• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 1,465 Views, 13 Comments

Supermare: the Mare of Tomorrow - cornholio4

Applejack the superhero Supermare must take on the rogue Coltronian General Jax-Ek!

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Prologue and Start of a Brand New Day

A long time ago on the distant planet of Coltron in the section of space that the Guardians of the Universe have designated Sector 2812, there was a civilisation that knew peace for several thousands of years.

The residents were what Equestrian would call Earth Ponies who managed to create a world with great technological wonder and scientific discovery. Whatever criminals they had, where sentenced to a dimension the Coltronians dubbed ‘the Phantom Zone’.

The Phantom Zone was a dark void of nothing but asteroids and demonic creatures. The Coltronians discovered this dimension when testing a transporter projector device that had been invented. Criminals sentenced there would have to spend hundreds of years trapped in a state of limbo where they would be neither living nor dead and they would be unable to age.

One of their greatest minds was the respected Jor-El who had close ties to the Coltronian Council and was close friends to military figure Jax-Ek.

Jax-Ek once he turned of age joined the Coltronian Military and impressing his superiors with his cunning strategic mind and bloodless determination when going into battle. He rose up the ranks until eventually becoming the supreme commander of Coltron’s military forces...


Pinkie Pie! GO AWAY!!!

Sorry I guess I will leave you Mr boring opening exposition man!

Now where was I? It is off the top of my head.....Ah got it!

Jax-Ek eventually became the supreme commander of Control’s military forces and for many years he faithfully served the Coltronian Council and the planet’s defences for many countless years, even marrying his second in command Faora whom he eventually had a child with – a colt called Lor-Ek. However Jax-Ek grew dissatisfied with how the Council ran the planet seeing them as growing weak. He came to the conclusion that it was up to him to other throw them and become the strong leader Coltron needed to survive.

He knew he needed a backup plan just in case he was caught and arrested. He and his wife Faora decided to send their son Lor on a rocket to outer space so the Coltron Council would not be able to send him to try and mold them into their obedient soldier. They figure they would try and escape and join their son in whatever planet he ended up on.

With Soldiers loyal to their cause Jax and Faora led the attack to overthrew the Council and they would have succeeded if Jor-El had not found out about the conspiracy and alerted the Council, allowing Jax’s forces to fall into a trap and be captured.

At his trial Jax and his conspirators were sentenced to the Phantom Zone, Jax told his former friend he will make sure the House of El pays for this betrayal.

Years after that when Jor-El found out about Coltron being doomed...........

Jor-El an orange pony in a red robe was looking at two small rockets he had made. “the Council did not believe my theories about Coltron’s destruction and I only had time to build two small rockets for our daughters Ap and Bloom, coordinated so they will not go to separate planets.”

His wife Lara a blonde maned and orange mare in a red robe similar to her husband’s, approached sadly holding their daughters: Ap and the younger Bloom.

Ap and Bloom cried and tried to hold onto their mother as they were placed in both rockets. “We will never see them walk or talk...” Lara said with tears in their eyes "They will be outcasts, they will be alone...."

"No Lara my dear." Jor said kissing his wife's head "they will never be alone, they will have eachother and we will be watching over them in spirit."

Jor put in two identical suits in the rockets as well as two halves of a stone like device. “This device will allow us in hologram form contact our daughters when they are ready, as well as two form fitting scout uniforms bearing the crest of the House of El and the Symbol of Hope.”

Soon the rockets then were launched into space as Jor and Lara held onto eachother with tears in their eyes as the planet descended into its doom.

The two rockets crashed on Equestria next to a barn. Ms Smith the owner of the farm that the rockets crashed into came to take a look. She peered inside the rockets and smiled at the sleeping foals inside. She took them in and her ‘grandson’ Big Macintosh was there to meet his new sisters.



Filthy Rich was in his mansion after getting dressed in the morning. He was the wealthy and well known owner and CEO of ‘Rich’s Barnyard Bargains’ the most successful business in all of Ponyville, and all of Equestria if Filthy Rich’s goals came through. The business had been in his family ever since it was made by his grandfather Stinkin’ Rich during the time Ponyville was founded, along with help from the Apple family.

Of course the family business was not the only profits he had managed to bring in. He also worked on a small organised crime ring. It helped give him extra profits and what he needed to help eliminate competitors which posed a threat to him being the biggest business pony in Ponyville.

A year ago that tile may have belonged to Jet Set and Upper Crust who had ran Ponyville’s night time organised crime world but Jet Set had gone insane and Upper Crust was sent to Blackgate prison, all thanks to the masked night time vigilante Mare Do Well.

Of course this Mare Do Well was never a problem to Filthy Rich as he kept his less than legal activities in the day time. Recently he now had his own costume mare to deal with:


A few weeks ago a costumed mare that could somehow fly began rescuing ponies in danger in Ponyville and even stopping crimes. The problem was that most of those crimes happened on his orders and thus he was losing money from his less than legal margins.

