• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 5,433 Views, 197 Comments

The Chronicles of No One - Pr1me Sh0ck

A human displaced in time and space, no immediate hope of getting home, no friends to call his own and trapped in a body that is not his. Will he make it past the first day let alone the first week and how will he overcome the challenges he faces.

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Chapter 8: At home in the mind

Chapter 8

“A memory is a powerful thing…”

“Alright, that’s all the paperwork done,” Point exclaimed as he exited the adjoining room with Secret in tow. Both had discarded their armour, and weapon in Point’s case, “Sorry it took so long, we had to fill out a species discovery form to be sent along with your application for asylum.”

“But not to worry,” Secret interjected quickly, “You are now a fully-fledged citizen of Ponyville and Equestria… or you will be soon, I doubt the princess will find any reason to refute your application.”

“Woo Hoo,” Dinky screamed enthusiastically, the little filly bouncing on the spot, quick as a whip she darted over to Noah, jumped up and latched onto his neck in an excited embrace, startling him in the process.

“Ready to head home then?” Ditzy asked.

“Most definitely, I’ve had a long and exciting day and I can’t wait to put my feet up, I mean hooves up,” Noah replied, he turned back to Pointguard, “What about the investigation, is that all resolved?”

“Not quite,” Point replied, “We will still need to interview Nurse Redheart before we can finalise the report but for the moment it looks like a lot less than assault, not even a misdemeanour, a simple apology would be recommended but it won’t be enforced.”

“It helps to clear up any possibility of bad blood between the ponies involved,” Secret added.

“In any case we will finish the investigation tomorrow and send you a copy of the report as soon as possible,” Point finished. “The only other thing is this,” he dropped a small sack down in front of Noah, “It’s a once off stipend to help new citizens of Ponyville acquire things they may need in the short term.”

Noah nodded in reply and placed the sack of coins in his bag with the rest of his belongings. Salutations were spoken and the trio turned to head for home, leaving the guards to the rest of their day. Before Noah could make his way out the door Secret shot forward, quick as lightning, and blocked his escape.

Noah took a small step backwards in shock, the mare in front of him looked down, as if unsure of how she should proceed. She wrapped her forelegs around Noah’s neck, nuzzling him gently. “Thank you,” she whispered, “For the spa gift, it’s not something I can indulge in regularly, and while ponies here may be pleasant and kind, not many would treat others to such an expensive gift, let alone a complete stranger. So thanks.”

Noah looked down into the mare’s vibrant green eyes, their gaze darting all across his features, a soft smile swept over his face, and he returned the embrace in earnest. Leaning down further he craned his neck over the mare’s head and placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her head, just above her horn. “You… are very welcome,” he said softly, before ending the hug and making his way out of the town hall to the patiently waiting Dinky and Ditzy.

Point stood by Secret a smirk spreading across his face, “You’re smitten aren’t you?”

“What can I say, I’m a sucker for mystery, and they don’t come as mysterious as that one.”

“Whatever, just don’t let it interfere with your job, I doubt this new arrival will be a walk in the park, come on let’s finish up here and head to the pub, first round’s on me,” Point finished, leading enamoured mare from town hall to the local tavern, the sun beginning its final descent below the horizon.

A short walk away Ditzy and Noah were engaged in idle conversation, passing the time while they walked.

“I think she likes you,” Ditzy commented offhand.

“Huh, who,” Noah asked in surprise.

“Secret, the way she looked at you, a bit of wonder in her eyes, and her goodbye was anything but subtle.”

“She was just expressing her thanks to me, I did treat her to a massage while she asked her questions,” Noah reasoned, a little unsure of what to think about the notion.

“A trip to the spa isn’t cheap let me tell you, with all other expenses I can’t even afford to go more than once a month at most.”

“Huh, so that really was a treat then?”

“Yeah, might want to deal with this one sooner rather than later, just my opinion however.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Noah agreed, “It’s not nice to lead someone, sorry somepony on. Besides I barely even know who I am, I should get to know me before I get to know somepony else.” The trio continued along the road in silence for a moment, Dinky had fallen back to sleep upon Noah’s back, soft snores rising from between his wings.

“Enough about might be’s,” Ditzy said suddenly, “How about what is and will be?”

“Well while where walking what do you want to know?”

“Um,” Ditzy stopped, pondering her next question, “How about your family.”

Noah sighed this was one of the memories that still eluded him. He could remember the scent of lavender, his mother’s favourite perfume, and he could remember the emotions when they embraced as clear as day. But for all that he could remember his mind still drew a blank when it came to a name and a face.

“I don’t know, I mean yes I have a family, I can remember that fact but I can’t remember them specifically.” Noah grew more solemn, “It’s not as if the memory is missing, it’s right there in front of me, waiting to be grasped. But like most of my memories they remind me of a tale called the Torment of Tantalus.”

