• Published 21st Dec 2013
  • 5,724 Views, 45 Comments

Always Calm is Flutter's Mom - Night--Mist

Sometimes a mother needs her baby girl back.

  • ...

Hello Mother

It was a peaceful Friday morning at Fluttershy's cottage. She and her animal friends had just finished cleaning up the house and were waiting for Fluttershy's mom, Kind Heart to arrive. "Now Angel Bunny, I want you to be nice to my mother when she shows up. I know how much she's gonna wanna tickle you," Futtershy said.

Angel Bunny did his best to keep a strait face. He wouldn't admit it, but he always liked it when Kind Heart visited. "Mr. Honeycomb, you make sure not eat too much at once while she's here. It's very rude to over eat while we have guests," Fluttershy said to her bear friend.

Honeycomb roared and nodded in response to let her know he would do his best. "Beaverton Beaver. Don't gnaw on any hardoak branches or you'll get a tooth ache again, and we remember what happened last time, so only maple like my mom said before," She said in a soft tone.

Beaverton Beaver put his face in his paws to hide his blush about the hard oak incident. "And everyone, please give my mother a warm welcome," Fluttershy requested.

All the animals give her a generous nod and soon there was a knock at the door. Fluttershy smiled and went to open it. There stood Kind Heart. She bared a striking resemblance to her daughter. In fact the only way to tell them apart wa by their manes. Where Fluttershy's was pink, Kind Heart's was Sky Blue. "Hello my little angel, how are you today?" Kind Heart asked in her motherly tone.

"I am better know that I get to see you mom. All the animals have been excited to see you. I was glad they weren't too excited," Fluttershy said in her shy tone.

"Well, aren't you going to invite me in?" Kind Heart said with a chuckle.

"Oh... yes, come on in mom," Fluttershy said with a timid smile.

Kind Heart walked into the cottage and saw all the animals looking at her with welcoming smiles. "Hello everyone. Honeycomb, have you lost weight since the last time I saw you?" Kind Heart joked.

Honeycomb blushed. "Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, you need to put on a few more pounds if you wanna stay warm during your hibernation dear," Kind Heart said motherly.

Honeycomb gave a goofy smile at her comment. "And Beaverton Beaver, I hope you have been gnawing on the soft maple trees I recommended," Kind Heart said.

Beaverton nodded and showed her a maple branch in his paw. "That's good little one," She said as she petted his fur, making him slap his tail excitedly.

"Mr. Honey Badger, you haven't eaten too many juneberries again have you?" Kind Heart asked quizzically.

Honey Badger shook his head, remembering when he ate one too many fermented juneberries and couldn't walk or run properly for two days. "That's a good boy," Kind Heart said as she scratched his chin, making him fall on his back so she could rub his belly.

Fluttershy smiled as her mother was saying hello to all the critters in the cottage. Sometimes she felt her own mother was more in tune with the animals then she was, and that motherly side of Kind Heart only pointed more towards that case. She remembered how her mother came and congratulated her on her cutie mark, for in many ways it resembled her own. You could say it was like mother like daughter.

Even though her father was no longer around, she knew he would be proud of her no matter what. One thing she's knows she inherited from him was her shyness. Her mother was more out going, but her name spoke true of her personality. She would never get into fights with other ponies, unless the occasion called for it, and ever since Fluttershy was born, Kind Heart also had her maternal sense kick in and always wanted to protect her daughter when she could. Some who knew her even even nicknamed her Brave Heart.

Once the hellos were through, Kind Heart sat down with her daughter on the couch. "So how have you been dear? Stallions haven't been giving you trouble here have they?" Kind Heart asked.

"No, all the stallions in this town are very nice, and the young ones, like Snips and Snails do have a goofy side to them. One stallion is extremely nice, and he is what some would say a big softy, and the mares like him for that, including me. They are much more kind around here then in Cloudsdale or Canterlot," Fluttershy said, shuddering when she remembered a run in with Prince Blue Blood.

"Next time I see that stallion, I will give him a peace of my mind," Kind Heart said, knowing who she was thinking about.

"Mom, you don't have to do that for me," Fluttershy said.

"You're my daughter Flutter's, and no stallion or mare hurts my little girl in any shape or form. That Griffon learned her lesson after I was done with her," Kind Heart said in a defensive tone.

"Mom really, you don't need to if you don't want to," Fluttershy said.

"I know, I know, your a grown mare. It seems only yesterday you were just the cutest, most devine little foal I ever laid eyes on. Oh how I wish I could have those days back with you. You wouldn't worry about anything and I would take care of all your animal friends for you. I have been thinking a while, and I am gonna settle down here in Ponyville. I've been all over and help other ponies learn how to help other creatures in need of our assistance. It was only two years I have been all over the land, and they all learned so fast. But now it's time to let somepony else take the reigns and help them, and for me to find a place to call home, and what place better then here, close to you," Kind Heart said.

