• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 1,276 Views, 5 Comments

Lessons Taught - GhostyNotesy

Discord, the Mane 6, Spike and the princesses all go to Earth. This can't be good for anypony at all

  • ...

Discord And Royce And Rock Band 3

A/N: Yeah, still getting my stuff together, so uh...Season 2 finally ended. (Sniff) I'm gonna miss wakin' up on Saturday morning to wacth my favourite show in the world...but Season 3 has been confirmed! So we just have to wait. See you whenever it comes out. Just make sure you un-freeze me. *Steps in cyrogenic freeze chamber*

Chapter 4: Element of Dis-WHAT?

"...An Element of Dis-WHAT?" Royce screeched, trying to wriggle out of the creature's grasp. It loosened a little, letting Royce squeeze out of the hold he was in. Patting the wrinkles in his hoodie, he turned back around to face the monster, but it was gone. "Hey, the heck did you go?"

"Right above you." Royce craned his neck up and saw the monster flying over his head. It was the first time he noticed it had wings, one of some bird and the other a bats. It had one of those smartass looks on its face, and Royce just hated those looks. They reminded him of the faces his past girlfriends who had attempted to get even with him after they caught him cheating with other guys made when he got beaten. He jumped back a few feet.

"Who the hell are you! Matter of fact, what the hell are you?" The creature floated downto the ground and slowly stalked towards Royce, the latter trying to back up, but was blocked by some sort of wall...which...wasn't even there. The creature laid its arm around Royce's neck, making him shudder. Never before had he felt this close to passing out or releasing on himself. The monster smiled and took its arm off Royce and backing away. Bowing, he introduced himself.

"I, young Royce, am-"

"That's another thing. How do you know my name?" Royce objected, pointing his finger at the monster. It cleared its throat, obviously annoyed that it was interrupted. "As I was saying, I am Discord, the Spirit of Disharmony, bringer of chaos, lord of everything that is chaotic. And you, Royce, are my first Element of Disharmony: deception."

Discord finished his short introduction by spreading his arms, making fireworks shoot out of his claws. (Eagle claw plus a paw equals a claw. Deal with it.) Royce stood there, stupified. This Discord thing sounded a lot like one of his favorite actors in the world, John de Lancie. Shaking his head of any random thoughts, he turned back towards Discord. Scratching the back of his head, he spoke.

"Okay...Discord...where are we? And what are you supposed to be?" Discord fell backwards and landed on nothing, which suprised Royce. Discord snapped his talons and produced a pair of sunglasses from thin air and tossed them to Royce, who fumbled with them before he managed to get his grip. He looked back at Discord, who had yet another pair of sunglasses. He patted the spot next to him and summoned two glasses of a brown liquid. Royce did not move from his place, amazed at what Discord could do.

"You can either stand there and not do anything while I explain, or you could come sit with me, relax a little and drink some of this wonderful chocalate milk. Your choice." Discord tilted his head back as he drank some of his milk. This made Royce's mouth water a bit. He extremely loved chocalate milk. Without thinking twice, he dashed to the monster, snatched the milk and guzzled it down, belching after he was finished. Discord's glasses slid off for a moment, shocked at how fast and greedy Royce was with the delicous substance. Smiling, he patted an invisible space to his right. "Take a seat."

The human hesitated, but slowly walked towards the "seat". He took a breath and sat down, and to his suprise, landed on thin air. Bucket-loads of questions filtered Royce's mind. This was clearly defying the laws of physics, and would make any scientist he knew's head blow up. Discord smirked.

"Like I said, I am the Spirit of Disharmony; I can do anything I want to anything I choose to. Summoning objects with the snap of my fingers, breaking and entering into a pony's mind, cheating life and death. You name it, I can do it. Now, to answer your other question. Right now, both of us are inside your mind."

"But, why is everything so...dark? I can't see a thing besides me and you."

Discord tapped his chin, and with a shrug of his shoulders, came up with one of the most useless questions known to man. "Beats me."

Royce sighed. "OKay, but why on Earth are you in my mind?"

"Simple, my little whatever you are,"

"I'm a human being."

"I don't care. The reason I'm inside your head is because... I am a part of you! Isn't that simply marvelous!" Discord flew ut of his seat and hovered over Royce, arms spread. There was an awkward silence that followed. Discord coughed and scratched the back of his head. "So, uh...any questions?"

Royce raised his hand and stood up, a smile on his face. Discord pointed his lion paw at him. "Yes, the dark haired human in the front." Royce took a deep breath, then shrieked at the top of his lungs.

"ARE YOU FUCKING STONED? WHAT IN GODS NAME IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE! First, I get knocked unconscious by a bunch of talking horses, then I'm thrown out the window and land somewhere, and now you come along, saying that you're somehow stuck inside my head, because you're a PART OF ME? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Royce didn't notice during his rant that Discord had put on some ear muffs and conjured a book. When he didn't hear anymore noise, he stopped reading and removed the ear muffs. He was bout to make a comment, but stopped. Royce was confused, but felt a tingling sensation down below. He looked down at his legs and gasped. His lower body was becoming translucent. He started to hop around, panicking.

"What's happening to me! Did you do this! You did! I know you did! When I get my hands on you I swear to bullets I'm gonna-" Discord made a zipper appear on ths side of his mouth, and with a flinch of his talon, the zipper closed around Royce's mouth, shutting him up completely.

