• Published 21st Dec 2013
  • 22,915 Views, 748 Comments

Pretty in Pink - Sarcastic Brony

Anon was rather content with his life in Equestria. Now, he must comes to terms with his feelings about a certain pink pony.

  • ...

Day Fifty

I rub the back of my neck nervously as I look down to my journal. I don’t know why, but I feel as if it’ll be disappointed in me for all the things that have happened. I rub my eyes trying to settle these thoughts. I know it may seem silly, but this book literally holds the collection of my life here in Equestria. I guess I’m being a little sentimental. I pick up my quill and flip to a new page.

It’s been awhile, hasn't it? I know you’re probably wondering about how my life has gone since the last update.

I feel that strong twinge in my heart as the thought of her comes to mind.

It’s been awhile since anyone has heard from Rainbow. The letters she's been sending seem to become fewer as the days go on. Twilight last told me that she was in Cloudsdale and planning on leaving to Las Pegasus after that.

I feel my teeth clench some.

She hasn't sent me any letters yet. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I-I was hoping our friendship meant something to her, even if she couldn't have more.

I shake my head some. I can't blame her, she’s just emotional right now. She needs her time. It’ll all work out in the end.

Things in Ponyville could be going better. Some of the ponies are starting to avoid me again. The news about Rainbow leaving because of me spread rather fast. They don't know the entire story, yet they still find it best to push me away. It’s not as bad when I first arrived, but I have a feeling it might happen again soon.

That’s a bit of an understatement. I’ve been losing clients left and right. When you become known as the creature that made one of the elements runaway, ponies tend to hold a grudge against you. I can only hope that things won't get as bad as my arrival here.

There is a bit of good news to come out of all this. Pinkie and I are becoming closer. It feels like she is here every hour of the day now. I don't mind at all to be honest. I’ve become use to her being around. I will admit that having her close helps me feel better about everything. I get the feeling she probably feels the same way.

I feel a smile spread on my lips.

Today I actually have a bit of a plan. You can keep a secret, so listen carefully.

I close my journal as I hear the sound of someone walking into my home.


The sound of Pinkie's voice brings a smile to my face.

“I’m in my room. I’ll be down in a minute!” I call to her.

I get up and walk over to my closet, getting dressed quickly. I don't leave her waiting as I find her sitting in the living room. I take a look around at the room again. I’ve got to find someway to thank Twilight and Applejack for helping me fix the place up.

“So what are we going to do today?” Pinkie asks.

I walk over and take a seat next to her. I rest my arm over her shoulders as I pull her close.

“Whatever you want, Pinks.”

She looks to me with a smile as she leans a little close to me.

“Well, there’s something I’ve been dying to do since I woke up this morning.”

I feel a grin cross my lips.

“Oh really?”

She grins back as she slowly leans closer to me.


No words are needed to be said as we meet in a kiss. Pinkie and I have actually gotten use to kissing each other. In fact, it feels almost weird to think what it would be like if we were to not kiss each other daily. Pinkie pulls back with her usual smile, my face probably mirroring hers.

“I love you.” She says.

“Love you more.” I reply back.

She lets out a sigh of content as she leans her head against my chest.

“Can we stay like this for awhile?”

“You don't even need to ask.” I say as I gently pet her.

I have to admit that I love moments like this with Pinkie. We don't have to do anything to enjoy the others company. Just being there for the other is enough to make our moments together perfect.

“How’s work been?” I ask.

“The usual. The Cakes have me watching the twins every so often.”

“Those two seem to be growing up rather fast.”

Pinkie nods. “They’re already saying more words.”

“Really?” That’s actually surprising to hear.

“Yup. They said mom today.”

I smile at that. “I bet Mrs. Cake was happy to hear that.”

I feel her push into me slightly.

“Of course.. but, t-they said it to me.”

I feel my heart hitch at that.

