• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 1,414 Views, 39 Comments

The Caterpie Effect - Flames173

What happens when a caterpie inexplicably ends up in Equestria? War of course.

  • ...

The Escaped Legend

Tim was lying on his bed in his house in Hearthome City, planning out his next attack on Mewtwo.

"Claydol doll." His beloved pokemon said, floating beside him.

Tim's eyes started watering. Claydol was his most powerful remaining pokemon, and he wasn't strong enough to fight off the forces of Mewtwo and his legendary posse. "Ugg, Claydol, what should I do?"

"Doll claydol." it said.

Tim stared at his pokemon. He actually understood it for once.

"Clay?" it asked when he stared at it oddly.

"Claydol, you, you can talk to me!"


"Say something else.

"Clay clay doll."

"Yes, that's a perfect idea." Tim jumped off of his bed and ran downstairs and out the door, Claydol short behind him. he bolted straight for the poke center.

"Hello Tim, welcome to the pokemon center. Are your pokemon injured again?" Nurse Joy asked him when he entered the building.

"No, not today, but I need to use the PC." Tim answered.

"Well, you know where it is." she said, taking a few pokeballs off the healer and handed them to a trainer near the counter.

Tim went up to the PC and shoved the kid that was using it out of the way.

"HEY! What was that for?" he shouted, getting up from his fall.

"Sorry kid, saving the world here." Tim said as he logged into the PC system and took some pokemon out.

"I don't care, that hurt!"

Claydol floated up to the kid and stared at him.

"Uh, please stop, that's pretty unsettling."

"Doll." Claydol said sternly.


"Lets go Claydol." Tim said before bolting from the poke center as quickly as he came.

Claydol chased after him, but stopped at the door. He narrowed his eyes that were pointed at the kid and kind of shook his head before flying off again.

Raiku was standing in front of a group of cowering electric types, protecting them from Mewtwo.

"Mewtwo, you worthless scum, leave before you regret leaving the lab you were created in!" Raiku taunted the super being.

"Such big words from someone so, insignificant." Mewtwo replied, crossing his arms.

"Leave now, your psychic power doesn't work here, you are powerless!"

"Oh please." Mewtwo floated up to Raiku and stared him in the eyes. "Then why are you trembling?"

"I'm not, it's just, I was living with Entei the past few weeks, I got used to the heat from the volcanoes, so this is pretty cold to me."

"Suuure." Mewtwo said. He reached over to Raiku and touched his forehead. "So much potential, such little use."

"I do not have look to prove my strength, only protect this safe haven for electric pokemon."

"You could do so much, follow me and I will show you what you truly want." Mewtwo pushed his hand against Raiku's skull harder.

"No, and quit doing that, its weird."

Mewtwo pulled his hand back. "What?"

"You're lucky I'm not angry, now leave, your starting to get on my nerve."

"Why isn't it working?" Mewtwo looked at his hand then shook it and tried to corrupt Raiku again.

"I'm sick of this, you have until I get to five to leave."

"Wait wait wait."


"Lets work this out."


"Raiku, just, please, you can rule the world with me!"




"Ok, I'm out." Mewtwo turned around and flew off.

"Five. Too late." Raiku roared and lightning struck Mewtwo, knocking him to the ground. Then Raiku ran up to Mewtwo and pinned him to the ground. "You never should have come." Raiku pulled his head up and bared his teeth. Time seemed to slow down as he went to bite Mewtwo's jugular. Then Mewtwo realized, it was only Raiku. He quickly head bashed with Raiku and broke free from the pin. He fled again, but Raiku quickly recovered from the blow and chased him, lightning fast. Raiku slowed when he neared Mewtwo and waited for the perfect moment. He pounced on the psychic being and tackled him to the ground, pinning him again. "Not so fast."

"Look Raiku, I'm sure we can work something out right?"


Mewtwo looked around again as Raiku went for the kill again. He saw Dialga flying up to them as Raiku slowed again. He looked around, for a more immediate solution to his problem, he knew it would be too late when Dialga arrived, even with the slowed time. His head still hurt from the last bash. He wasn't doing that again. Then he saw, they were out of the lightning fields. Mewtwo moved his hand as much as he could, he reached for Raiku's leg and barely got the inside of the ankle. Raiku instantly stopped.

"What? Is there a problem?" Mewtwo asked.

"No, master."

"Perfect." Mewtwo said. Raiku jumped off of him, and he stood up. "Now, I need you to get Entei and Suicune out of their fields, so I can manipulate them too."

"Yes master." Raiku said before running off towards Entei's fiery field.

"All according to plan." Mewtwo said. He looked up at the thunder clouds above the thunder field. He saw a giant yellow and black bird. "I'll cross that bridge later." Mewtwo said.

"Ok team, we have to find Mewtwo." Tim said to his new team. "Everyone get on Wailord!"

"Waaaail." Wailord said as the other five pokemon climbed on him.

Tim climbed on Wailord too. "Ok Wailord, you're the float whale pokemon, and you're less dense than air. So, get us in the air."

"Looooord." Wailord wailed as he floated into the air.

"This is so cool." Tim looked down at the city, and laughed when he saw everyone's astonished faces. "Ok, Tropius, use gust to push the air behind us to propel us forward.

"Tropa tropa tropa." the indescribable nature bird thing said as it flapped its leaves to generate wind.

"Claydol, use light screen to make us invisible."

"Dol." Claydol made the group invisible.

