• Published 9th Jun 2014
  • 410 Views, 1 Comments

Reign Of The Changeling Empire - Princess_Cadence

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Chapter One: The Empire Rises

“Take these foals to the dungeon. I will decide on their punishments later.” Chrysalis, the Queen of the Changelings, looked out the window at the chaos that unfolded before her eyes. Behind her, changelings dragged the limp unconscious bodies of Celestia, Shining Armor, and the bearers of the elements of harmony away to the dungeon.

“No!” A red and orange blur shot into the room, colliding with the changeling guards and knocking them off of the ponies. She flared her wings, eyes full of anger, and at the same time, fear.

Chrysalis turned, hissing furiously. “Seize her!” She screeched. The changelings let go of the ponies they were holding and turned to the orange pegasus, grinning.

Celestia’s eyes cracked open, and she lifted her head slowly. When her gaze landed on the pegasus, cornered by Changelings, she gasped. “No, Comet! You can’t stay, run!” She cried.

Comet stared at the princess for a few moment, emotions flickering across her face. "I'll come back... I will save save you." She said. A changeling shot forward, but Comet flew up, causing the changeling to slam into the wall. She shot from the room, leaving a red and orange trail in her wake. The changelings prepared themselves to chase her, but froze at the sound of their Queen's voice.

“Forget her! Just do as I said and take the prisoners to the dungeon!” Chrysalis snapped. She shifted her green gaze back to the beautiful chaos outside. "Equestria falls today. Now shall rise the Changeling Empire!"

Comet flew. Flying was what she was best at, but it usually made her calm and happy. Now, as she fled from Canterlot and the changelings, tears streamed from her yellow eyes. She squeezed them shut and kept flying.

Where would she go? Equestria was no longer safe. No, she couldn’t stay there. She would have to go somewhere else. She swiftly dismissed the Dragon Empire as an option, but Griffons were said to eat ponies...

I have nowhere else to go. Perhaps I can convince the griffons to help me take back Equestria... Comet thought bitterly. I hope.
As she neared the border of Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom, she saw black dots flying in the sky. Merciful Luna, no. She thought.

Changelings thoroughly blocked the border of Equestria, in the sky and on the ground. Comet knew there was no way past them. She couldn’t make out any of the changeling features, but she could hear the buzzing of their bug-like wings loud and clear. She was stuck in Equestria.

“Why Equestria?” Comet yelled to no one. The furious pegasus paced back and forth next to the Everfree forest, on the border opposite of Ponyville. “Why couldn’t they have invaded the stupid Griffons? Or, better yet, some place far away from Equestria, on the other side of the freaking world!” But Comet knew. She had been in the room when Chrysalis said that Equestria was packed with love.

“Stupid changelings!” She bucked a tree, causing it to shake slightly. She stopped, breathing heavily. “Celestia... Mom.” She whimpered. Celestia was the only mother she had ever known. Her birth mother ditched her as soon as she could. For ten years Celestia had been kind and loving toward Comet, always acting as though she was her own.

“What are they going to do to her? Turn her into one of them? Imprison her?” She said aloud. They wouldn't kill her, she hoped. After all, Celestia was a huge source of love. They wouldn't destroy that love. Comet felt a sob rising in her chest, and held it back. She let out a small squeak, which erupted into tears.

Get a hold of yourself, Comet. She thought weakly, but continued crying nonetheless.

Comet spent the night there, at the base of that tree at the edge of the Everfree. When her eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the beautiful sunrise. She wondered whether the rising sun meant that her adopted mother was alive. Of course she's alive. She thought to herself. They wanted to consume Celestia's love. Comet wondered distantly how long that would take. How long had Cadence actually been the Queen? It looked like Shining was completely drained of love on the day of the wedding. She shook her head to clear those thoughts.

Where am I going to go? Comet wondered. I suppose Ponyville is a good place... And it's quite nearby. She lifted herself unsteadily to her hooves and spread her wings. She swept them downward and rose into the air.

Comet soon arrived in Ponyville. The state of the town alarmed her. Changelings patrolled the roads, and ponies trudged sadly around gathering the bodies of fallen changelings and ponies. Comet's heart sank. There must have been a fight... Of course. Who just lets bug ponies take control of their home? Nopony. Anyone in their right mind would fight these monsters.

Comet walked along the dirt roads, taking in the depressing sights around her. Some houses had broken down doors, shattered windows, blood on the walls and floor, shards of glass and wood lying everywhere. In contrast, some houses her still intact. Neat, even. Those who resisted were killed...

With everything she saw, Comet's heart broke into a thousand more pieces. She bowed her head and kept walking. Tears fell onto the ground. Tears filled with pity for the citizens of Equestria, gathering their loved ones' corpses. Tears filled with sorrow for her mother, her aunts, and Shining Armor. She had been thrilled to hear the Cadence was marrying him. Now Comet wondered if she would ever see them again.

Of course I will. I made a promise to save them, a promise I WILL NOT BREAK! Comet clenched her jaw. I will make these horrible bugs pay for setting hoof in MY home. How DARE they take this wonderful land for themselves!

The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony had come SO close to getting the tools that would have banished Chrysalis. Comet hadn't known them very well, other than Pinkie Pie. When the six friends had come to Canterlot for the wedding, Comet had even gotten to know Rainbow Dash a bit. But the rainbow-maned pegasus had been busy most of the time...

Out of the corner of her eye, Comet spotted a group of ponies gathering around something. Curious, she went over and pushed her way through the crowd to see what they were looking at. It was a billboard, with a single piece of paper hung on it.


Comet scowled at the headline and read on.

'Weatherponies must now obtain a license to maintain their jobs. Licensing is required by the date of May 7. After this date, unlicensed Pegasi will have their wings clipped, and will be fired if they are employed as a weatherpony. Resistance will be met with arrest and imprisonment.'

Comet's frown grew more intense as she finished reading. Arrested? For not wanting your wings clipped? Comet couldn't imagine what it would be like, unable to fly. She had flown her whole life, and gotten her cutie mark in flying. Comet, deep in thought, walked away from the bulletin.

Author's Note:

So, that's my first chapter. I hope you liked it, and if you didn't, I'd like to hear your opinions and advice. This is my first fanfic, as I said, and I'm always looking to improve. :)

Comments ( 1 )

:applejackunsure: Hmm

Interesting I guess.

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