• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 11,557 Views, 282 Comments

Button's Belle - sniggles

A story of the relationship between Sweetie Belle and Button Mash.

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Chapter 4: Morning of Nightmare Night


Button's head hit itself against something hard, and that something could have been the wall against which the bed rested, or maybe even the hard, wooden floor. But Sweetie Belle's room floor was carpeted, so that couldn't be the case. Or could it? He would have opened his eyes to check, but drowsiness and an awareness that it was a Sunday morning forced his vision to go from the little sliver of light he permitted himself, when he bumped onto the ground, to pitch blackness. Just then, the bump came back, and repeated sporadically, like something was drumming a tempo into his head. Thing was, it felt too real to be another of his game-related dreams, but Button couldn't be too sure; from experience, dreams could be every bit as realistic as the physical world. His internal sleeping clock, adapted to shutting his systems down late at night and late in the morning, told him to return to the blissful blackness behind his eyelids.

His ears reflexively perked up a little at the sound of a cacophonous yet faint set of noises. They were receding and in the distance, but he could barely pick out the sound of his name being pronounced slowly.

"But... ton. Buttooon. BUTTON!" yelled Sweetie Belle as she shook Button Mash by his shoulders, startling him to a shriek. Scootaloo and Applebloom's mirthful laughter could be heard behind Sweetie Belle as Button tumbled down his bed.

Or was it a bed? Button tried to stand up on fours, but his world suddenly gave a violent shake accompanied by the sour sound of metal grinding against metal, throwing him down upon the ground, which was carpeted but his cheek could tell that it was of a coarser material than Sweetie Belle's room carpet. By the 'ow's and low thuds that shook through the floor, Button could tell that the fillies succumbed to the force of... whatever it was that they were all in.

"Are we on a train?" groaned Button as he scrambled up to the seat on which he slept on. He rubbed his eyes and saw that the other three ponies were in their Nightmare Night costumes, Scootaloo in her gentlemare's apparel, Sweetie Belle going as Batmare, and Applebloom as a mummy.

"Nope, we're in a moving castle. What do ya think?" said Applebloom as she rose slowly off the floor, trying to find her way back to her own seat; quite a difficulty, considering that her Nightmare Night costume was a collection of toilet rolls draped over herself.

"Wait... why are we even on this train? What happened? WHY WAS I ASLEEP FOR ALL OF THIS?" said Button worriedly. Everypony else shrugged.

"We were really just brought here by Pinkie Pie," said Scootaloo, who held on to the head of the seat in front of hers as the train violently lurched yet again. Button started to get anxious at the two words: Pinkie Pie. They weren't in good hooves.

"Yeah, all of us agreed on following her to Appleloosa. She said Nightmare Night is much more er... profitable there. I guess it's something to do with friendlier people around there, or something along those lines. She spoke really, really fast," said Sweetie Belle, to which Button's eye twitched; they were getting farther and farther away from the safety of home. And games. Sweet, sweet games.

"Yeah, I know, right? The extent Pinkie would go for candy," said Scootaloo in irate reply as her limbs wobbled while hanging on to her seat.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" asked Button.

"Oh, she's driving the train," said Sweetie Belle nonchalantly. Button's eyes widened in panic and he looked out of the window, staring at a juxtaposition of his own reflection and the rolling landscape in the background.

"'Case you didn't know, trains don't usually run this early. She uh, borrowed it," said Applebloom as she picked up a stray piece of mummy wrappings that fell onto the floor.

Button checked himself in the window and gave a gasp as he saw that he already had on raiment of his own. He looked in the reflective surface of the train's windows and saw that he was dressed like that black-costumed vigilante from some video game he couldn't recall. He was a stallion with a mask that covered his eyes, a long sword nearly always in mouth, a black cape, and to (literally) top it all off, a black hat. But in Button's version, he didn't have a sword, and his hat was much taller and larger than he expected (of course, Rarity, the mistress of oversized hats, couldn't disappoint!). He was impressed, but there was one thing missing though.

"Where is it?" said Button as he looked under the seats and checked his pockets. Scootaloo and Applebloom looked on at the hasty Button while Sweetie Belle sighed, producing something jet black from a pocket in her Batmare costume.

"Here you go," she said, handing him the mustache. Button happily took it and placed it on his face, while the other ponies shook their heads. Suddenly, the train took another violent jerk, and at the same time, the door to the compartment swung open, revealing Pinkie Pie, her expression panicked while her movements were full of alacrity. The young ponies had shocked expressions on their faces.

