• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 455 Views, 7 Comments

A heart that's not so broken - AceInsane

Queen Chrysalis takes on my OC as her student

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Don't Go Breaking My Heart

Torn Beat was an average pony, living a pretty average life. In her home, everything was quiet. She studied herself in the mirror. Besides her average dark gray coat, you wouldn't think she was very average at all. Her part scarlet part indigo mane gave meaning to her nickname of Two-Tone given to her by her best friend, Fluttershy. Her rose colored eyes looked no different, and her broken heart cutie mark matched the red in her mane and tail. “It’s going to be another boring day.” She muttered to herself. She brushed out her mane and tail and left the house.

---Queen Chrysalis’ POV---

“Let’s see, today I think I’ll go as…ah, yes, perfect.” The slender queen’s crooked horn glowed with a bright green aura, and before she could open her eyes she had transformed into a different pony. Her horn glowed once more, now with a minty green aura, and she transported out of her castle.

When she landed in Ponyville, she began strolling around town, occasionally stealing some energy from a couple of the weaker looking ponies. Her mint green coat suited her well, and being a unicorn was only an added bonus seeing as how she was naturally a skilled unicorn changeling herself. After a while of pointlessly traveling around the town, she spotted a pony. Frozen in place, she stared at the pony. She sensed this pony this pony was different from the rest of them; mindlessly bumping into ponies, strange looks being shot at her from everyone. And her mane. Her mane is much different than anypony else’s mane the queen had ever seen. A lump formed in her throat. C…could it be? After shaking her head free of her racing thoughts, she decided to approach the pony.

“Hi! Do I know you from somewhere?”
She was disgusted by the way her voice sounded, but she wasn’t about to let the pony out of her sight.
“Uh, probably, but I’m sorry, I don’t know you.”
Her voice was surprisingly elegant with a hint of slang. It was not too high, but not too low, either.
“Oh, well that’s okay. Do you want to come back to my place for some tea? We can catch up on where I know you from. Although, I gotta warn you, it’s kinda far from here.”
“Uh…sure I guess.”
“Great! Follow me.”

The pair trotted towards the Everfree forest, past Fluttershy’s house.
“Alright, just through here!” Queen Chrysalis said. Torn Beat had heard things about this particular forest from Fluttershy, but they didn’t really faze her. Queen Chrysalis led the subject of her interest through all kinds of trees until they reached a clearing in the forest. All around there were houses and stores and bigger buildings, and far in the back situated on top of a hill was a rather crooked looking black castle. “We’re here.” Queen Chrysalis said.

---Torn Beat’s POV---

Torn Beat couldn’t believe her eyes. There’s an entire village here in the forest!
A door closing caught her attention. She looked to see a black, sort of disfigured creature step from the door. Is that a changeling?! That must mean… She looked over to the minty unicorn next to her, who was now covered in a bright green glow. Then, her body changed into a different form; a slender, black unicorn with holes in her legs and bug wings on her back. Her two-tone eyes looked down at her rose hued ones. “You’re…you’re…”
“Queen Chrysalis, queen of the changelings. Don’t worry, I promise I will not hurt you, I simply want to talk.”
“Uh…” Torn Beat was quite frankly taken aback by the queen’s sheer beauty. She had heard about this queen, but the way she had been described made Torn think she was some awful, hideous creature.
“Al… alright.”
“Excellent. Follow me up to my chambers, we will talk more there.”
“Okay.” Apparently a few of the changelings had been watching, because as soon as the queen started walking towards her castle, a few of them hurriedly went back to whatever it is they were doing. Torn trotted behind Queen Chrysalis, rather closely in fact; the changelings sort of scared her. The entrance to the castle that was now looming over her was guarded by two just as menacing looking changelings. Queen Chrysalis leaned over and spoke to one of them, and he nodded his head. The elegant queen continued walking and went up a flight of stairs. Torn followed her up the stairs to what she presumed to be her bedroom.

“Come in, make yourself comfortable.”
Torn sat down in a chair while Queen Chrysalis lay down on a rug with her front hooves tucked under her.
“Now, it’s unfathomably and extremely ridiculous that I, the great Queen Chrysalis, am going to tell anypony but…”
The queen sighed.
“When I first spotted you back in Ponyville, I knew there was something different about you. In fact…I saw myself when I was younger, before I was banished to this forest. I saw how I used to mope around the city, only barely ignoring the stares I got from the other ponies.”
Torn Beat fidgeted in her chair, deeply engrossed in what she was hearing.
“It’s why I steal love and other emotions, you know.” The queen continued. “It’s why I feed off of it. Sure, it would make me the most powerful mare in all Equestria, but…I had little love growing up, being an orphan and being so…different. I guess you could say…the loves fills a hole in me.” The queen smirked to herself at her last comment. “What I’m asking you is…err…what was your name again?”
“Oh…my name is Torn Beat, but some ponies call me Two-Tone.”
The queen seemed to tense at the mention of her nickname.
“Yes…Two-Tone…what I’m asking you is, would you like to be my student?”

“Oh…I…” Torn thought to herself for a moment. Be the student of the evil queen of the changelings?! It sounds absurd, but…I kind of feel sorry for her. I mean, she can’t be all bad… she ended her thoughts and came to a conclusion. “I…will accept your request, Queen Chrysalis. I would be honored to be your student.”
The queen’s half and half eyes lit up.
“Excellent. I look forward to it. Leave now; there is work to be done. Return tomorrow.”
“Yes, Queen Chrysalis, thank you.”

After getting back out of the forest, happy yet confused, Torn walked to Fluttershy’s house and knocked on the door. A familiar yellow coated mare opened the door. “Oh! Two-Tone, please come in.” Torn greeted her and closed the door behind her.
“Would you like some tea?” Fluttershy asked.
“Actually, I think I’ll pass on the tea this time, Flutters. Thank you though.”
“Oh, okay. I’m going to have some, though. I-if you don’t mind, anyways.”
“Not at all.” Torn was used to Fluttershy’s behavior, so she didn’t think much of it. Fluttershy sat down across from Torn on the floor with her cup. Should I tell her about what happened earlier? I don’t want to get her in trouble…no, I don’t think I will. Fluttershy stopped Torn’s train of thought. “So, Hearts and Hooves day is coming up, not too far away.”
“Yeah, and I still don’t have a special somepony.”
“Hm…do you like anypony?”
“No, and I don’t really plan to, either.”
“Yeah…I suppose I wouldn’t blame you for that.”
Torn looked out the window and saw it was getting darker outside.

“I’m sorry I can’t stay longer, Flutters, but it’s getting kind of late, and I think I should start heading home.”
“Oh…yeah. You can crash here if you want to!”
“Oh, uh, okay, only if you don’t mind.”
“No, not at all, Two-Tone. But, it’s only i-if you want to, that is…”
“No, I do, thanks, Flutters.”
“No problem!”

---Queen Chrysalis’ POV---

The sleek queen stood at her balcony in her room overlooking the forest. “How ridiculous of me…choosing a student who isn’t even a changeling. But…she’s practically a copy of me from when I was a filly. She…she even has the same nickname as me…No matter, I shall just see how everything goes tomorrow.”
Queen Chrysalis sighed to herself and crawled into bed.