• Published 22nd Dec 2013
  • 422 Views, 11 Comments

To Lose A Friend - BumbleFlow

A small kingdom is being overruled by a Tyrant who has lost all sanity. He then orders one of his "friends" to kill one close to him. Will he do it?

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Destruction upon the Spectre (Part I)

Dark Spectre turned back into her mare form.

He had to think of a reason Bumble may not be attending like usual.. Or maybe he could make a story on why she is dead.

Otherwise, it was time to clear her fur and mane, along with the rest of herself. She got a towel, it was in the closet, I guess if Bumble needed another, she had an extra.

Things lay around the room in a clean mess fashion. Bed was made, closet was a bit un-organized, but it looked like she tried. A few things like pencils and such lay on the floor, scattered about. Of course, Bumble's corpse was now something to add. And Blue Breeze had to clean that up also.

Blue Breeze moved Bumble's now dead body, thinking to herself on how she will explain Bumble's death. She used the towel to scrub the blood off her fur as best as she could.

Fur just does not mix well with blood, but eventually, she got it off. She then had to move Bumble's body, and make sure no blood was on the floor either. So she drags it over to the closet, of which was cramped already with clothing and art supplies. Along with random trinkets here and there.

"Awe come on Miss Bumble whatever, why don't you fit!?" She shoved Bumble's body as far into the small closet the best she could, then slams it shut. Looking over at the bloody mess she made, she sighs, and starts to clean the blood off the floor with the towel.

She was surprised no pony was around to hear her, and after about ten to twenty minutes of hard scrubbing the ground, the blood was gone. She then hid the towel in a dresser to make sure no pony would go around looking. She knew that no pony in the right mind goes throughout some pony as important and frail as bumble's dresser. So it was a perfect hiding place.

She then goes out of the room, quickly, and quietly, making sure no pony was around to see her leave the room. She quickly darted to her room, and started to draw out some plans on the paper they had left there.

The plans made perfect sense to her, in her mind at least, it played out, like an old cartoon.

She was to kill Wizzle Piff, making sure he dies so he wouldn't interfere, and she would yet again make Paper Quill her crazed assistant. And now that she is an alicorn, she would be of more use.

Blue Breeze giggles to herself, but evilly. She tried to keep herself quiet, so she then saw the moon starting to arise. She whispered something to herself, and then went to her bed. She was going to carry out the plan the next day.

She falls asleep on the bed, and ha a dream, where she is counter-attacked, and fails. She wakes up in the middle of the night, "No! You shall not defeat me!" She yelled. Then realizing it was only a dream. She sighs in relief, "Glad it was only a dream.. Hehe, why would I even believe it? I am certain I shall not fail."

And she goes back to sleep for the night.

The morning interrupts her slumber, she wakes up, filled with energy, and ready to kill. Knowing who to strike for next, her plans must commence. And she will have her stolen kingdom once again.

She got up, brushed her mane, not realizing that mares have it so hard that they have to brush their mane, tail, and fur, all to look nice. And they still have to do another million things.

After a good twenty minute session of what seemed like forever, of brushing. She finished, and looked in the mirror. She finally looked decent enough to go at least around the castle.

That's all the space she needed after all.

She grinned, trying to not make herself look insane, but look happy this fine morning that Celestia has arisen, she trots down the halls of the castle, knowing them by heart, but she makes random turns and such to make it look as if she doesn't.

She runs into Wizzle Piff in the dining area, where he is having break fast along with Paper Quill, "Ah good morning Miss Breeze" Paper Quill said to her, with a warm smile. Blue Breeze smiled back happily, "And a good morning to you Miss Quill." She nodded to her. She glanced over at Piffy, who was sipping on what looked like coffee.

She sat by Paper Quill, the dining area was a big room, the ceiling was high above them, about a hundred feet in the air, and it curved over, the walls looked stupendous, made of a light blue looking stone or wood. It had windows amongst them. And the windows were made of stained glass, making the beams of light in the room very colorful.

"How was your night last night Miss Breeze?" Paper Quill looked over at Blue Breeze.

"It was.. It was splendid. Never have I spent a night in a castle!" Paper Quill had no idea of what was going on in Blue Breeze's head, but Blue Breeze was obviously lying to Miss Quill, if she wanted to sound believable, she had to lie to get there, which in her mind, was perfectly fine, but in any pony else's sane mind, it was a terribly wrong thing to do.

Paper Quill looked over to her with a bright smile, "Well, this is where you shall be staying, haha,I am glad you enjoy it here." She nodded, and went back to eating her oat cereal. Paper Quill went back to eating also.

