• Published 8th Dec 2013
  • 502 Views, 3 Comments

Night's Secret - Crystal-Ice9201

The shyest pony of all the Mane 6 made a choice, no pony else can devulge on. She has to stay strong enough, or else she will... Fail. Fail the Master of their order. Fail the entire "Order of the Night". Failure... The one thing that cannot happen.

  • ...


The massive thunderstorm finally abated around midday. The storm got a little out of hoof and rumours are going around that the new machinery of Cloudsdale are at fault. No Pegasi are denying it but none are accepting the truth of it either. The sun's rays were welcomed by many of the ponies all over Equestria. A blue mare snoozed on a puffy white cloud just above Ponyville. The sun warming her feathers with its light fingers as life slowly grew beneath. A pink mare with an unruly pink mane hopped on her way happily with a huge grin. All the other ponies waved and greeted the pink mare on their way. A purple Alicorn yawned widely as she exited her library. Her head hanging low.

"Hey Twilight!" The pink mare popped up behind her.

The purple mare cringed at the sudden noise, "Not so loud, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie leaned forward, "Sorry!" She replied in what can only be described as a 'loud whisper'. "What's wrong, Twilight?"

"I have a massive headache from last night's study session. Who knew the history on teleportation could be so taxing. And here I thought I already knew everything there is to know about it," her head throbbed. "Nhg... I better go see a doctor," she cringed.

"Why don't you just go to Fluttershy?" The blue mare fluttered down from her cloud with a big yawn, "She always has all sorts of remedies with her."

"She isn't here, Rainbow Dash. She went on that trip with Zecora to the waterfall, remember? You were supposed to take care of her plants and animals while she's away," Twilight reminded.

"I was? Uh, I mean... I'll be right back, hehe," She sheepishly shrunk away and dashed off to Fluttershy's cottage.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie continued forward. "So what did you discover this time, Twilight?" Pinkie hopped along Twilight, while she just hung her throbbing head again.

"Just a few dates and how to make the teleportation...quieter," she hesitated on the last word.

Pinkie skidded to a halt, "Quieter?!"

Twilight flattened her ears at the sudden noise, "The volume Pinkie!"

"Oh, sorry," She zipped her lips. Literally...

Sigh... "Teleportation, especially mine, is a very loud occurrence. It is when all the magical particles gather expanding a portal and a loud 'pop' is heard. According to the history books, a whole village of unicorns in the early 12th century, practiced this and perfected their teleportation. It said the ponies also branched off in certain areas of expertise," Twilight breathed in deep to calm her aching head.

"Mmpf mmhepf mnp?" Pinkie asked.

"Huh?" Twilight looked back, seeing the mare's lips still zipped shut. Rolling her eyes, she unzipped Pinkies lips with her hoof.

"And what areas are those?" Pinkie hopped alongside her once again.

Twilight shuddered at the thought, "Emergency professions like the police or doctors. There is another, but… Luckily we don't have use for that anymore."

"What was the last one?" Pinkie popped up in front of her.


"No, the other last one," Pinkie widened her eyes expectantly.

She sighed in defeat, "Assassins."

Gasp! "What?! Why in Equestria would we need something like THAT here?!"

Twilight cowered away from the volume, "PINKIE!"

"Oops, sorry," she apologized in her loud whisper.

"I am not sure of why but I'm sure I can speak to Princess Celestia about it on my next trip to the Castle," Twilight was relieved when they finally reached the hospital.

After nearly an hour of waiting for the doctor and standing in line at the pharmacy, Twilight and Pinkie finally made their way back to the library. Twilight's head felt a little bit better at least.

"Hey guys!" Rainbow dash hovered above them, stretching her limbs from her nap. "I just ran into Zecora. She lo-"

"So Fluttershy's back, too?" Twilight interrupted looking up.

"Not exactly. Zecora said Fluttershy is staying with her for a little while, but she didn't say why," Rainbow shrugged.

"Maybe we should throw them a 'Welcome Back' party!" Pinkie jumped excitedly.

"I don't know, Pinkie," Rainbow Dash continued, "Zecora looked kinda nervous about something."

"Maybe we should go and see what it is," Twilight proposed. "Maybe we can help," she continued.

An orange mare trotted up to them, "Howdy y'all. What did I hear about you 'going to see something'?"

"Hey, Applejack. We were just going to see what Zecora and Fluttershy are up to," Twilight enlightened her.

"Oh. Can I join you lot as well?" The country pony smiled.

"Of course!" Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash sang together.

"Thanks y'all. But um... What about Rarity?"

"We can pick her up on the way," Twilight smiled

After a half an hour of trying to convince Rarity to join them in heading to the Everfree forest, they all finally left. Walking past town hall, the mayor was unusually busy. Press ponies and spectators huddled closer shouting questions from all directions.

