• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 253 Views, 0 Comments

Hero: Part 1 - Inyoface

This is the story of how I died. I have to go back, through my memories, and piece them together. Make them whole, so I can see them again,so that I can remember..... In all my time of being a hero I remember one thing; You can't save everyone.

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Chapter 1: This Life of Mine

“Uggh,” I muttered as the light from the window splashed on my face, waking me from my sleep. I took a deep yawn , and looked over at my clock. The time was 12:00, at night. Damn thing must be broken, it’s probably around 1 in the afternoon. I thought to myself. I proceeded to open my drawers and rummage through them with my hooves, trying to find a nice hoodie to bar the winter chills. I finally found what I was searching for (my white, Vynl scratch hoodie that I wore almost every day) and headed out of my bedroom, down the stairs, and to the foyer. It had been a good thirty minutes of sitting down at the table, reading yesterday’s newspaper and drinking the rest of my coffee, before I realized that the sunlight was still pouring in like it had been all morning. Celestia must be really tired if she can’t even remember to move the sun through the sky… I thought quizzically. “But I don’t think work was cancelled, soo…” I mumbled in a very bored tone. The newspaper had been put on the table, the cup , rinsed out and left in the sink, and I was out the door.

“What the hell? Where is everypony?” I questioned myself. To my amazement and utter confusion, there was nopony around, not anywhere to be found! The fact that it was the afternoon added to this, because usually this is the busiest time of day in Ponyville. The streets are usually bustling and full of ponies, but now they were barren, and the houses shuddered like empty shells, a strong winter chill swept through the town and wrapped the town in sheer solitude, loneliness. But the odd thing was, the ponies’ possessions lingered. like memories left behind to freeze and rot. “Hello!!?” I shouted at the top of my lungs, the question echoed through the empty town. “Where is everypony?!” I added. I felt myself compelled by curiosity, and started to move forward into the town. The town that once held my best friends, now felt like a shadow of it’s former self, I gaze to the sky for a moment and see that there isn’t anypony up there either. The weatherponies atleast , should be tending to the clouds or just be flying by, but no, the sky was as barren and empty as the streets I walked.

The sound I hear every day, strange how it could be so chilling. I pondered. The clopping of hooves fills the air with an ominous ambience. I had been walking around the whole of ponyville for the better part of an hour, and still I found nothing, not even a single hoofprint. My spirits started to fade, and the deep dark feeling of loneliness crept into my heart. A chilling breeze brushed by, sending shivers down my spine and made me feel even worse, if that was even possible. I could care less about most of the ponies in this town, but They’re better than nopony at all. The person I would miss the most of all, the one mare that I cared for, and cherished each and every day; Mira Glimmer, my sweet love.

Another gust of wind swept my mane, blue and scruffy with a white streak running through it, (my mane, that is). I gazed up to the clouds , and a terrible reminder shot through me like a bullet. My wing.

About two months ago, I was working up in Cloudsdale. A small job in the Weather Department, mainly consisting of busting clouds, and keeping weather patterns in shape around the Baltimare area. It was just like any other day, flying around, observing the clouds and making sure they kept in shape and followed their patterns… Then she came. That damned griffon.

“Hey! What’s goin’ on? Get out of the way!” she shouted

“Umm sorry miss, I…” I stumbled on my words
Her feathers looked ruffled , she had bags under her eyes, her scowl twitched. I could tell that something bad had happened to her.

“Miss, are you ,okay?”

“UUGGGHH!!” She bellowed. “You pegasi think you can do whatever you want, whenever!, just because you friggin,.. Clear the skies or some bull like that!”

”…I, I but ummm…” I muttered, nearly speechless at this seemingly random outburst.

“look, as I think you can tell, I’m not in a very good mood today” She scoffed at her own words and folded her arms in disapproval of my being. “and I just want to get home and get hammered so that I can forget this ENTIRE day. But you Pegasus assholes us ARE BLOCKING THE FRICKIN’ WAY!!!” She screamed in pure rage.

“I’m sorry miss, but the sky is scheduled for some cloud maintenance and…” I slowly explained, as her expression grew colder. Then she finally burst.

She landed a fist right on my face, and I fell down unto a soft cloud. She raced after me . So I bolted away as fast as I could, but That still wasn’t enough, and she caught up to me and snatched my right wing with her claws, cutting my wings. I was pulled to the nearest hiding spot behind a nearby building, and… she beat me to a pulp. As she wailed on me, I tried to defend, but she was much larger and stronger than me. I could tell that the traffic stop was not the real cause of this, she hurt inside… deep inside I could see the pain inside of her, and she used this as fuel for her unrelenting fists against my beaten and broken body. I swear, she broke almost every bone In my body. When she was done, I couldn’t even move. She got up, brushed herself off, and started to fly away. In my last moments of consciousness I saw her look back. I might have even seen a bit of regret, but I don’t know. I woke up in a white room, an IV in my foreleg, and bandages all over my body. The doctors were somber and rarely spoke to me throughout my visit, but I could see it in their eyes,pity and despair. They put on a smile whenever they went near me, but I could tell that it was just a masquerade. The same smile worn every day in the presence of death, tends to get worn out.

