• Published 3rd Dec 2013
  • 723 Views, 4 Comments

Twin Guardians - rye

twin brothers locked in battle, pulled away from home and tossed into Equestria. Can they make amends before darker forces come to light?

  • ...

New dawn

A small glint of of light reflected off a small star amulets red jewel. The guard had stepped asides and unlocked the door. A tall, lean man stood in the frame. His shadow cast a menacing chill as it came to rest on the chained prisoner. "I will force you to watch as we slaughter your family, friends and just before you...," the man stepped up close to the prisoner, "we'll kill your lover, but his death will be slow and painful." The man stepped back enough as the prisoner lunged at him. A wicked laugh escaped his lips, "Today at high noon, you will all die!"

The prisoner cast his eyes back to the floor as his body slumped back on his heels. "One day, they will rise up against you. And we will be seen as martyr and heroes." The prisoner shifted his eye up at his captor. "And when you rot in hell, I'll be there to make sure you suffer more then this false king."

The man scowled at the prisoner. "You will regret those words, I promise that!" He slammed the door shut, the lock clicking back into place. The guard snickered before blocking out the last of the light. Tears slowly made their way down the prisoners cheek.

The hours seemed to have past by rather quickly as the noon bell rang. The cell door flew open and before the prisoner could see a black bag was placed over his head. The prisoner gave no struggle as he was forced to his feet. What's the point. I'm too weak and he'll suffer more if I do put up a fight. Those final thoughts filled every corner of his mind.

In the main court yard stood a tall, stacked man near a chopping block, with an axe in hand. On a chair, made of gold and styled of gems, had a muscular yet older man. A golden rod rested in his hands, showing his authority. "BRING OUT THE PRISONERS!" His voice boomed across the court yard. It had filled with many who came to ether grieve this lose or find the courage to pick up the mantel in place of these now walking dead men.

As the bag was swiftly removed, the prisoner closed his eyes from the blinding sunlight. As he tried to shield them, he found he was chained down. Once his vision became clear, he took note of were every one was at...even the so called king. His five friends, showing no fear, were at the noose. His family, smiling like madmen, were lined at the fireing squad. His lover, with tears and bruises on his face, stood shaking next the the executioner. "I'm sorry everyone. May your souls find peace." His final note was about the ruleing king, he was about five hundred feet away. Rye knew he had to be at least twenty feet above the ground.

One by one, each were killed as he was forced to watch. Tears silently fell down his cheeks, sorrow and anger filled him. The last being his lover, the poor man was trembling. His physical appearance was that of a scrawny boy, but his lean muscles told he had speed and agility on his side....or use too. Fresh tears made their way down the prisoners face. The prisoner looked at his love with great sadness, "I love you. I'm sorry for every thing." The young man was forced to his knees as his arms were placed on the cutting block. The prisoner forced his eyes shut as shrieks of pain filled the still air. Twice more, the cries rang out before silence fell.

The memories of his friends and lover filled his heart, a great sadness swept over him along with vengeful anger. He pulled at his chains, his carpture laughed loudly but didn't notice the amulet he wore had begun to glow. The most primal scream escaped his lips as an unnatural strength aided in breaking his bonds. With little effort he fought off the guards and leapt into the crowd. He made a mad dash at the world overlord. At the same moment a new figure took after him from the other side. Just as he jumped into the air above this now dead man, his amulet shone a bright light. Everything around him went blinding white into sudden darkness.

The prisoner felt grass under his fingers, the sun seemed to have gone down. "no...no...NO!" He slammed his fist into the ground repeatedly. "HELP! ....Is some pony there?" A young female voice called out. Without regard to his own being, he scramble to his feet and made way toward the cry for help. "HELP! I'm stuck down here!"

The prisoner came upon a hole, before approaching he slide his hood on. Not sure if someone here may know who he is. "Up here..." He got into a low kneeling position and reached his hand down. He never bothered to look down, he just kept looking around for anyone else that may becomeing to look for her. "Quickly now, don't want people to worry about you." He felt a hoof land in his hand, his thoughts reeled for a bit but figured she must wearing something that related to a hoof.