“Wow.. That’s amazing.” I notice Pinkie is silent. “The Cakes weren't mad, were they?”

Pinkie shakes her head.

“No, they were just as happy to hear them speak.”

I move slightly away from Pinkie so I could face her. I notice her eyes are slightly glistening.

“What’s wrong?”

She gives me a small smile.

“I don't know. It just makes me think about my life and the future.” When she looks to me, I can see a certain unsure look in her eyes. “D-Do you think I could be a good mother?”

That question definitely catches me off guard. I can't ignore a certain pain behind those words she spoke either.

“Well, yeah. Why wouldn't you be?” I say without hesitation.

She looks away from me.

“Well, I guess i'm just afraid if I could take care of a foal full time. I only take care of the twins for a few hours at most. What if I mess up or what if they don't like me.”

I feel my smile slip some. We’ve never talked about this before, it may seem early, but I think I should bring it up.

“P-Pinkie.” She looks to me with her eyes still glistening. “You know that... That I can't-”

She puts a hoof on my lips to stop me.

“I know, Anon.” She removes her hoof from my lips and then wipes her tears away. “We don't need to worry about this right now.” She giggles sadly. “We have a lot of time to figure out that stuff later.”

I give her a hesitant nod. She’s right, we have a lot of time to deal with that stuff later. I put my arm around her again as she rests her head on my chest.

“Just so it’s out there.” I say catching her attention. “I think you would make a great mother.”

“Thanks, Anon.”

The silence builds between us for a few minutes.

“So, momma Pinkie?” I say with a smile.

Pinkie playfully hits my thigh.

“Don't call me that, Anon.” I can hear the smile on her face.

“I don't know. Kinda has a nice ring to it. Momma Pinkie. I might need to call you that from now on.”

Pinkie leans up as she gives me a glare, but the smile on her face makes it less effective.

“You better not.” She warns.

I smile at her as I pull her into a kiss. That throws her off guard long enough for me to jump up to my feet.

“Make me!”

I quickly run out the room as I hear the sound of hooves following after me. The sound of our laughter filling my home.

Pinkie and I are sitting on the blanket we set up under a tree in the park. After our fun, we decided that we would head over to the park and have a picnic. Pinkie was nice enough to have made everything that was set out for us. The two of us enjoyed the time together as we just relax and watch time fly by. Pinkie and I are talking to each other about random stuff. Nothing too important, just general chit chat.

While we are mostly focused on each other. I still noticed a few ponies giving me looks out of the corner of my eye. Pinkie noticed this too and only offered me a sad smile. She’s tried her best to get some of the ponies back on my side, but not even she could stop them from believing what they thought was the truth. For the most part we ignore it though. None of them have been very vocal about me.

“Hi, Pinkie, Anon.”

Pinkie and I both look over and see Twilight standing there.

“Hey, Twi. What brings you around here?” I ask.

“Looking for you actually.” She answers.

I feel my brow raise a bit at that.

“Really? What reason?”

I watch as she uses her magic to float a letter towards me. I take it from her and look it over.

“What’s it about?” Pinkie asks.

I reread the letter over again to make sure i'm reading it right.

“I-I don't understand.” I say in disbelief.

“What?” Pinkie leans in and looks at the letter. After awhile she looks at me. “What’s wrong?”

I look to her, then Twilight, and back to the letter. It’s a simple letter actually. It’s from Celestia and she says that she is going to make a public announcement about my presents here on this planet. She believes that this will stop the xenophobia that her ponies have towards me.

“I don't know what to say.”

“This is a good thing, Anon!” Twilight says with a large smile. “You won't have to worry about ponies treating you differently anymore!”

I gulp some as I give her a nod. To tell the truth, I wasn't too happy about this. Not for the fact that ponies will treat me better. It’s just they thought of why they will treat me better. They’ll probably just treat me well because they think i'm either a friend of the princess or some kind of dignitary. It won't be because they care, but fear what could happen if they act out against me.

