• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 657 Views, 7 Comments

Trixies redemption, - Thecutesoldier pony

Trixie have lived in the crystal kingdom nearly two years, she have friends and her shows are more popular than ever. But what happens when a very fammiliar magical artifact begins to call her?, will it drag her closer to wield it yet again?

  • ...

The return

Trixie is walking down the street to her favorite café in the Crystal empire, humming happily to herself as she sat down at one of the tables.

"Oh hi Trixie! Looks like you are in an unusual happy mood," the waiter is a pink crystal pony with a blue mane, and have a bottle of champagne as her cutie mark. She smiles and walks over to Trixie, "let me guess as usual your show was successful. So you'll have the usual Crystal berries pie, with a coffee."

Trixie simply nodded as she eyed herself, she was glowing because of the magic of the crystal heart. Then she made a happy long sigh,
"You know Maidis I'd almost wish I didn't glow when I am happy or got dull when I am in a bad mood, it makes it difficult to keep a secret when I am not in my unusual glow."

Maidis rolls her eyes. "Well if you don't like it you could always travel away from the Crystalheart, Anyway here's the newspaper you always buy. A costumer left it so I don't think he will miss it." She dropped a newspaper on the table with the title "The Daily Equestria" and turned to enter the Café.
Trixie picked up the newspaper, "let's see what happens in Equestria today."

Robbery in the Vault of Canterlot castle.

Princess Celestia have confirmed that the magical vault of canterlot castle was breached, but that nothing of importance was stolen. The guard guarding the vault told that he heard an explosion, when he checked out what happened he was knocked out. But just before he was knocked out he saw a unicorn that had black fur wearing a crimson cloak carrying a- -

"No way! Trixie? As in the slobbish and powerless Trixie," that last part was said with a proud and laud tone.

"ough don't tell me," Trixie peeked up from the paper. She see a Teal Pegasus mare with a blond mane, and a Dark brown earth pony stallion with a black mane.
"What are you doing here? Did Equestria run out of ursas?" The mare said in a mocking tone, Trixie just gives her a cold stare and looks down at the newspaper again.

"Okay Maidis you told Trixie just to ignore these kind of ponies, let's see if it works," Trixie can feel her temper rise a little and she see her crystal glow begins to be more dull.

"I guess she's here because she's looking for a way to take over this city, just like that small town close to Canterlot." Trixie flinch at that comment, and the stallion grins as he notice it.

"Don't you dare go there,"

"She used some kind of artifact honey, to empower her magic as pathetic as it already was, what was it called again?"
The mare responded "the Ali, , "

Trixie interrupts her as venom drops with every word."One more word and I wil, , "

"Orders UP!" All three ponies looks at Maidis who happily smiles, she walks up to the table with a plate that have a cup of coffee and a slice of pie levitating at her side.

"How are you doing that?" the Pegasus asks with a puzzled look.

Maidis gives a confusing look, "doing what?"

The teal Pegasus points at the plate with a white aura around it, "magic! You don't have a horn, so how are you doing magic?"

Maidis smiles as she answer "oh, let me guess, this is your first time being in the crystal kingdom?" the couple nods in unison. "Well I am no expert but to put it simply, crystal ponies can use magic too we just use our hooves instead of a horn."And with that Maidis levitated the plate with a white glow down on Trixies table.

The brown stallion raises and eyebrow "That is most fascinating and all, but I wonder why are you serving to her?" Maidis looks a little dumbstruck "because she is a paying costumer and a good friend of mine?"
That statement caught both the pegasus and the earth pony off guard, and then the Brown stallion makes a devious smile.

"Oh I see, you pity her. She have properly told all about how hard she must have had it," Maidis cheerful expression begins to disappear. "And because you must have some kind of bad information system up here, you simply don't know what kind of a loser you have befriended."

Trixie makes a polite cough, "Trixie is still here you know!" The couple looks at Trixie as she continues, "don't you rather see the Crystal kingdom instead of wasting your time with badmouthing Trixie? You really have nothing better to do?

The brown Stallion walks up to her, "I am not going to listen to a fraud who enslaves cities!" Trixie was about to make a very uncivilized answer but Maidis was faster.

"Oh SHUT UP!" Maidis stomps her hoof in anger, "how come you Equestrians always expect the worst of Trixie? She's a great pony!"

The earth pony just raises an eyebrow on this. "You are actually defending her? Do you have any idea what she actually have done?"

"Before or after the amulet?" Maidis says as she narrows her eyes.

"MAIDIS!" Trixie shouted, "Trixie believe she should leave, before some pony does something they will regret!" Before she could get up she felt a hoof on her shoulder,

"No. If any pony should leave it is those two," Maidis says sternly as she looks at the couple.

The couple looks shocked by the statement "You can't just send us away like that!"