Ditzy displayed a mixture of emotions, empathy at the poor soul’s inability to remember something as important as family, and slight confusion at this parable she was being told about. She had heard the story before, a long time ago when she was young. “That’s the one about a stallion, he was a hybrid, the progeny of a powerful Alicorn and lowly Pegasus. He was forced to stand in a pool of water that would always recede when he went to take a drink, underneath an apple tree that would always bear fruit just out of reach.”

Noah cocked his head slightly, the tale was the same in its elements, but he remembered it as being a myth from his home. “How can you possibly know that story, it’s just a myth from my home, and even then it’s not widely known.”

“Well it was a myth here as well, my mother once told it to me when I was just a filly.”

“Still it’s weird, I don’t know why, but I fell like that story wouldn’t be known here,” Noah disregarded the thought and continued on with the conversation, “And that’s what my memories feel like, just out of reach. In any case I have, or… had, a family, I know I love them very much and I will want to return to them soon.”

“Well then that begs the question, how did you get here?”

“Honestly I couldn’t tell you, all I remember was a brief sense of contentment, acceptance and simplicity and then I woke up, I think Dinky might be able to tell you more.” At the mention of her name the filly rose with a large yawn, smacking her lips together.

“Huh, what are we talking about,” she asked still half asleep.

“Just wondering how No One got here, that’s all dear,” Ditzy spoke softly.

“Oh that’s easy, he got here by lightning.”

“Lightning?” came the startled reply from Ditzy and Noah, both shared a look of disbelief.

“Yeah, there was something going on with the bubble at Canterlot,” the filly gestured to the mountainside capital, the sun had dipped past the mountain, bathing the entire scene with a surreal glow. “It disappeared all of a sudden then reappeared and grew really large, and then clouds rolled overhead, lightning struck the ground and BAM, he was just laying there.”

“Huh. Lightning,” Noah repeated, “Did not expect that,” as he spoke they passed the spot where he had awoken, scorch marks had blackened the area but aside from that no other damage was visible, “Wait what was that about a bubble at Canterlot?”

“You don’t know?” Ditzy responded, “With the royal wedding came a threat of attack so the captain of the guard bolstered the physical defence around Canterlot. On top of that all transport and mail going into or out of the capital has been postponed until five days after the wedding, only military correspondence can get in or out. For everypony else a proverbial curtain has been lowered around the city.”

“Huh, can’t blame them for being extra careful, still the block on transport and mail must be frustrating.”

“Oh actually it’s not too bad, the mail has slowed down considerably, I might get to spend most of next week with my precious Dinky,” the mare nuzzled at the small bundled that rested upon Noah’s back.

“You have tomorrow off, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sunday and all, no mail on Sundays.”

“I don’t suppose you have any plans for the day?”

“Not particularly, relaxing, need to go to the market, and of course I’ll try and spend as much of the day as possible with Dinky.”

“Sounds like fun,” Noah said earnestly, before falling back into silence. As darkness began to set in the trio had arrived at the front door of a modest sized building, not small enough to be called a cottage, but barely large enough to be called a house, from the thoughts running through Noah’s mind.

With a small garden out the front, the building was compact on two sides, yet two stories tall. “Quaint, and different,” Noah mumbled.

“Home sweet home,” Ditzy replied as she opened the door, “I’m going to get some dinner started, any requests?”

“I’m a guest in your house,” Noah said humbly, with a smile, “I’ll eat whatever you cook.”

Ditzy smiled bashfully as she walked inside, she reached over her back and grasped her saddle bags in her mouth, and giving her head a deft toss she launched the bags across the front room to a waiting rack.

With the skill of an expert the bags landed perfectly on the hooks, Ditzy gave herself a satisfied smile at the achievement and trotted past the rack to toward the kitchen. Giving her head another toss as she passed the rack she flicked her hat onto another waiting hook.

“Wow, that was an amazing shot, just brilliant,” Noah applauded.

“It really wasn’t anything,” Ditzy replied, “It doesn’t work all that often,” she gestured to the wall pockmarked with dents.

Noah looked back and forth between the wall, the rack, and Ditzy, “Still practice must make perfect. Um, where should I put Dinky,” Noah gestured to the filly snoozing on his back.

“Just lay her down on the couch and we’ll wake her for dinner, feel free to pass the time as you like.”

Noah trotted over to the couch, gently kneeling down and tilting so that Dinky softly slid onto the couch. He carefully lifted the filly’s head a placed a pillow under for added comfort. “Pass the time,” he muttered softly to himself, “What did I do to pass the time?”

Noah closed his eyes, letting out an elongated breath he allowed himself to focus. Within his mind he found himself back in the endless corridor, in front of him a number of windows lit up. The first described his love of books and reading, the next a TV showing his favourite programs, the last a computer with numerous programs open.

The flashes of memory sent Noah reeling backwards, tripping over his own hooves and finding himself flat on his back. But the resurfacing of the memories also trapped his mind within itself. He struggled against the influx, trying desperately to recall the information as he was constantly swamped with new memories.

Ditzy jumped at the loud thump that came from the living room, rushing from the kitchen she spied Dinky, her head perked up and looking around, having been awoken by the loud noise. Ditzy surveyed the room further, her gaze falling upon the twitching body of Noah. Taking a few steps closer she noted his eyes, wide open and darting rapidly around yet taking in no sight.

