• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 1,271 Views, 10 Comments

Sage of Harmony - Tesshu

Six souls will determine the fate of the Shinobi Nations.

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Chapter One: Wrath of the Sun

Chapter One: Wrath of the Sun

Konohagakure, one of the great five shinobi villages. It is also known as the Hidden Leaf Village. Which truly lives up to its name. Surrounding the village is miles of untamed wilderness. Rich of wildlife and other hidden danger. A feature in this landscape is that a mountain range is almost the part of the village. On the north mountain that overlooks the peaceful village has faces of previous Hokage engraved on it. The azure sky was void of any cloud, letting the sun shines down on the village. Villagers was abuzz in the streets, even the marketplace seems to be lively as ever.

But sadly there are some who are not participating in the lovely weather. In the Hokage office that overlooks the village is where this one person sat as he review mission reports on his oak desk. This man was known as the Third Hokage, or to other people the God of Shinobi. He is a light-skinned man of below-average stature with grey hair and goatee. Age has taken a toll on him, he obtained more pronounced cheekbones, a longer and thicker goatee, a prominent crease across his forehead, grey hair, a few wrinkles, a wart near his left nostril, and a few liver-spots. The Hokage hat was missing from his normal attire, garbed with a red, full-length kimono that was tied using a white sash.

Truth to be told is was too hot for him, which was why he took of his hat. He could feel the sun pouring onto his back from the windows. But nevertheless he continues on with his task of the dreaded paperwork. When he thought it was going to be another day of doing paperwork for hours on end when a shinobi that wore the standard attire of a Konoha shinobi swiftly enter the room and gave a quick bow.

"Pardon me for barging in here Hokage but I have urgent news." The Hokage looked up from his paperwork to see Kotetsu Hagane standing before him. He has long, spiky, black hair and dark eyes. He has a strip of bandage running across the bridge of his nose and a light-colored marking on his chin.

"Is something amiss at the south gate?" Kotetsu was assigned for guard duty but has an irresponsible streak. So having him being actually reporting something is going on is surprising.

"Yes sir, me and Izumo saw a horse drawn gold carriage come up being drove by a lady in a kimono. She got down and went towards us to ask if she has the permission to enter the village. When we did the normal checkup such as asking her occupation, place of origin, and reason for coming. She claimed to be a former kage of a destroyed village and is seeking refuge with her six villagers that she claim were resting in the carriage. So Izumo is escorting her here and I went on ahead to report to you sir."

"Ah so it was a lady, no wonder you did your job" The Hokage said with a smirk that drew a light blush from the Chuunin. But in underneath he was surprise. He had not heard of any news of a destroyed village or a SOS from the Konoha Aviary. So why would the former kage come to Konoha?

"H-Hokage please give me some credit, I can be reliable at times." Spoke the flustered Chuunin which made the old Hokage chuckle a bit.

"So when is Izumo and the former kage going to be here?"

"In about five minutes sir."

"Very well, return to you're post and watch over the carriage. We do not want anything happening to the refuge." Kotetsu nodded and was gone in a poof of white smoke. Leaving the Hokage to his paperwork. With a sigh he placed all his paperwork in his drawers, leaving the desk bare. He then's turn his attention to the room.

"Dog, Cat, Boar, as you know a former kage is coming here. I need you three secure this place to the best of your ability due to the possibility of the meeting having sensitive information I want no one to overhear the meeting." The hidden ANBU gave a silent hai as they begin to work. To a normal civilian they would see nothing, But to the trained eye of a Hokage he can see slight sift in the shadows as they start to seal the place.

A few minutes later the door open to reveal Izumo, he has brown hair, and dark eyes. His hair is combed down and always covers his right eye. He wears his forehead protector like a bandanna along with the standard Konoha shinobi outfit which goes all the way up to his chin and a flak jacket. He came in with someone closely following him. The Hokage saw a young women who has a slender, but feminine build, fair skin, moderate arctic blue eyes, and moderate amaranth short hair that reaches her shoulder blades. She wore a long white kimono that has the kanji symbol for "Harmony" on her back.

"I have escorted her sir!" Izumo spoke in a serious tone.

"Thank you Izumo, return to your post and help Kotetsu watch over the carriage." He was replied with a hai and Izumo to vanish in a puff of smoke, leaving the two kage in the room along with the three hidden ANBU. The Hokage smiled at the former kage and gestured her to take a seat that was place in-front of his desk.

"You must have had a long journey fair maiden." He spoke kindly as he inspects her. Although a perverted part of him is having a field day from looking at her elegant form, He can not help but admire her powerful presence. As if the air around her shimmers with power.

"Please, call me Faust." She gave a pleasant smile as she sat down in her chair. Even her voice held power.

"Then you may call me Hiruzen." Faust gave a soft giggle before replying. "Your quite the gentlemen Hiruzen, I thought you would be more caution since you are the kage of this village."

