• Published 20th Jun 2014
  • 468 Views, 1 Comments

The Life and Tales of Game Design - Game Design

A little background story of my Pony Persona, Game Design.

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Chapter 3: Magic Kindergarten

Knock, knock, knock!!!

Beats came from one of the students doors.

"Come on, time to get up."

Three school officials walked through the school, knocking on the doors of the rooms that students had been assigned to. Some students got up at the first knock with no hesitation, ready to meet the day! Others, however, took a third or second knock to wake them up, while others had to be pulled out with magic. A knock had come to Game's door as the officials continued their walk down the halls.

"Get up, time for school." One of the officials stated. His call was followed by the sound of hoof steps, talking and knocks at doors. Game Design grunted as he stretched and forced himself out of bed. He slowly walked over to a mirror he had in his bathroom. He lifted a comb that his parents had packed for him and slicked his hair to the side, giving himself a fade. He smiled and nodded and picked up his saddle bag that he had brought Spark in, only this time instead of a stuffed dragon, it contained books for each of his classes. He called to his magic, and opened the door and followed the other pony's down the hall.

Everypony walked into the cafeteria, The shear amount of students that fit into the room still amazed Game even after two weeks of attending the school. The time at the school hadn't been too hard on the young colt. Yes he did miss his parents, but he had spark to comfort him, and his studies to keep his mind off the issue. His art studies kept his vary occupied, being that it was his favorite class. He was such an excellent drawer that his art teacher had put three of his drawings on the class bored, which he was proud of. Game had reached the line to the breakfast food. As he passed the food, he picked up what he wanted. Orange juice, and a celery muffin.

Game sat alone, eating his muffin, and drawing in his art book.He hadn't made any friends yet, and he meant to keep it that way. He wanted to keep Guidance's advice and just focus on work for right now, and find friends later. He had made one attempt to make a friend. A yellow and red mare, but she just blew him off and went in her own way.


As the sound of the bell echo through the school, the candy colored foals exited the lunch room. Game didn't hear the ring or notice that anypony was leaving the room. as the crowd continued one stallion notice and went to turn to tell the solitary colt that he needed to get to class.

"Come on Ace, we have to get to class." a mare interrupted as she stopped the white stallion and pulled him towards the door.

"Okay, okay, just stop pulling!"

The room fell silent as game sat and finish his drawing. He smiled and examined his drawing. As he looked past his paper, he noticed that nopony was in the room.

"Oh no..." He quickly darted out of the room, leaving his drawing behind, his drawing was of him, a purple filly, and a norm pink alicorn, no way near the size of Celestia, He ran down hallways, dashing back and forth to hurry to his class.He began to think of being expelled, of being sent home, and his parents hating him, and not wanting to take him back.All these thoughts began to cause tears to well up in his eyes, but he quickly shock it off.

"No, im not gana cry anymore..." He rubbed his eyes and continued to run down the hall ways. He finally reached the room and jumped in, just before the door closed. He panted as he looked up to see his teacher looking down at him. His eyes grew wide with fear as the mare began to talk.

"Well." The teacher began. "That was quite an entrance." Game took a breath and lowered his head.

"I'm sorry! I wont ever be late again! But you cant send me home..." Those last words made his voice whiny, and his eyes began to tear up, but he dared not to cry. "I know i was late, but please... Please don't make me leave..." The little colt continued to keep his eyes shut, trying his hardest to keep the tears in.The older mare looked at the young on with an angered look and a raised brow.

She gave a click of her teeth before she began. "Mister design you are not late." Games eyes opened as those magical, but confusing words hit his ears, he looked up in confusion as his teacher continued to give him her stern look.

"But, but the bell rang..." The purple colt stuttered.

"Yes, the bell that told you to go to your class rang."


The class all looked in the direction on the bell.

"That is the bell that would have made you late." Game gave a nervous smile, along with a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry about that..." The teacher only continued her look, and then lowered her brow.

"Yees, well, hurry to your seat so that we may begin the lesson for today." Game nodded and walked in the direction that his teacher was pointing. Game sat in his seat and his teacher at her desk. As the day went on, game had realized he left his drawing in the cafeteria, and just before art class, he went and retrieved his drawing and hurried to his class.

The little colt walked into the room, and towards his teacher. Game smiled as he pulled out his picture with his magic, and showed it to his teacher.

"Ms'Canvas, what do you think of this one?"The mint colored unicorn turned and smiled at the excellent work the little unicorn had created.

"Another excellent job, good work game." She took the drawing from him and placed it on the board. Game smiled as he turned to walk to his desk when Canvas called his name.

"I feel that with your impressive work, and your love for game, i feel that you could sign up for the game design cores and do well in it, if you'd like." Canvas explained with a smile, all the while, Game looked on with a look of aw, and could only reply with a nod. Canvas giggled at the young ones amazement.

"Good, now you'll have to create your own little game, nothing big but something to show off, do you think you could do that?" The purple colt, still in his amazement, again only replied with a slight nod. The mint unicorn mare giggled once again at the colt. "Come on silly colt, lets get class started."

Game had gotten back to his room, art was his last class and he hurried to his room to work on the game for the class, the only problem was, he was stuck on the whole thing. He never really drew characters, or had any expertise in story telling, but he was determined.

Time after time, he would come up with an idea, but then toss it out, after about an hour of working, sadly he still had nothing. With his frustration, he let out a grunt and let his head fall on the table with a loud thud.

"Ow..." He whimpered, rubbing his hoof on his forehead, and let out a sigh. He laid back in his chair and decided to take a small break. He walked over to his window and smiled in amazement at the site of Canterlot.

"Whow. Its even bigger then Mainhatten." Game laid his cheek on the window seal. As he was taking the scene, a loud bang erupted, startling Game, making him fall on his flank. He quickly got back up, and say a trail of a rainbow shoot trough the sky. The site had Game in aw once again, but this time he also got an idea, he ran to his desk and got to work on his idea.

Game Design had a smile all that morning, when he woke, when he brushed his hair, and all the way to the door, he looked down the hall way he noticed a similar filly coming out of another room. He leaned forward, and focused on the filly, then it came to him, who she was.


Author's Note:

This time, not much was changed. just about everything was the same except for the art teacher, she wasn't in the original scene. In the original, Game forgot his drawing, and he had a little back and forth with some of his class mates. Well thanks everyone, i appreciate your patents, and chapter four will be out some time tomorrow. Thanks everyone and have a wonderful night.