• Published 3rd Jan 2014
  • 853 Views, 52 Comments

One Of A Kind - UniqueSKD

A bat-pony is rescued by a strange pony unlike any other she's met before. A pony who is, quite frankly, one of a kind. A story about acceptance and love for being different.

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Chapter One - I walk alone back to my home, enduring the hatred and the insults thrown...

Author's Note:

Welcome to the first chapter, my fellow reader. I hope you will enjoy this story, as this is my first attempt at writing a serious fanfic in contrast to my usual comical silliness.

Thanks to Bad_Seed_72 and Pizzy1334, whose stories inspired and motivated me to write something a little more serious and meaningful. Or at least try to.

Well, i hope you'll enjoy this chapter. I'll try to make the next one more entertaining.

One Of A Kind

Chapter One

By UniqueSKD

I walk alone in sorrow and contempt,
Judging eyes stare at me, they harshly scorn,
Hating me, loathing me, simply for being different,
My crime is being the abnormal among the norm.

- UniqueSKD

Celestia's magnificent sun, earlier that day a bright warm golden-yellow, steadily made its departure from its throne above the world, changing its colors to a crimson shade of red as it began to make way for the sister's marvelous moon, along with the darkness of the night it would bring along with it. In the Equestrian capital of Canterlot, everypony was hurrying to make their ways home, leaving their friends with farewells and goodbyes before making their journeys back to the comfort and glamour of their luxurious homes.

All around the city, shops and stores were beginning to close down, the owners of these establishments switching their 'OPEN' signs to 'CLOSED', and tidying up whatever mess had been left behind by a previous customer that day. When they were satisfied with the cleanliness of their workplace, they exited their buildings, locking the doors behind them, before they too made their trek back to their homes, to relax in front of a warm fire, tuck in to a delicious supper, and just relax.

For one pony in particular among the crowd of those returning to their metaphorical palaces and castles to be waited on by their butlers and maids, the sun's slow descent into the horizon was nothing more than a reminder of the cold night forthcoming, another cold night she would have to endure, until the morning's first rays of light revealed itself to the world once again, the cycle repeating itself.

Maia's eyes were fixed upon the hard cobblestone ground beneath her hooves, as she slowly made her way through the crowd of ponies. Some of them shot her a look of disgust, a glance of disapproval. Some ponies moved away from her as she passed them, as though she were some contagious disease. Maia simply tucked her bat wings tighter against her body, and continued moving through the masses, her eyes still fixed upon the floor, her head hung low in sorrow.

Their sneers and offended expressions were nothing new to poor Maia. For as long as she could remember since coming to Canterlot, she had been treated this way for most of her life, and it was all because she was different to the rest of the ponies who lived here. All because she was a bat-pony, or as the nobles often called her in the streets, a 'bloodsucking mare-devil with a false mask'.

Maia looked at the cold hard ground as she tiredly continued the trek home, knowing without needing to raise her head that most of the ponies she passed by were still giving her looks of disdain and disgust. A couple of wealthy-looking ponies - nobles, no doubt - who were busy talking to one another suddenly spotted her as they were trotting close to her, and recoiled upon the sight of her, s though she were some dreadful vermin who had taken them by surprise.

"Sweet Celestia, it's one of those awful bat ponies, my dear!", Maia heard the stallion of the couple say with shock and repulse in his voice. What a surprise, as if she hadn't heard that tone before.

The mare of the couple gave what sounded like a shriek, and huddled closer to her supposed husband. "Oh, by Celestia! It is one of those things!", she pleaded, panic-stricken. "Keep away from it! I hear these bat-ponies enjoy the taste of noble blood!"

Blood-sucking. That was one of the reasons why Maia was feared in this city. Everypony believed that because she had the wings of a bat and a pair of fangs, she went around attacking innocent bystanders and sunk her teeth into their necks to drink their delectable life force away, and smack her lips as she consumed the red-drink. It was all lies. A horrible pack of lies made up and told by the nobles who hated the thought of a pony who was not a unicorn living here in what was apparently their city. Nothing more than a bunch of rumors spread about by the upper-class in a cruel attempt to make others fear her and try to make her life so hard and miserable that she'd leave this luxurious place, and no more cause offense to the magnificent city of white-stone homes with her very presence.

"Come along, dear", the unhappy bat-pony heard the stallion say, as he placed a hoof around his wife and hurried her along. "We should move on before it decides to feed." Oh, please. Even if those lies were true, your blood would probably taste vile and sour anyway, thought Maia to herself.

"Why in Equestria would the princess allow such a wicked creature to live among us?" the voice of the mare loudly asked her partner. "Isn't she concerned for the well-being of her subjects? Why doesn't she do something and make that thing leave?"

Oh, how little they knew of. Maia would have LOVED to leave this place. She would often go to sleep at night and dream of leaving this place and never returning, never looking back at the city who, ever since she was just a little filly who moved here with her family, had been treated terribly by the inhabitants of this Luna-be-damned hellhole. But where else could she go if she did?

She would have gone long ago, but fear kept her here. She knew only of the life she had lived within these walls of this so-called 'great city', and nothing of the world outside Canterlot. She was afraid, and it was this fear that made her stay. Fear of how the world would treat a pony like herself. Fear of perhaps being branded as a monster by some small village of pious worshipers of the Sun goddess, who might see her as an abomination, an affront to their ruler. Fear that what she would experience out there might be far worse than what she'd been experiencing for years here.

The same cruelty that her parents had endured -

Maia shook that thought out of her mind before it could settle into her trail of thoughts, but already her eyes began to water up. The memory of the only ponies in the world who made her feel loved and wanted, the only ponies whom she loved and was loved by...the only ponies who cared about her, who were no longer there with her...

The ponies who now lived only as a memory, a fragment of her consciousness that reminded her of a happier time, a time that existed, but was no more.

Not wanting to be seen out here in public view crying, knowing that it would no doubt only feed the crowd ammunition with which to use against her, Maia did her best to hold back the tears as she ran as fast as she could, eliciting gasps and shocked cries from ponies who moved out of her way, more so out of fear that she was looking for a supple neck to bite, than out of consideration for a mare who seemed to be in a hurry, and close on the verge of sobbing.

Not caring for where she was running off to, only concerned with finding somewhere out of the sight of the public, Maia fled into a darkened alleyway. When she was convinced that no judging ponies would hear her, least of all come to investigate any noise that might escape the narrow hallway of white brick and concrete, Maia threw herself down onto her haunches, and allowed the water-clogged dam in her eyes to burst, her tears streaming down her face, to the tip of her nose and down her chin, dripping and falling to the ground. She threw her head into her forelegs to muffle out her cries, not wanting any of those horrid wretches to find her and add to her torment.

Why did she have to suffer like this? Why was she the monster in this life? What had she done to earn this cruel, cruel fate? She had never, ever harmed another living soul in her whole life, and yet here she was, living each day the same way; enduring cruel insults and being feared by ponies whom half of which didn't even know what she was, merely joining in the crowd with their jeering and sneering and rants of disgust and hate.

She cried and cried and cried, her tears forming a puddle on the ground. No pony heard her sorrowful moans, though no pony in this city would have cared enough to offer comfort to a lonely soul, broken, and scared.