• Published 28th Nov 2013
  • 1,096 Views, 13 Comments

Multiple Human Crossover Story Number 1 - Ginger Pony

I dont have a fancy name for this yet. Six humans from different universes land in Equestria. What's the worst that could happen?

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Arrival

6 entities, with different lives,
will band together, side by side.

Chapter I

It was a relatively calm day in Ponyville. Summer was well underway, and the weather team had been hard at work keeping the skies clear for the inhabitants below. The melodic sound of the natural wildlife created a soothing backdrop for the ponies embracing the comforting warmth, or seeking reprieve in an ever-dwindling patch of shade as it came close to noon. It was picturesque, wonderful, and peaceful.

That was until a mutated-looking green mammoth-of-a-bipedal clad in torn purple pants came barrelling in from the Everfree Forest, accompanied by the strangest looking rag-tag of creatures possible.

"HULK SMAAAASHHHH!" The behemoth roared as it charged into the town square, startling many a pony unlucky enough to be in the vicinity. With it's gargantuan fists- each the size of a fully grown Pegasus - it reared them up into the air, only to bring them down onto a wooden stall selling cabbages. Wood splintered everywhere and bits and pieces of vegetable flew this way and that, coating the immediate area in leafy products. Behind the creature, another five alien looking beings arrived, although they seemed more intent on stopping the first one than causing more havoc. Not that anypony cared, seeing as everypony had fled fearing their life.

A clocked human, looking no older than nineteen, with startling green eyes behind a pair of round glasses and jet black hair, pulled an intricately carved stick from his sleeve, and raised it, pointing towards the creature. His face was ragged, shrouded with weeks worth of stubble and caked in blood. A small, auburn beared dwarf clad in metal armour and wielding a battleaxe shouted towards him.

"Harry! Your magic will be no use against him!" But Harry paid no attention to him, and shouted

"STUPEFY!" A jet of red sparks jettisoned from the wooden instrument and collided with the beasts left shoulderblade. The spell, which could knock even a troll unconscious, had no affect on it, but seemed only to anger it more. It yelled incoherently, turning towards the others.

"AGHHHHHHH!" It bellowed, charging towards them, leading with it's shoulder. The dwarf scrambled away as fast as it could, a butler elegantly flipped out of harms way (an impressive feat, considering he still held a silver tray carrying a pot of tea and an assortment of cakes.), Harry dived, clock flapping around his ankles. A masked man in a red jumpsuit cackled manically as he dived over the creature.

But the last one stood still. A strongly built man by the name of Roran stood his ground, drawing a carpenter's hammer from his belt, and waited. The behemoth was almost face-to-face with the ex-farmer before Roran jumped, reaching his free hand around his neck, and used the momentum gained to launch himself around the mammoth's shoulders.

"Ha!" He cried, brandishing his hammer. "Reminds me of the time I had to wrestle with Yarbog after he challenged my authority!" Because of the thick muscles around his arms, the creature had little reach with his stubby fingers around his neck, and tried, in vain, to buck Roran off.

"Roran," The butler said with a level voice. "Remember we're not trying to kill Bruce here; he's in the same situation as us." He wiped a bit of spittle off of his waistcoat that had flung from Bruce during his rampage with white-gloved hands. The masked man appeared beside him.

"Aww, come on Sebby." He cooed, getting uncomfortably close to the butler and stroking his straight black hair. "It's all just a bit of fun! Hey, Hammerman!" He called to Roran, who was still preoccupied with Bruce, "Lemme have a go on the big green horsey when you're done!" He cackled again, then turned to the dwarf. "Hey, Gimli, do you want me to give you a leg up?" Apparently his own joke was hysterical, as he broke down in fits of laughter, clutching his stomach.

Gimli looked unimpressed and gave him a deadpan glare from under his helm. "I'm surprised you have the intellect to talk, even with such a name as Deadpool." He turned towards the ruckus of Roran still riding Bruce's shoulders, who was getting more and more aggravated at being unable to reach him. Harry appeared next to the others, shaking his head.

