• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 2,537 Views, 28 Comments

Pinkie Pie Goes to Hell - iamthemithras

In a desperate need to eat sweets, Pinkie Pie sold her soul to Satan in exchange for a cupcake. Almost instantly being taken, Pinkie Pie must now spend eternity punished forever in Hell... or will she?

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Chapter 2: Meanie Satan!




Chapter 2: Meanie Satan!

"Urrr.... Oooohhhh..... my tummy hurts....." Pinkie Pie laid herself on her bed again, feeling very sick from eating the week old muffin "I knew I shouldn't have eaten the muffin... but I just couldn't control myself!"

Gummy, her pet alligator just blinked its eyes to nothing in particular as it lay motionless on its basket the whole day

Pinkie Pie turned to Gummy, expectantly and attentively listening to her. maybe. She lifted the baby alligator from its basket, her eyes closed she sadly nuzzled the cute toothless alligator "Gosh gummy... I’m so hungry, I’d do anything for a.... a.... a.... aaaaaa"

Her jaw lowered and her eyes grew at the sight of a gummy alligator at her hooves instead of Gummy, her alligator... hmm... Pinkie became even more confused just thinking about that. Anyway, for some reason instead of her pet alligator held by her hooves, an alligator-shaped gummy candy was in its place instead. Her eyes twinkled and her expression gaped to a full-blown smile, her mouth watered as she slowly motion to the gummy alligator to take a bite.

"Ow!" just before she could clench her teeth to the treat, the alligator clamped its toothless mouth at her muzzle. The shock disillusioned Pinkie as she stare back at the confectionery still clenched at her muzzle only to see her pet Gummy in its place again

"Oh dear! I almost took a bite out of you, Gummy..." she pulled her pet out from her muzzle and placed the baby alligator at its basket "Silly me. I must have been hallucinating..."

She slumped herself back to her bed, even more worried about herself "Oh... I’ve been abstained from sweets for so long, I’m beginning to see things now..."

Gummy just kept himself motionless at his basket, blinking for maybe every 30 seconds as Pinkie heaved another long sigh, feeling sorry for herself.

"Ohhh....." Pinkie was not usually like this. She always feels giddy and happy around everypony, or at least most of the time. Not being able to eat some treats is such a large thing for her it brought her down almost with no effort. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........hhhh.....hhhh..... my tummy still hurts..."

She heaved another sigh. Pinkie became worried that she might run out of air from all the sighing she's doing while she continue to stare at the ceiling of her room "I sure hope Mr. and Mrs. Cake come home soon. I can't take it anymore... ... gosh, just listening to myself is so depressing! "

She glanced at Gummy one more time as if her pet would answer back. She gazed for a while at the unresponsive alligator, occasionally blinking from time to time to prove it has some semblance of life present

"Oh Gummy... I'd give anything for even just a cupcake right now."

There were several knocks at the front door below her room. Pinkie's ears rose when she heard the knocks repeat itself as soon as it arrived "Huh. I was sure I put up the closed sign at the door..."

The knocks repeated itself yet again making Pinkie Pie jump from her bed "Oh! It must be one of my friends. COMING!"

Going down from her room, she finally went and answered the door to see Fluttershy standing expectant of her "Oh hi Fluttershy!... wow... what happened to your coat and mane?"

Pinkie Pie answered the door to a red-coated Fluttershy with black mane instead of her usual light-yellow coat and pink mane. "ooh, nice horns! Aren't you terrified of Nightmare Night to go trick or treating?... hey.. isn't Nightmare Night past done already?"

"O-oh... I uh... yes. Nightmare Night is past done already" she responded with Fluttershy's trademarked soft demeanor, despite being a little odd matching with her new look.

"Then why are you wearing a costume?... are you? What are you even dressed up as?"

"Oh. Umm. I'm not wearing a costume, Pinkie"

"What? Yes you are! Look at your horns" Pinkie pointed her hoof to Fluttershy's horns and shook them a little.

"N-no.. P-Pinkie, this is what I really look like"

"Huh? No you don't, Fluttershy" she kept playing with Fluttershy's horns until Fluttershy shook off Pinkie's hoof.

"N-no uh.. Pinkie stop touching my horns. I'm not Fluttershy"

Pinkie raised an eyebrow at the red coated horned-pegasus "You're not?"

"Yes. I'm Satan actually"

"... Huh?"

"Y-yes... it's true"

"... Huh?"

"I am. Really. The ruler of Hell. Stop touching my horns"

Pinkie Pie let go of Fluttershy's horns again "Oh... uh... Huh?"

"Oh come on. Just because I appeared this way you won't believe me? W-Why do everypony always expect me to pop out from a ring of fire from the floor with ominous sound effects? Can't I break that clichéd entrance once in a while? Stop touching my horns!"

Pinkie Pie let go of the horns again "O-oh, sorry!"

"R-Right... Listen Pinkie Pie, I just heard you'll give anything for a cupcake"

The faces of the ponies almost met when Pinkie retorts, almost lunging at the red pony "Yes! I'll give anypony anything for just a cupcake!.. but maybe a fresh one. My tummy still hurts from the muffin earlier"

"Y-yes. I have a cupcake with me actually." The red pony held a cupcake with her hoof to show to the excited Pink pony. Pinkie Pie immediately felt insanely happy at the sight of the cream-topped cupcake wrapped lovingly. "You'll love it... It's straight from Hell's Kitchen"

"Hell's Kitchen?... pffft.... hahahaha!" Pinkie Pie giggled a little at Fluttershy, much to the confusion of the red pony "Wow Fluttershy, you're really taking Nightmare Night seriously!"