He pulled with all his might, she didn't feel heavy but his body was seriously drained. Just as she reached the crest of the hole, he fell over with her landing on top of him. "Oh thank Celestia you came along mister....hey, your not a pony!" She couldn't see his face, but the fact he didn't have hooves made it clear to her. "No matter, A'm still grateful y'all helped me outa that mess." She had taken to sitting up on his chest. "Name's Applebloom. Nice ta meet'cha." The girl had a big grin on her face.

"Name's Rye. Mind if I get up?" Applebloom sheepishly blushed as she got off him. "Thanks..," he took a sitting position, "now...." his mouth hung open. The girl he saved was indeed a little pony. He could barely make out her yellow fur, red mane and tail. She was roughed up some, but nothing bad. "YOU'RE.....A....A...PONY!" He heard the girls name get called off in distance. Slowly looking in the direction of the voice, he notice a group of five colorful pony girls coming right toward him. His mind barely had time to register what was going on when he felt a large smack to the back of his head. He barely saw cyan wings close to him before passing out.

As he slowly came back to consciousness, he head the voice that called to applebloom. "Rainbow, A' can't believe you. Just taken the poor thing out like that. And YOU little missy. March your flank home right now, granny smith and Big Mac are worried sick 'bout you. An' as fer you, Rainbow, A' asked you ta keep an eye on 'er." Rye had opened his eyes just enough to see six mares across the room and barely noticed Applebloom as she had left out the door with her head hung low.

"Um...I think it's awake," a pale yellow mare shrank behind the cyan one. Her man and tail was a light pink, as the cyan one's were rainbow colored. He slowly forced himself into a sitting position. The others hadn't noticed his movements yet. "girls..." the apparently shy one tried again to get their attention. Rye took the time to work out the knots in his neck. The other took no heed to her call as they chattered on about who and what he is. "GIRLS...." Everyone turned to her, even rye looked at her a bit surprised. "Um...I think, its awake." Rye just smiled as all eyes turned to him. Luckily his hood was still on, but the smile he knew they saw.

A lavender pony with purple and pink strip mane came close to him. "It seems to be ok, maybe a bit tired and under feed. Some serious dehydration, but nothing life threatening that I can see. Fluttershy, have you seen a creature like this before? It has no claws...or hooves. I wonder if it can understand me...." The lavender pony had carefully placed a hoof onto Rye's forearm. He simply smiled at the innocent curiosity around him. Fluttershy just shook her head and kept close behind the cyan one.

"Ok, one I'm a boy. Two my name is Rye. And three, got anything for a headache?" The lavender one stepped back a bit in surprise. "Did I say something wrong?" Rye had a slight smirk on his face, he was sooo glad they couldn't see the laughter in his eyes.

The lavender one recomposed herself and stepped back up. "Ahem, My name is Twilight Sparkle. It's nice to meet you, Rye. I would like to welcome you to Ponyville in the land of a Equestira. These are my friends," she waved a hoof across each on in order. "Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and behind her is Fluttershy." Rye noticed how each one was different color. Applejack was orange with yellow mane. Pinkie Pie was pink with a dark fluffy pink mane. Rarity was white with a deep purple styled mane. Rainbow Dash was cyan with rainbow mane. And fluttershy was light yellow with a light pink mane.

"So...about those pain med?" Twilight nodded and stepped out of the room. He took a moment to gather what little of his thoughts he had. Ok this has to be all in my head. There is NO way brightly colored ponies can talk. Rye closed his eyes, took a deep breath, slowly exhaled. As Rye opened his eyes, reality sunk in. Ok so this is real. I wonder am I the only one that came here? "Ok, I know there are a lot of questions you have for me. But can we just stick to three for now. Twilight was right, I am tired." Rye lowered his hood. Light blond hair fell over a portion of his face, his azure colored eyes sparkled in the light.

