• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 596 Views, 8 Comments

Survival of the forest - asdasdsadsds

Emulator, A puplish pegasi, lives a pretty dull life, that is, until a mare walked into his store.

  • ...

Chapter 2

I look up at the sign as I approach the building. Sugar Cube corners, that's it all right. I walked in with a smile, scanning the room. I spot Pinkie and walk up to her, handing her the board games she had ordered for the party.

"Hey, Nice party, like always." I say with a smile.

"Thanks! We' are all gonna have so much super duper fun with these games!" She says, bouncing in excitement. I chuckle and scan the room, spotting Vibes, talking to Vinyl. I quickly notice that she has a slight blush on her face, like always.

"Hey guys!" I say as I approach them.

"Oh hey Em, I see you finally made it." Vibes says with a smirk.

"H-hey Emulator." Vinyl says to me, her blush fading a bit.

"Yeah, Had to pick up Pinkie's order, you know?". I reply. nodding to both of them.

"Yeah, those games are great, you should really have more customers by now." says Vibes, his smirk still there.

I shrug, saying "So, what were y'all talking about?".

"Oh you know, just music." Vibes says, right before Vinyl replies.

"Y-yeah, music.". Vinyl replies, her blushing slowly disappearing.
"So, you gonna do one of those songs where you work together? I forgot the dang name right now..." I ask them, smirking slightly.

"Nawh, Vinyl's going to use her turntables." Vibes says, shaking his head.

I turn to Vinyl, smiling a bit. "Cool, can't wait to hear it.".

She nods and smiles "Thanks, I 'm preforming tonight, I've got a new set worked out, first time I'm using it is tonight, I hope it goes well." I look around the room, nodding slightly, then I look back to her.

"Eh, it'll be really cool, your music is some of the best." I say, smiling a bit.

"I can't wait to hear it too, I've always wanted to hear your music." Vibes says, smiling still. Vinyl then blushes after hearing this. I grab a carrot-cake and take a bite into it, smiling.


"She really is good." I say to Vibes, watching Vinyl preform up on stage.

"Yeah, I've never heard anything quite like it until now" he replies.

"You know she likes you, right?" I reply with a smirk, as she finishes her first song. Vibes smirks. "

I've known that ever since we met." he says, once the cheering has quieted.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" I say, as she starts her second song.

"I'm going to have to think about it but Octavia likes me as well, you know" Vibes says, his smirk disappearing.

"Really? Dang...that must be....weird, you've worked together for like, so long." I say, shocked. "

It is pretty weird but hey," Vibes says, smirking again," I'm irresistible." I beginning laughing out loud, and soon Vibes joins in to, and everypony starts looking at us, we quickly stop, with silly grins on our faces., as Vinyl finishes her second song.


"So guys, what did you think of my new set?" Vinyl asks us, smiling as she gets off the stage.

"It was great." me and Vibes reply in unison.

"Thanks guys, I worked really hard on it, I knew you were going to love it." Vinyl said, with a smile of pride on her face.

"Well, it's getting late, I better get home, gotta open my store tomorrow." I sighed, when I notice her. My eyes immediately get wide, How didn't I notice her before? Across the room from me was Penflower, looking as beautiful as ever. She hadn't noticed me yet...that's good, don't want to embarrass myself.

"H-hey, Vibes, did you notice that Penflower was here?" I said, looking to Vibes, slightly confused.

"Yes, I did, I invited her here. I hope you don't mind" Vibes said with a smirk.

"I-b-n-no..not at all." I say, starting to blush as I see her notice me. She starts to walk over to me

"Oh hey Emulator, Hi Vibes, thanks for inviting me, it's a great party." She says, with the amazing smile she always wears.

"Hey, any time." Vibes says plainly.

"Em, may I call you Em?" She says, turning to me. I nod and she continues

"Em, the board game you gave me was great, Wild Spirit, that's my brother, loved it, thank you so much.".

"Y-your welcome, I-if you want any others y-you know where my store is." I tell her, smiling.

"Oh, look at the time, bye Vibes, bye Em." She says, hugging me lightly before she leaves. I gasp softly and watch her leave.

"W-what...?" I manage to say, turning to Vibes.

He just chuckles and says, "You obviously can't comprehend anything.".

"What do you mean?" I say, confsued.

Vibes chuckles again, "Come on, really? That's the best you can do?".

"I-I...she can't l-like me...she's so...p-perfect." I replied, my eyes getting a bit bigger.

"Believe it, because she does." he replies, grinning.
I thank Vibes so much for helping me write this, also, check out his work! It's amazing! His Story: 'A record that won't stop' interlocks with mine a bit, so it's worth checking out!