Wizzle Piff finished his food, they ate silently, Paper Quill and Blue Brush, for neither of them had anything to say to one another, so they both quickly finished their food, washed their platter, and went to the big room, where Dark Spectre once reigned his terror, Paper Quill looked at the throne, in the back of her mind linger that this place was once not safe, and she was not safe, but she wondered to herself of why she knew this. Wizzle looked over at her, he was worried that if she remembered, that she may go insane, or probably become hurt, physically, or mentally.

"Are you alright Paper Quill?" Paper Quill then looked at Wizzle, after wiping a sad expression off of her face, she smiled warmly, and almost motherly.

"Yes, I am fine." She looked back at the throne, her right brow furrowed, she looked like as if she was reading old writings from olden pony times and was trying to decipher it.

She was deep in thought, she was thinking to herself of why she could picture it being wrecked and very saddened by chaos, and why she could imagine herself as a crazy young Pegasus. She did not know why those images came to her head, afterwards, she shook her head, trying to rid her head from those images.

Wizzle kind of looked at her, the type of look as if she was an odd pony, he knew that losing years of memory can hurt any pony very badly, so he let her be, not wanting to disturb her while she thought to herself.

"So Wizzle Piff, what shall we be doing today?" Blue Breeze was glad that she did not mention Bumble Flow, for she hated her, and having killed her the night before, she did not want her brought up, or she would have to start making excuses as to why she was gone.

Paper Quill looked over to Blue Breeze, "Or, what do you want to do Miss Breeze?" She wanted Blue Breeze as comfortable in her new home as possible.

Blue Brush thought to herself a bit. She couldn't come up with anything off the top of her head, so she made something up, " Can we see what the rest of the castle looks like? I'm a tad curious." She smiled a bit sheepishly, Paper Quill looked at her, warmly smiled and then responded to Blue Breeze, "Sure."

Blue Breeze smiled brightly, "Alright, just tell me when you want to, or when you are ready, I'll be free all day, of course." She giggled a bit to herself. She trotted back to her room, and sat in there, just thinking about how to make for Paper Quill and Wizzle Piff's demises.

Wizzle watched as the young Green mare trotted off, he wonder why her name was Blue Breeze when she was green. But he didn't let that linger on his mind for too long. He went off to his office in the castle, a good sized room, about 25 feet by 25 feet. He went into his office, and went to his files, of which had every pony that lived in his kingdom in there, and their information, he knew it may be a bit odd to do so, but he wanted to remember every pony that has ever lived there, and what they were like while they lasted, for he out lived them. And will continue to out live more generations to come.

He went to an empty folder, scribbled a drawing of Blue Breeze, it looked fairly similar to her, and he put the information that he knows.
Race: Pegaus
Age: ?
Gender: Mare
Name: Blue Breeze
Height: 4"4
Miscellaneous: A green Pegasus by the name of Blue Breeze resides in the castle, 3rd floor, 18th room, down the hall to the left of the first room on that floor, you will find her room, and that of where she resides. She is a kind young mare, who has only moved here recently, and shall reside in the castle until she may find a permanent home to live in.
He smiled at the little file, from hardly knowing anything about her, he stripped that much information about her, he felt proud of himself. He put the file where Blue Breeze fit. While looking at the others to refresh his memory on the ponies he has met before, and filed.

He looked out of the window, down onto the kingdom, replenishing, it looked like they all were happy down there, in the market place, playing in the play grounds, smiling their days away to a happy ending, so it seemed. But something lingered in the back of his mind, a bad feeling of un-safety, like as if something was to happen soon, but he didn't know what, or when. He then tried to put it in the back of his mind, he knew his kingdom was safe from harm, so why worry about something so small as a worry? He shrugged, and continued to watch as the kingdom below himself flourished.

Paper Quill was very happy, she could not wait for the tour to happen, she was afraid she might show the wrong directions, or mess up, so she became very worried, and started to freak out.

She then went to her desk, and started write down things she could say about each room, and how she could make it fun for the young mare to enjoy her time in the castle. So she continued working.

Blue Breeze was in her room, preparing for Paper Quill's death to come. She had a small knife in a saddle bag, she put a sandwhich in there also, so she may not look suspicious going into an empty bag.

She set off to Paper Quill's room, and after a few minutes of galloping through the tremendous castle, she found it. It had a scroll marked upon it, with what seemed like writing on it. She she knocked on the door.

Paper Quill hurried over to the door with glee,

"Hey Blue Breeze! Are you ready for your tour of the castle?" Paper Quill was beaming with happiness, never has Blue Breeze ever seen her so happy, she looked at her for a moment, with her head tilted, she then shook her head, coming back to reality,

"Uh, yeah, but.. How about, if.. Maybe I can see your room first?" She smiled sheepishly, she was curious as to what the once crazy pony's room looks like.