"How did Bruce become like this?" He asked, before eyeing their surroundings. No-one was in sight, thank-you-very-much, but something about where they were felt odd. Too odd.

"So how do we go about stopping him then?" Gimli asked. "Did he happen to say anything before he went berserk?"

30 Minutes Prior...

Sunlight shone through the canopy in the edges of the Everfree forest. The warm air washed over six prone figures laid on the ground; some face up, others face down. apart from the birds and fauna passing messages to one another about these strange creatures, not a sound could be heard.

Roran Garrowson jolted awake. "Agh!" He yelled, leaping to his feet and immediately his right hand lept to his opposite his to draw-

Nothing. Roran blinked in confusion, before he finally took in his surroundings. His mouth fell agape as the vividly coloured world around him certainly contrasted from where he thought he was. A teleportation spell? He thought, but then again, teleportation was a taxing enough spell as it was; from what Eragon had told him, Arya's spell to send Saphira's egg from Du Weldenvarden to his hometown put her comatose. He certainly wasn't in Alaglaesia anymore. No, He thought, shaking his head. He probably wasn't in the same world anymore, considering it had been winter but two minutes ago.

His eye's fell down, only to lock onto the other five figues he'd failed to notice before. A older teenage boy, garbed in mage-like robes; A red-beared dwarf that looked highly like Hrogthar the Dwarf's successor, Orik. Although this dwarf seemed to be taller, and had a battleaxe strapped to his back. The thought of weapons made him check his belt, and he was thankful that his trusty hammer remained by his side. The hammer that gave him the title 'Roran Stronghammer', and which he used to slay 193 men singlehandedly.

Roran was confused as to why an unconscious butler- complete with tea tray -was there, but no matter. A man wearing purple bottoms lay face-down from the rest of them; obviously unconscious like the others. And last there was-

"BOO!" Deadpool yelled into Roran's as he turned around. Roran jumped out of his skin, cursing as he jumped backwards and instinctively pulled his hammer out, and tapped it against his tunic. Deadpool cackled, the full body suit stretching around his jawline.

"Oh my GAWD your face, Hammerman!" Deadpool roared as his laughter died down to fits of giggles. "Did you guys find it funny?" He asks, looking at... you? Deadpool, I thought we agreed no fourth wall breaking until chapter-

"I know I know, Mr Author-gumpy-pants" Deadpool mocked, hands on his pistol holsters he wore on his belt. Roran eyed Deadpool as though he'd been possessed. "Anyway, where were we?" He asked, looking back towards Roran.

A groaning interrupted any answer Roran might have given, as Harry was slowly coming around. The wizard groaned, blinking his startling green eyes- Just like your mothers, they would say -and looked around. He was... still in the woods? had be been knocked unconscious rather than... he shook his head. No, this isn't the Forbidden Forest, He thought. Trees are too young... He noticed his company; some of them incapacitated, like he was. Paying them no mind, he checked himself. He sighed in relief when he found his wand, and noticed that the slight cushioning on his stomach meant that the invisibility clock was still there. he adjusted his circular glasses. Something felt... missing though, and he couldn't for the life of him know what it was.

"Young'un, are you alright?" Roran asked, as Deadpool started fiddling with his pistols, hardly interested. He knelt beside Harry, who sat up.

"Yeah, never better." He slowly, with a little help from Roran, pulled himself onto his feet, taking in more of his surroundings.

"'Name's Roran, by the way." Roran said, always believing formalities were important. He stuck out his free hand to Harry, who after a second of consideration, grasped it.

"And III'm Deadpool!" Deadpool announced, pulling off a backflip because he felt like it. He gave no indication of any other formalities, other than a tiny nod.

Roran just ignored Deadpool. "Cant say I've never met you before; what part of Alaglaesia did you say you were from?" He questioned Harry.

