• Published 24th Nov 2013
  • 611 Views, 7 Comments

Through sickness and in health - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Applejack and Blazing Streak get married.

  • ...

Through sickness and in health

Blazing Streak couldn't believe it. The best day of her life was just around the corner and she could not wait. She walked with a skip in her step through Ponyville, a smile that could compete with Pinkies, cemented on her face.

"Whats next, Firefly?" An orange mare with a blonde mane and emerald green eyes accompanied the beaming Pegasus, equally excited

"We've already got food booked, a place on the north hill, an officiator, and registration. I'd say only the dress..es? I don't know, who should wear the tux?" Blazing Streak - a crimson red Pegasus with a flame - orange mane and Red eyes that could bore a hole into your soul with a mere glare - replied.

Applejack chuckled. "Ah thought we were both gonna wear dresses. But if ya want, Ah could wear the dress."

"Oh, well did ya wanna both wear dresses? I just figured that one of us wearing a tuxedo would make the wedding slightly more traditional to everypony else. But I don't mind whichever way we do it." Blazing Streak pointed out.

Once again, Applejack snickered. "Ah cant wait ta see ya in a tuxedo. In all seriousness though, ah think a tux would suit ya more."

Blazing streak laughed a bit too. Eventually, they came across carousel boutique.

"Wow, now that's a bit over the top, even for a dress maker." Blazing Streak commented, seeing the madly decorated shop, Earning another snicker from Applejack.

Rarity then burst out the door. Apparently she had heard the conversation.

"I'll have you know, this is not over the top! The decor is just simply fabulous, if I must say so myself." She huffed indignantly.

Barely holding back another snicker, Blazing Streak shrugged. "Uh.. I... help me out here, Applejack?" The pony in question face-hoofed.

"The feather brain didn't mean nothin' by it, dont worry Rarity." She calmed her, Earning a playful nudge in the side from Blazing.

"Anyway, we were lookin' ta get some attire fer the weddin'" She went on. Rarity let out a more than excited squeal.

"And we were wonderin' if ya'll would like ta-"

"YEEEEESS! Out of all the best things that could happen, this is the BEST. POSSIBLE. THING!" Rarity leaped towards Applejack and squeezed her in a tight hug, spinning her around with a delighted smile on her face. Applejack meanwhile, didn't look too pleased at being thrown around like a rag-doll.

"Can't.... breath!" Applejack wheezed. Rarity froze, before letting go and blushing madly.

"Oh, sorry Applejack." She apologized.

"Uh, it ain't nuthin' Rarity." Applejack said, catching her breath.

"So I'll take that as a 'yes' then?" Blazing Streak said, amused.

"Of course! It will be an honor!" Rarity exclaimed.

"So how much is it?" Applejack asked.

"What? Oh no, dear, this is completely free!" Rarity almost sung.

"Wow, are you sure, Rarity? I don't want to feel like I'm stealing." Blazing Streak tried to say, but Rarity was already trotting home with a huge smile on her face. "Okay, now I get why she's the element of generosity."

"Eyup, she's an amazin' friend." Applejack agreed.

"Looks like we have everything sorted for next week, AJ." Blazing said, softly and happily. Applejack replied with a kiss.

"Can ya believe it? Only a week! Time sure does fly when yer with yer favorite flame" She then said.

"Ouch, cheesy." Blazing playfully teased.

"Aw shush you, ya know ya love it." Her crimson cheeks turned even darker.

"Heh, did yer face jus' get redder?" Applejack teased back. Blazing Streak grinned her amusement blushing even further than she thought possible.


The next few days passed like a blur and before either Blazing Streak or Applejack knew it, it was the night before the wedding. Blazing Streak couldn't sleep she was so nervous, so she just laid on the bed in Applejack's room, looking out the window at Luna's full moon and the many twinkling stars that the night had brought with it. She heard Applejack stirring behind her.

"Whats the matter firefly, can't sleep?"

"No, I can't, I'm just too nervous, let alone excited" replied Blazing Streak.