"You really mean you're going to stay?" Fluttershy asked in surprise.

"Mmhm, I mean it," Kind Heart said.

"That's so great mom," Fluttershy said in her shy tone.

"Yes it is," Kind Heart Repiled nuzzling her daughter.

"We should have a special lunch to celebrate. That is if you want to mom," Fluttershy said.

"That's a great idea honey. I'll set the table while you grab the food and drinks sweetie," Kind Heart said.

"Okay mom," Fluttershy said.

As Kind Heart set the table, Fluttershy went to the fridge to grab the food and drinks she could find. She then noticed she was out of wild apple cider (non-alcoholic). "Oh, mom, it looks like I ran dry of wild apple cider. I'll go get some more," Fluttershy said.

"Well, why don't you get some regular cider from the Apple family's farm?" Kind Heart suggested.

"Oh, the wild apple trees are on the Apple Farm mom. That's where I was going," Fluttershy said.

"Okay, dear, just be careful. I'll wait here with our cute little critter friends, and our big cuddly ones too," Kind Heart said as she petted Honeycomb.

Fluttershy was soon off. She made her way to the apple farm and offered to pay Applejack for the cider, but said it was on the house due the fact her mother was in town. Fluttershy made her way to the wild apple tree area of the farm and was met with a challenge. all the apples were either fermented or the tree was picked clean. She searched for a long while until she came upon a tree that had wild apple ripe enough and not fermented.

Having been given a filter to take out any imperfections in the juice, Fluttershy picked a few and got to work as she filled her pitcher up with the cider. Soon it was full enough she threw the apples to the side and let the earth reclaim them to grow more. She then made her way back over to where Applejack and thanked her for letting her get what she needed.

She soon trotted back to her house, happy to have the cider in hoof. She soon made it back in and said, "I have the cider mom, now we can celebrate."

"That's great dear," she said as she finished tickling Angel Bunny.

They soon sat down and began eating their lunch. They talked about how Fluttershy should find herself a nice stallion to date and possibly marry someday and how many of the adventures Fluttershy's been on nearly dwarfed Kind Hearts own adventures in comparison. It then came time for the cider and Kind Heart only asked for a small glass. Fluttershy poured her a very small amount, but she gave herself a full glass.

"To your permanent stay in Ponyville," Fluttershy said with joy.

"Cheers," Kind Heart said.

They tapped each other's glass before each taking a drink. "Wow, that cider is good, has a nice kick. I shouldn't drink any more though, go ahead honey," Kind Heart said.

Fluttershy nodded and drank the rest of her's as they continued to chat. Once nightfall was close, Fluttershy helped to get all her animal friends down to sleep, and as always, Angel Bunny was the most stubborn. "Come on Angel, you need to get rest so you can feel bright and bushy tailed tomorrow," Fluttershy said.

Angel crossed his arms as he sat there with his night cap on. "Come on now, everyone else is sleeping," Fluttershy said.

"Let me handle it dear. Angel, you better get some rest or there will be no extra carrots or carrot entrees tomorrow," Kind Heart said.

This immediately got Angel to put his head on his pillow and fall asleep. "All a matter of persuasion honey. When they're stubborn, find their weakness," Kind Heart said.

"I'll try to remember that one mom," she yawned.

"Aww, is my little girl getting tired?" Kind Heart said.

"It's been a long day mom, I think we could both use the bed rest, I mean, if you think we should," Fluttershy said.

"Yes, quite right sweetie we could use the rest. Would it be alright if I slept with you tonight? You know, have some time to be close to my daughter?" Kind Hear asked.

"Oh, um, I don't see why not. I, do feel safer with you close to me, so, okay," Fluttershy said.

"Thank you honey," Kind Heart said.

The two mare soon got ready for bed and once everything was finish, from brushing teeth to cleaning off their hooves, the two mares climbed into bed. Kind Heart cuddled around her daughter like she did when she was a little filly. "Good night mom," Fluttershy said.

"Good night, my little Flutters," Kind Heart said as she nuzzled and kissed her daughter.

Soon the two mares were asleep, unaware of what next morning would bring for both of them.

Author's Note:

End of chapter one. Hope everypony enjoyed this first chapter. The regression is coming, don't worry. I plan to make more chapters, plus more stories that lead up to a sequel of all of them. Please leave a positive comment and constructive criticism for me. As always, stay tuned. I thank all my readers for helping in what ways they could. From leaving funny comments to helping my grammar and giving me ideas to look upon. you all rock, keep on reading.