A few days passed, and the doctor finally got up and told me, “Son, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but…”

“what?” I scowled at his reluctance to strait up tell me what was so blatantly wrong. He picked up my file on the clipboard at the end of the bed, and started to flip through.
“that assaulter nearly killed you, I’m surprised to see you alive, but whoever it was put you in a very critical condition, and there’s only so much we can do…” He pleads to me.

“What, Happened?” I said sternly, anger rising in my voice.

“There was extensive damage to most of your body, but , the most damage took place …” He hesitated, his face grew somber.

“DAMMIT, TELL ME!!” I shouted, the sheer anger consuming me, making my blood boil.

“Severe fractures in your right and left wings, torn feathers,… damage at the base. “ He took a long pause, trying his best to keep eye contact.
“ I’m very , very sorry sir, but there was nothing we could do. You may never be able to fly again.”

Then and there, I forsook all.
I hated the room, the curtains, the other patients, the nurses, but most of all, the doctor(for he could not save or help me, no matter what ) and life itself. So cruel, so unfair. Why would life give me this gift and then take it away? I was flooded by a tidalwave of emotion. Sadness, depression, frustration and of course, hatred… I was becoming the person that did this to me. A week later, I’m released. I decide to get as far away from that Celestia-forsaken city. I found out about Ponyville, a small town, friendly people. I moved in.
I saw her for the first time at a coffee shop. She was sitting all alone, and so was I, so she decided to give me some company. She came over and scooted a chair to the other side of my table. I was surprised, and confused Why would anyone want to be near me?

“Hi, my name, is Mira. Nice too meet you. What’s your name?” She asked cheerfully

“Umm, I’m … “ I squirmed in my chair. “I’m …Indigo.”
Her voice was soft and comforting, like a melody that sung in my head, it danced like a gust of summer wind, filling my atmosphere with a sweet, warm harmony.

“Indigo, huh? I like it, nice and simple.” She sat there, and examined me, as I examined her. She was a warm vanilla color, her long, beautiful, soft- cut brown mane refracted the sunlight from the windows of the shop. A pleasant smile, flanked by freckles, adorned her face. A small, green bow lay atop her head.
“ You were all alone, so I decided to come over and give you some company.” She paused. By that time I could tell that her eyes had reached my wing. Well, no more a wing than a memory, a stub of happiness. The other wing left on my back as a cold reminder of my disabilities, and how useless it was.
“Poor thing, what happened to you? “ She asked, the worry plain on her face. The despair plain on mine.

“...I , “ I really didn’t want to talk about it. She could tell that she struck a nerve, and quickly changed the subject.

“So, what do you do for fun?” she asked, cheerfully.

“I don’t do much for fun, just sit around, and go to work. That’s all really.” I said plainly.

“Well that’s just sad! You need to meet some friends and get out more! What you do is ,.. unhealthy.” She said disapprovingly, as if disgusted by the fact.

“I guess, I mean, it’s been a while since I’ve done anything enjoyable in my life lately.” I mumbled

“Well then why don’t we go have fun?” She said, enthusiastically , the happiness coming from her was Superfluous.
Mira took hold of my arm and led me out of the coffee shop. As she ran with me a smile etched across her face the summer sun gleamed off of her features like a fresh rainbow. We hustled down the street as she took me around the town square to wander through various shops and parks before finally leading me out to the hill near the edge of town, which peered over the apple family orchard. As the sun had begun to set, the orange, red and yellow glow reflected off of every apple in the Apple Acres fields orchard, the sight was one of the most beautiful I had ever seen, but not as beautiful as her. The reds and oranges and yellows of the sunset painted her vanilla coat like a canvas, and her coffee brown hair was illuminated by the brightest yellows. She turned her head in my direction. The most tender and loving stare emanated from her amber eyes as she closed in on me, her head tilted slightly to the right. I closed my eyes, and truly felt that I had something to live for again. Her muzzle was soft, and the kiss was,… the most perfect thing I had ever known. It gave me a purpose. True love.


Author's Note:

This is the first chapter of a (Hopefully long and/or prosperous) fantasy/adventure story. But I really need some coverart, and an editor.
This is also the first story I have ever written. Ever. Enjoy, and as always... Have Fun!

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