"Typhlosion, get on Salamence's back."

Typhlosion nodded then did as he was told.

"Ditto, use transform on Claydol then get on Salamence too, and use light srceen."

"Deeto." Ditto did exactly what Tim said.

"Salamence, you use fly and follow us three."

Salamence stretched his wings and hovered just high enough for the rest of the team to pass him before he chased after Wailord and the others.

"There is nothing that Mewtwo can do to stop us now." Tim said. He pulled out his pokenav and called Prof. Oak.

"Oh hello Tim, how are you lately?" the professor said.

"Oak, no time for formalities. You've heard of what Mewtwo is doing right?"

"Yes I have, why?"

"I'm going after him."

"I suggest you don't do that Tim. Mewtwo is very powerful, and I already have Ash, Gary, Red, and Blue after him. They will be strong enough."

"No, they won't, you don't understand what he's doing, now tell me. Do you know where he is?"

"They will be strong enough, and I guess I can't stop you from going after him. I am getting reports that he is at the fiery fields. Good luck Tim."

"Thanks Oak." Tim hung up on the pokenav and shouted a command at Tropius, who obeyed, and changed direction of her gust. Tim was ready for the battle. He could have ditto transform into a dark type when he arrived at Mewtwo. Maybe, he could use his pokenav and call all trainers in the area and tell them to take out a ghost or dark type to help him fight. Tim ran all possible outcomes and battles through his mind. Most resulted in losing most or all of his pokemon, few resulted in victory, only one victory involved Mewtwo using his controlled legendaries in combat, but it was a bit of a stretch, it involved a lot of his pokemon pulling off critical hits. Tim took out the pokeball of his most beloved pokemon, Caterpie. "I will avenge you Caterpie." he cried. Tim looked back at Salamence, who was still following close behind, when he saw a green snake-like pokemon flying towards him. "Everyone, stop." he commanded. Tim's team stopped in place, and Salamence landed on Wailord's back. "What is that thing?" Tim asked.

Attention trainer. I am Rayquaza! I came to tell you, what you are doing is stupid and foolish. You are not powerful enough to achieve this goal. A voice said in Tim's head.

"What the? Are you the green thing?" Tim asked when Rayquaza stopped next to his team.

Yes, and trust me, you will need my help. When Ash and Red arrive at their target, they will see each other and instantly argue over who is the more elite trainer. Their expert trainer bickering will get in the way of the true objective, and they will be wiped out. Then Oak will be forced to send Blue and Gary. They will do the same.

"But, I thought Mewtwo trusted Red? Won't he do anything for his trusted trainers?"

Yes, you are correct, Mewtwo will do the same for Blaine and Yellow only, but you are not going up against Mewtwo, you are going for Mewthree.

"I thought Mewthree was shiny, or half robot."

That is a lie, Mewthree was another attempt to recreate Mew that failed also. Except, the part in his DNA that allowed trust was accidentally destroyed in the process. His purpose was to eradicate Mewtwo when he was lied to and made the dark pokemon, but the scientists couldn't make him in time. By the time Mewtwo was taught riotous ways, Mewthree was finally created. He is more of a glitch than all porygons combined.

"So, he still has the same weaknesses correct?"

Yes, but he is more powerful. Wait, I sense another person coming.

"Come closer. Claydol, Ditto, light screen!"

Claydol and his doppelganger made a glitch-like noise and the group vanished.

"Where did you go Rayquaza?" A pokemon ranger asked, swooping by on a staraptor. He flew in circles, looking for the dragon. "Where? I need you!"

"Staaarrr." The giant starling screamed. It changed course and flew around the group of heroes.

"What is it boy?"

"Starrrr star!"

"Something there?"


The ranger looked at the center of Staraport's circle. He got his capture stylus aimed and shot it. It flew forward and bounced off Claydol's light screen, shattering it in the process.

"Quick, Tropius, gust, get us out of here! Claydol, Ditto, use hyper beam on Staravia! Salamence, you use dragon pulse, and Typhlosion use flamethrower!" Tim shouted. Tropius began flapping his leaves to propel the seven slowly due to the wait while the other four pokemon charged up their attacks. "Rayquaza, you go ahead, we'll protect you!"

"Woah man! What are you doing? Hold your fire! I just want to capture Rayquaza to help stop Mewthree!"

"Stand down guys." Tim's pokemon stopped the assault. "Rayquaza is with me, but you can help. Go get some ghost and dark types, or maybe capture some legendary pokemon."

"I can't capture any legends. Once Mewthree has gotten to them, they are immune to pokemon ranger's styluses. Each legendary I have the guardian sign for has been captured, the others I can't find or are under his control already."

"Wait, guardian sign? You're Ben right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't you have Latios or Latias?"

"No, I forgot their guardian signs."

"Well, you still have Ukelele Pichu right?"

"No, I left him on his island with his pichu friends."

"Well, get some pokemon to help, Rayquaza is with me so scram!"

"Fine, but you'll regret not letting me help." Ben flew off on Staraptor.

"Ok, everyone, mobile mode, lets go after Rayquaza." Tim said. Salamence jumped off after Ditto and Typhlosion got on his back. Tropius pushed against the air to propel the impossibly heavy Wailord.

So, your little meeting with Ben is over I'm guessing.

"Yes, he gave up, he will no longer go for you, and if he does, Typhlosion here will be ready. And he won't aim for Staraptor."

Good good, now, back to out mission of finding and crushing Mewthree.