Hiruzen gave a nod in agreement, It was true since having a former kage in the room can be risky. "That is true but to know how to trust someone is to give them your trust."

"You are wise as your title says." Hiruzen gave a small smile at the compliment.

"If I may ask, what is your story?" He said curiously. Not hearing any news about a village being destroyed is odd. Since all villages even the minor ones have traveling people so news from villages was common, even far away ones.

Faust gave a soft laugh as she reads the Hokage expression. "Oh I can read you like a open book Hiruzen. The reason you did not hear any news is because my village is located far off the map of the elemental nations. It took six months reach this continent alone. By the way your expression is changing right now I bet your asking to yourself why I choose this place. Well I had no destination in mind when we reached the Elemental Nation but when we heard of the village stories we decided this was the safest place." Hiruzen was taken aback of how easily she can read him. But he has to give her some credit, she is a former kage after all.

"Well it is true we are in a peaceful state, But we always have those who are not fond of us." Faust gave a smile as his concern for her safety.

"I fully know how that feels Hiruzen. So to answer your previous question it is a long story and I do not wish to waste your time."

"Not at all Faust, I am more concern on what going on in the world then the paperwork." Faust laughed at his remark. Hiruzen could not help but smile at her, she was certainly a lively one.

"It all happened twelve years ago. We had been in a state of peace for a long time. Over time neighboring villages were becoming envious of us, even though we were not the strongest military our economy was skyrocketing. They became greedy and saw our lack of fighting power a weakness. But a single event twenty ago sparked the flames of war. Konchūgakure, Inugakure, Gurifongakure, Kontongakure, Doragongakure, Kuraigakure and Shimaumagakure attacked my village Chōwagakure." Hiruzen and the other ANBU were shocked by how many villages that were involved in the war. It was more then the last ninja world war.

"Seven villages waged war on your village? I am amazed that something on that scale did not even been heard by sailors or travelers. Also the chakra output must have been felt from across the globe." Hiruzen said still shocked about the fact that there was a major war that had go unnoticed by the rest of the shinobi world.

"But I admit there is some reliability in that, since it would have been impossible to call for help." Faust nodded in agreement.

"The event that started it was the mysterious explosion of our academy that claimed the lives of many academy students. Our previous kage who was a dear friend of mine named Celestia was overtaken by grief. She stepped down and pass down the hat to her sister Luna who was the current sannin of our village. Luna appointed six high rank jounin to create a ministry for the war time efforts. On a related note those six are the parents of the six children I brought with me. Twilight's mother Dawn was in charge of Sciences Arts, and later became obsesses with becoming god and thinking of turning everyone immortal would win the war. She attempts to achieve by performing experiments on live subjects." A sense of Dej a vu washed over the Third Hokage as he was reminded of Orchimaru. But he did not speak up since he want to listen to the rest of the story.

"Rainbow's father Prism led the black ops operation in his ministry, basically an ANBU splinter cell only bigger. As the war went on it met an ironic end with the ministry backstabbing its own head. Rarity's parents ministry was based on Image. Pinkie's parents was Morale but her parents fell to addiction and insanity. Fluttershy's parents was peace but their own naivety was the most blame in our downfall, Finally Apple jack's Parents worked on technology such as armors and weapons. So twelve years of bloodshed Luna died in the hands of Celestia. Overtaken by rage and sorrow she unleashed an forbidden technique that engulfed the lands in solar flames including herself, I only manage to save the six children from the cataclysm and fleeing the country unharmed via a powerful space-time jutsu. It does not take a geniuses to now that all life was incinerated on that continent." Hiruzen and the three ANBU were blown away from the outcome of the war. They were surprised they did not heard any ash fallout.

"It must have been a rough experience for the children. Thank you for sharing this Faust. Do you want it to call it a day? You have not seen the rest of Konoha and I would gladly let you all stay in my Hokage Residence." Faust seemed relived that the children were allowed to stay. "That sounds like a good idea, Is there anything else I need to know?"

Hiruzen stroke his goatee in a moment of thought. "There is a council meeting tonight to discuss about the Academy Graduation in four days, You are more then welcome to come attend since some of your children might want to enroll in a job." Faust beamed a smile as she got out of her chair. "I think that sounds splendid."

Hiruzen gave a smile as Faust left the room before turning his attention to one of the ANBU. "Cat I want you to protect Faust and the children, I will pay you double if you succeed." Cat gave a silent hai as a shadow in a corner flickered.

Hiruzen gave a sigh as he pulled out his paperwork and went back to his daily routine.

Author's Note:

A/N: Here is the first chapter of Sage of Harmony! On a side note not all the mane six are going to be ninjas, just giving you a heads up! Also the backstory of the mane six would be explore during this chapter.

Translation to give you all hints on what that village is.

Konchū = Insect

Inu = Dog

Gurifon = Griffon

Konton = Chaos

Doragon = Dragon

Kurai = Dark

Shimauma = Zebra

Chōwa = Harmony

Gakure = Hidden Village