• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 970 Views, 13 Comments

twilight - Pinkamena666

An Equestrian Take On Twilight...

  • ...

A New Visitor

I lay in bed, thinking about Dash. The only way my life could get any worse was if all my friends died. I heard Spike coming up the stairs.

"Come on, Twilight." he said. "You can't lay in bed in all day." I said nothing. "You need to get up, go outside, and make some friends."

"Why?" I asked, monotone. "It seems that my friends are dying."

"Just one." Spike said. "What about the other--"

"Just one?" I asked. I couldn't believe Spike would say something like that. "It was Rainbow Dash, Spike."

I got out of bed and headed downstairs. Remember that darkness in my life I mentioned earlier? This is what I was talking about. I left the library and stepped outside. There was a cool breeze out that day, along with a bright, warm sun. It was supposed to be a perfect day but... I just didn't feel like celebrating. I started walking through Ponyville, watching all the ponies go about their business. They all seemed happy, as usual. What I needed... No. What I really needed was a special somepony. I looked around, desperate for companionship at this point. I eyed all the stallions I passed but, every time I built up the courage to ask him, I found out he was already with somepony. It makes perfect sense. There were always more mares in Ponyville than Stallions. Sometimes mares got together. But you know what, I wouldn't mind that. I was extremely lonely at this point so I just didn't care. I continued my walk when suddenly I saw her. A grey pegasus entering her house. I stood watching even after she disappeared from sight. Unbeknownst to me, a pony had trotted up next to me.

"Hey, Twilight." It was Bon-Bon.

"Hey." I said back, almost trance-like.

Bon-Bon followed my gaze to the house.

"Ah, the new girl." said Bon-Bon.

"What?" I asked quickly. "She's single? I mean... new?"

Bon-Bon smiled when she understood what was going on.

"Yeah. She just moved in today. A little mysterious if you ask me."

"How so." I asked.

"She tends to keep to herself." Bon-Bon explained. "And no pony knows where she came from. Not to mention her red eyes. I mean, she seems nice, but that's just weird."

"She's amazing." I said, almost without thinking.

The pegasus emerged from her house and looked around. She spotted Twilight, stared for a second, then trotted off.

"She looked at me." I said.

I was suddenly filled with this new feeling. She was the light unto the darkness. She was exactly what I needed at this moment. I decided to follow her.

After stalking this mysterious pegasus for a while, she came to a stop in front of the water fountain. I slowly pushed my way through a crowd of ponies. One suddenly obstructed my view. When she moved, the pegasus was no longer standing in front of the water fountain. I had lost her. Where'd she go? Disappointed, I made my back to the library.

"A girl?" Spike asked. "You're in love with a girl?"

I said nothing. I just kept pulling books from the shelves, trying to find the right one.

"I know losing a friend is very traumatic, Twilight." Spike went on. He ducked as I threw book over his head. Accidentally, of course. "But when Rarity left, sure I was upset, but I didn't go to Dragon Mountain and ask the dragon if he wanted to on a date."

"You don't understand, Spike." I said, finally finding the right book. I slammed it down on the table in the center of the room. "She's the one."

Spike glanced at the cover. It was a relationship guide. I flipped through the pages, reading every word. I needed to know everything I could if I was to try and talk with her tomorrow.