"But... I'm not kidding. It really is straight from Hell's Kitchen, and I-I'm not Fluttershy, I’m Satan! Ruler of Hell, where every bad pony go when they d-die. Stop touching my horns!" the red mare shook off her head again from Pinkie's hooves

"Ooh, sorry! I've just never seen horns like yours before! It looks so real..."

"I-It IS real!"

"Hahaha! Okay, okay Fluttershy, I’ll play along with you!"

Immediately a ring of fire encircled both Pinkie and Fluttershy as the latter transform into a large bipedal creature with a head of a goat and the legs of a bull, setting Pinkie off-balance the monster roared with a loud low tone at the pink equine "I AM NOT FLUTTERSHY!! IIIIIII AAAAMM SATAAAAAANNN!!!"

The monster then transformed back to its Fluttershy form almost as soon as it first changed "... i-if you don't mind me saying..."

"... W-Wha?..." Pinkie Pie couldn't control her shaking in front of the red mare who called herself Satan "..w-Who?... Y-you're really...?"

"Y-yes... I-I’m Satan"

"... WHAaa...." Pinkie Pie's pale and shaken expression didn't change one bit as the mare in front of her speak to the soft tone of the Fluttershy she knows "... but... w-why do you look like Fluttershy?"

"Y-yes... I tend to take the form of what everpony least expect for the devil to turn into... just a little thing I do"


"Yes. That's my name. Please Relax already Pinkie. I'm here to make a deal with you"

Pinkie's expression still didn't change, her body shaking, and her jaw barely moved with every word "Uhh.... deal?"

"Y-Yes... I'll give you this Cupcake--" Satan held the cupcake again to Pinkie Pie, making her gradually relax with the offer "--in exchange for your soul. Simple as that, really"

"My soul?" Pinkie Pie didn't take off her eyes from the cupcake as she ask the red mare "Why do you need my soul? And how do I even give that?"

"Simple. You eat the cupcake, and your soul is mine"

"Just like that?"

"Yes. Just like that"

"Hmm...." Pinkie Pie pondered for a moment, careful to consider her decision carefully. What hung in the balance was her soul and her hunger, one of which she'll have to sacrifice for the other. Becareful Pinkie. Your future and maybe the fate of Equestria lies in your decision-making skills. Choose wisely, young grasshopper. After carefully considering her options after a considerably long time, which is 3 seconds at most, she had come to a well-thought decision

"Okay! Give me that Cupcake!"

Pinkie Pie snatched the cupcake from the red mare's hand almost instantly "Good choice, Pinkie Pie. Now remember, as soon as you finish eating that cupcake your soul will be mine for eternity"

Pinkie Pie was about to throw the last remaining piece of the cupcake in her almost full mouth until Satan finished her sentence "hmm? wrairth arh mirrhnute..." she chewed down the cupcake in her mouth as she try to speak clearly, little crumbs of the cupcake escaped her mouth "you mean if I don't finish this cupcake you won't have my soul?"

"... uhhh.... oh dear..."

"YYAYY!" Pinkie jumped in glee at Satan's lack of planning "I get to eat a Cupcake AND keep my soul! hahaha!"

Satan, obviously angered by the situation transformed back into its monster form. Fire surrounded both of them as Satan bellows in anger "NO PINKIE PIE! I WILL HAVE YOUR SOUL! MARK MY WORDS!!!" with that final outburst, the devil disappeared with the fires around them and descended back to hell from a portal that opened in front of Pinkie.

She felt a lot happier that she get to keep Satan from having her soul. Pinkie looked at the small remaining piece of cupcake in her hooves "No matter what happens, I’m not going to eat you..."

Pinkie gazed at the crumb with a triumphant grin, all she had to do was to resist the urge of eating the last crumb. Easy enough, there's no way she could screw this up.

".... nnope! no way am I going to eat this cupcake! no!"

At that moment her stomach grumbled again, her mouth watered, eager for another taste of forbidden cupcake...

"...NNO! NO! I have to resist... I have to!" Pinkie Pie told herself as her hoof slowly approach her open mouth "...NO! Pinkie, you can do this. You're more than a cupcake eating machine! You have willpower! You can do this!" she prep herself as the crumb of cupcake hang between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, suspended only by the tip of her hoof

"Yes Pinkie Pie! You can do it! You can resist! PINK-IE PIE! PINK-IE PIE!" the image of several Pinkie Pies holding pom-poms and chanting her name appeared in her head, giving her more moral support than she actually needs "PINK-IE PIE! PINK-IE PIE!"

"Yes, I can do this. I CAN DO THIS!!" she then let go of the crumb from her hoof, letting it fall to the floor...

... only to be caught by Pinkie's tongue that extended from her mouth, which rolled back to its place bringing the taste of Hell's Kitchen's Cupcake in its return

"MMmmm.... Forbidden Cupcake.... Mmmm...." she savored the taste as a ring of fire appear in front of her and out appeared the familiar red-coated mare from before "Uh oh"

"W-well. That was fast"

"AHHH!" Pinkie Pie screamed as another ring of fire appeared to the spot below her, opening a portal to hell. She was able to initially grab hold of the edges of the portal, because going to hell wouldn't be nice "AAAHHH!!! EVERYPONY! PLEASE SAVE MEEE!!!!"

"Nopony can save you, Pinkie Pie! NOPONYYY!!! WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! o-oh umm.. if you don't mind me saying that is..."

Pinkie Pie lost her grip on the edge of the portal and proceeded to plummet down to the shores of Hell below