• Published 14th Nov 2013
  • 8,486 Views, 249 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: Judgement Day. - Magenta Cat

What happens when the "other" higher powers decide to put their full attention on Celestia?

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Innocence (part one)

-Ten years ago.

From the archives of the old world:

Start of the cassette. "Hello? It's anybody listening?" Beat. "Okay, I don't know if someone or, God helps me, some pony will ever hear this but I want to at least leave a record from before... before we..." Sobbing. "Where I was? Oh yeah, the end of the world. Or at least what I think is the end."

"It all started with those ponies." Whoever is talking is breathing heavily. "Okay, that may be unfair. I don't know! We don't know!" Something crash, it sounds like glass and metal. "Okay, I should start with the beginning."

"About two years ago, a new continent appeared out of nowhere." Pause "But I think that you should know what follows." A bottle can be heard being opened." *gulp* "Then it happened to be populated for all kind of weird things but specially ponies. Yes, you heard that right. Little, pastel colored horses. They even talk! But that's another think you should know by now."

"They asked for asylum. Apparently their world was destroyed or consumed or something between those lines, they don't like to talk about it. But the point is that barrier." Another glass breaking, this time followed by the sound of liquid. "Okay, to the point. Their continent was surrounded by some kind of barrier; it didn't affected matter or energy so no scan detected it. We scratched all the scientific explanations. Our head were about to explode when we discovered two important thing about it." A lighter clicks, a soft exhalation.

"The first one was that every human, and specifically human, that somehow ended inside it dies in forty seconds. The bodies that we managed to retrieve showed a massive intoxication on every single organ." Pause. "The poor ones, they looked like being under radiations for months, even that psycho of Edward was perturbed after seeing how they looked." Another pause, another exhalation. "There wasn't any logical explanation of how it worked or an effective way to prevent it. Again, no explanations."

"Then we discovered that we were going to die." Beat. "The thing was expanding."

"The ponies showed real concern on that, unless they are a whole race of skilled actors and liars. They tried everything they could, even something called 'The Elements of Harmony' but the barrier didn't stop nor ceased to kill us." Another bottle is opened, the sound of swallowing. "That's it! We're not going to wait till these bloody ponies get their act together! The guys from the D.C. finally made out their minds and are sending the nuke." *sobs* "If those thing doesn't work." *heavy breath* "Oh God, this is our last hope. We have come to the point that a nuclear inferno and decades, if not centuries, of radiation is our last hope to avoid death." An alarm stars sounding. "This is it. The planes are in range. Gotta go to record the events." Noise of someone putting on a lab coat. "This is Doctor Henry Jekyll, if this work then I will destroy this stupid record but if you're hearing this it means that the human race is doomed." End of the cassette.


-The Rock of Eternity.

There's a place, beyond the imagination, where magic is watched and protected. In a void composed of only a blue background, like and endless blue sky, there's a floating rock. It can be however its owner needs it to be, from the size of a single room to a full house and even bigger if the Guardian of Magic needs it to be.

A lonely white figure flew from the horizon, not really fast but constantly coming closer at each second. When it was close enough it descended to the entrance of the rock. She didn't knew how she ended there or how she knew where to fly, the only thing she knew that forces beyond her actual understanding were about to let their judgement over her. One of them apparently favoring her, maybe the only one, instructed her to come here in order to help her.

Princess Celestia stood still in front of the entrance. It looked like the passage to the cavern of an old dragon or to a long forgotten tomb of an ancient pharaoh. 'Why I'm here? What am I doing here?'

After thinking about her situation and steeling herself she took the first steps into the rock. After walking for what could have been years or mere seconds, but since the alicorn was completely alone on her walk, the time that took her to get inside will remain unknown, she came to a simple door made out of wood.

Beyond the door she found herself in a stone hall, no smaller than her old throne room which reminded her the home she was forced to abandon. She advanced further, examining the room as she did. The first thing to catch her eyes where seven grotesque statues, each one representing a different action. Over the statues, carved into the stone, was the tittle 'The Seven Deadly Enemies of Life' and under each one a different name.