"What do you think they are all here for?" Applejack asked curiously.

"I'm not sure but we can find out," Twilight changed the course of their heading. The crowd's mumbling got more restless as they neared.

"Madam Mayor! How can you explain all the blood trails in Ponyville?" A dark brown unicorn shouted over the other levitating his recorder closer.

"Is Ponyville still safe for its citizens?" A dark blue mare asked out of turn.

The Mayor looked between them all, it didn't look like she even knew where to begin answering. "It's a difficult time for Ponyville to say the least but rest assured! It is still safe. The scene found last night has not jeopardized our safety at all. The proper authorities are busy investigating and trying to piece together what happened. It is said that these ponies were prepared for an onslaught but their allegiances are unknown. More news will be released soon but for now, that is all that can be said," The Mayor's eyes looked bewildered but continued with a determined look. "Never in the history of my Office has this ever occurred. Be assured I will try my best to keep this supposed threat at bay!"

"Onslaught? Threat?" Applejack asked, looking back at her friends. All of them shrugged. "What in tarnation has happened?"

"I- I don't know," Twilight stepped closer her interest piqued at their riddled speech.

"I don't think we should bother the mayor now, dear," the whited coated mare cleared her throat.

"Who said we're asking the Mayor, Rarity?" Twilight replied and trotted up to the nearest reporter. "Um, excuse me? Miss?"

A turquoise coated mare turned to look at her, "Yes? Can I help you?" She spotted Twilight's cutie mark, "Oh my. My apologies, Princess," she bowed deeply.

"That's quite alright," Twilight helped the mare up. "I was wondering if you can tell me what are you all doing here? What happened?" Twilight raised her hoof to point around her.

"I really shouldn't tell anypony but for you, your Highness... News came in about two hours ago, apparently about twenty or so ponies died last night in what looked like a battle. I wasn't there myself yet but I hear the scene is gruesome. Please don't tell anyone I said anything," the mare pleaded.

"Alright. So do you know where this scene is?" Twilight pushed a bit more.

"Yes. It lies not far from the heart of the Everfree Forest. About five minutes' walk towards the west once you're there," the mare explained further.

"Thank you, Miss," Twilight nodded her thanks.

"You are most welcome, Princess," the mare smiled nervously.

Twilight just managed to turn to her friends when the crowd seemed to swallow her every escape, bombarding her with questions.

"What does her Highness have to say about this incident?" A black stallion squeezed his hoof through to be noticed.

"I don-"

"What does the Princesses plan to do about this situation?" "Is Equestria in jeopardy of a new threat?" "Will the culprits be brought to justice soon?" Each pony yelled their question over the previous. The questions flowing into each other made Twilight's head ache again. "Who are these ponies, your Highness?"

"STOP!" Twilight teleported out of the crowd with a loud white flash. "I don't know much about it at this point in time. What I can tell you is this: I will get to the bottom of this!" Twilight stomped her hoof with finality. The crowd backed down slightly. "Come on, girls," She trotted away with her friends in tow.

After a few moments of silence between the five mares, "Are you alright, Sugarcube?"

"No! You know I don't like being put in the spotlight like that. And what is it with all those ponies spouting that nonsense?" Twilight growled. "Equestria is the safest place on Earth!"

"Come now, darling. We will find out what happened when we go to the right ponies," Rarity said nervously, slightly out of breathe from keeping up with the enraged Princess.

"But I don't even know where to begin. I can go straight to Princess Celestia now but what if this is just a rumour?" Twilight stopped and her friends stood still by her side.

"Then why don't we go take a look ourselves?" Rainbow suggested. "That way we can go visit Zecora on the way there."

"Yay! Maybe I can throw my welcome back party after all!" Pinkie hopped excitedly.

"I still don't think that is such a great idea," Twilight shook her head at Pinkie. "We need to get to the bottom of this. But at least we can start with Zecora. She lives in the Everfree Forest so maybe she saw or heard something."

"Yeah, but what I wanna know is why she was so nervous earlier..." Rainbow dash said thinking back.

"Now that is suspicious," Rarity mumbled.

"Well we're not going to find out anything standing around here," Twilight turned and started towards to forest. The rest of the group followed silently, only watching the new Princess as she trot ahead.

About a half an hour passed when they finally knocked on Zecora's door. "Zecora? Are you here?"

No answer.

They knocked again. "Zecora?" The group jumped when the bush rustle behind the tree house.

"Hello?" Twilight peeked around the trunk. A moving shadow caught their attention, "Hey wait!" A sudden burst of white made the group cringed from it. When their eyes re-adjusted the shadow was gone. Twilight closed her eyes, her Alicorn powers homing in on the magic trail left behind. "This way!" Twilight dashed off deeper into the forest.

