,he does what most other teens in this situation would do:attempts suicide.But fate has other plans for this one.F

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The Loss Of Everything But Pain. Is This The End...Or The Begining?

“She’s gone… Devon...I’m sorry you had to find out this way,but you had to find out soon and this was the only time we could come.”said Josh.There were three others with him.The other three were his best friend William,William’s sister Sabrina,and Devon’s former pack member Jim.The five of them at the park near his house,so they could talk without interruptions from the other party guests.They had asked if they could talk to him privately saying that it was urgent and important.
The thing that they had just told him rocked him to his very core.They had made the trip to Modesto from Antelope to inform him of something that was always in the back of his mind but he had never thought it would come true.
“That… t-that can’t… no… n-No!” Devon stammered,”You’re lying!T-that CAN’T be!She C-CAN’T be… dead…,No this wasn’t supposed to happen!This is… this is my fault...I...I should have been there!”he said,”I should have stayed.I could have prevented this,this IS my fault!”he exclaimed ashamed that he let this happen.
“There is no way you could have known dude...we are so,so sorry…we know how much she meant to you.”said Jim.Both he and Devon had loved Rebekah.Devon had had to leave the city to move to Modesto,and it was right after he and Rebekah had just started unofficially dating.
“Were you two...dating when...when it happened?”asked Devon.He had always that that after he had left that Jim and Rebekah had started dating since Jim also loved her.
“Y...yes we were...we started to during our first year of middle school.”answered Jim.He
had been dreading being asked that question,his reason being fear that Devon would freak out and attack him after finding out the answer.
“Good.I had always wanted it to be you dating her if we didn’t date,it didn’t work out,or I moved.I guess deep down I always knew I would have to move away.We always do when I finally get used to a place,or when things finally start getting good.”admitted Devon.
He had no reason to lie about how he really felt about the situation.He had lost the last thing keeping him from being truthfully alone in the world.He had lost the last thing keeping him in this world,the last thing keeping him alive.
Now he was a empty shell,Void of life.He knew what he was going to do,which didn’t make the feet any less hard than it was going to be,he just didn’t know how or where he was going to do it.
Nothing mattered anymore to him;not school,not video games,not money,not family,and especially not himself.All he could do now was put an end to the pain forever.He planned on doing this by taking away his ability to feel.He would accomplish this by:1.killing himself;2. creating a situation that he couldn’t survive;3.go into a situation that meant certain death.
These were going to be his last few days on Earth.The only thing he regretted about his decision was that for some sick,sad,and twisted reason;he felt that this was the road that he was always meant to take and that he was setting himself free from a prison that he had always been in.
“I always did hate being apart of this world… and now… I WILL be… free…”he said.
And these were to be the last words he would ever speak to any human for the rest of time.

It had been two whole days since Devon had heard the news.He had gone home immediately grabbed a few things and left without so much as a word to anyone.There was a search for him going on and it was hindering his efforts to leave the city.
“It’s not gonna be much longer before they figure out where I am.”he whispered to himself.
He was on his way to the city limits so he could kill himself in peace.He was starting to get angry that he was being chased down for no reason.
“So NOW that I actually do leave she doesn’t want me to?That bitch makes no sense sometimes.”he ranted to himself.He had always had a habit of saying stuff instead of thinking it.The real reason being that he actually couldn’t hear his thoughts in his head most of the time so he had to say them to know what he was thinking.

~<+:One Hour Later:+>~

Devon had finally managed to reach the city limits.He was on a constant watch since the cops were still on the lookout for him.
“Finally!Geez,you would think that when you finally comply with someone’s request to pack and get out that they would be happy,right?I mean make up your mind you bipolar freaks.”
He had been ranting like this the entire hour since he had to rest.He was definitely not in the best of moods.If the cops did happen to show up before he had a chance to kill himself he probably would do something very stupid like attack them.This would only be a help to him in ending his life and he would use this tactic if given the opportunity.
He decided to use his knife to kill himself.Though it would not be a instant death he didn’t care.He had stopped caring about anything but fulfilling this goal the moment he had heard that the girl he loved was dead.He also thought of this a punishment for letting this happen.
“Well,I guess now is as good a time as any to get this over with…”he said to himself.He was going to do it right there until he spotted a large apple tree a few yards away.
“Well what do we have here?”he said.He that back to the fimfiction story he had read that year.The story was about AJ trying to kill herself because she accidentally caused Fluttershy’s death.(sorry but couldn’t find the story again when I began writing this.)
“Well I think that this is the perfect way to end one's life.Do it like your favorite TV show characters would.”he declared.It only took him about two minutes to make a decent nous.He planed to do it exactly like AJ did in the story except he planned on actually dieing unlike she did in the story.He climbed the tree and got on a high branch and tied the nous.He then put it on his neck and stood up on the branch getting ready to jump.
“My last words to this world is…”he paused for dramatic effect,”FUCK ALL Y'ALL BITCHES!!”and with those words he jumped with his eyes closed.
Alright one...two...three...four?I should have died on three.?What the FUCK!?I CAN’T EVEN KILL MYSELF PROPERLY?!REALLY?!YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!!!!
He opened his eyes and noticed a magenta glow all around him.
“This looks like Twilight’s magic aura...NO WAY!?WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!?!?! AAAAAAAA…”and he then vanished from the face of the earth.
It was about two minutes later that the cops arrived on the scene.They were so perplexed by what the saw that the thought that Devon’s body was stolen after he died by some sicko and decided that the case was closed.The thing that they would never know was that he had actually survived.

Author's Note:

This is only the prolog of sorts so don't be discouraged just yet Folks!

And again guys this is going to be my first fanfic EVER so constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Also on a side note: If any of you would be willing to be an editor send me a PM and just because I really enjoy a good story a list of the fics that you have edited for would also be appreciated.