• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,916 Views, 25 Comments

Friendship is Shining: The Ticket Disaster - Hopeful_Ink_Hoof

One stallion, five mares, two tickets

  • ...

Even The Library

Shining Armor felt a sense of relief as he caught sight of the library. He was looking forward to having some nice quiet time alone to think. It was hard enough to try and decide who to pick, and having his friends try and bribe him were not helping. Maybe some peace and quiet would help him clear his mind and come to a decision.

As soon as he opened the door, the stallion heard the sound of singing. The voice sounded familiar, but he could not quite place it. Pushing the door open further, he noticed... birds. And squirrels. That would have given him a good idea who was singing even if he did not see her.

A butter yellow pegasus with soft pink mane floated in front of one of the shelves. She held a sponge in one hoof, wiping along the wood as she continued to sing to herself.

"Fluttershy," Shining Armor groaned. "Not you too."

"Oh!" Fluttershy turned to face him. "Uh... Hello Shining. I hope you don't mind, but we're all doing a little spring cleaning for you."

"Oh?" Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Oh, yes," Fluttershy continued. "It was Angel's idea." She turned slightly and pointed.

Angel, the rabbit, sat on the table. He was wearing a chef's hat as was tossing a salad. As he was being noticed, the small rabbit gave a smile, waving one of the little white front paws. It was incredibly cute, even if the rabbit was not as innocent or gentle as he could appear.

"And this," Shining motioned around the library with one hoof, "has nothing to do with you wanting the ticket to the Gala?"

"Oh, no," the pegasus mare answered as she landed. "I'm doing this because you're my very best friend. Right Angel?"

Fluttershy turned to look at Angel. The rabbit continued to stand where he was, no longer smiling. He was frowning at the pegasus, his black eyes narrowed into a glare.

"Oh," the mare turned back to the stallion. "Yes. We are just doing this for the ticket."

Well at least something can be honest about their motives, Shining Armor thought. He watched as the rabbit grabbed the bowl of salad and brought it to the stallion, holding it for Shining to see.

"This is all very nice of you and Angel," the stallion said as he turned and walked back to the door, "but I would appreciate if everypony would stop trying to convince me with gifts and favors. I would like some time to think and consider the options in peace." Using his magic, he opened the door. "So, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"SURPRISE!" a group of voices shouted from outside the door before several party horns blew noisily in the stallion's face. Before he could even register what the buck was going on, Shining Armor found himself grabbed by Pinkie Pie and then suddenly in a crowd of ponies tossing him into the air.

"Shining is my bestest friend," the pink pony sang. "Whoopie, whoopie."

"Pinkie," Shining said as he reached the apex and started to fall.

"Cutest, smartest, all around best pony. Pony."


"I bet if I through a superduper fun party, party,"


"he'll give his extra ticket to the gala to meee."


The ponies that had been catching Shining Armor and tossing him back up now all took a step back, letting him fall to the ground with an audible thump.

"Yes, Shiny-hiny?" Pinkie Pie asked as she moved to look down at him with a wide grin on her face.

"I appreciate the honesty," Shining said as he moved to sit back up, "but I would like to decide who to give the ticket to in-"

"What ticket?" a lavender pony with yellow mane asked.

"You didn't know?" Pinkie turned to answer. "Shining has an extra ticket to The Grand Galloping Gala."

"The Grand Galloping Gala!?" practically every pony surrounding them shouted.

Buck! Shining thought as the realization sank in that practically every pony in Ponyville wanted to go. They all started chatting at him excitedly.

"I've always wanted to go."

"It would be so exciting."

"Have I mentioned how handsome you are."

Shining Armor looked around quickly, ears pulled back against the side of his head. His eyes flicked back and forth, searching for a way to get away from the ponies that seemed to be everywhere around him. He caught sight of Spike as the dragon pushed his way through the crowd. The young dragon grabbed the stallion and started to lead him through. Unfortunately, the two continued to be stopped as pony after pony made offers of items and favors in exchange for the ticket (although none actually said it was for the ticket).

"What are we going to do?" Spike asked as he pushed close to Shining Armor.

"At my signal," the stallion replied, "I want you to make a break for the library. Soon as you get in, lock every door and window. Got it?" He got a quick nod from the young dragon. "Good. Now, ready?"

Shining Armor turn and ran as fast as he could, his hooves thumping on the ground. With a leap, he managed to clear a couple of ponies in his way and make a break for it. The crowd turned to watch then started chasing after him, leaving Spike behind. Taking advantage of being left alone, the young dragon ran for the library to do as he was told.

For his part, Shining Armor ran through Ponyville as fast as his hooves could carry him. Looking around, he tried to find a way to lose them, but it was harder than he expected. Finding Applejack's cart, he dove behind it and managed to get unnoticed by most, but one mare managed to pop up right next to him and another popped out from the treats, looking down at him. Bolting, he started to run in the opposite direction.

An idea came to him. Shifting his path, he grabbed a large shoot that he knew would be mostly hollow. The stallion sprinted over one of the bridges as he chewed on the ends. Satisfied it was ready, the stallion dove into the water. He stuck the tube up out of the surface of the water, allowing him to breath and stay under. He was sure no ponies would think to look for him there.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement. Turning, he found a pony in swim fins with goggles and a snorkel paddling toward him. Not being as well equipped to swim as the other pony, he jumped out of the water and started running again.

Maybe he could hide in a shop. Running for one, he pushed the door open, causing the bell to ring. For a moment, the place seemed empty, until one of the mares he had seen from earlier popped up from behind the register. Instead of talking to her, he ran through the shop and out the back door into an alley.

After a quick glance around, he caught sight of some crates. Charging for them, he jumped up onto the crates and started climbing. With a final jump, he landed on the roof of a building and started to move first along the edge then across the main support beam. If he could make it down the other side without being noticed, he might have some time.

A pair of pegasi landed on the roof, one on each side of the main support beam. Both of them talking, the pair started to walk toward Shining Armor, making it difficult to continue the way he planned. Hoping for the best, he turned and ran down the roof, jumping off the edge.

It hurt when he landed, but nothing seemed broken.

Shining Armor kept running. He tried to think of something else to try. A way to get away long enough for him to escape back to the library. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, he had made a mistake. Soon, the stallion found himself trapped in an alley with no way out and a herd of ponies rapidly coming toward him.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated and focused on his magic. Shining had been hoping to get away from all the ponies long enough to find a quiet place and do what he was about to, but that seemed extremely unlikely. So, seeing no other choice, he went ahead and used his spell then and there.

A glowing bubble suddenly appeared, encompassing the stallion. Just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, collapsing in on itself with a popping sound a flash of light. When it disappeared, so had Shining Armor, leaving the crowd gasping and wondering where he had disappeared to.