"OOOOHHHH!!" All eyes turned to Pinkie. "OHMYGOSH!" She had bounced right up to him, "Their so sparkly just like the dresses Rarity makes." She took her hooves and squeezed his cheeks. "OHMYGOSHHESOSOFTbutnotsoftlikeapilloworacloudbutsoftlike...." Rye had covered her mouth. She still mumbled through most of it, smiling the whole time. His face was a deep crimson. As Twilight returned, she spotted Pinkie. With a sigh, she levitated Pinkie back over by AppleJack.

"So sorry about that, she gets extremely excited when a new pony come to town." Twilight levitated a glass of water and two pills to Rye. "ok, now three questions. One, what are you? Two, were are you from? Three, what were you doing with Applebloom?" The girls all sat on their hunches, except Rainbow who hovered near by.

After taking the pills, Rye sighed. "First, I'm a human. Second, its a planet called earth. Third, she was stuck in a hole. So I was helping her out, course that's about the time y'all showed up." Ryan slide the few stand of hair from his eyes, "Now your ponies right? Were am I? Is there some place I can sleep, at least for the night?" A yawn escaped his lips.

Rainbow Dash glared at him, "Bet you're just some moster from the everfree forest. Cause I've never heard of a ...." A hoof was quickly shoved into her muzzle. Applejack glared at Rainbow. Rainbow just glared at Applejack who simply shook her head. Rainbow snorted loudly, knowing Applejack wasn't going to let her finish her rant so she sat down next to her.

Twilight glared at Rainbow Dash before turning her attention back to Rye. "Well, yes we are ponies. This is my home and public library. This land is call Equestria, which is ruled by Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna. And yes, I have a spare bed you can use till we get you settled into some place. SPIKE!! .... ... SPIKE!!" The kitchen door opened and a young dragon walked into the room. "Spike, take a letter."

"Dear Princess Celestia,

Today the girls and I have come across the most interesting creature near the everfree forest.

He calls himself Rye. And he is a human, a bipedal. I was wondering if you know anything about humans.

I await your response

Ever your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle."

As Spike finished rolling it up, he quickly breathed a small flame on it. The puff of smoke went out the window and was outa sight.

Rye's face lost all color as he watched the scene take place in front of him. "it's... He's.... You're.... A dragon!" Spike looked over at Rye with raised eyebrows. "OK...ok I can deal with this... Mythology has always been based in a grain of truth... Ok..." Rye took a deep sigh. "Sorry, um mind if I just go to sleep befo..." Rye's body finally gave way from all the shock and pulled him into deep slumber. His body fell back into the near by wall.

Twilight just smiled, shaking her head, "Spike, please grab a blanket for our guest. And tomorrow setup the guest room. I have a feeling he's going to be here a while. Now girls how about we meet at Sugarcube Corner around noon. That should give him plenty of time to get rest, and get cleaned up. Before we part ways, what do each of you think?"

At first each wore different expressions but eventully they all smiled. Applejack was the first to speak up, "Well twi, he is honest. He told us what happened ta Applebloom, she even admitted ta it all. She spilled the beans on da way 'ere." She smiled at the sleeping boy. "An seems he'll be a might curious about the critters we got 'ere."

"I don't know. You sure we can trust him?" Rainbow eyed Rye quizzically. "What if he has some secret motives to take over Equestria... I think we should just hold off till the Princess says otherwise." Around that time Spike, who had slipped out of the room, walked back carring a blanket and pillow for their guest.

"Twilight, darling, will you be ok here ... With this fashion disaster?" For the first time Rarity spoke up. Twilight saw a concern on her face was more about the boys fashion choice then any danger he could present. Twilight, nodding, escorting the girls to the door. It was late and Twilight know that the day was going to be long.