"No time to lose. We've got a deranged millionaire stallion at our 9 o'clock!" cried Pinkie Pie as she swung open the curtains of a window at the left side of the train, revealing Filthy Rich manning a carriage pulled by two of his hired hooves. He had a pipe in his mouth while holding a large rifle in his right foreleg, eliciting a scream of fright from the fillies and one colt. He pulled the trigger with a hoof and suddenly the window was painted a dark blue. Confused whispers ensued.

"Alright, buds. Who gave me this paint-gun? I wanted something that could fire lethal stuff," said Filthy Rich as he used his left hoof to flick the reins of his carriage ponies. One of them looked back and gulped.

"Sorry, boss. You did mentioned that we were gonna be chasin' kids."

Back in the carriage, everypony was staring at Pinkie Pie.

"Alright! I sorta borrowed this really shiiny rock candy ring. It was... so delicious..." said Pinkie Pie, letting a droplet of drool escape her mouth while she grew lost in her thoughts about sweets. Just then, the train's carriage jerked yet again but it was due to Filthy Rich ramming his carriage to the side of their vehicle.

"Confound it, Pinkie Pie! You better cough it up!" cried Filthy Rich as he urged his carriage drivers to go faster. Pinkie Pie actually coughed up the ring from the bowels of her stomach, making the other ponies stick their tongues out in disgust as the saliva coated, golden colored relic found itself on Pinkie's hoof. She initially looked like she was willing to give it up but the new fire in her eyes said something different.

"My... my precious," muttered Pinkie, her eyes red with hunger, who gobbled it up. Filthy Rich looked like he was going to explode.

"That's it! I'm getting on the carriage," said the rich stallion as he slowed down his carriage, disappearing from sight as the train sped on. Pinkie Pie rushed towards the back end of the train car, followed by the other young ponies.

"Wait, isn't this illegal? You know, you're taking us to Appleloosa without the consent of anypony else," said Button as the back door of the carriage suddenly rattled vigorously, hinting at the presence of Filthy Rich on the other side. Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"Well the CMC wanted to go. I mean, who likes spending Nightmare Night's Eve not getting candy?" said Pinkie as all five ponies used their bodies to keep the door shut from the banging of Filthy Rich and his subordinates' hooves.

"B-- But why was *ow*," said Button as the door suffered beating after beating, "I dragged along? I didn't ask for this."

"Well, a little ad-- *oof* venture wouldn't hurt, would it?" said Sweetie Belle angrily, "you spend too much time with your games."

"How does that answer my question?" retorted Button.

"Well," interrupted Pinkie, "she pretty much begged for you to come along, so..."

"DID NOT!" cried Sweetie Belle as amused looks were exchanged. Unfortunately, this distraction cost the ponies the door as it gave way to the force of the intruding stallions, swinging open and throwing everypony back towards the other side of the train carriage. The CMC and Button scrambled up to squeeze themselves into a seat while Pinkie found herself face to face with Filthy Rich.

"Alright, gubs. Surrender the one ring and I'll get all of us home to safely, no charges pressed. If not," said Filthy Rich, who proceeded to cock his paintball gun. He looked disheveled unlike his usually clean and groomed self, with his gelled hair now standing at various angles and his tie loose around his neck. He dragged long and deep on his pipe as he stomped towards Pinkie Pie, cornering her in a seat. Pinkie Pie shifted her eyes to Applebloom, who was huddled in a corner and frightened. Pinkie mimicked spitting in her direction, and Applebloom understood and didn't like Pinkie's implied idea one bit.

Pinkie Pie drew the ring from her stomach and propelled it in a liquid coated mess towards the young ponies, which Applebloom reluctantly caught. She headed for the front door of the carriage, which faced the train's front and control room. Everypony else followed inclusive of Pinkie Pie, who took advantage of the distraction and slid underneath Filthy Rich's hooves. The millionaire was furious and immediately started slugging rounds at his adversaries while his hired hooves mobilized, trying to catch the flexible Pinkie Pie but to no avail. Just then, Pinkie gave a sharp gasp as Filthy Rich got her in the side with a painfully accurate paintball round, staining her pink fur green.

"Go! Save yourseeeeeeeeeeeelvveeeeeesssss!" cried Pinkie as Filthy Rich and his thugs climbed over Pinkie's body, rendered temporarily lame by the green paintball. The other ponies, who managed to make a jump across the gap between the carriages' platforms, were safely on the platform outside the door of the control room/front carriage, and they could only watch; Sweetie Belle screamed while the other ponies looked on helplessly.

