• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 1,414 Views, 43 Comments

Shadows of Darkness, Flames of Courage - SuperPinkBrony12

A sequel to My Little Digimon, Courage is Magic. Tai is teleported to Equestria, again! But this time he's been turned into a pony, and while his team goes looking for him Tai must adapt to life in Equestria. But something evil is about to strik

  • ...

From Bad to Worse

(Digimon Analyser)

Hahaha! Chaosmon is more then a match for all of you! A merger between two of the greatest evil rulers of all time has resulted in the birth of one of the greatest evil digimon ever to exist! And if you think that's bad you haven't seen anything yet!

(Digimon Analyser complete)

"Say hello Chaosmon." King Sombra said. Chaosmon only roared. "Close enough."

"You WON'T get away with this!" Tai said, curling his hands up into fists.

"Oh but I will." King Sombra said "Now to complete my revenge. Chaosmon, merge with me! And together we will destroy everything that stands in our way!" King Sombra turned into a shadowy mist, just like he'd done when merging with Armageddemon.

"This can't be happening." Spike said.

"And yet is." Yolei said.

King Sombra flew into the mouth of Chaosmon. Chaosmon's eyes began to glow.

(Dark Digivolution)

Chaosmon, dark digivolve to, Sombramon!

(Dark Digivolution complete)

Sombramon looked almost exactly like King Sombra, except instead of being a pony his entire body was more like that of a dragon. Nestled atop his head was a crown, made entirely of black. And he wore his trademark red cape around his body, except now it was modified to accomdate his new wings.

"Oh this is bad! This is bad! This is just so bad!" Fluttershy said.

"I think we're in big trouble." Izzy said.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Your ban on digivolution has been lifted. Aren't you going to stop me?" Sombramon teased.

"You're darn right we will!" Tai said "Okay guys, let's bust out Imperialdramon Alicorn Mode and take this sucker down!"

"Uh, about that." Twilight said "I know this is a bad time to just now reveal this, but we don't have the Elements of Harmony anymore."

"What?! You can't possibly be serious!" Tai said.

"It's true." Twilight said "I meant to tell you this a lot sooner, but it completly slipped my mind. It happened not long after I became a princess. We were forced to give the Elements of Harmony back to the Tree of Harmony to protect it."

"Why would you do that?" Tai asked "How could you possibly expect to protect Equestria without the elements?"

"We had no other choice." Twilight said "All of Equestria would've been overrun with evil vines if we hadn't saved the Tree of Harmony. As for the elements, the tree left us a box of some kind, and I have reason to believe that what ever's inside it could help us. It's just too bad we haven't found the keys to it yet."

"That's just great." Tai said sarcastically. "We're sunk. Without Imperialdramon Alicorn Mode we don't stand a chance."

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing we can do. We'll just have to try and wing it as best we can. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky." Pinkie Pie said.

"That will never work!" Tai said.

"So, what then? Is this how it all ends?!" Davis asked.

"Sure looks that way I'm afraid." Tai said "Unless anyone has any bright ideas."

"Fear not, digidestined, help is on its way." an unfamiliar voice (at least to Tai) said.

"That voice. That's the same voice that offered to restore our armor evolutions." Ken said.

"But what's it doing here?" Kari asked.

Fluttershy recognized the voice at once. "Discord?" she asked.

"The one and only." Discord said "Thank goodness I'm able to reach you."

"Oh no, now we've got Discord to contend with as well. This day just keeps getting better, and better!" Tai said.

"It's okay Tai, Discord's on our side now. He's 'reformed'." Fluttershy said.

"For real?" Tai asked "Cause I find that hard to believe."

"You're not hearing things. Discord isn't evil anymore," Twilight said "And it looks like he's come to help us again."

"I can't believe this is happening. I never thought I'd need help from someone like him!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Well like it or not we have to accept it." Rarity said.

"At this point we need all the help we can get." Applejack said.

"Besides, we might get some chocolate rain." Pinkie Pie said, and promptly licked her lips.

"Stay out of this Discord!" Sombramon bellowed "This doesn't concern the likes of you!"

"Oh but it does. You're messing with my friends, and when you mess with my friends you answer to me." Discord said "Besides, someone's got to stop you. What kind of fun would there be if every universe was encased in eternal darkness? That would be boring."

"You're just trying to cover up your own mistakes!" Sombramon bellowed "If it wasn't for you, none of this would've happened! Dont deny it, you know what I'm talking about!"

Discord was silent for a moment. Then he said "Shut up! I'm not going to hear anymore of this! Digidestined, you must listen to me. I want to help you."

"What kind of help do you have in mind?" Tai asked.

"That's what I wanna know." Matt said "And for that matter, can we really trust you?"

"If you don't want my help that's fine. But I'd reconsider if I were you." Discord said.