"Well are you going to buy anything?"Maidis responds, the couple just stands in silence, "then I can't see why I should let you bother my costumer and friend!" Maidis stands with a very determined look on her face,
and with that, the couple just turned and walked away.

Maidis sighed, "Wow after two years you would think that ponies from Equestria would have let it go already, Trixie? Are you okay?"

Trixie just sits and looks down on her meal, "thank you Maidis," Trixies fur begins to glow again. "I kind of forget that I am not alone in these situations" Trixie smiles at the pink mare.

Maidis simply smiles back "anytime trixie, sorry for bringing up the artifact though, I know you don't like to talk about it." Trixie just waves a hoof at her as she drinks some of her coffee. "you know they kinda Reminds me of you, when I first met you that is."

"So you think I was a pony who likes to makes fun of ponies?" Trixie responds with a skeptical look,

Maidis simply giggled, "of course not, but you were a stubborn mare, always skeptical to the kindness of other ponies. Even if your cape were in pieces and you had just crossed a blizzard, you had to ask three times out of suspicion that if some apple fritters you were offered free, actually were free. Not to mention you constantly referred to yourself in third person, it was somewhat annoying. "

Trixies giggles of the memory. "Oh what's wrong with the way Trixie speaks? You now Trixie is surprised you didn't mention how shocked Trixie was when she found out Crystal ponies could use magic just like unicorns, and yet, even just one week after Trixie discovered it Trixie got an apprentice."

"Yea and yet you were so determined just to have a quiet life how did he convince you?"
Trixie remembered back at the not so pleasant memory.








"Don't you have some school attend to or something?"




Trixie shuddered, that kid would not let her alone until she said yes, "That’s not important, what is important that I have you and that wonderful little rapscallion of an apprentice as two good friends. And I am glad you held on to me Maidis, thanks" Maidis hugged Trixie which Trixie returned.

"So what are you doing later? I'm closing soon so, do you want to hang out?"

Trixie who have gained her full crystal glow back stood up and speaks like she is on stage."Well the great and powerful Trixie would like that, but she's supposed to meet with her apprentice in a few minutes." Trixie says with a very proud tone. And with that Trixie pays for her meal, "we'll be in the park if you want to Join us."

"What you want to teach me magic to?" says Maidis with a sly grin,

trixie just gave a dead panned look, "I'm not sure I would have time for two apprentices. Besides I"- - !

"I miss you"

Trixie stopped in her response as she felt a nasty chill down her spine and throughout her body, she just stood there for a moment like a crystal statue.

"Trixie? Are you all right?"

"Y,-yes I just felt like, like I was being watched, say did you hear some kind of whisper?"

Maidis puts her hoof on trixies forehead, "no, buuut-" Before Maidis could finish Trixie removes her hoof and begins walking.

"Its properly nothing. I better get going, I'm getting late for Horrisos lesson, and I just know he won't stop bothering me if the teacher is late for the lesson."
Trixie waves Maidis goodbye as she walks further down the street with all haste, as Trixie walks she got lost in her thoughts. "What the hay was that? In a moment it felt like I was wearing--, no that's behind me now. Equestria, Ponyville, All that is behind me."
"Then why can't I shake this unnerving feeling?" As Trixie enters the park, she sits down on a bench, "hm still some minutes until he arrives. Better prepare then." As Trixie took her bag up to get the components for the lesson,

"Find me."

"Who's there!" as Trixie turns around she see, nothing only the plaza to train her apprentice, "I guess I just need a good night sleep, I mean there is no way that it can be. . ."


She feels a breath that is more cold than a windigo around her left ear, she spins around and yells. "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER," Trixie shoots a powerfull magical beam the direction she heard the whisper, the beam impacts with the ground next to a yellow furred colt.

"YIKES if I knew this lesson would have been about surprise attacks I would have snuck up on you." The beam had nearly hit Horrisos judging from the small crater next to him. Horrisos is a colt nearly half the size of Trixie, he have butter yellow fur with a black mane and tail, his cutie mark is a white glowing orb with a yellow glowing circle around it. Also known as the Apprentice of the great and powerful Trixie,

Trixie blinked twice, the feeling was completely gone "That wasn't some spell or enchantment!" Trixie rubs her face gently "I guess it’ll have to wait for the moment."

"Can I come closer now?" Trixie snaps out of her thoughts and looks at Horrisos, "what?"

"You yelled at me not to come any closer and shot a beam at the ground, is it safe to come closer now?"

Trixie nodded in response "I didn't hurt you now did I?" Horrisos made a little frown,

"Miss Trixie I am tougher than that, you should know by now. Besides you missed." He made a little cocky
Smile, "so anyway what are going to do today?" Trixie took a deep breath.

"Well let's see how the spell I made you practice on is coming along shall we?" The young colt put up a nervous smile.

