• Published 24th Dec 2013
  • 1,691 Views, 84 Comments

Changeling for a room mate. - Jot Notes

Alex "Lexi" Stone accidentally strikes Chrysalis while delivering pizzas. His punishment? To put up with her until she can return to Equestria, of course.

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A royal mishap.

He didn't have time to confirm his suspicions as he slammed into the figure, knocking it into the ditch. Alex took a second to catch his breath, and realized his heart was racing. He was alive, but what he hit…what was it? He could have sworn it looked familiar, but there was no way it could have been…

He got out of the car slowly and walked over to the front of his car. The front of the car wasn't damaged damaged; he must have hit it lighter than he had thought. But if that was the case, how did it end up in the ditch? He cautiously approached the fallen figure lying in the side of the road. It wasn't moving, and it was difficult to identify in the dark. Looking around, to see if anyone was coming, then wrapped his arms around the foreign object. The body wasn't overly heavy, and he moved it with ease into the road, where he could see it with the help of his headlights. The body appeared to be riddled with large holes, not as if it had been shot, but rather the carapace was mottled to begin with. This only confirmed his suspicions further. Shaking, he rolled the body onto its back so he could see the face and nearly screamed with surprise.

The face was unmistakable, the mane easy to recognize. He was staring at a changeling, and not just any changeling. No, he had run over Queen Chrysalis herself. A fictional character, a cartoon of all things, had ended up in front of his car! But that was impossible. Changelings didn't exist; this thing should only exist in stories! So how on earth did he manage to strike one down? Her eyes were closed, which led him to believe that she was dead. So not only had he struck his favorite villain, but he’d killed her, too. But was this the real Chrysalis? Alex knew from experience that there were certainly a lot of alternate universes that this changeling could have come from, and that meant that this one could easily have been from one of those other worlds…but did it really matter where she came from? She was a fictional character from a TV show; she shouldn't be here at all!

Alex looked around, scanning for headlights. He had to move the body before anyone else saw it. If the police found it, she could be considered some kind of alien life form. Or the news would get a picture of her, and the entire brony community would get in an uproar. No, he couldn't risk that; he needed to move the body into his car, for now at least. He scooped her up in his arms; she was surprisingly light despite her size, and he was able to lift her fairly easily. He carried her into the car and just about set her down on the pizza. In all the excitement, he nearly forgot to deliver it. Carefully, he lay the body in the back seat of his car and climbed into the driver’s seat before closing the door.

He drove the rest of the way to the customer’s house as though he were on thin ice, but he reached the farmhouse relatively fast. Grabbing the pizza, he took a final glance at the broken creature sprawled across his seats, then closed the door and began to run towards the house, where he was greeted by an unhappy looking middle-aged man.

“You’re ten minutes late!” The angry, balding man growled.

“I’m awfully sorry for that sir.” He handed over the pizza, which the guy snatched from his hands.

“You should be! I’ve got three starvin’ kids whining to be fed here.” The man scolded.

Alex rubbed his neck awkwardly. “I’m sorry sir, I just hit a…deer a few miles back, and I had to move it out of the road.”

The man’s expression changed a bit.

“You hit a deer? How big was it?”

Alex considered this a moment. “Not very big; it didn’t damge my car much.”

“That’s good, then. I’d thought that you’d been hurt.” The man seemed guilty for shouting at him now, which made Alex feel a little better.

Not all people are bad, he thought. All it takes is a little mortal danger to bring everyone together.

“Once again, I’m sorry about being late. Hopefully the pizza isn’t too cold.” Alex accepted the payment for the pizza and turned around. He wanted to get back to the car and make sure that something was done about the body before anyone noticed it.

“Watch out for any more deer!” The man called after him. He merely raised a hand in acknowledgement and continued to walk through the snow.

Climbing back into his car, he took a look at the body, which hadn’t moved since he had left the car. He wasn’t worried that she was still alive; he was just hoping that he had actually run over a changeling, and had not gone totally insane. But it was a changeling, alright, from her gangly looking horn to her mottle black body.

He rubbed his temples as he tried to think. He couldn’t dump the body just anywhere. He would have to have it destroyed, or someone would surely find it. He considered the various ways he could get rid of it. If he wanted to, he could try filling his tub with acid and taking a hacksaw to her…no, he couldn’t do that. A hater might do it in a heartbeat, but this thing was still one of his favorite ponies. He supposed he could burn it, but he’d have to find a suitable place to set up a fire, and he couldn’t think of a single place to set it up at this time of year. He could bury it, but a man burying a corpse in the middle of a city was sure to cause trouble. The only option he had was to take her home with him, and bide his time until he could think of a way to get rid of the body.

He began driving home slowly, trying to avoid sliding off the road. He threw glances at the body occasionally, but it remained unmoving. He stopped only for red lights when he entered the town, and when he did, he tried to act casual, so that no one would give him or his car a second glance. He thought that someone had spotted the figure in the back gor a moment, but they had only been eying his front bumper. He made a mental note to get it fixed as soon as possible.

He couldn’t have gotten home fast enough, in his opinion. He pulled up to the front of his building and slumped in his seat with a sigh. No one had spotted him, now he only needed to get the corpse inside. But first, a quick breather was necessary. He took several calming breaths before he was ready to look behind him. Then, he painstakingly took hold of the changeling and began to pull her from her spot, and out of the vehicle.