Mean while, Princess Celestia had received Twilight letter while she slept. The letter laid on a near by night stand, waiting to be opened. It wasn't till she woke into the early morn just before she had to raise the sun. Spotting the letter, she read carefully over the words before replying to her student. Appon sending her reply, Celestia set about to raise the sun. "So the legend is true. I wonder if she ever found the stones"

Twilight woke to the sound of a belching dragon. Spike made his way quickly to her bed. "Twilight, the princess wants you to bring him to canterlot once he is able to travel. Today if possible." Spike had the letter quickly torn from his claw as a panicked twilight shot up and read over it herself. She dashed out of her room straight into the bathroom. Spike could here her saying some strange oddities about this not being good or her being unprepared. He shook his head, returning to the kitchen to finish making breakfast for everyone.

After cleaning up, Twilight made her way downstairs to wake their guest. Upon entering the main hall, she noticed Rye wasn't sleeping against the wall. The blanket was neatly folded with the pillow sitting on top. Her pulse quickened, feeling a bit frantic she started to look around, only to notice him sitting cross-legged toward the middle of the room. "Um, Rye..." Twilight walked over to the boy, her jaw dropped as she noticed him levitating off the ground if only a few inches. "Rye...um if you need to clean up. The bathroom is the first door on the right upstairs. And ummm are you levitating?"

Rye opened his eyes as his body touched the ground. He gently smiled, "Thanks for the offer, Twilight. It would be good to clean up before truly starting the day." Rye got to his feet and began to accend the stairs. Just as he reached to top, he stopped and looked back at Twilight. "Oh and to your question. Yea, I was. I'll explain later." Turning back, he closed the door behind him. "At least I hope I can."

An hour passed by before Rye finally came downstairs. "Twilight, darling, what is so important that it couldn't wait till we all met at sugarcube corner?" Rye heard Rarity's voice. Not wanting to just show up in the room, he leaned against the wall to conceal his presence. "Well I wanted your option on something. This morning when I came downstairs to wake him, I found him levitating. I know we really don't know a lot about humans, none to be honest. But is it possible for him to have magic? I'm not worried, more curious I guess. I did ask but he said he would explain it all later." Rye knew that he couldn't keep his secret for too long. They have show great trust in me this far...perhaps I can do the same. Sides, I'll need help if I want to get back home to set things straight. Rye contemplated what to do as his thoughts of the last few days echoed in his mind.

Spike came around the corner holding some tea cups. "Oh, Rye. Glad to see your finished. There is some breakfast in the kitchen, its eggs and toast. Wasn't sure what you eat," Spike walked past into the main hall. "Here you go, Rarity. Just the way you like it." Rye smiled as he peeked around the corner. He could see the honest love in spike's eyes. Rye turned and made his way into the kitchen.

Rye put his dishes into the sink as he finished up the last of the toast. "mmm three ... Nope four days now with out food. That tasted great. I wonder how much they will believe. Wish you were here mom." Turning to the door his face flushed red seeing Twilight standing there. "um...how much of that did you hear." Rye shifted uneasy under her gaze.

Twilight just sighed, "All of that. Is it true?" Rye nodded. "Then we are off to sugarcube corner. I'm sure the cakes have plenty to help fill you up." Smiling she made her way to Rye's side. Gently placing her hoof on his forearm, "oh and next time don't eavesdrop around the corner. I understand you may have some trust issues but can you give us a chance?" Rye smiled back to her and nodded.

As they both returned to the main hall they saw the others had showed up. The smile faded from Ryes face as he spotted Spike over by Rarity. Memories of his love filled his thoughts. AppleJack was the first to notice this, the look Rye wore told her more then his words ever could. She silently made her way to his side. "Care ta tell me'h what's on ya mind, surgarcube?" Rye looked over at her, it wasn't till now that he really saw they were around four maybe five feet tall.

"I'm just missing someone that I wont ever see again." The strength he had weakened so much that the tears started to show around his eyes. AppleJack could see his body trembling, with no other thought she pulled him to his knees and wrapped her hooves around his neck. He pulled her close and held on tight as the flood of tears broke through, hushed sobbing could be heard in the room.

