• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,027 Views, 25 Comments

The Northern Winds - LCpl Azure Blaze

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been summoned by Princess Celestia to embark on an expedition into the Frozen North to discover the origins of an unknown magic.

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Prologue: An Air of Worry

Author's Note:

Update: Some changes were made, by myself, to sentence structure as well as spelling and grammar but this chapter still has yet to go through proper peer editing. This will come soon.

The frozen halls echoed with every step Princess Celestia took upon the cold hard floor. She was a white alicorn with a majestic mane composed of light blue, light green, and light red swaying in the air with a sun as her cutie mark. She had woken up in a mysterious frozen palace that she had never seen before and had no idea where she was. There were icicles hanging off every inch of the ceiling and the floor was nothing but ice causing her to slip here and there. The hallway she had woken up in had many doors on either side of her along with a larger door at the end of the hallway and no windows. As she was looking around frantically to try and find out where she was, she suddenly heard a voice echo in her mind whispering, "This way." She immediately turned her head towards the large door at the end of the hallway where the sound seemed to originate. She heard the voice say "Come closer," only slightly louder this time.

Princess Celestia began walking down the hallway towards the large door staying aware of her surroundings so that if something were to startle her she could immediately make her escape. With every step she took the voice in her head whispered the same thing and kept growing louder in volume until she finally reached the door. The voice stopped and she grabbed the handle of the door with her unicorn magic. She looked around her to see if there was anything else in the hallway with her that could possibly be making the voice she was hearing in her head. When she found nothing she opened the door. She was greeted by a blinding white light which caused her to close her eyes and shield her face due to the brightness. The voice returned still in its hushed tone only this time so loud that she thought that someone was yelling at her saying "Set me free!"

Princess Celestia quickly woke up gasping for air and sitting up in her bed in her room in Canterlot castle. It took her a while to comprehend that what she just saw was a dream. She felt cold as if she was actually in the place in her dream. Once she had settled down slightly and realized that she was in the safety of her own castle she got out of her bed, ran over to her sister, who was sleeping in her own bed on the other side of the room, and began to shake her vigorously attempting to wake her up.

"Luna, Luna!" she said. "Come on! Wake up! I had the dream again!"

Princess Luna woke up and sat up in her bed. She was a dark blue alicorn with a mane that looked like the night sky swaying in the air and a crescent moon in a black nebula for her cutie mark. "Again?" she asked. "That's the third time in a row this week."

"What do you think this means sister?" asked Princess Celestia. "I am beginning to worry. Can't you feel the magic in the atmosphere? It's different." Celestia went over to the balcony of her room and looked out at the Crystal Empire's aurora waving in the northern skies. After a while she was joined by her sister.

"I feel it as well, sister," said Princess Luna. "It is a constant flow of magic that seems to be coming from the Frozen North. It feels as if some ancient magic is begging to resurface. What do you think we should do?"

Celestia pondered for a while before coming to a conclusion and saying, "Come, sister, let us send for Princess Twilight's friends in Ponyville," responded Celestia. "I will inform Princess Twilight myself of the situation."

"We aren't going to send them into the Frozen North are we?" asked Luna. "Nopony has ever gone farther than the Crystal Empire before. They'll freeze to death out there."

"If not them then who?" replied Celestia. "I am absolutely positive that Twilight and her friends can find out what is happening. They have not yet failed me before and I have no doubts in my mind that they can't do it."

Princess Luna paused for a moment and then responded, "Very well, we will send for Princess Twilight's friends to arrive in the morning. If you have faith in them then so shall I."

Princess Luna left Princess Celestia on the balcony alone to go tell the guards to send for Princess Twilight's friends. Princess Celestia stayed out on the balcony a while longer watching the aurora lights that the Crystal Empire was giving off before returning to her bed to attempt to sleep the rest of the night without having the dream again. This was the first time in her life that she had no idea what was happening. It was also the first time in her life she was worried.