"Pride, envy, greed, anger, sloth, lust and gluttony." She read to herself. Coming closer to Envy, she intermediately felt an immense amount of magic. It was strange and savage but at the same time it felt almost familiar, like she had been in the presence of similar magic before but she couldn't put her hoof on it, till the memory of a world ruled by chaos and disharmony assaulted her. 'Discord!' The princess backed away from the statue, invaded by fear as she started to see that those were no ordinary stones. The thought of seven beings with the power of the draconequs running free overwhelmed her mind.

"I see that you've found the sins, I was frightened too when I first saw them." Someone said from the other side of the room, Celestia looked in the direction of the voice to find Shazam seated in the stone throne at the end of the place. He rose from his seat to walk next to her. "Is there a problem?"

"Oh no, sorry. Is just that I'm still confused for all of this."

"Don't worry. As I said, I was just as clueless my first time here. You get used to it after a while." He rubbed the back of his head. "So, shall we go to the study? I can explain some things to you as we figure out what to do." He invited her with a gesture to follow him and they walked to a door next to the throne.


-Meanwhile, on earth.

Everypony was panicking. After twenty four hours out of New Canterlot, the Princess should have been here with the mid-day sun as she has been doing for the last five years. Luna left her own guarding duties following the night to help with the scared ponies at the capital. Inside the palace were gathered the Elements with some of the most prominent and influential members of their society trying to make some sense out of this.

"Where is she?" Said the most. "We did something wrong!" Said the pessimist. "It's the Disaster again." Said a lonely guard that has seen too much action for a single life.

"CALM DOWN EVERYPONY!" Luna called with a seismic voice that shook the ground itself. The sheer impact of hearing the Princess of the Night shouting was more than enough to bring a silence worthy of a cemetery. "Now, if my sister wishes to be alone for a while that doesn't mean that you will cower in fear just because she's not here." Ever since the unification, Luna has become accustomed with Celestia being more distant. "We just follow with our daily basis as we always do." Then she looked at the guards. "And you will look for her. Send the message to the other cities and warn them to look for my sister just in case."

"That won't be necessary, ruler of night. For your sister is not here at the moment." Everypony gasped when they turned around and saw it. The Phantom just walked to Princess Luna, never minding the stunned ponies around him. "Fear not, Luna of the stars, your sister is in no perish but her presence was required somewhere else." Luna just stood there, thinking how it was possible for a human to be around.

"And you are?" At first she wanted to say 'what are you' but that sounded too rude in her mind.

"Not an enemy but neither an ally, for me I will always be a Stranger."

Twilight came closer to the Phantom, still trying to figure out how a human could be alive. Inside her mind it couldn't be possible, humans were dead or converted to pony but yet, there he was, right in front of her. 'What is he?'

"Even if I spent the next five years explaining to you who am I, bearer of magic, you wouldn't understand." He said in that same monotone voice but never turning around to face Twilight. Still looking at Luna, he continued. "If you still do not believe in my word I understand that the bearer of the concept of honesty is at your service. She can confirm for you that I only speak the truth." Applejack, who was there with the rest of the Elements, stepped forward saying.

"I'm the Element of Honesty mister." The Stranger turned around and knelt down to be at the same eye level with the farmer pony. He took off his fedora, revealing a grey hair and looking at her with pure white eyes he said.

"Your Princess is now facing the consequences of what happened here. The higher powers are judging her actions and yours too. Each one of them will send a messenger to testify the impact as I will guard to impede any injustice to happen." Inside her head, the words from the Phantom felt like hearing the very emptiness of an old abandoned barn as his eyes were like staring at the bottom of a specially dark and deep abyss. And the abyss was looking back at her. She could tell that he was telling the truth, that was the only thing sure for the earth pony.

"H-He-- He's telling the truth."


-The Rock of Eternity.