"Twilight...um...do you think he'll be ok?" Fluttershy watched the scene unfold, she couldn't help but feel for him. "if its ok, um do you think we could do something to cheer him up? I figure maybe a picnic or something, if you like." Fluttershy had looked down as spoke. Twilight smiled at her friends idea.

"I think that is a great idea, but it may have to wait till later." Twilight took a seat next to her other friends while AppleJack and Rye had a moment. "For now, lets get him something to eat and see if he is willing to travel to Canterlot to meet the princess." As the group looked over at the two, it seemed that Rye had finally gotten him self recomposed. "Sorry to interrup, but perhaps we can go to sugarcube corner. We can get you something to eat and chat a bit."

Rye wiped the remaining tears from his now blood shot eyes. "That sounds nice and all, but are you sure I wont scare some ponies here?" Rye knew that he had been brought here in the dark so no real ponies had actully seen him. "I just dont want to make a scene...ok more of a scene then I already had."

"Darling, you may be different here. But we have many different creatures that live in Equestria. Like griffions, Manticores, Timberwolves. Though not all are as friendly as us ponies." Rye sighs as Rarity was making her point. He just smiled as he stood.

"Ok, ok. I give. I'll try not to freit over it." Rye flinched a bit, he could feel his body still aching from the way he slept. Rye noticed Fluttershy gave him a look of concern but he gave her a gentle smile in return. "So, shall we get goin?" Rye walked over to the door and held it open for the girls.

They each smiled and thanked him as they exited. Fluttershy held back just a bit, "Rye, are you um ok? You aren't in pain are you?" Rye could see the concern in her face but just smiled. He simply shook his head as he gestured toward the door. Fluttershy smiled back and walked out.

Rye pulled his hood up as he walked out. He kept his eyes slightly hidden, he was still unsure about this place. But he did say he would try to give them some trust, at least the girls so far had his. Following close to Fluttershy, Rye suddenly felt his hood pulled off. "HEY!" Rye turned to see Twilight had used her magic to remove his hood. "Why'd ya do that?"

"Cause there is no reason to for you to wear that. Now come on, there are plenty of ponies that will wanna meet you." Twilight smirked at Rye. "Besides all that, there is beautiful scenery around, not to mention you need to memories Ponyville. We can't always escort you around town." Rye still gave her a glare but nodded to her logic.

As they walked through town, many of the ponies had stopped to stare at Rye. Seems that most were wondering what he was while others just kept their distance. That is until on certain pony spotted him. "A HUMAN! OH MY GOSH, I KNEW THEY WERE REAL!" The group were nearly to Sugarcube Corner when a mint color blurr had tackled Rye to the ground. A pair of sunglow eyes stared right at Rye's.

"LYRA!! GET OFF THE POOR THING!" A cream colored pony grabbed Lyra by her tail, pulling her off Rye. "I do apologize. Lyra gets very eccentric when she thinks she found a human. My name is Bon Bon." She glared back over to Lyra who had a sheepish grin. Shaking her head, Bon Bon reached a hoof out to Rye.

Rye smiled as he took her hoof. "Actually she is right this time. I am human." He grinned as he noticed Lyra's grin and Bon Bon's look of shock. "It is a pleasure to meet you both and I have a feeling it won't be the last. But at this time, I'd like to grab a bite to eat." Rye offered his hand to the girls. Lyra was the first to take his hand shaking it wildly. Bon Bon was a lot more gentle shaking his hand.

The girls all smiled at Rye. "Seems you already made some friends." After rejoining the group, Rye nodded at Twilight. "You'll come across many others like that. And not just mares, even stallions are just as friendly." Rye rolled his eyes as he followed Twilight into the shop. They walked to the counter. His mouth watered as he saw all the confections.

"So what would you like?" Rye jumped as the pinked haired mare appeared by his side. "We got cupcakes, muffins, cakes, OH OH OH how about a shake! wealsogotlotsofothergoodies" Rye quickly covered her mouth.

