• Published 7th Nov 2013
  • 1,498 Views, 35 Comments

My Inspiration - gwg

A stuntmare and a singer look for the inspiration to create something new that will launch their careers. They have yet to look for it in each other.

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Wonderful Wordplay with a Wonderbolt

It isn’t easy being a solo stuntmare; it’s difficult to garner the attention of the masses when ponies want to see the skill of the Wonderbolts. How does one even begin to compete with the greatest stunt team in all of Equestria? What is needed is a trick that the Wonderbolts could never dream of pulling off; a certain something that overshadows all else. What is needed is nothing short of a masterpiece; something that will talked about long after the pony who pulled it off is nothing but dust and legend.

This is the challenge that Scootaloo once dreamt of overcoming. She dreamed of being a performer that rivaled the Wonderbolts and all of their feats of wonder, aspiring to be the greatest flier in all of pegasus history. But most of all, she envisioned doing all of this with a certain unicorn by her side, supporting her through everything.

The years, however, have begun to eat away at her goal. The brash pegasus now lacked the determination she knew she would need to become the best. Five years ago she felt ready to ask the mare of her affections out on a date, having successfully overcome her nerves when she earned her cutie mark. But she had foolishly made a vow to be further towards a career fitting her talent, setting up an obstacle that would deny her happiness. She now sought a way to dismantle this obstacle without breaking her vow; but to do that she still needed to create a trick, a task which still eluded her.

Scootaloo was not without occupation, however; she held the position of captain of the weather team in Ponyville. She had been a part of the team for four years, and had been promoted to Captain when Rainbow Dash retired to join the Wonderbolts. The townsfolk say that Scootaloo has done a better job than the previous captain, though the orange pegasus would never say so herself. Captain for two years and there have been no incidents involving the weather; it always occurred as forecasted and there was never any need to compensate for missed rainfall with a massive storm. Princess Twilight noted an increase of 10% in the efficiency of the weather team during Winter Wrap-up the year Scootaloo took over as team leader. Dash was never upset that her protege outshined her in this regard; rather she was proud of her decisions.

When she wasn’t performing her duties or hanging out with the CMC, Scootaloo was practicing her stunt skills. She hadn’t been able to perform the Super Nova since the day she got her cutie mark, but she wasn’t as concerned about it as Dash was when she couldn’t perform the Sonic Rainboom. Instead of her unique trick, Scootaloo would run through a routine that was a mixture of some basic tricks, Dash’s pre-Wonderbolts maneuvers, and some tricks the prismatic Wonderbolt allowed her to have a peek of, keeping her skills sharp. She would always ask for both of her friends to cheer her on while she practiced, but she prefered it when Apple Bloom couldn’t make it, allowing her to have some alone time with her number one cheerleader; a fact Scootaloo was never afraid to let Sweetie Belle know. Apple Bloom knew this and wasn’t always truthful when she would say she was busy; she wanted to give them time to be together. Scootaloo always performed with much more enthusiasm whenever Sweetie was watching from below.

There were some nights, when she was feeling at her lowest, that Scootaloo would question whether it was a good idea not to follow in her idol’s hoofsteps. She wondered if she had become a reflection of Dash, would she be holding her Sweetie Belle in her arms that very night, snuggling close and appreciating the warmth they radiated? She would imagine herself in a Wonderbolt flight suit, her lips locked with those of her singer, isolating themselves in their own little world where nothing mattered except their embrace. But this moment of weakness would pass when Scootaloo would realize that she wouldn’t be herself; it would be a copy of Rainbow Dash with her Sweetie Belle. After that she would go to bed, not admitting to a soul that she cried herself to sleep.

She needed to create a new trick; Scootaloo did not know how she was going to do this and before she had gone to the weekly get together at the bakery the pegasus believed that it was going to be another low night, but Destiny’s intervention that day made her change her plans. Now, her goal for this evening was to find out how to find inspiration. She could clear the clouds later; right now she headed to the castle, though not to seek an audience with the princess of friendship.


After spending a half hour trying to find the royal couple, the pegasus found Starlight Glimmer, who informed her that they were up in the private library but that they probably shouldn't be disturbed. Despite this, the stuntmare determined that she needed to speak to her idol and that they wouldn't mind. Just as she was about to enter the library, Scootaloo heard something on the other side of the door. She was certain that someone was talking, but couldn’t make out the words. It didn’t sound like a whole conversation, since only one pony was speaking. Scootaloo had no idea why she was just standing there trying to listen, but she did. There was a gasp from beyond the door, followed by what sounded like a question; she didn’t hear what was asked, but heard the response loud and clear.

“YESYESYESYES! OF COURSE I WILL!” came the excited scream of one Princess Twilight Sparkle. Scootaloo recognized this excited tone: Twilight sounded exactly like she did when she was telling the CMC the tale of how she got her cutie mark; whatever happened had to equal or top that. It was at this moment that Scootaloo remembered her mission and that this was a public library; with this in mind she opened the door.

What greeted her was the sight of her idol and the aforementioned princess kissing passionately. Perhaps I should try another time. Her blind escape was interrupted by her flank bumping into the nearest book case, knocking several books onto the floor.

“Sorry, sorry. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” The red-faced pegasus apologized to the equally red-faced couple in the middle of the room. Slowly they separated and then faced the new arrival, the blushing only dimmed slightly.