"I think I have it, I mean it's just a simple illusion no sweat right?" Trixie simply raised an eyebrow,

"Well how about you show me then?" Horrisos swallows a small lump in his throat.

"Now?" Trixie nods, He lets out a small sight and moves some distance away. His hooves lights up with an Azure colored energy as he concentrates on a spot in front of him, a faint image of himself was materializing in front of him.

"Not bad horrisos, now focus on holding it"

As he pulls more magic into his efforts the image begins to appear more solid, and then he makes a small grunt and release his magic. The illusion explodes and a harmless shockwave makes Horrisoss trip on to the grass, "HORSEAPPLES! Why can I not do it? I worked all yesterday on this spell!" His face turns a little sad "and yet still no progress," Trixie sits herself next to him and lays her hoof on his shoulder.

"Horrisos, do you remember what I told you about illusion magic?" the colt looks at her face

"but--" Trixie interrups him

"There is a reason it is one of the rarest kind of magic. Almost no pony unicorn, alicorn, or crystal, have been reported or seen make advanced illusions." There was a moment of silence,

Horrisos looks at Trixie "then how come you can? Or haven’t been seen?"

Trixie smiles, "a mix of very hard work and talent. For my special talent supports it after all, Trixie makes a serious look, "Horrisos did you really expect to learn some of the toughest magic in a single week?" Horrisos stands up again,

"Well I did it with some of the other magical catagories."

Trixie rolls her eyes "Horrisos how long do you think it took me to learn a simple magical blast?"

the colt shrugs "I don't know a day?"

Trixie simply shakes her head, "I learned it in six months through hard word."

Horrisos just stares at Trixie, there was no way that Trixie, One of the most talented magic users he have seen, Would take this long to learn a simple spell. "How? It took me two weeks to learn the basics of that spell!"

Trixie giggled a little, "I don't know to be honest. Maybe it is different for each pony, I am an illusionist. So it will make sense that there is other more basic spells that is hard for me to learn,"

"But in your duels at the tournaments I have seen you cast all kinds of spell with equal power!"

Trixies smile fades a little, and speaks in a very serious tone.

"Horrisos, I am a very unique case when it comes to magic. I have only seen one pony with more magical power than me, and she was so gifted that she somehow have become an Alicorn. I know your special talent involves magic too but you also have limits," trixe sighed a little "And it is very important to know those limits, and illusions is clearly close to those limits so I understand if you want to try something else."

"Heck no!" Horrisos looks at her with a very determined look. "I said I wanted to learn illusions! So please, teach me Miss Trixie."

Trixie looked at horrisos then smiles, "very well then, but I can't teach you anything new until you cast a perfect illusion of yourself, since it is the most basic thing to do." Horrisos grins”

Don’t worry miss Trixie I'll have done in no time," and he started charge up his magic as Trixie observed him.

At the end of the lesson Horrisos followed Trixie down the road exhausted but happy. "You did well today, and you know what?" The colt looks at Trixie, "You made me very proud today"

Horrisos gave trixie a questioning look, "why? I made like zero process today."

As trixie stops at an ice-cream stand she answered, "True, if I did not know better I would say you made no progress at all." Horrisos just narrowed his eyes at her, "but you didn't quit where many ponies would Horrisos. I'm pretty sure that many ponies would just have moved along when they heard how hard Illusion magic is to perform, and that's why, if you want it, you get this treat."

"You're really proud of me?" Trixie simply nods, Horrisos gave Trixie a hug that was equally returned, "thanks miss trixie." the colt turns to pick his ice-cream flavors

Do not forget about me, dear Miss Lulamoon

Trixie froze in place, it was as if the icy breath travelled through her spine "What the hay is that?" Trixie looks around. Nothing suspicious only a couple walking down the street, and the ice-cream stand,

"That’ll be thirteen Cristil."

Trixie snaps out of her thoughts again as she see Horrisos standing with the largest ice-cream she had ever seen, "Yea sure, uhm Horrisos you can get home from here by yourself right?" As trixe levitates her Cristil pouch up,

"Sure I can but. . ." Trixie drops a red gemstone on the stand,

"Sorry Horrisos but I got to go, as in right now." with that she turns and walk down the street in all haste,

The pony in the stand And Horrisos just looked dumbstruck at trixie as she walked away, "that was odd. She forgot her change."

Horrisos looks at the pony, "I can give them to her I know where she lives." he says with an innocent smile.

As soon Trixie is around a corner she begins to run, she runs as if the mare in the moon on an ursa major was after her, but as soon her home was within sight.

"HOLD IT LULAMOON!" Trixie stops in high-speed, which makes her slide a little, as she sees five equestrians in crimson cloaks is blocking her path. She narrows her eyes,

"let me guess, they won’t let me pass." And she was correct they were not to let her pass, "what do you want?" Trixie scowls,

An earthpony stallion walks up to her with a smirk reavealed under the cloak "our employer want to have a little talk with you."