It also seemed this mare was stronger than a normal earth pony should be. She could lift things no mere earth pony should be able to lift, she could fly at speeds rivalling that of the Wonderbolts, she could use her breath to put out a fire in seconds and she could shoot heat rays from her eyes.

He knew he had to stop this mare before his crime business was all ruined; luckily he had managed to find an element called Coltronite which was lethal to Supermare, but just a normal rock to a normal pony.

He had hired a few pegasi thugs to try and kill Supermare with a Coltronite powered cloud machine but they failed thanks to some thrill seeking Pegasus called ‘the Dash!’

They had failed but he had a backup plan, just like he always did when something even slightly not goes his way.

In his mansion he went downstairs to watch one of his servants about to take his daughter Diamond Tiara to school. Diamond Tiara was always bullying and making fun of the students who had yet to earn their Cutie Marks.

“Tiara remember what I said, if I get a call from your teacher that you have been picking on those Cutie Mark less fillies we are going to have a major falling out, am I understood young mare?” Filthy Rich asked his daughter with a dark glower.

Diamond Tiara was about to protest or moan but she wisely decided against it after seeing the look on her father’s face, she just nodded sadly as the servant led her out of the door. Filthy Rich after the servant shut the door, stomped his hooves on the expensive wooden floor and shook his head in frustration.

Filthy Rich hated listening to reports that Diamond Tiara was acting like some thug instead of showing a more subtle scheming side, honestly did she seriously not understand or comprehend they may not have the fortune that they do, if the family of one of her victims had not helped his grandfather by supplying him with the jam that he managed to sell?

Whatever, it was not worth thinking about anymore unless he does get another report about her daughter: for the sake of his daughter he hoped that it doesn’t happen.

He then trotted outside his mansion and began trotting down to a warehouse that Rich’s Barnyard Bargains owned. He saw that his accomplice was there – a green furred earth pony.

“I see you have managed to come here.” Filthy noted looking at the pony he had hired for this job “I see you are adjusting well to what I have done to you in order to save your life.”

“Yeah I guess I like the new me.” laughed the earth pony “It took a little time in order to get used to it. By the way, when will I get my half a million bits?”

“You will get your pay when Supermare is destroyed and not a millisecond sooner.” Filthy Rich said glaring at the impudent mercenary he has hired “remember I spend quite a lot of bits in order to ‘improve’ you and you had better show gratitude by doing your mission! I want to remind you that what I have done to you, I can easily undo if you fail me!”

“Ya-ya.........” the pony said looking extremely bored and not noticing or caring about the angry look his employer was giving him “I will destroy that so called hero for you, just remember to get my money ready or else I will destroy you as well!”

The Pony then left the warehouse leaving Filthy Rich to his thoughts. He was offering five hundred thousand bits to the mercenary to destroy his meddling problem, the same amount of bits it took to improve him. Still if it meant he could continue his less than legal businesses without having to worry about a meddling caped flying mare, then it will be well worth the one million bits he had to spend to make it happen.

He was wondering what his little problem was up to right now.


In the Sweet Apple Acres farm the oldest daughter Applejack sighed as she woke up in the bed in her room. After taking a sigh and stretching her upper hooves she put on her work hat as she got out and chased by her playful dog Winona.

She greeted her older brother Big Macintosh and Granny Smith as she tucked into her breakfast, her younger sister Applebloom would be already at school right now.

“Applebloom was still going on about not having her powers yet.” Granny Smith laughed as Applejack saw the newspaper on the table “SUPERMARE RESCUES PONIES FROM OUT OF CONTROL CARRIAGE!!!”.

Applejack smiled knowing that unknown to anypony but her family, the Supermare was her. A few weeks ago when taunted by some jerks Applejack hit the ground so hard what seemed like an earthquake happened.

When she explained it to her family Granny Smith revealed a secret she had been keeping from them their entire life: she was their grandmother but their adoptive mother.

She explained she had found Big Macintosh when a rocket crashed on the barn and later two more rockets came which had Applejack and Applebloom in them. They also discovered Applejack and Applebloom were daughters of a scientist on a planet called Coltron, who sent her and Applebloom to Equestria to escape the planet’s destruction.

So while she and Applebloom were biologically sisters and the last survivors of Coltron, Big Macintosh was not their biological sister and they did not know where he came from. Big Mac did not mind, for they were family in all but blood.

Applejack discovered that her powers were the result of the lower form of gravity on Equestria and a different kind of sun which took years for her absorb and develop her powers, with Applebloom too young to develop powers yet.

In the rockets were suits and a hologram of their birth father Jor-El to explain who they were. Using the suit in her rocket she decided to become a hero called Supermare, in order to help ponies in trouble.