"Well Ah am too, Ah ain't slept tonight either." Applejack said, shuffling over and putting a hoof on Blazing's chest. After a while, they fell asleep in each others' arms


"Time to get up sleepy heads, for it is your big day! You need to get ready. Also, We can't have you seeing each other before the wedding now can we? Bad luck after all, Applejack dear your sister is letting us use her room for Blazing streak to get ready. So chop chop! We have less than six hours in which we need to get everypony ready!" They were woken by Rarity pretty much singing into their room.

"Mh... Good mornin' to ya to Rarity. Come on Firefly, time ta get ready, we have a big day ahead of us" said Applejack while she tried to hold back a yawn. She leaned over and kissed Blazing Streaks cheek.

Blazing got up and walked to Applebloom's room, when she entered she saw Rainbow - her 'best mare'- looking at her with childish glee.

"This is going to be without a doubt the best wedding EVER!" Rainbow said in her usual excited voice.

She nodded and trotted into the room, where Sweetie bell, Applebloom and Scootaloo helped her get ready, unveiling a tuxedo, which caused Blazing Streak to stumble back in amazement. Her eyes widened significantly and she gasped.

A red suit, the collar lined in yellow and orange jewels. The sleeves seemed to have an armor like patterns, seemingly made of gold. At the back of the suit, it hung down like a cape, the end designed to have a flame-look about them.

Blazing Streak stared for a few moments before snapping back into reality when Rainbow Dash started to snicker.

"Equestria to Blazing? Anyone there?" She teased.

She blinked and looked to Rainbow Dash, deadpanned. Rainbow then stopped snickering and gained a slightly uncomfortable look on her face. Blazing smiled in satisfaction as the normally cocky Pegasus shrank back.


Applejack stared at the beautiful white dress she saw herself in through the mirror. It looked like a typical wedding dress, but with a symbol of an apple within a flame on the chest.

Rarity's done a mighty fine job a' this. Ah need ta pay her back.

"Applejack? are you quite done yet? It's been ten minutes!" Rarity's voice came from outside the door.

"Yeah... Ah'm done" She had her concentration on the reflection as Rarity opened the door and walked in.

"I must say you look absolutely marvelous!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah... thank ya Rare, this dress is beautiful." She stated. Rarity smiled with glee, until something hit her.

"Oh dear, I do hope the tuxedo I made Blazing really is as fireproof as I thought." They both knew that Blazing Streak's powers could sometimes ignite when in certain moods. Especially anger or joy.

"Heh, Ah'm sure it is Rarity, Ya'll know all about materials n' all that." Applejack reassured


The next six hours passed by like a hurricane, the next thing Applejack knew she was at the end of the isle with Big Macintosh, listening to Fluttershy's bird choir sing 'here comes the bride', she started her walk down the isle everypony looking at her, stunned by her beauty.

Upon seeing Blazing Streak in her elaborate tuxedo, she gasped. She looked more beautiful than She had ever seen her.

How did I end up having her as my wife... Blazing Streak thought as Applejack arrived at the end of the isle.

Blazing Saw Big Mac leaning over AJ. "I'm happy for you baby sister, now on you go and just you remember that Granny Smith is watching up there somewhere feeling the same way I do." He whispered.

Applejack looked like she was on the verge of bursting into tears at that point, but she didn't. She turned to Blazing Streak and stared into her eyes.

"Ah love ya, Firefly, so much." She whispered, a tear breaking it's way from her eye, one of joy.

Blazing was about to reply when Ms. Mayor started the ceremony. "Dear friends, family and citizens of Ponyville. We are all gathered here to witness these two mares declare their love for each other. If anypony should object to this union, speak now or forever bind your tongue."

The mayor looked over the crowd, when no reply came, she continued. "It is not often we celebrate the joining of two mares, but in this case, I see no objection to their love. Would you both stand facing each other so that I may recite your vows to you." they did so with out question, all the while staring into each others eyes.