Harry gave a confused look, but before he could reply, the dwarf a few feet away from them finally roused, clutching his head painfully.

"Agh, I should've never challenged Legolas to a drinking challenge. Blasted Elf." He muttered under his breath. He daren't open his eyes, and rolled onto his stomach. "And someone close the blasted blinds!" He growled to nobody in particular.

"Erm, Hello?" Harry asked cautiously, acutely noticing the rather menacing looking axe strapped to his waist, which was encrusted In what looked faintly like weeks-old blood.

"Whoever you are I care not, just please for the love Middle Earth turn down lanterns or something." He murmured through the grass, only now realising what he was laid on. "...I'm not in my chambers anymore, am I?"

"'Fraid not lil man!" Deadpool said, jumping over and prodding the dwarf in the back of the skull. Gimli cursed, trying to bat Deadpool away, but only succeeded in getting a face-full of sunlight.

"Here." Harry said, walking over to the dwarf and pulling out his wand. Deadpool moved backwards, but giggled. "A Stick? Good idea! Prod him more!" But nobody was listening to him.

"Just relax." Harry told the dwarf, who was squinting at him through crunched eyes. He looked at the wand doubtfully, but listened, closing his eyes and laying backwards, relaxed. Well, as relaxed as he could get with the sound of a thousand drums pounding his temples.

Harry gently placed the tip of his holly wand on the dwarfs forehead, concentrating. Every other conscious person watched out of curiosity; even Deadpool was paying attention. Harry murmured something, but nobody made out what he said. A small jet of clear, water-like substance flowed gently from his wand, and rested on the dwarfs head. It pulsated a few times, before vanishing, along with the headache.

"Gimli opened his eyes. The sun didn't pain him, nor did his limbs ache. He smiled gratefully. "I suppose a thanks is in order." He stood up to his full height of just under four feet. Gimli as well stuck out his hand for Harry to shake, which he dd in his knelt position. "My name is Gimli, and what may I ask is yours?" He questioned to the group.

"Harry Potter, and your welcome." Harry said, shaking the gauntleted hand with a smile.

"Roran Stronghammer"

"Deadpool!" Again, with customary flip.

"Sebastian." Everyone flinched. all of them drew their weapons instinctively; pistol, axe, wand, and hammer pointed towards the suited figure. The same suited figure who lay unconscious a moment ago. "Ah," He said, his right gloved hand balancing the tray effortlessly as he took a bow. "I suppose a more formal introduction is in order." He righted himself. "My name is Sebastian, Butler of the Phantomhive House. I suppose that is now not the case, as I believe our current where-abouts are unknown." His eloquent one of voice, plus his rather relaxed mannerism, startled them all. Gimli was the first to recover.

"Well we all seem to be in the same boat, Sebastian." He nodded towards the tall butler. "But right now we still seem to be a member down." He pointed towards the last prone figure of a shirtless man on the ground. "Would you do the honours? Then we can find out how we got here." Sebastian nodded kindly. "Please hold this." He said to Harry as he passed, giving the youngest the tray of assorted food and tea. Harry looked dumbfounded at the tray, but paid it no serious mind. At least he seemed harmless enough.

Sebastian knelt down beside the figure. A small, leather item protruded out of the torn jeans. Curious, Sebastian took it, and opened the wallet. "His name is Bruce Banner apparently" Sebastian said, inspecting the remaining items. A small amount of what he presumed currency, and, when Harry clarified what it was, an out of date bus ticket.

Finished with the inspection, he put the wallet back, and gently shook Bruce's Shoulder. "Mr Banner, It is imperative you wake up now." He said softly. No response. Sebastian frowned, and clapped his hands together twice. "Bruce, with all due respect you nee-" Sebastian was caught off guard his a fist knocked into his stomach, winding him and launching him to a nearby tree.