Trixie just stares for a moment, "Trixie don't have time for this,"

the stallion raises an eyebrow "what?" SMACK!

Out of nowhere Trixie throws a strong punch to the stallions face, making a nice hoof print on his cheek. Trixie quickly follow up turning around and bucks the stallion in the chest and throws him of ground,

She speaks as she turns back around to face him "I have forgotten how tough you earth ponies are."

The earth pony Screams maniacally "GRAB HER!" But with a loud POOF! A big pink smoke cloud appears where Trixie is standing, all the ponies runs blindly in it to catch her. As a big fight inside the smoke cloud musters up the stallion get back on his hoofs, when the smoke cloud disappears his group have apparently been fighting them self in blind confusion.

"Where did she go?"

"I don't see her!"

The earth pony facehoofed "Well how about you stop having a big group hug, AND FIND HER! YOU ALL KNOW WHAT WAITS IF WE FAIL!" And with that the ponies scatters leaving the street empty. Or so they thought,

As Trixie slowly steps out of her invisibility spell, she could not help to let out a little giggle, "smoke spell and invisibility, works every time. However, if this is what I think it is, I am in deep trouble. If only I had proof."

"Why resist Trixie?"

The effect was instant she felt the same icy chill run through her body, "I've got to get home and fast." as Trixie arrives at her home, and she quickly opens the door and walks in. Trixie home is a small house with a livingroom, a bedroom with a bathroom next to it, a kitchen. And a single hallway to connect the three, Even though Trixie makes a lot more Bits (or Cristils as they are called in the crystal empire,) than this house actually costs monthly through her shows. she loves living in the outskirts of the city, because it's close to her friends and it is quiet. Trixie rush through the hallway and in to her bedroom, she search under her bed for her old travelling equipment.

"Finally alone, and in your bedroom no less."

Trixie raises her head afraid to see what's behind her she doesn't turn around, she can feel the cold presence that have manifested behind her. "What do you want?"

"You mean it isn't obvious? I want you back."

She turns to see a weak three dimensional pony shadow, the same shadow she saw slowly taking over her soul two and a half years ago. In Ponyville after she won a magic duel and threw out her opponent, away from her home and friends, the only reason she got rid of it last time was because it was afraid that said so opponent had acquired an even more powerful artifact. So it stole it to take it over, Just it is very hard to take over a non-magical door stopper dressed as an artifact and was forced back, After Trixie Released herself while it was gone. And after that, she was free, or so she thought.

Trixie would lie if she said she was not afraid, "Why me? Why not some other Unicorn? It seems like a lot of trouble to get Trixie back to you, when you just can charm some unknowing pony." The Shadow have glided up in front of Trixe,

"Trixie Trixie Trixie, You give yourself far too little credit, I can't settle for some nopony when I know you are still within my grasp. After all we bonded very closely last time we where together."

"If you mean by enslaving a town after giving me revenge I really didn't need? That event alone got me banished from Equestria! You, , ," Trixie takes a deep breath, "Look Trixie won't stop you doing in whatever your crazy desires may be. If you just Leave Trixie alone." Trixie could almost see a smile on the shadow. As it just shakes its head,

"And not have the most powerful of them all? It think not! Give me back what is mine!"

The front hoofs of the shadow turns into black tentacles and grabs Trixie, she was instantly pinned by the unnatural strength they possess. The tentacles comes up in front of her eyes and begin to glow red,

Trixie begins to struggle even if she knows it is of no use. "No, Please no. Don't!"

"I will break you my sweet."[/i]

The Tentacles Shocks Trixie with an electric attack, and then she passes out.

Trixie awakes on the street and sees the crystal empire in flames, "AH! She's awake!" Crystal ponies is running panicking away from Trixie. She sees Red meteors falls from the sky that destroys the castle,

"Miss Trixie please stop hurting us" She turns around and see Horrisos looks at her with teary eyes.

Trixie who is saddened by the sight of her crying Apprentice, tries to move over to comfort him. "Horrisos what are you talking I would never,,,"


Trixie sees Maidis standing between her and Horrisos glaring a death glare towards Trixie.

"What are you talking about? I would never hurt you, Horrisos or anypony! Maidis what have gotten in to you?"

Maidis eyes got teary and her voice was almost cracking "you said the same about the amulet, look where that got you!"

"Wha-" As Trixie got up she feels something around her neck, she instantly froze, as she slowly looks down "no" the alicorn amulet was there surging her with magic as it have done in the past. "NO!"

"Welcome home Trixie"


Author's Note:

So yea my very first My little pony fanfic, I am not very good with the gramma but I have went throught ten time to spot mistakes and faults. But critique and comments are very welcome. Hope you enjoyed yourself.