She spent the day working on the farm with Big Macintosh, hours later she asked Big Macintosh a question which was bugging her for a long time. “Hey Big Macintosh.” Applejack asked facing her brother.

“Eyeup?” Big Macintosh said looking at her sister in curiosity “what is it AJ?”

“Are you bitter about not getting powers since we do not know where you are from?” Applejack asked. She expected Big Mac to reply with anger, sadness, bitterness.........but laughter?

“Oh no AJ.” Big Macintosh said shaking his head “I am a farmer, not a superhero and I don’t need fancy powers.”

Applejack knew that Big Mac was now being sarcastic or anything since she found nothing but sincere and honesty in his voice. “I forgot to tell you this morning but Applebloom said she would be playing with her friends after school!” Big Macintosh told Applejack as the school would be over soon.

“Yeah they would be probably up to some scheme to get their Cutie Marks.” laughed Applejack, when will her sister and her friends learn to just wait until they discover their special talents on their own.

She then caught something in her x-ray vision. “I see a pony causing trouble!” Applejack said looking serious.

“Go get him then Applejack.” Big Macintosh said as Applejack went into her barn and changed from her hat to the suit that came with her rocket. As Supermare she began flying away at super speed.


“Time to go home my little ponies!” the teacher Cheerilee told her student in the schoolhouse, as it was time for them to go home for it was Friday afternoon “enjoy your weekend and I will see you all again on Monday!”

The students then exited the schoolhouse to go their separate ways for the rest of the afternoon. Applebloom saw Snips and Snails head to the direction of the Everfree Forest while Diamond Tiara huffed at her while she went away with Silver Spoon.

Applebloom went to join her friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Together the three fillies were known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, “So what do you want to do now we are out of school?” Sweetie Belle asked her two friends.

“Oh I have an idea!” Scootaloo shouted excitedly, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle shuddered at what happened with Scootaloo’s last idea.

“What is your idea Scootaloo?” Applebloom, pretty much dreading the answer.

“I was thinking Cutie Mark Crusaders.........” whatever Scootaloo was going to say next was interrupted by the three of them noticing their classmates were looking up in the air.

“What is everypony looking at?” asked Sweetie Belle curiously as the classmates were pointing their hooves to the sky as well as looking.

“It’s Supermare!” then the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked up to see the Ponyville hero Supermare fly past at super speed.

Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were watching in awe with the rest of the classmates while Applebloom just smiled to herself, knowing that it was her big sister up in the sky.

She wished she did not have to wait till she was older until she could develop powers of her own, she may even get her Cutie Mark in superheroing!


Applejack flew to the centre of Ponyville Square where a green earth pony was terrorising the citizens. “I will give you one chance to surrender!” Applejack said glaring at the pony.

“Come and get me Supermare!” the pony said with a mocking laughter as it kept attacking the civilians. Applejack then decided the pony needed to learn some manners. She then went charging at the pony with her hoove up ready for a punch..........but suddenly when she got close enough she felt sick for a second and the pony kicked her so hard she went flying into a cart.

Shocked that a pony could take her down Applejack, nonetheless managed to get up. Applejack decided she might have to use heat vision to stun him a little. Nothing serious, just enough so she can knock him down and turn him to the authorities.

She then aimed her heat vision at his face abut after a minute she was amazed to see it seemed to have no effect on her. When she stopped it looked as if his face was a mask and she had burnt halve of his face off revealing a robotic skeleton.

“What – what are you?” Applejack muttered when the pony started laughing mockingly as the civilians who witnessed this screamed. He then used his hoove to tear out a piece of his torso to reveal a glowing green rock.

“Coltronite......” muttered Applejack recognising the glowing green rock that was lethal to her. No wonder she felt sick when she was about to punch him.

“My name was Carbon Copy....” the pony explained as he slowly walked up to Applejack “but you can call me by my new identity............METALLO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Applejack managed to get up and looked determined at the mocking look on her ne foe’s face. Even if it meant possibly injuring herself thanks to that Coltronite rock, she had to stop this Metallo before he messed with anypony else.

On the back of her mind applejack was wondering how did Metallo become like this, who could have done it to him? Maybe somepony with a grudge against her or something.

That didn’t matter right now, what did was defeating Metallo!


In the Everfree Forest there was a dusty old black device. Snips and Snail two small ponies who decided to spend their time after school exploring the Everfree Forest.

“Snips look!” Snails said pointing his hoove at the device as they then started marvelling at it.

Author's Note:

I decided to do this spin off story. I will be working on the main attraction of my Earth 52: the Twilight Sparkle Green Lantern story (taking place after chapter 12) not so much until this story is at least almost done. Jax-Ek will basically be a pony version of General Zod and his name is a combination of Jax-Ur and Nam-Ek.