"Royce, I don't have time to explain everything to you right now. But if I am correct, you're waking up. When you fall back asleep, I'll be here. Waiting. Hmhmhmhmhm. Hmhmhmhahahaha. Bwahahahahahahaha! MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!" Discord cackled as Royce, shivering in fear, finally dissolved into nothing.

"Hey...I think he's waking up!"

"Do you think he's okay?"

"I hope he isn't mad at us..."

"Someone go get Arcanel and The Princesses!"

Royce groaned in the bed he was put in. He tried to open his eyes, but he was only met with total darkness. He put his hands to his face and felt a cloth draped over his eyes. It was warm, and that made him feel better. He was about to remove the cloth when he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Royce...you okay?" That was Arcanel talking. Royce smiled and was about to speak when he heard another voice, this one loud and really, really obnoxious.

"Well, of COURSE he's not okay, Arky. Just look at him! His head is messed up, his little nose looks broken, and I'm pretty sure he has a scar somewhere on his face...Oop! There it is!" The owner of the voice prodded Royce's left cheek, where he felt a stinging sensation. It must have been a scar or something...but how did he get it? Royce's heart started to beat faster and faster as he reached for the cloth over his eyes once more. He slowly pulled it away. A pink horse with a cotton candy looking mane was the first thing he saw. She giggled and proceeded to jump all around him.

"Ohmygosh, Royce. You cannot BELIEVE how much fun we had while you were unconscious in this room! We ate cake.."

"My birthday cake!"

"Played with that little black doohicky in your living room..."

"You touched mt PS3?"

"Took a tour of this really, really big house..."

"You went in my parents room!"

"And we had a really great time with Arcanel! You should take some lessons from that guy! He's really nice to us, and he says you should, too!"

Royce was shaking in total rage, and everyone in the room could see this, all except the pink horse. Arcanel lifted her off of Royce's bed and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him.

"Royce, calm down! I know you're upset, and I take full resposibility for leading these ponies around this house, eating your food and touching your stuff without your say so, but you need. To calm. DOWN!" Arcanel tried to reason with the angry 17 year old, but his words never met Royce's ears. He just sat there, quaking in place. Arcanel gathered all the ponies in one corner, shielding them with his body, knowing that as soon as Royce's feet touched that floor, shit was gonna go down. Suddenly, Royce stopped shaking. Slowly, he removed the sheets on top of him and got out of the bed. He limped to the bedroom door and was about to open it when he turned back to the others. He smiled, one that put Arcanel's skin on edge.

"Hey, you know what," Royce said. "I'm over it." He walked out the room.

"What was that all about?" Rainbow Dash asked, now on top of Royce's bed. She made sure she didn't touch any of the nasty bandages. Arcanel took a seat next to her, the other ponies sitting around him. He wiped his head, clearing away any sweat. Though he was older, he was afraid of Royce. He had major anger issues, and could be easily ticked off.

"Well, Royce is...he's a really good kid, but it's just that...his emotions tend to kick any reason out of his head. He's really defensive when it comes to anyone touching his stuff. We ate his cake, I showed you his house, inside and out, and I even let you play some of his video games. How would you feel if strange people came into your house and just acted like they owned the place?" Silence. "Yeah, I thought so." He rose from his spot and walked towards the doorway.

"Royce likes to play video-games whenever he's angry at home. I'm gonna go check in the basement and see if he's there. If you wanna come along, you can." He left, all the other ponies and Spike followed suit.

Royce limped over to his second Xbox360 and inserted the Rock Band 3 disc. He picked up the fake guitar and took a seat on his leather couch. Adjusting himself to she could be confortable, he waited for the game to fully load. When the game finally started, he went to song selection and was about to play alone, when Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere again. Royce yelped and flinched. "Ahhh, it's the mobile migrain! Your so annoying!" Next came the blue princess, Luna. "Oh, no! Microphone! Don't hit me! Don't hit me!" He held up the guitar in self defense. Applejack layed her hoof on Royce's shoulder.

"Now hold on there, sugarcube. Ain't nopony gonna hurt 'ya. We all jus' came on down here to see if ya'll was alright." The other ponies nodded in agreement. Arcanel was the last to come down. He jumped over the couch and landed next to his best bud. He looked at the screen and grinned. Without a word, he got back up and sat down on the game's drum set. He reached over and tossed the games bass to Spike. Royce furrowed his brows, hissing.

"The hell do you think you're doin'?" He said, browsing the games song list.

"Well, while you were unconscious, I showed them this game. Spike and I were the only two who could play the game,seeing as we were the only ones with these babies." He held up his fingers, as did Spike, chuckling. Royce scoffed, then smiled.

"Alright then. You two can play. But we're choosing the song I want to play."

"Fine by me."


"One that will make you're fingers hurt like hell."

"Excuse me, Royce Torres...but what song are you speaking of?" Princess Celestia asked, her hoof on her chin. Royce's evil smile grew and grew when he selected 'Through the Fire and the Flames, by DragonForce.

"Infierno ah sangriento." Arcanel muttered to himself, preparing for one of the hardest songs he has ever heard to play.

"Can't pussy out now, guys! Get ready! 3...2...1...GO!"

To be continued...

Yep, just got done wacthing the season finale, and like i said, when Season 3 starts, get me outta the chamber so i can watch! Oh, and there's this video i wanted you guys to watch that Royce, Arc and Spike play together. Here's the link to it: /YEpO7hBMQcs

Royce: xTheShadesterz -Guitar

Arcanel: DragonTaser -Drums

Spike: NsfkMjmMal -Bass

Later, bros!