"Girls, what do we do?" said Applebloom as the millionaire advanced slowly towards the four ponies, his mane flying in the high velocity wind which the moving train whipped up around them. The CMC talked to each other hastily about the gameplan while Button was rooted to the floor. This whole fiasco was much more than he asked for; If this was an adventure, the digital kind was many times better. He looked around frantically, but found this one button on a panel on the platform's railing that stood out in its red color amongst the dull, rusted exterior of the train.

"Ready or not, little ponies, here I come!" cried Filthy Rich in sing-song cliche cartoon villain style as he braced for a leap. Button pushed the red button on impulse and the hooks joining the two carriages suddenly disconnected while Filthy Rich was midair through his daring jump across the gap. Unfortunately for the CMC and Button, Filthy Rich was a full grown stallion and managed to leap to the small platform, albeit uncomfortably as there was insufficient space for all of the ponies to fit onto it.

"Alright, little demons. Who's got the ring?" said Flithy Rich, his teeth bared. Thinking fast, Scootaloo jumped onto Sweetie Belle's back while Applebloom climbed up the tower their bodies made, in the process grabbing Button's vigilante hat from the top of his head and stuffing it over Filthy Rich's head, causing the filthy rich pony to yell in surprise. To finish it off, Applebloom landed a karate kick onto Filthy Rich's cheek, causing him to wobble in pain, though it was insufficient to get him off the train carriage as his hooves found the stability of the railings.

"Aight, now listen," said Filthy Rich as he removed the hat. The ponies were running out of options, so Sweetie Belle looked around and found Button cowering in a corner, his fake mustache hiding part of his panicked expression. Reflexively, she removed Button's mustache and flung it at Filthy Rich, landing squarely on his nose.

"What?! Artificial hairs? A... A... A-CHOO!" cried Filthy Rich as he sneezed himself off of the carriage, sending him a-tumbling across the barren desert the train's front carriage was moving in. An unsettling lack of talking ensued amongst the CMC and Button, and all that was left was the sound of the wind whistling in their ears and their heavy breathing.

"Let's... let's go in," suggested Scootaloo and all of them made their way into the control room, the only carriage left that was moving on its own. They gasped as they entered the air-conditioned area, which had many panels with an amalgam of buttons. And the driver's seat was empty. Or was it?

"Pinkie Pie, at your service!" said a familiar bubbly pony as she swiveled the driver's seat around to face them.

"Wha--" started Button.

"Don't question things," said Sweetie Belle lethargically as all of them except for the enthusiastic Pinkie Pie collapsed on the floor out of exhaustion.


"So, why go for Nightmare Night so early?" asked Button. Scootaloo and Applebloom were fast asleep though the floor was metallic and the carriage still rattled quite often.

"More candy. Duh," replied Sweetie Belle.

"I know that, but why's candy so important?" said Button, pretty confused as to why they'd do all of this.

"Look, you know, sometimes its not the candy that's the issue. We three have been together for, like, ever," said Sweetie Belle, motioning towards the other two fillies. "And really, so long as we don't get our cutie marks, a new adventure's always worth the try."

"What about Pinkie?"

"Oh, she's definitely in it for the candy. You can tell," giggled Sweetie Belle as Pinkie hummed showtunes to herself while she was directing the front carriage.

"Well... now that you say it," said Button after a minute of thinking. "Adventure. I still don't get how that can beat playing your favorite video games."

"That's because you don't experience it too often. I mean, yeah, I don't play vid games too much, so we're kinda on opposite ends of the spectrum. But honestly, my end will probably get myself my cutie mark faster than you, since, well, you don't really care about yours. So I'd rather be me than you," said Sweetie Belle with a smirk, to which Button gave a frown to but he still said nothing.

"WE'RE HERE!" screamed Pinkie Pie into a microphone. The young ponies stood up on their hooves but the site ahead didn't look at all like the simple town of rustic charm that Pinkie Pie described. It looked more like a city with tall buildings, but they were many times more decorative than the mundane steel-plated skyscrapers of Manehattan. Pinkie gave a chuckle then pointed at a sign on the outskirts of the city they were approaching.

"Yeah... I might have gone a little bit off the course," said Pinkie as her hooves pointed up to a sign with offline neon lights bordering it, which read: Welcome to Las Pegasus.

Author's Note:

ADVENTURE STORY! Please, it's not dark and Button is still with Sweetie Belle so it still isn't that random. Comment, favorite, follow! Or something.