"Now Applejack, repeat after me" the mayor said in her most official voice. "I, Applejack take thee Blazing streak to be my lawfully wedded wife."

"I, Applejack take thee Blazing streak to be my lawfully wedded wife" she repeated.

"In sickness and in health, till death do us part, until the world crumbles around us and we all turn back into the dust from whence we came."

"In sickness and in health, till death do us part, until the world crumbles around us and we all turn back into the dust from whence we came" Applejack repeated never not looking away from the mare she loved.

"Now Blazing Streak repeat after me" the mayor told her calmly. "I Blazing Streak take thee Applejack to be my lawfully wedded wife."

"I, Blazing Streak take thee Applejack to be my lawfully wedded wife" Blazing repeated.

"In sickness and in health, till death do us part, until the world crumbles around us and we all turn back into the dust from whence we came."

"In sickness and in health, till death do us part, until the world crumbles around us and we all turn back into the dust from whence we came" even after she finished the final word she couldn't look away from Applejack.

"Now would the ring bearer come forth" the mayor said looking at Applebloom. Applebloom walked towards the couple, holding the pillow with rings on it. presenting the beautifully crafted rings to the couple, they each took one in a hoof holding it like they were going to lose it.

"Now, would you each place the rings around your partner's right hoof" The mayor Instructed them. They both did exactly as instructed still never looking away from each others eyes.

"Now I ask you one last time, do you Applejack take Blazing Streak to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked the mayor.

"I do" replied Applejack.

"I also ask you, Blazing Streak one last time, do you take Applejack to be your lawfully wedded wife?" asked the mayor.

"I do" replied Blazing Streak, with as much certainty put into her voice as she could.

"Then you may now kiss the bride" Said the mayor grabbing her hanker-chief and wiping a tear from her eyes.

Blazing Streak immediately threw her muzzle into Applejack's, locking her in a kiss. The audience exploded into applause, cheering for the newlyweds. Rarity could be seen fainting onto her usual sofa while Twilight, Rainbow Dash and all of their friends were at the front, cheering the loudest.

The kiss, after all this time, still had that spark which sent shivers down Blazing Streak's spine like the first one, all the way back in that tent almost a year ago.

unfortunately, they had had to separate eventually. Bringing a hoof to Applejack's chin, she whispered;

"I love you too. Welcome to our new life." She smiled lovingly.

They turned to the crowd and started to walk down the aisle. Applejack threw a bouquet of white flowers into the crowd as Blazing Streak extended a wing and wrapped it round her, pulling her closer.


Blazing Streak's hoof was intertwined with Applejack's. A slow, classical tune came from Octavia and her band, which echoed across the hill they danced upon.
Applejack once again took the lead, moving them around the grassy meadow while a circle of other ponies watched, smiles cemented on their faces, almost as big as the newlyweds.

among the crowd Rarity was crying, a smile threatened to split her face in two. Rainbow Dash was acting uninterested, but Blazing Streak could tell she was keeping one eye on them. Twilight also had a smiled fixed on her face. Spike, meanwhile, was handing Rarity handkerchiefs, but was focusing on the dance.

While Blazing was starting to feel uncomfortable being the center of attention, she didn't show any of it. Her eyes were fixed on Applejack's, crimson to emerald. She felt a tear threatening to break the surface as they spun around in their dance.

As the music began to quiet down, they slowed their pace until they were at a standstill.

"Heh... still don't quite know how to dance." Blazing Streak commented, earning a chuckle from Applejack.

"Ah'm sure ya'll will get the hang of it. Eventually." She replied. Suddenly the crowd had erupted into applause. Looking around, Blazing Streak started to get a strange feeling in her heart.

"Uh.. I'm not sure how to respond to this." She said.

"You should be delighted." A new voice startled Blazing Streak. Turning round, she saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watching them.

Blazing Streak immediately knelt down. Princess Celestia chuckled a bit before approaching.