"How about you surprise me, ok?" Pinkies eyes lite up and no sooner had he let go of her a pink cloud was left in her place. "Um...should I bother even try to understand how she does that." Twilight just giggled, shaking her head. She lead Rye over to the others that had taken seats. "Ok, so I'm sure every one wants to know something...but I can't tell you everything. Some stuff is..." Rye looked away from them. "a bit too ugly to speak of. So who is first?" Rye returned his gaze to them.

Twilight cleared her throat. "How about you just tell us what you feel like. Can be from entertainment, fashion, political standing." She levitated a note pad near by ready to take notes. Just around then Pinkie stood up besides Rye with his order.

"HERE YOU GO!" Pinkie set a tray on the table and vanished just a quickly. Rye ended up on the floor, his eye were filled with shock. He could hear the pink mare helping others in the shop. I swear she will end up being the death of me. I doubt my heart can take much more

Rainbow had fallen over laughing, Twilight just shook her head. Applejack had gone to Rye's side to help him up as had Fluttershy. Rarity hadn't bothered moving, she instead started setting up the table for every one to enjoy. "Y'all gonna be ok, sugarcube?" Rye finally got straighten out, nodding to her.

"Ok, so let me see um. Fashion kinda fell through except for those that were rich. There were brilliant gowns mind you before the war. Many people lived to be stylish, I wasn't as lucky to be in that world. Political standing, we had many bodies of governments, even one that ruled through religion. And that government ended up starting the great war that still goes on to this day. Hmm, there use to be movies, video games, and a lot of technically inclined things. Music was and still is important, it was a way to express our selves. Don't ask what kind of music, cause it ranged so broadly I can't list them all." Rye paused to try some of the tripple layer double chocolate white chocolate chip cake. "Dear lord, this is rich and tastes wonderfull!"

Twilight looked outside, it was nearing noon. "I'm sure you have more to tell us, but I was wondering if you are feeling well enough to make a trip to Canterlot. The princess has requested that you visit." She closed her notepad and put every thing down. "I'm not sure what its about, but it seems she is very interested to see you as soon as you are able to visit."

Rye had ate the final bite of cake. "Yea sure, it does seem fitting that I say hello." He took hold of a cup, "I am wondering...what is she like? I mean there are pegasus, unicorns, and normal ponies. And which is she?" Taking a sip to help down the over power taste of the cake, he silently waited.

"Well, darling, she is an Alicorn. Think of her as a combination of all three tribes. Both princesses are very powerful and extremely beautiful. Princess Celestia raises the sun. While Princess Luna rasies the moon." Rarity smiled as she was content in contributing something, but just listening sutied her fine for the moment.

Twilight got up, "I think its best we head there right away. It should take an hour or two by train. I suggest you stay close to us when we get to Canterlot. The ponies there are rather ... snobbish. Good ponies, mind you but they are still a lot more upper class then those that live else were. I'm also not sure how they will react to you all together." The group exited the shop and began to make their way to the train station.

They made small talk most of the way to the station. Spike had finally been able to catch up to the group. "Twilight, Twilight!" Twilight stopped and looked back at spike. "I got everything ready for when you guys return. I also picked up a few more groceries that he is able to eat. And placed an order in for more scrolls, quills, and ink."

"Wow, Spike, I'm impressed. I wasn't planning to have you do any of that till we actully got back. Thank you, why don't you take the rest of the day...actully I need one more thing. See if any book mentions humans, fact or fiction. I'd like to know what is really known about them. Once you're done there, just take time off till we get back." Twilight patted the baby dragon on the head before rejoining the group.

Once they boarded the train, the group looked for a car that was empty. Shortly after taking their seats the conductor hollered for all passenger to board. Finally they were on their way. "Rye, I was wonderin. How in equestria did ya get here. If'n yall don't mind tellin us that tale." Applejack sat close by while the others took seats they could lay out on.