Bruce stood up, the others slowly backing off. His eyes were an unnatural red, and he seemed to be growing. his muscles rippled and popped, growing at least five times their size. A growl emitted from the creature as he finished growing. The others waited, stood stock still, as they faced Bruce.

Bruce sniffed, his anger held at bay for a moment. A guttural roar came from his throat as he turned to his right and stampeded through the undergrowth. Sebastian walked towards the others, looking uninjured. "Where do you think he's headed?" He asked.

Roran stared in the direction of where Bruce went. His blood chilled as he heard something he feared wasn't true. "He's headed for civilisation." He started sprinting after Bruce, bracing his hammer. Without a word, the other four ran a split second later, already questions about where they were flung from their mind, the more important task of stopping Bruce going on a mass-murdering rampage.


"I guess not." Sebastian sighed, placing a clean gloved hand on hs chiselled face. "Do we have any idea how to stop him?" He asked the others with him. Roran will still preoccupied with Bruce, and seemed to be managing well enough.

"Don't mean to alarm anyone, but I think I found the indigenous species." Harry said quietly, looking over towards the edge of what he presumed was the town square. There was two of them; one purple and one brown. and both were looking at Bruce with startling large eyes of terror.

"Are they... ponies?" Gimli questioned, raising a hand to shield from the sun to get a better look.

"Seems to be; multi-coloured at that." Sebastian commented. The four of them paid no mind to the other two, and were rather interested in these ponies.

"PONIES!" Deadpool shouted, running towards them with his arms extended like a small child would with a teddy. The two ponies saw, what they presumed, was a fearsome looking alien that could talk without any visible mouth. They both screamed; female sounding, Sebastian noted dully with his face in his hand, and one of them took flight, startling the others as it beat it's wings and flew away. the other just ran, disappearing down the alleyway.

Deadpool came to a halt, sighing sadly. "Awwww..." He said, looking crestfallen, and not paying attention to the large chunk of rubble that whizzed by his head.

Gimli shook his head. "he seems to be a few soldiers short of an army." He said, focusing back on the commotion. By now, Bruce was really aggravated, screaming and bellowing his lungs out. Roran seemed to be managing, still around the beast's shoulders; his stubby fingers scraping Roran's back.

Suddenly, Bruce stopped. a pure look of terror washed over his face; unseen to the others, who he had his back to now. He stood, stock still, paralysed even.

Roran noticed this. He doubted it was a ploy of Bruce's, and hesitantly loosened his hold. "Erm, Bruce?" He said cautiously.

"Whats going on?" Sebastian asked, the four of them, now Deadpool had joined them, walked up to the other two.

"I don't know." He called back to them, leaning forward over Bruce's face to look at him. "Look's like he's seen a-" Whatever he was going to say was lost as a light blue blur collided into him, knocking him off of Bruce.

"YAY! MORE PONIES!" Deadpool yelled, clapping his hands together in a very camp fashion. Whats more, it seemed that one of the ponies felt the same way, as a bubblegum pink pony attack-hugged him, the two sprawling onto the ground.

"What do you want!" The blue blur spoke to Ror- wait, spoke? Roran looked into the face of a... Pegasus? Yep, wings are there, and weirdly enough it had a rainbow mane. And it most definitely talked to him. Roran laughed. "Talking ponies?! Yep, definitely been captured and drugged." He giggled manically, and the pony above him frowned.

"STOP!" A female voice yelled at all of them, enough force in the shout to stop everyone, even Deadpool and his companion who were currently having a tickle fight. A butter-blonde Pegasus stood, wings flared, glaring at the six humans and two ponies. a light pink mane spilled over her face, but it did nothing to hide the stern, frightening, demanding look that shone behind her eyes. Behind her were another three ponies; a purple unicorn, horn glowing and eyes stern; a plain orange pony wearing a Stetson; and a prismic white unicorn, with intricately styled mane, levitating some rather large and fearsome sewing needles with her magic.