Shazam and Celestia entered to a room decorated like a restaurant. Various tables arranged in a Victorian fashion under the light of a crystal tear lamp. He moved a chair for the Princess that was suspiciously modified for a pony like her as he sat at the other side of the small table. He offered her something to drink , after thinking about it she asked for some simple earl grey tea. Muttering something, he made appear with a thunder a coup of the infusion and a milkshake for him.

"So, any other questions you want to ask? I know for experience that by this point there's still a lot of confusion."

She took a moment to reconsider her thoughts, the internal storm of her mind threatening to tear her sanity apart. But she have been before against the adversity of being defenseless, she learned how to keep her mind straight and to not lose herself in despair. She learned that lesson back when Discord menaced her sister and her ponies.

"What happens now?"

"Straight to the point, huh?" Shazam sighed. "Well, I'll be honest with you. You're in trouble. A big one." There will be a time for subtlety but at that moment he knew he had to be honest. "As Odin said, a whole species disappeared and you were in charge at the moment."

"But I did everything I could."

"As beings like us should. But basic morality is not the problem here. The problem is to convince the others that you actually did everything you could." Then looking directly at her eyes. "But first I really need to know something." His tone went from friendly and paternal to harsh and direct. "Do you really feel sorry for what happened?"

"For not being able to handle the Disaster or for the Barrier?" That was it. She couldn't hold it anymore. "Or for being unable to convince half of a species to look over their prejudices and fears in order to live?" He was about to reply but she continued. "I AM SORRY." She said, her voice making the room to shake. "I'm just a terrible protector. I've tried my best but since the Disaster and then I've been just failing and failing." Tears started to pour from her eyes. "I've always guarded life in my home. I always protected the innocents even if that meant to make sacrifices, to lose my only family." Shutting her eyes tight. "I even gave up my own freedom for them, for everyone, only to be sure that they would be safe, and why? Just to fail when it counted the most."

Shazam rose up and hugged her, stroking her mane trying to console the broken mare. "Shh, it's all right." He remembered the first time he failed too. "We all commit mistakes, it's not your fault."

"Yes it is. Half of them died only because they mistrusted me. ME! It's my entire fault." The once sure and strong mare that she used to be was being consumed by despair and guilt since the very first victim of the barrier. Now all that pressure was making her collapse.

In his mind there was playing a very similar scene. Only that he was on Celestia's role and the last son of a dead world was consoling him. He hugged her as whispering. "Believe me, I know how you feel."

"D-do you?" Between sobs. "Do you know?"

"Yes, I do." He remembered his own battles, his own monsters. He knew.

Celestia freed herself from the consoling hug. Trying to regain her posture but with tears still falling from her eyes. 'I need to know.' She thought before asking. "I know that you are on my side, I believe you when you say it. But..." The question was there, in her mouth, ready to come out. "But what if you're the only one? What will happen if I'm guilty?"

"You're not guilty for this." He avoided the question, knowing far too well how bad the real answer was. But even if Celestia was still new for all of this she knew when someone was hiding something from her. She asked again.

"What will happen if the majority points me as guilty?"

"It's not the majority. The votes are tied so we can work with this."

Celestia looked at him fiercely. The temperature of the room started to rise as she pressed her right fore leg against the floor. She asked one last time, slow and clear. "What waits for me if I'm declared guilty?" The tears on her face boiled to vapor as the sun's heat surrounded her.

Shazam sighed. He didn't want to tell her this. She was too innocent yet, she didn't deserve it. Hesitating he started to speak. "Do you know about a book called the Bible?"

"Yes." She answered between gritted teeth.

"Do you remember the story of Moses and the Pharaoh?" This time Celestia didn't answer but nodded slowly to him. He took the cue. "The ten plagues."

Suddenly, as quick as it appeared, all the heat around the solar alicorn abandoned her. Her pupils shrank as her breath and heart stopped for a moment. Fear took the anger's place. Shazam noted this and continued.

