• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 802 Views, 11 Comments

The Salvation - TheGreatAndPowerfulWriter

In a world without ruler nor peace, only a few ponies can save it.

  • ...

To the rescue

"I'M BORED!" a familiar purple dragon and a familiar cyan coated pegasus said in unison. Rainbow Dash was running circles in the middle of they're prison with Spike on her back.
"Applejack?" Twilight asked to the orange earthpony.
"3541 stripes.." Applejack replied with her Southern accent. Applejack was putting stripes on the wall or on the ground each time they said they were bored, the wall was full of stripes aswell as for the ceiling...
They were all stuck in a poorly build prison wich was still strong enough to imprison them, if it didn't the guards would hold them. There were only 5 guards, but Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's wings were strapped on they're body making them unable to fly, and Twilight's and Rarity's horn had some kind of attachment on they're horn that will shock them everytime they try to use magic.
They were all hopeless.
Pinkie pie was quiet and her mane was flat aswell as her tail.
Fluttershy wasn't even scared and hasn't said anything since they were in that prison, wich is VERY bad.
Twilight didn't care what was happening neither did she make any plans to escape.
Rarity is dirty and has a greasy mane, she also didn't care about it.
Rainbow Dash is so angry she could hit herself instead of the guards.
Applejack on the other hand was just leaning against one of the three walls with her hat on her face.
And Spike, he doesn't even have a crush on Rarity anymore!
Everything changed.
"I'm tired of it, if i'm not flying by the end of the day, i will die!" Rainbow Dash yelled angry.
"2574 stripes..."


"Everybody ready?" Starfall asked in his headmike.
"Fire-3 is ready, over."
"Peacemaker-8 to."
"Thunder-6 is ready to rock!"
"Shade-5 is in position."
"Hammer-9 is ready to buck."
"Alright let's get going!!" Starfall yelled.

"SIRIOUSLY I'M GO..." Rainbow Dash got interrupted by a big explosion right behind her. Everybody woke up out of their 'trance'. Lucky or not the explosion was right in desame direction the only bars were. The guards were startled. They saw it was a pegasus who crashed.
A green unicorn could be seen at the horizon he was yelling something that noone could understand, probably the name of the victim, he went in total panic to the pegasus.
"YOU GOT TO HELP HIM!!" he yelled obviously in panic.
The guards were just looking at eachother and then rapidly put the pegasus on they're back bringing it to the only hospital in Ponyville (with only one doctor and 2 nurses).
As the guards were entering the hospital, the 7 prisoners could barely see a black shadow going in right behind them.
"What's all the fuzz about?" Applejack yelled a little confused.
They heared some galloping coming from another direction and then two stallions appeared, a light/darkblue pegasus and a lightblue earthpony wich was much bigger than the pegasus.
The pegasus tried to open the lock but didn't succeed.
"Can't open it?" the earthpony said with a low voice.
"Agh no, need a k.." he couldn't finish his sentence cause the lightblue earthpony simply bucked the bars, wich scared the 7 prisoners
The pegasus facehoofed.
"What have i told you about bucking in doors?!" he said angry.
"*sigh* Only buck things when i have your permission.." he said trying to match his voice with the one of the pegasus.
Almost noone noticed the 3 ponies coming out of the hospital, the pegasus who crashed, the green unicorn and the black shadow.
Another pegasus landed next to the lightblue earthpony.
All the (ex-) prisoners had a confused look on they're faces and an open mouth.
The 6 stallions who were standing now in front of them were feeling a little unconfortable.
Twilight was the first one to break the silence : "Who.. are you??"
Wich Starfall replied: "We are the Elite Squad and we have come to save you."
"The Elite what?" Rainbow Dash asked rudely. She received an elbow to the shoulder by the orange pony standing next to her.
"The Elite Squad, we were trained to do special missions for the royal family.. Since they are ..dead, we are now loyal to the ponies who are the closest to them, in short, we are now your guards." Starfall said. "Will you accept our protection?" Goodwill continued, The Elite Squad all bow.
"Can we know the names of our.. rescuers?" Rarity asked.
"Oh offcourse. My name is Starfall Night. This here is Stronghoof Metal. And this is Goodwill Parchment, our scout Thunderbolt Light, our spy Shade, and this is Meteor Clash Firestorm." Starfall introduced.
"By the way we already know who you are." Goodwill said.
"YOU DO? SO YOU ARE A SP- Awwww.." Rainbow Dash got hit on the same shoulder again.
"No we're not spies, but we received some intel about you by our ex-boss, so we are not the spies but someone els is." Starfall said.
"Ex-boss?" Twilight's curiousity returning after a whole month of prison.
"I..It's a long story..."
"Oh and i think we should put those attachments on ur head off and cut those ropes on you guys." Goodwill interrupted.
YES." wich was Rainbow Dash of course who said that.
Shade put out his knife and cut of the ropes. Right when he cut the one of Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash flew in to the air screaming of happiness.
"WHOOOOOYEAAAHAH FINALY FINALY FINALY YEAAAAH!!" she couldn't express her happiness. It was a little awkward for her friends though, the Elite Squad on the other hand was quit impressed by the happiness and by the speed and rainbow, especially Thunderbolt, he was a little sceptic.
"Okay now the attachments." Starfall said trying to sound louder than Rainbow Dash who was still screaming and flying in the air.
"Hmm i think i know how to remove it." Goodwill said.
"But you will feel a little shock.."
Rarity didn't care she wanted that ugly looking thing off of her horn. Goodwill's horn glowed and touched the attachment. Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then a small shock hit the attachment and it fell apart.
"Oh dear thank you, you don't know how bad i felt with that awfull looking thing on my horn!" Rarity said grateful.
"Now you.. Twilight" Goodwill said while his horn was glowing again. He barely touched the attachment or it blew away, desame happened for Goodwill, he flew a few meter away.
A purple forcefield was surrounding Twilight for a few seconds, she didn't seem to have control of her magic. for a few seconds it looked like she was destroying everything.Luckily after that it simply exploded blowing everyone away. Rainbow Dash had already stopped flying and screaming, she aswell was pushed a few meters away causing her almost to loser her balance.
"Ah dear Celestia.." Twilight said while rubbing her head.
"Wow.." everybody said including Rainbow Dash who landed right next to her friends.
"I.. i haven't seen so much magic since..Moonlight.." Goodwill said bringing bad memories to his friends.
"Ugh thanks i guess." Twilight replied still rubbing her head.
"Um anyways i guess we should.. sleep now.." Starfall said. Twilight finally recovered from her headache.
"You can sle.."
"Rainbow Dash you go to the forests and look for leafs or leather, anything that we could use to make tents." Twilight commanded.
Rainbow Dash only saluted and then took off.
"Fluttershy, go look for branches that can hold the tent okay?"
A short nod came.
"Applejack buck some trees and take everything that we could eat, Spike help Applejack."
"'Kay sugarcube." Applejack said while Spike was hopping on her.
"Rarity, go pluck some berries if you want."
"Okay dear." she replied, while walking gracefully away.
"Pinkie could you prepare us something? You can start making a fire.
"Oky Dokey Lokey!" She said and she hopped to the branches that Fluttershy already brought, noone actualy noticed that her hair was.. Pinkie Pie'ish again.
"Oh um Starfall do you have a map? And if you do can borrow it?" she asked now looking to the 6 stallions.
"..Sure." he gave her his map.
She then put the map on the ground and looked at every single detail, the map was different than the one before Celestia and Luna died, it also has all the areas that were conquered by other groups, half of the map was green wich means that area was conquered by The Rebellion.
The stallions looked at her and were thinking desame thing: "Damn does she remind me of Starfall!"
The stallions just stood there.
"I guess i can look what Pinkie Pie is going to make..." Meteor Clash said while leaving the group.
"Let's uhh just continue what we were doing...Whatever that was.." Starfall said.
Stonehoof went back training against a tree. Shade decided to sharpen his knife, even though he knew wasn't going to use it for a while. Thunderbolt went racing against himself. Goodwill continued on his book. And Starfall went to Twilight to see if she has a plan or something like that.