The butter Pegasus took a step forward. Behind her, the purple unicorn raised a hoof to stop her. "Fluttershy, stop." She said, but Fluttershy paid her no mind.

She walked up to Bruce, who was... cowering? his large frame sagged inwards as he tried to backtrack, only to be stopped by the other two ponies.

Harry, Gimli, Sebastian, Roran, and Deadpool, all watched from the side-lines, curious. And scared.

"That's not the way somepony should behave," He said sternly, pointing a hoof at the offending bipedal. "Mr...?" He looked at the other humans quizzically

"Bruce Banner is his name." Sebastian said kindly. Fluttershy nodded once, then turned back to Bruce. "Mr Banner, i'm telling you right now, behave!" She jabbed her hoof once towards Bruce, who flinched, but nodded rapidly.

"Are we going to be good?" Again, a nod. Fluttershy's demeanour softened, and a smile crept on her face. Behind her, the remaining ponies, not counting the small crowd at the edge of the clearing, stood behind her.

Bruce chuckled gently. "Sorri." He said deeply, before dropping to his knees. Bruce started panting, which alarmed Fluttershy.

"Bruce, are you allright?" She asked, trying to approach him, only to be stopped gently by Sebastian.

"Just leave him a minute." He said calmly, giving a warm smile of reassurance. Fluttershy paused, her natural instinct to help over-ridden by such reassurance. She nodded.

As the eleven of them watched, Bruce started shrinking. smaller and smaller, his skin going from dark green to something more similar to that of the others. Seconds later, the original Bruce Banner knelt on the ground, head hung in exhaustion. He raised it slowly. "H-how did you..?" He asked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy blushed. "I have a way with animals." She said quietly, hiding behind her bangs. Bruce just nodded, to exhausted to reply, and knelt there, catching his breath.

A few awkward seconds passed before the purple unicorn spoke. "Well, now that that's all over, may I ask, who are you?" She paused. "Or more precisely, what are you?" She cast an eye over the weird combination of bipedals.

Sebastian, as always with formality, spoke first. "We appear to be, not counting our dwarf friend here ("And?"), all humans, and we woke up in those woods not too long ago." He pointed over in the direction of the woods. "As for names, You can call be Sebastian, and you already know Bruce." He said curtly, bowing, still complete with tray. Bruce just nodded.

"Roran Stronghammer." He said, glaring at the Pegasus that hit him earlier, who glared back.

"Gimli" The dwarf said, not brandishing his axe, thankfully.

"Deadpool!~" Flips.

"Harry Potter"

"And you may be?" Sebastian asked kindly.

The purple unicorn nodded. "My name's Twilight Sparkle, this is Fluttershy ("eep!"); Rainbow Dash;" The blue Pegasus struck a pose, "Applejack," AJ tipped her Stetson, "Rarity; ("Charmed.") and Pinkie Pie." Pinkie bounced on her hooves, waving manically at Deadpool, who waved back with as much vigor.

the twelve of them stood; Bruce now joining them. two unicorns, two Pegasus', two Earth Ponies, a wizard, a dwarf, a Rider's cousin, a butler, a madman, and a mutant. Without a word, the ponies turned and walked, the humans following on silently. Apart from Deadpool and Pinkie, who already seemed to be getting on too well. They walked, parting through the crowd of ponies, leaving the devastated scene.

Author's Note:

So there we go. If you're unfamiliar with any of the characters, here they are, and what they come from.

Bruce Banner/Hulk - the Incredible Hulk
Roran 'Stronghammer' Garrowson - The Inheritance Cycle
Deadpool - "Deadpool, obviously." Deadpool, again!? "Ahahaha!"
Gimli - Lord of the Rings
Sebastian - Black Butler Manga
Harry Potter - ...Harry Potter

Also, If you're curious, prologues throughout the construction of this will be posted, giving an indication of how they got in Equestria. It might seem a little off to the canon of their representative series, but who cares for rules? (Constructive) Criticism is appreciated!