"Now, there is no need for that, Blazing Streak. In my eyes, you are level with us. You saved our land, the elements of harmony and your friends. As I said, if Night Whisper had succeeded in his plan, who knows how much of Equestria would be ruins by now." She continued. A spike of sadness struck her heart. She hadn't yet told anyone outside of her friends that Night Whisper was a corrupt version of her brother.

"I don't take pride in that victory." She simply stated, standing back up. Princess Celestia and Luna had mildly surprised looks on their faces. But they didn't press on.

"We just came here to congratulate you, it pleases us that an element of harmony has found love with a hero, and are sealing it within marriage." Princess Luna said.

"Oh, well thank you princes-"

"Just call us Luna and Celestia." Both Princesses interrupted.

"Thank you Celestia, Luna." Blazing corrected herself with a smile.

"Princess!" Twilight ran over, along with her friends.

"It's good to see you again, my faithful student!" Celestia returned the hug that Twilight had pulled her into.

"Well, me and Luna must return to Canterlot, we have Royal business to attend to. We must catch up, Twilight."

Twilight Sparkle nodded and waved as they flew into the distance in their carriages.


"Let's get this party started! Yeah!" Vinyl Scratch shouted across the dance floor. Moments later, dance music flowed from the speaker. All around them, ponies cheered and danced. Blazing Streak sat at the bar, drinking wine with her wife, Applejack.

"Doesn't feel long ago that we had that party in Ponyville." She commented.

"Yeah, how long ago was that? 'bout 7 months?" Applejack reminisced.

"yep. and about 8 months since I got here and we hooked up." Blazing Streak realized. A flash of light from the corner of the party prevented her from saying anymore.

"Hey, Dad!" Blazing Streak rushed over to her father, who was staring at her with pride radiating off his eyes.

"I'm so proud of you, Blaze. You've come so far since I last met you." He said in his low voice.

"Thank you, Dad." Blazing replied.

"Also, you know all that time ago when I first visited you, I said that your mother could not come and see you too?"

"Um, yes?" Blazing Streak replied. Her dad just smiled as another flash of light appeared next to him briefly. She gasped as a red Pegasus with a Blonde mane and emerald eyes appeared from the light.

"Dawn Glow! Mum!" She went up and hugged her deceased mother.

"Hello, Blazing. I am so proud of you! I watched over you ever since my death. I saw you beat Night Whisper.... Dusk Shadow" Her gaze saddened a bit. "And I couldn't be more happy for you and proud that my daughter is a hero, and now a wife! I have missed you, so much." Tears flowed down Blazing Streak's eyes as her mother spoke.

"I've missed you too, mum." She whispered.

"Listen, Blaze. We are sorry that you had to go through all of that in Helvada. Nopony should ever have to go through such pain. It hurt us to see you cry yourself to sleep every night, to barely even keep alive. And that journey you made, the outcome could not have been better. Just know that whatever you do, any decisions you make, we will be watching over you, helping you see the light in any situation we can." Her father assured her.

"But, I'm afraid we will not be able to come down and see you again."

"W-what?" Blazing stuttered.

"We're sorry, but our time here is up, it is time for us to pass on." Her mother said, a tear escaping her eye.

"No..." Blazing Streak whispered. Tears making their way down her cheeks.

"We both love you, Blaze. But we can't stay here, our presence endangers this world, it could cause some catastrophic events." her father explained, grimly.

"Goodbye, Blaze" Dawn Glow kissed her forehead before vanishing with her father. She stared at where they had been a moment before. Sorrow, creeped inside her. She flopped onto her hind legs and stared at the floor, seeing tears drip off her face.

A hoof touched her shoulder. She looked up to see Applejack coming to sit next to her. She pulled her into a hug and nuzzled her neck comfortingly.

"I-It's almost like I've lost them, all over again." Blazing whimpered.

"Ya haven't lost them sugar cube, they're still watching over you, jus' like they said. They're still with ya, even if ya cant see 'em." Applejack kissed the back of her neck.