“No One,” she called, nudging at his side, “Can you hear me, are you all right?”

He remained still, not comprehending her words, nor showing any sign of receiving stimulus. Ditzy looked nervously at her daughter, a similar expression crossed the filly’s face. Rushing back into the kitchen she grabbed a glass and filled it with water. She hastily navigated her way back to the twitching form and threw the glass of water in his face.

Inside his mind Noah was having no luck coming to terms with the influx of memories, he felt a tapping at his side, a calling voice and shortly afterwards a simulated rain began to fall within his realm. All of a sudden the magenta orb returned, passing between Noah and the incoming memories.

It spoke to him, not in words, but in emotions and feelings, <Let us help you,> it called to him. He relax and allowed the flow of memories to renew, the orb siphoning them off leaving nothing but their shell for Noah to glance over and understand.

“NO ONE,” Ditzy screamed at the now still figure, he had stopped his twitching, his eyes had stopped roaming and their lids had closed. Dinky was likewise up and trying to gain Noah’s attention, shaking his shoulder urgently.

In no time at all, the orb had catalogued all of the memories that Noah had perceived, and in the process a new construct to the endless hall had been created. At the perpetual zenith of his mind shone a blazing sun, wisps and tendrils linking the memory shells it contained to their information counterparts in the hallway below. The magenta orb that had helped with the onslaught of memories now drifted far above, accessing the shells of the sun at random.

A dull noise pierced through the black veil of his mind, “No One,” a muffled and disembodied head yelled. In a flash Noah found himself pulled from his mind his senses fully returning. His eyes shot open and immediately fixed themselves upon the mare above him, smacking at his face with her hoof. Noahs burning lungs sucked in a gasp of air greedily, before exhaling slowly, a smile grew upon his face, much to Ditzy’s confusion.

“I remember,” he stated out loud. A similar smile grew upon Ditzy’s face, before it turned into a scowl, one last hoof flashed across his cheek, stinging the flesh beneath the chitin. “Ow what was that for,” he complained.

“For scaring Dinky and myself,” Ditzy huffed, her scowl was quickly replaced by a smile one of almost motherly love, “Next time you remember something, try not to pass out.”

Noah smirked back, rolling onto his side before standing upright, “No promises.”

“Dinner is just about ready, Dinky can show you to the bathroom to wash up I’ll have the table set by the time you get back.”

At this instruction Dinky shot down the hall, stopping in front of the door that led to the bathroom. She stopped for a moment, allowing Noah to see where to go, before darting inside. Noah hummed to himself, pleased with the progress his memories were making, before following the filly into the bathroom to wash up.

The Bucking Bronco Pub,

Pointguard and Secret Strike were on their eighth round of Sweet Apple Cider. Holding a dart in one hoof Secret eyed the dart board carefully, judging the distance, flight path and wind speed with careful precision.

“Just take the shot already,” Point called, “You’re going so slow I can feel myself aging.”

“Shove it Point,” Secret retorted, she took the shot, it sailed high for just the right amount of time, dropping at just the right moment, and embedded itself in the wall two meters away from the board, a hairs breadth above the head of another patron.

“RIGHT,” the barpony yelled, “That’s enough for you,” he turned to Point, “Take your drunken mare home before she really hurts somepony.”

Point sighed, a fun night relaxing at the end of one weird shift, not ruined but ended by the crazy antics of his crazy partner in crime. He threw back the rest of his drink and bundled up the mare in question, she herself having devolved into a fit of giggles at the near miss.

Point flicked a bit towards the barpony as they exited the establishment, Secret leaning her full weight against him as they staggered down the dark street. As they walked they passed many houses, most with their lights on, the ponies inside silhouetted on the windows.

As they drew past one particular house Secret stopped, her gaze fixated on the shadows of the ponies that resided within. In particular her gaze rested upon one massive shadow being cast. Point sighed in mild annoyance, they had stopped outside of Ditzy’s home, the pony that had taken in Ponyville’s newest and strangest pony.

Secret sighed as well, not in annoyance but in wonder, a million thoughts running through her befuddled and inebriated mind.

“Just forget about him will you he’s probably going to get you into trouble one day,” Point commented.

“But he’s so…” Secret started

“Mysterious,” Point interrupted, “Yes you said so before, let’s just get you home, I’ll have a slightly better chance at convincing you tomorrow, when you’re sober.”

The duo continued their walk into the quiet night.

Author's Note:

Another chapter, I'm a little tired so let me know if I missed any mistakes in spelling and grammar.
Once more I'd like to thank all the new subscribers to this story, as well as everyone who has read this.
Please comment on things you like/don't like, I love some constructive criticism.
Over the next few chapters I will be delving into little bit of romance, but as I said in the blurb I am going to avoid full blown relationship, these chapters will merely be a test to see if I can write a half decent relationship without pissing off too many people. Let me know what you think.