Galloping hooves followed after, "Are you sure about this Twi?" A concerned Applejack yelled above the wind.

"No, but I'm sure we won't be disappointed!" She galloped harder using her wings to push her forward.

"But what about Zecora and Fluttershy?" Rainbow kept up above her, swerving every now and then to avoid low branches.

"They can wait! Now we must find that pony!" Twilight took off. She struggled to stay in the air but her fury got the best of her then disappeared with a loud pop.

"Twilight!" Her friends yelled in unison.

Twilight appeared in a flashes in her course of pursuit. The trail becoming stronger with each flash she took. "I got you now." Her final flash made her land in a rather strange clearing. The clearing had a round ruin in the middle, almost as if it was a tower of some sort some time ago. Beating hooves made her turn to face the pony in question. The pony skidded to a halt, silver strips flashed on each of the pony's front legs. "Who are you? I demand to know!" She pointed her horn, intimidating the stranger. She watched him carefully, his white robes and cowl unfamiliar to her.

"I'm sorry Madonna, but it is better you do not know," he gasped catching his breathe. The small vertical scar on his lips stretched as he smirked. His accent was familiar at least.

"You're… Italimane?" She asked not lifting her horn. He remained silent. Rage started to heat up in her for not getting her answers. The other pony just stared at her with shaded eyes. "Answer me! Who ARE you?!"

"I cannot say," he replied then a soundless white light encircled him.

"Oh no you don't!" Twilight jumped him. They tumbled to the ground and out of the light that evaporated behind them. Flashes of silver met Twilight's eyes as he pinned her down on her belly. A shing rang through her ears followed by a sharp sting against her neck. "W-what?"

"This blade against your throat has put many mortals out of their misery, Principessa," He pressed a bit harder to emphasize. "I have never tried the same for an immortal but for you, I'll be happy to make an exception if you try this again."

"No! Let me go! You will pay dearly if Princess Celestia find out about this!" Twilight countered.

"Not if you're dead," he said shortly.

Twilight gasped then remained silent and still for a few moments, "What are you going to do with me?"

"It's not what I'm going to do... It's what you're going to do. Those other ponies that accompanied you will arrive shortly so listen closely," he spoke into her ear.

"Twilight?" "Twilight!" Various voices broke through the songs of cicadas.

"Do this or else I might make you regret this day forever," he let go of her and disappeared into the shielding shadows of the forest.

She was frozen on the ground, mauling over this strange pony's requests. The sounds of her friends became louder each passing moment.

An orange pony trotted around the broken wall, "Twilight!" But her friend just kept staring ahead of her. "Twilight?"

"Oh my! You're bleeding!" An almost hysterical tone escaped Rarity, even if it was a small trail running down her neck. Twilight didn't even flinch when the overly concerned friend tied a dark blue scarf around her neck.

"Why do you carry scarves in the middle of summer?" Applejack asked when she was done.

"It's not the question of weather, Applejack, it's a question of fashion," Rarity winked at her.

"Uhm guys?" Rainbow asked for their attention. "What the heck is wrong with Twilight?"

"I don't know but I think I can guess what it is! I just LOVE guessing games!" Pinkie smiled as she sat down next to Twilight.

"Not now Pinkie. Twilight is hurt," Rainbow pointed out the seriousness of situation.

Twilight stood, surprising the group as they backed a few steps. "I need to find a stallion."

"Who?" Rarity asked raising a slender eyebrow.

"Cesare Borgia," Twilight said as the adrenaline seeped back making everything go dark.


In the shadows...

"Just a tiny bit overboard, don't you think?" A voice with a similar accent asked. A darkish red pegasus with a short black mane appeared from the shadows, and stood next to the robed unicorn.

"I know but who else can deliver Cesare to us without raising suspicion?" The unicorn watched the group of mares hoist the Princess onto the orange mare's back.

"True, but I truly hope you know what you are doing..." The pegasus turned again.

The unicorn shook back his head, revealing his white coat and ponytailed brown mane as his cowl fell back. "As do I." His bi-coloured black and white horn sparked as he turned.

The pegasus hummed in agreement, "So... Have you met my contact here?"

"No, she appeared to be out upon my arrival. That is when I was chased down by that lot over there," the unicorn nodded to the group leaving in the opposite direction.

"Did they discover your identity?" the pegasus asked, worried.

"No," he shook his head.

"Bene," The pegasus nodded, obviously relieved but then cringed. "We must get back now. She is waiting for us."

"Ah… It's been a while since we last spoke. I think I'm going to enjoy this," the unicorn chuckled mischievously as they galloped deeper into the shadows of the forest.

Madonna - Madam
Principessa - Princess
Bene - Good