"Soo.. Have a plan yet?" Starfall asked.
"Mmm no, but i don't have information enough. I mean everything could've happened when we were gone!" Twilight said still staring at the map.
"What do you need to know?"
"Uhh well..How long do you think till The Rebellion will conquer whole Equestria??"
"My guess is over a year." Starfall suggested.
"Mhm....I think.. It's just a suggestion.. How.. about call our allies?" Twilight asked.
"Our allies? Hmm, i haven't tought of that! It might work.. Buuut it's going to be a challenge to do that. Not to mention once The Rebellion have captured Equestria, they will hunger for more power. So IF we are actualy going to do that we have to do it realy fast." Starfall said wisely.
"*sigh* It's a start." Twilight knew that it will be a hit or a miss. If it doesn't work Equestria is lost forever.
"Where we going first then?" Starfall asked.
"Let's go to the griffins first." Twilight said.
"A good plan! You know.. It would've taken me weeks to realy make a plan like this! Eh thanks!"
Twilight began to blush.
"Same would've happened with me." Now Starfall began to blush. They looked in eachothers eyes, they were paralyzed when they saw eachother's eyes. Twilight looked at those lightblue eyes, full of courage, full of wisdom. While Starfall had to look at those purple eyes, it was like he drowned in her eyes, she's a thief! She has stolen his heart.
Starfall was able to look away. "L-let's go tell t-the others." Starfall said. Twilight only nodded. They went to the group, Twilight's friends apparently made they're tents and were sitting around a campfire aswell as Starfall's friends.
They all seemed to laugh, even Shade, except Meteor Clash probably because his tail was on fire.
"AH GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!" he yelled in panic. The group on laughed more.
"Ok Thunderbolt, what have you done THIS time?" Starfall said angry against the yellow pegasus that rolled on the floor, he could barely breathe by all the laughing.
"I .. did .. nothing." Thunderbolt calmed down.
"He just wanted to warm his butt and.. Well he's Meteor Clash so what do you expect?" Thunderbolt said, he finally stopped laughing aswell as the rest. Meteor Clash was in some sort of way able to extinguish his tail.
"You could've helped me you know?" Meteor Clash said a little angry.
"Why would we?? Els it would be a waste of a good laugh!" Thunderbolt teased him, but most of the time a small fight follows after that. Meteor Clash didn't realy mind though, it was his fault afterall.
"Anyways, me and Twilight have made a simple plan." Starfall said.
"We are going to search our allies and ask help." Twilight continued.
"..That's it? Erh Starfall i don't remember you making such a simple plan!" Goodwill said.
"It's the only plan, or we can of course try to stop this whole war by ourselfs if you want to." Starfall said with an obvious look on his face.
Unsurprisingly everyone liked the simple plan.
"Well it has been a long and tiring day so let's get to bed."

Everyone went to they're bed except Starfall, he just stood there.
"Why did i have to look in her beautifal, purple, ey.. What the hay am i talking about?" Starfall shook his head and went to his tent. Only ponies with a good ear could also hear thuds coming from Twilight's tent.