"Sure, but know it's a very ... gruesome tale." The girls nodded, well except Pinkie who was more into watching the trees' whoosh by. Taking a deep breath, Rye began his tale with his torment and being locked in darkness for months. Minutes passed by, Rye didn't bother to look at them. He could feel the horror on their faces as he detailed what happened to him, his family, and what little friends he had.

Applejack moved to sit next to him. No one said a word as he finish, even Pinkie who is usually bouncy held some solace for the tragic events. "After he's screams were gone ... I lost it. I only had one thing on my mind. End his life even if it cost me mine." He slide his wrists from under the long sleeves he wore. The shackles with a single link still hung on. "I have no idea were I got the strength from, but I torn these out of the wall, took out my guards. Leaped down the wall, ran through the crowd...and just as I about had him, a strange white light enveloped me. Next I know, I'm here saving Applebloom. The rest you know."

"You might want to ask the princess about that. She might have some idea as to what happened. But I can't make any promises." Twilight looked out the window noticing that they had reached Canterlot. "Ok, just stay close. The trip up to the castle takes only a few minutes." The group departed, the girls seemingly took positions around Rye in a defensive manner, Twilight leading the way. Just as she thought, the upper class ponies didn't take too kindly to him. Most gave an menacing glare, while others turned their noses up at the group.

Upon reaching the castle, the guards stopped the group. "We're here to see the Princess. I'm Twilight Sparkle." Just as swiftly, the guards retook their positions gestured for the gate to open. "Thank you, good sirs."

It took them a few minutes to reach the throne room, Celestia was standing near some windows when the group had walked throught the main door. "Twilight, it's good to see you. I hope every thing is fine in Ponyville?" Twilight trotted up to Celestia, both embraced the other caringly.

"Except for the surprise visitor, every thing else is going smoothly. I almost got the lastest task you asked of me done. Of course I'm sure you'd rather spend time talking to our new friend. Princess Celestia, May I introduce you to Rye. A human." Twilight stepped aside gesturing toward Rye.

Rye stepped forward and bowed. "It's an honor to meet you, Princess. I hope any information I can provide will be helpful." Rye stayed on one knee, but looked up to get a better view of who he was greeting. Her white coat shimmered in the sun, her mane was like a pastel rainbow and flowed though no breeze was present. Apon her brow was dawned a golden crown. "wow ..."

Celestia smiled, "The honor is mine. And thank you for coming. I would introduce my sister, Luna, but she must rest to raise the moon later. I do have many questions for you, but first. Twilight, I have a request of you and your friends. Go to the archives in the library and look for anything relating for the rainbow pendents." At that moment Rye's amulet shone sunlight back into Celestia's eyes. "We will be on the terace once your finished."

"Of course, Princess. I won't fail you." Twilight turned to her friends. "Ok, let's get going. This may take some time." The six girls quickly left, leaving Rye with the Princess. Celestia nodded her head toward the terace before walking outside. Rye silently followed.

As the two stood at the edge of the terace, Rye gasped at the beauty of the city before him. "Tell me, young one. What is that you wear? I sense powerful magic with in it." Rye looked at her puzzled and his fingers ran over the amulet. Rye closed his eyes and drew a long breath.

"Before that, Princess, I should tell you about what happened just before I came and who this amulet came from...and its twin." Rye had relayed the tale of what took place mear weeks before his arrival, and spared no detail on what happened that day. A single tear fell down his cheek. "There you have it. This amulet came from mom. It also has a twin. Both are said to be handed down the family but I never really believed that. Not sure how to explain it, but its more like mom was keeping a secret about them from us."

Celestia kept looking ahead. Hardly flinching at the gruesome details that fell on her ears. "Have you told any one else this...disturbing story?" Rye nodded to her question. "It was Twilight and her friends." Again he nodded, he seemed to held his composure a bit better then before. Not to say that retelling it didn't hurt. Celestia had looked over at Rye. "Seems you chose very good friends to help with such a burden, young one."