Carrying her proved to be difficult. She was easily twice as long as he was tall, and she dragged against the floor wherever he went, leaving a strange looking imprint in the snow. He tried to cradle her like a child, but she was too big for that, and he it made him feel rather silly. Instead, he carried her in a fireman’s carry, and attempted to climb the stairs with her on his back. It worked well, and he got her into the apartment without any further trouble.

As soon as he got her into the apartment, he looked around for a place to put the body. He wanted her out of the way, somewhere where she might be safely tucked away for the next little while. He set her on the couch for a moment and went on a quick tour of the house, trying to find a decent place to hide her. His bedroom was a no-go; he needed to sleep in there. Besides, there was nowhere for her to be stashed; the closet was too small, and there was no space under his bed. The shower might do, but if she went in there, it might be a long while before he ever took one again. He considered hiding her behind his sofa, but if the body began to decay before he got it in the ground, the whole apartment would begin to stink of death.

He was considering putting her in the icebox down the hall when he heard voices coming from the living room. Turning white with horror, he walked towards the source, listening for intruders…or worse. With each step, the voice became clearer. It was a feminine voice, a voice filled with outrage, with a cold hateful undertone. He knew the voice well, but he couldn’t believe he was hearing it. Palms sweating, he peaked around the corner into the living room.

“What kind of ridiculous prison is this?” The changeling queen complained as she looked around her surroundings. She used her magic to lift up a TV remote and examined it. “All of these random trinkets, the strange furniture, it’s like being trapped in somepony’s grandmother’s house!”

She threw the remote clean across the apartment, where it struck a wall. She sat back down on the sofa, and closed her eyes, as if thinking. Alex crept out of his hiding spot, and came closer for a better look. She appeared to be focusing, and didn’t notice him approaching.

It was impossible, unbelievable, some sort of scientific anomaly. And yet here it was, sitting on his couch, insulting his décor, and being an overall douche.

“H-hello?” Alex ventured cautiously. The changeling whipped around and stared him down, forcing him to shrink away a little.

“You!” She spat the word. “You were the one that struck me! You dense little…” She glared at him, wishing him a painful death.

Alex raised his hands in defense. “Look, I’m sorry,” he began.

“I don’t want to hear I’m sorry!” The queen snapped. “You attacked me and then kidnapped me! I’m going to destroy you for this!” She looked like she was concentrating very hard on something, but Alex didn’t feel anything. A few minutes passed, and still nothing.

“What exactly are you doing?” He asked, confused.

“I’m trying to get in contact with my subjects!” She growled in a strained voice.. “But I can’t hear them…what kind of magic did you use, you foal!? Why can’t I hear my people’s voices?” She gave him an accusatory glare.

“Nothing! I don’t do magic at all, I swear!” His palms were sweating, and he was trying to find a way to calm down. But how do you calm down, when you can’t relate a situation like this to anything you’ve experienced before?

“Liar!” She screeched. “You’ve employed some sort of force field, or killed my minions! Nopony kills my minions but me!” Her horn glowed, and Alex felt a tugging motion as she attempted to throw him. But he never got airborne. In fact, the tugging sensation was weaker than it had been initially. Alex looked at the changeling in confusion. Chrysalis was still trying hard to lift him, but it looked like it was taking a lot out of her. Finally she stopped, and staggered around, trying to keep her footing (or hoofing, rather).

Alex stared. “Listen, I’m sorry I hit you, but you have to understand: this isn’t your universe. You somehow ended up in a different universe than the one you came from.”

The Changeling Queen considered this.

“And why should I believe you?”

“Because I’m the guy who picked you up off the road and tried to find a place to shelter you?” He guessed.

She laughed coldly.

“I don’t need help from the likes of you! From what I can tell, you hardly have time to take care of yourself!” She gestured about the messy apartment, garbage littered everywhere.

Alex’s face burned.

“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay…” He sounded hurt.

She laughed even harder at him.

“Do you have any idea how pathetic you sound?” She sneered. She changed shape in a burst of green flame, causing Alex to jump. Disguised as him, she repeated his own words.

“I just wanted to make sure you’re okay…” She spoke in a mocking tone.

Alex looked exasperated.

“That’s the thanks I get for saving you?”

“What did you expect, a kiss?” She turned back into her original shape and made kissy faces at him, making him turn red.

“N-no! I was just thinking you’d be more grateful!”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and turned towards the entry.

“I’m a changeling queen, you moron. It’s not my job to reward peasants like you for your idiocy. I can handle myself.” She began walking towards the door.

“It’s cold outside.” Alex tried to explain.

“I’m a grown mare,” She snapped. “I can handle a little poor weather.” She tried using magic on the door; only she couldn’t turn the knob. She struggled with it for a few moments, before Alex walked towards it and opened it slowly for her. She tried to bite him on her way outside.

Alex closed the door behind her, and heard a long string of curses as she fell down the steps. He turned away and rubbed his temples, walking towards his room. The problem had been solved, and she was no longer his responsibility. If she died out in the cold, he wouldn’t feel guilty over her death, and if she made it home, then good for her. In the meantime, Alex was exhausted from the day’s excitement. He stumbled into his room, and crawled into the bed sheets. In a few moments, he drifted off to sleep.