"I know. I'll be fine, let's get back to our friends." A smile edged it's way onto her face as she stood up, along with Applejack. By now, all of their friends were crowed around the bar, drinking and sharing gossip.
Rainbow Dash was the first to see them.

"Hey, Blazing!" She was actually surprised that Rainbow wasn't wasted again, being so close to alcohol.

"Hello, you two!" Twilight cheerfully greeted them, followed by the rest.

"Howdy, how's the party?" Applejack asked.

"Oh, it's splendid! Now that they've stopped that obnoxious 'dance music'." Rarity replied. The music had been replaced by Octavia and her band, just like it had 7 months ago, in Blazing Streak and Applejacks' first party together.

"Hey! It isn't obnosi- obne-"

"Obnoxious, Rainbow." Twilight cut Rainbow Dash out with a giggle.

"OH! I forgot to feed Gummy! Oh no! Berightbackgirls!" Pinkie Pie shot off in the direction of Ponyville. Blazing Streak chuckled.

"Pinkie, you are so random..." She muttered to herself.

"Excuse me, waiter?" Rarity called. "Can I have some red wine all around?" The waiter immediately picked up six glasses with his magic and filled them with red wine.

"Thank you, Rarity. How generous of you." Blazing Streak smiled. Rarity giggled a bit.

She took a sip of the wine, it tasted like grapes. She didn't know what to make of it.

"Uh, who made this wine?" She asked the waiter.

"It's from The vinyards of Canterlot, if I'm not mistaken." He said

"Oh... Okay."

"I thought something tasted familiar." Twilight remarked.

"It isn't Applejack's cider, that's for sure." Blazing Streak commented.

"Heh, ya'll r' too kind, Firefly. Sorry girls, We ran out a' cider in cider season, bone dry." Applejack apologized.

"Oh! I almost forgot. A toast to the newlyweds!" Rarity held up her glass, everypony else did the same and they clinked them together.

Applejack stood up and yelled "Its time for the best mares speech, so everypony lend Rainbow Dash yer ears."

"Thanks Applejack, Hey, everypony, You all know why we are here, so I'll try to keep this short as I can, I'm sure you all want to get back to your alcohol." She announced with a smirk. "I have known Blazing Streak for about eight months and it that short she has proven herself to be a good friend and a faithful companion to all of us, but especially to our good friend Applejack. All I can really say is that I wish the best for both of you and hope that you have an awesome life together here in Ponyville, thank you." Rainbow sat down to a room full of cheers and a thank you from Applejack and Blazing Streak.

"Congratulations, you two." Fluttershy spoke up.

"Thank ya kindly, Fluttershy"

"Yeah, thanks, all of you" Blazing Streak agreed. She put down her mug of cider and stretched her wings. Applejack giggled a bit before cutting off and holding a hoof to her mouth.

Looking round, Blaze saw that she had unknowingly brushed Applejack's neck with her wings. A smirk grew on her face, while Applejack's turned into horror.

"Oh no..." She muttered.

"Someone ticklish?" Blazing Streak was grinning almost evilly by now.

"Uh-" Applejack never got to reply before Blazing pounced. Pinning her wife on the floor, she used her wings to feather Applejack's neck.

"N-No! haha- S-stop it! bahha - O-oh C-celestia!" Applejack squirmed. Blazing Streak halted for a second, still pinning Applejack. She leaned close.

"Surrender?" She whispered.

"Never!" Applejack used her free back hooves to push the unsuspecting Pegasus back onto the grass. Immediately, she got up and pinned Blazing.

"Now ta find out if yer ticklish. Revenge will be mine!" She laughed in mock-evil. Blazing Streak then grew a cocky grin. Extending her wings, she used them to push herself up and disorientate her wife, who started to wobble. She used her free hooves to grab her and launched herself upwards with her wings.

"Wh-Ah!" Applejack tried to say something, but she was already in the air, clinging onto her wife like her life depended on it. Blazing Streak started to laugh. Still they ascended, passing the clouds.