"I don't know. But I felt I could trust them. .... And for me that is a rare sensation. Though I still do feel uneasy walking around amongst all these....ponies. No offence." Rye rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh yea, its twin. As you can see, this one looks like a small star shinning amongst the dark. The other one looks like a dark moon surrounded by a cloud pillow. Mine has a gem as the star, and the moon is a obsidian stone."

Loud crashes could be heard inside. Just as Rye and Celestia got back inside the throne room, the door burst open. A large plume of smoke filled the door frame, two guards came flying out of the smoke in separate directions. Celestia took a stance in front of Rye, her wings fully extended. Thought the situation was dire, he still couldn't help but notice that she was as tall as him.

Rye returned his gaze back to the smoke. At first nothing else seemed to happen till light brown hair started to emerge. The smoke slowly curled around the persons lean body. "Impossible..." Rye whispered as he watched the figure raise it's head. A black sword, being dragged behind, could be seen with blood stains on it. "Damien..."

"All good little ponies must die..." Damien quickly swung the sword in an upward angle, from right to left, creating an energy wave that tore its way at the Princess. Without thinking Rye quickly dodged under her wings and in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the boy do this, but that didn't surprise her as much as what took place next.

As Rye raced toward the attack, snow white wings appeared on his back and a snow white horn shimmered into existence on his forehead. Rye reached, with his left hand, over his right shoulder grabbing hold of a snow white sword as his wings unfurled from it. With a single motion, he brought the blade down in an opposing direction. As the two energy waves collided not far from Rye, a shock wave shattered near by windows and cleared the smoke away from the door.

Twilight and her friends stood just on the other side of the door frame, as the smoke cleared they could see Rye and an other human facing each other. "Hey, Twi, it is me or does Rye look like an alicorn?" Rainbow dash nudged Twilight, in which the purple unicorn just nodded. "He's twenty percent cooler" The others nodded in unison with Rainbow's observation.

Rye glanced to the door noticing the girls. I have to end this quickly, before they get draw into this. As he returned his gaze to his foe, Rye noticed they had taken charge at him. Rye didn't bother to think, he simply reacted, as he raced forward to meet his enemy near half way. The blades clashed sending sparks in every direction.

"An other human here...wait....Shinning Hope?" An evil grin came across Damiens face. "I see you have taken on their look as well, going half breed are you?" Rye didn't bother a response to the banter. Rye took hold of the hilt with hands, "Come now is this any way to greet your brother, Midnight Dreams?"

Damien brought his blade down as Rye blocked it. "YOU ARE NOT MIDNIGHT DREAMS! YOU, ARE JUST A SHELL OF WHAT HE WAS! NOW DAMIEN DIE!" Rye pushed back against Damien's blade causing the other boy to falter just a bit. Seeing his chance, Rye swung his sword around aiming right for Damien's midsection.

As the sword made contact, Damien's body simply became like the smoke. "Looks like our play date has been canceled, brother. Till we meet again...Shinning Hope." Damien swung his blade one last time across Rye's thigh. "Next time I will finish the job." Damien's form vanished from sight, leaving Rye still holding his sword.

As Rye stood there blood slowly trickle down his leg, turning his pants red. Twilight carefully trotted up to Rye. Looking him over, she noticed his leg was covered in blood. "You're bleeding!" Rye didn't flinch nor speak. Twilight was getting worried. Celestia never took her eyes off the boy. Her face was somber. "Flutter shy, do you have a first aid kit with you?" Fluttershy gently flew over to Twilight and Rye. "Rye, I'm going to have to remove a good portion of your pant leg." Twilight sighed seeing Rye had gone into shock after seeing the other human.

It took some time, but Twilight had finally got the pant leg off and most of the blood cleaned off his leg. It was around that moment she noticed on his thigh a mark she knew all too well. It looked to be a small blotch of darkness, in the center was a small white shinning star. Small lines resembling light were around the small star. "YOU HAVE A CUTIE MARK!"