There’s nothing I can really do. I don't want to turn something like this down either. Celestia seems to have gone through a lot of trouble to set this up.

“So when does this happen?” I ask.

“Whenever you get the free time.” Twilight adds.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“You’ll need to go to Canterlot for the announcement.” She states matter of factly.

I look to the letter again. It doesn't say anything like that?!


“Ponies need to know what you look like. You don't expect Celestia to describe what you look like, do you?”

I guess that makes sense.

“Why isn't it the letter?” I ask.

Twilight perks up.

“She sent another letter to me. She wants me to be there with you, as well as Pinkie.”

“This all seems so sudden.” I admit.

Twilight gives a few nods. “I understand, but princess Celestia did state that it all happens when you get the free time. She doesn't expect you to drop everything to head over to Canterlot.”

I look to Pinkie.

“What are your thoughts on this?” I ask.

“Well, it’ll be the weekend soon. I’ve got nothing planned.” She answers.

I let out a sigh. “Me neither.” I look to Twilight. “Let Celestia know we’ll be there this week.”

She gives a nod. “Perfect. I should be able to fit this into my schedule.” She gives us a quick wave. “I’ll leave you two alone. Be sure to be ready.”

I nod. “Sure thing, Twi.”

With that Twilight walks away. I look over to Pinkie as she gives me a large smile.

“Isn't this great news?”

“I guess it is. Do you really think this will stop ponies?”

Her smile slips some. “Not all ponies, but I think a lot of them will.”

“I guess it’s better than nothing.” I slowly rise to a standing position. “Lets go back to my place. I’m getting kinda tired.”

Pinkie nods. “Perfect idea.”

Pinkie and I are back on the couch as I read a book. Pinkie is lying in my lap so she can read as well. It’s just some random adventure book I found at the library.

“Do you ever wish for a life like that?” Pinkie asks.

I chuckle. “I think everyone’s had the idea cross their minds.” I’m at the part where the pegasus is being held in a cell, the cell filling with quicksand. “But most people never realise that the danger is part of the adventure. I would much rather continue a mundane life if it means I won't drown in quicksand.”

Pinkie nods. “I would rather have a mundane life too, but sometimes my friends and I get ourselves into adventures.”

I feel my mind click back to the fact that Pinkie is an element of harmony. Even if she is laughter, I still find it shocking that she is so important to this world.

“Well, things are calm.” I admit.

“They are.” She says as she nuzzles my chest.

I look over to the clock and see that it’s about to be night time soon. Pinkie seems to notice this as well as she looks over and lets out a sad sigh.

“I better get home before it’s dark.”

As Pinkie tries to lift herself from me. I grab her hoof. She looks to me with some shock.

“Pinkie.” She is fully facing me. “I-I um..” I feel my nerves start to kick in. To think I would still have butterflies in my stomach.

“What is it?” She asks, curiosity on her face.

“W-would you like this to be your home?” I force out.

Her eyes widen as she takes in what I said.

“W-What are you asking me?”

I gulp again. “Well, this place is pretty big and it does get lonely.” I scratch the back of my head nervously. “I just thought that, I don't know.. Maybe you would like to live with me?”

I start to feel my nervousness grow as she just looks at me. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea?

“T-That sounds nice.” She answers.

“Really?” I say with a smile growing.

Her eyes glisten some as she nods. “A perfect idea.”

I can't stop myself as I wrap my hands around her and pull her into a kiss. She doesn't struggle as we enjoy this moment for all its worth. We both pull away from each other blushing heavily.

“Welcome home.” I say.

She smiles at me. “I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.”

Author's Note:

It feels like it's been awhile since I updated this story. Anyways, here's the next chapter. Large time skip as you seen. The next probably won't be as large, as I want to get a bit of Slice of life from his meeting with Celestia and getting Pinkie moved in.

As always, hope enjoy it. Till next chapter!