"When He declared the ten plagues to siege Egypt, it was the Spectre who released them." He took a time for her to process it. "If you're found guilty, the Spectre will be on charge of your punishment. He won't stop with you, he will go for those around you who could do something too."

"No." 'Luna, Twilight, my ponies. My family. "NO!" Breathing heavily. Shazam just looked with compassion at her as he remembered his first time hearing about the Spectre. He was surprised when Celestia spoke again.

"I will not let him do that." She said, will overpowering her inner fears. "I don't care how powerful he claims to be, but if he threatens to be even near my family I will fight him, even if that kills me. I may have failed in the past but that doesn't mean I still try. I will fight the heavens and hell if necessary but he will not touch them. And if he truly is the divine wrath of the creator then I will offer myself in their place. Their punishments will be mine, even if I have to suffer them seven fold or seventy fold. If I have to die and resurrect for all eternity only to receive the punishment meant for them, so be it. But he won’t. Touch. My. Family." She didn't notice, but around her the air was hot and dry, the furniture near to her ignited and became ash as fast as a blink and the stone floor directly touching her hooves was now liquid.

Shazam looked back at her in amazement. 'I should have known.' He couldn't do anything but amaze before the alicorn's resolution. 'And there I thought she was broke. I'm glad that even Solomon's wisdom can be wrong sometimes.' He smiled warmly as putting his hand over her shoulder. Guardian of Magic was his tittle. It wasn't meant as some kind of authority investment but a responsibility as well. His calming touch and soft expression were enough to snap her out of her own anger. Panting, Celestia spoke once again.

"What do I need to do?" Shazam stared at her, not sure of what she meant. Not hearing an answer she asked again. "I can see that you can't simply point me as innocent." Her tone was the same she used back in her home. "If you could, you would have done that already." The time for regrets and sorrows was over and now it was time to face destiny and look at its face in complete dignity. "I assume there's something I need to do in order to prove myself." Her fear was no more a fire threatening to consume her, now it was the fire that powered her will to live. Again, not for herself but for her ponies.

"I asked you a question. I've followed your instructions coming here, I told you things that nobody else should know and I'm even ready to accept your judgement, even if it's against me. The only thing that I ask is your honesty. No more detours and no more doubts. Just tell me what I have to do."

Shazam stood confused for a while before even changing his expression. When he did, his face changed from amazement at the courage of the pony to the same determination that she showed. "Very well then." He turned around and started to walk, gesturing her to follow. "At first I just said right there and then that you were innocent. You tried your best and even managed to save countless lives. Blaming you for not being able to save the entire world when you were the only one doing something about it is just wrong."

"But as you can suppose, the Spectre, Odin and some of the others said that my word wasn't enough to prove that, which lead us to the Stranger going for you and starting all of this." The entered again to the throne room.

"Six trials, six tasks that I will put you into. If you manage to pass them then you have proven you worthy abode any judgement that I can put on you and therefore innocent will be the only verdict I will be enabled to proclaim."

"Are you ready, Princess Celestia?" He asked her projecting all his authority with each word. She didn't showed any doubt or fear anymore. She had proven herself before, to the Elements and once again to her subjects. Ready or not she knew that it didn't matter, her destiny called for her once again.

"I am ready."

He smiled at her. "Before we star I want to tell you something. I believe in you, and so did the Wizard." He raised a hand closed into a fist. "Good luck Princess Celestia, I'll be waiting here for you to come victorious." And he shouted once more. "SHAZAM!"

She never heard the thunder nor saw the lightning before disappearing.

Author's Note:

Yep, the tittle is my way to say 'take that!' to all those whose only comment consisted in variations of "kill her" instead of calling for actual justice.
And for the record, from now, every time someone says 'kill/punish/destroy/torture her' or any other variation, I will give her another 'innocent' vote and she only needs five more to get scot-free from this so stop doing it.

Also, sorry for taking so long. I wanted this chapter to be the best I could and got carried with corrections and rewrites. This may not be perfect but I put my heart and mind on it so you can read something worthy for you patience.