"Well, what do you guys think? Can we trust him?" Tai asked.

"I guess so." Izzy said. The rest of the digidestined, and their partner digimon nodded.

"Excellent." Discord said "Now listen carefully. I can temporarily 'convince' the Tree of Harmony to give up some of its power, but you will need to be quick about using it. After a while the power will have to be returned to the tree, and then you'll be on your own again."

"Sounds like a plan, I guess." Tai said "Don't give us the power of the Elements of Harmony just yet though. Wait until we've busted out Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, and then give us as much power as you can."

"Okay. Best of luck. You'll most certainly need it." Discord said.

"Alright guys, you know what to do." Tai said "It's time to digivolve!"


Agumon, warp digivolve to, War Greymon!

Gabumon, warp digivolve to, Metal Garurumon!

Veemon, digivolve to, Ex-Veemon!

Wormmon, digivolve to, Stingmon!

(Digivolution complete)

(DNA and Warp DNA Digivolution)

War Greymon!

Metal Garurumon!

Warp DNA digivolve to, Omnimon!



DNA digivolve to, Paildramon!

(DNA and Warp DNA Digivolution complete)


Paildramon, Mega digivolve to, Imperialdramon!

(Digivolution complete)

(Mode change)

Imperialdramon, mode change to, Fighter Mode!

Omnimon's arms split off and turned back into Agumon and Gabumon. Omnimon's body became a holy ring, and eventually the Omni Sword. It flew up into the sky, and then flew back down, and wedged itself into a rock. The sky darkened.

Imperialdramon noticed the sword, and walked over to it. He proceeded to try and pull it out.

Imperialdramon, mode change to

As Imperialdramon tried to pull the Omni Sword out the sword cast bright flashes of light, which began to turn Imperialdramon's jet black coat, into a pure white one.

Finally Imperialdramon pulled the Omni Sword out and swung it round once to confirm he could properly weild it. The sky now shone brightly.

Paladin Mode!

"Do it now Discord!" Tai shouted.

"Okay, here goes." Discord said "You guys know what to do."

Tai and the other digidestined, minus Willis, all called out their crests. They shot into the sky, forming a multi colored rainbow. Twilight and her friends did the same for their respective elements. They also shot into the sky, forming a regular rainbow. The two rainbows rained down on Imperialdramon.

Imperialdramon, mode change to

There was a blinding flash of light. Imperialdramon's body began to change. Suddenly the flash faded. Imperialdramon now stood before the digidestined, digimon, and ponies, in a more equine form. The Elements of Harmony were attached to him in six locations. Tucked into his belt was the Crystal Sword. His whole body was now rainbow colored.

Alicorn Mode!

"What?!" Sombramon shouted.

"Go get em guys!" Discord said.

"Thanks for the help Discord. Leave the rest to us." Tai said.

"Your reign of terror ends now Sombramon!" Imperialdramon shouted.

"You won't defeat me that easily!" Sombramon shouted "Taste the power of my dark magic blast!" An insanely powerful blast of dark magic shot out from Sombramon's mouth. Imperialdramon dodged it, just barely.

"This is the end for you!" Imperialdramon shouted, and thrust the Crystal Sword into Sombramon. Sombramon shrieked in pain as the blade dug itself deeper and deeper into his head. But when Imperialdramon finally pulled it out a crack didn't form. Sombramon had survived.

"Did you fools honestly think the same thing would work twice?" Sombramon asked.

"Um....maybe?" Spike said innoncently.

"Well it didn't work, now did it?" Sombramon said. "Just for that, your punishment will be ten times worse then it would've been had you just layed down and accepted defeat. Now witness my ultimate attack! Flaming Darkness!" A streak of flames, coated with Sombramon's dark magic shot out, and began to burn Imperialdramon harshly.

"This is bad!" Terriermon said.

"But what can we do?" Willis asked "We don't have a crest, and Gargomon wouldn't last five minutes."

"Fear not Willis." Discord said "I shall temporarily grant you the ability to use the Golden Digiegg of Destiny. Consider it my way of letting you have some fun."

"Thanks Discord." Willis said. Already he was having flashbacks to that dream he had supposedly been a part of. Where he and Davis had battled against a rabid Kokomon. He could still remember what he had to do to make the Golden Digiegg work. "Here goes nothing." he said "Golden Armor energize!"

(Golden Armor Digivolution)

Terriermon, Golden Armor digivolve to, Rapidmon!

(Golden Armor Digivolution Complete)

"Hang on guys! Help is on the way!" Willis said "Go get em Rapidmon!"

"With pleasure." Rapidmon said. And set off for the battle site.

Author's Note:

Rapidmon was brought in for a reason. And you'll see next time what that reason is.

As for what Sombra said to Discord, well all will be explained eventually.