"Firefly! What are ya doin'?" Applejack asked, fear lacing her words. Blazing Streak slowed and brought Applejack up so that they were both at a vertical position


"Ssh.. I got you. You think I'd let anything happen to you? If anything, I thought you would like the ride."

"Uh, r-ride?"

"You've flown on me before, haven't you? I thought we could do it again, only this time, faster." Blazing Streak grinned once more.

"O-okay, firefly, ya know ah trust ya." Blazing Streak nodded and placed Applejack on her back, who firmly gripped to her shoulders.

"You ready?" Applejack only kissed the back of her neck to confirm. Blazing Streak started to pick up speed again, slowly this time so she didn't lose Applejack due to acceleration.

"Just tell me if I'm going too fast for you." Blazing Streak said over her shoulder. At that she accelerated faster, earning a yelp from Applejack. Soon the wind whipped past them like a barrier, and Blazing Streak struggled to keep the flame cone from appearing.

"Yeehaw!" Applejack exclaimed, lifting her hat off her head and waving it in the wind. Blazing Streak smiled and dived.


They Streaked through the clouds towards the meadow.

"Firefly! We're gettin' too close ta the ground!" They were mere meters away from smashing into the grass. When it looked like they were about to crash, Blazing Streak thrashed her wings and they were suddenly horizontal, so close to the ground that Applejack could feel the long blades of grass and flowers brushing her hooves.

"Oh my Celestia... that was close." Applejack breathed.

"Nah, if I did crash, you wouldn't be the one to take the impact. And I've crashed plenty of times, sometimes at super sonic speeds." She suddenly remembered crashing into a building at nearly the speed of sound when she was fighting Night Whisper. she wobbled a bit, but managed to correct herself.

She then started to pitch upwards, towards a lone cloud. She landed on it and swiveled so that Applejack was lying on her stomach, hooves dangling through the cloud.

"That.. was amazin'! We gotta do that again sometime." Applejack stated, her head resting on Blazing Streak's chest.

"I'm sure I can do that again, faster next time" Blazing Streak replied with a grin. Without warning, Applejack dived at her lips, pushing against them with her own. She was taken by surprise at the ferocity and passion, but she didn't object.

"U-um, e-excuse me, girls?" Fluttershy interrupted. Looking around, Blazing Streak saw how red she was. Her own cheeks heated up as well.

"What is it Fluttershy?" Applejack asked, sounding disappointed.

"Oh, um, we were going to cut the cake, um, s-sorry but Rainbow Dash is getting a bit, um, impatient." She stuttered.

"Alright, we'll be down in a sec." Blazing Streak sighed, lifting Applejack onto her back once more.


Exhaustion flooded Blazing Streak's muscles as she drank a cup of tea. The wedding had been frantic, Pinkie Pie had seemed to have arranged an after party for the after party. Looking around, she noticed Applejack wasn't there. Confused, she started to look around. She wasn't in the lounge, kitchen or the bathroom. Only one last place to check.

"Firefly!" Her ears twitched as she heard her wife's voice. She followed the sound up the stairs and towards their room, the door was closed. Tilting her head, she knocked on the door.

"Come in, sugar cube." Applejack's voice now seemed... seductive?

She opened the door and froze when she saw Applejack lying on their bed, looking at her through half closed eyes.

"Uh.. ah-um.. W-what are you doing?" Applejack chuckled a bit before patting the bedding next to her, signalling Blazing Streak over.

Her wings shot open and she blushed, hard.

This was going to be a good night.

Comments ( 7 )

I had fun working with you now all we need to do is iron out the mistakes that we made:derpytongue2:

Are Applejack and Blazing Streak going to adopted a foal since two mares can't have sex and i like it :pinkiehappy:

3531472 If they do want to adopt i vote for Scootaloo for adoption. :scootangel:


Ya never know, in the sequel, If I make it.

Right now I'm on the Prequel of 'Flame of a Different World' So if I do make it, it will be later on
(Prequel cancelled)

possibly even next year.

I should really rewrite this, soon.

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