“Uh…haha, hey Squirt. No, you’re not interrupting anything.” Rainbow replied while scratching her head, her voice cracked the entire time. Once Twilight discovered the power she had over Dash, she abused it to no end. The alicorn would always get a kick out of teasing her pegasus lover, seeing and hearing how flustered she would get. The innocent words combined with the not-so-innocent tone would always get the Wonderbolt to blush furiously and her voice to crack in the most adorable way; sometimes she would even pull off a Fluttershy impression. But Twilight’s favorite part was how Dash’s wings would always shoot up. It didn’t matter that the pegasus expected it, there was nothing she could do to stop it; and why would she.

“Uh, yeah, there’s nothing to worry about.” Twilight followed, ears flat against her skull as she smiled sheepishly. The princess wasn’t safe from teasing either; Rainbow knew just how to make the bookworm forget her extensive vocabulary and could get her out of a study block like no one else could. All it took was one tiny nibble on her left ear (nothing would happen with the right, Rainbow had already tried) and the Princess of Friendship was mere putty in Dash’s hooves. Twilight didn’t care how important the material was, whenever this was done she was happy to take a break.

“So what happened if you don’t mind me asking?” Scootaloo inquired, breaking the awkward silence that had developed.

“Well, I asked Twi’ to marry me…” Rainbow Dash began.

“...And I said yes!” Twilight finished, drawing attention to the diamond ring adorning her horn.

“Congratulations! I knew it was a matter of time before you two got hitched.” The orange mare stated happily with the tension no longer present, distracted from her mission until Rainbow reminded her.

“So what brings ya here? Come for a book?” Dash gleefully asked, though her attention was drawn to a familiar feeling.

“Oh yeah! Dash, how do you find inspiration?” Scootaloo mentally berated herself for forgetting something so important; how could she forget about the discussion that would bring her closer to her own happiness?

Rainbow put her previous thoughts aside as she contemplated how to answer her little sister’s question. She knew about Scootaloo’s feelings for Sweetie Belle for the longest time, being probably the second pony to figure it out after Pinkie Pie (she didn’t know that the baker knew, but just assumed so because Pinkie Pie). She also knew about the vow. Dash had been approached by Vinyl during Rarity and AJ’s wedding, where she told the pegasus about Sweetie Belle’s feelings and her goal. Rainbow figured that Scoots was doing something similar and vowed to help her honorary little sister in any way she could; besides, the new weather captain probably saved the couple another month of awkwardness when she stepped in to help. She now knew exactly what to tell the curious mare.

“Wanna hear how I became a wonderbolt?” The cocky mare asked with a smirk; she knew this would work.

“Again!? I’ve heard it like a hundred times.” The years had diminished Scootaloo’s enthusiasm towards her idol’s bragging. “Can’t you just tell me your point?”

Rainbow muttered something about an ungrateful brat before she replied with “Fine! But no complaining about it being boring!”

“Ok, so remember the tricks I pulled off that day?” Without waiting for a response she continued, “Well I completely forgot the routine I had planned as I started flying. I had a whole routine of new moves for the show, and my mind just went blank. Before I could panic I saw Twi’ in the royal box of the stadium and as I thought of her inspiration struck. I just performed; I flew, I didn’t think and everything just happened. I finished my run and heard the applause; I knew I had gotten in and Twi’ told me later that what I did up there was ten times better than what I had planned before. She was more than a little happy when I told her I thought of her as I did it.

“That is how inspiration works. It is more of a force than anything else; it is an artist, the sky is the canvas, and we are the paintbrush. It just uses our bodies to create and the magic of creating something new just happens. Just do whatever it tells ya without question, like I told you when you pulled off the Super Nova; you just have to keep someone in mind and it will work for ya. What about you Twi’?”

Nodding, the alicorn replied, “When I created the counter spell that sparked my ascension, I felt that force that Rainbow was talking about. Thinking about how I brought my friends back to their normal selves, inspiration used my body to create it. I just did as it told me and when I was finished I was a princess. In situations such as that you don’t think, you just let it act through you, knowing the product will be nothing short of amazing. That is how it is done.”

The couple looked to their guest, noticed that she was deep in thought. They left her to her thoughts while they prepared dinner. I just have to keep someone in mind and it will work for me? But I always think about her when I try to come up with something. Wait, she said that she was looking at Twilight when inspiration struck, and Twilight had her friends around her when she created her spell; they said that they just did what they were told and inspiration used them to create. Maybe I need Sweetie Belle with me when I try to make a new trick. No planning, cause Dash went into the tryouts with nothing and wowed them with her performance. So I think of Sweetie Belle while trying to perform a new move; what do I think of her? Well she is hooves down the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. It doesn’t matter if she wears makeup or not, nothing can top her beauty. And that voice, like an angelic chorus. I know that at those weddings she is singing for all the ponies there, but in my heart I feel that she is singing just for me. If she sang just for me, not for anyone else, just me, I don’t know what I would do. It’s her eyes though, that eclipse all else. Those emerald pools, be they half-lidded when she’s singing or open wide in awe when she watches me fly, they see into my very soul as I see into hers. Those eyes have haunted my dreams for over five years now, and I don’t regret that; I just have to do this and then we can finally be together. I will be with you soon, my Sweetie Belle.

As Scootaloo’s thoughts changed to debating whether or not she was spending too much time in the library given the descriptive words she used, Rainbow Dash was in the middle of her own mental monologue. You’re real close, Squirt; I can tell. And given this twitch in my wing, I’m guessing me and Twi’s engagement isn’t the only big thing happening today. I think you’re gonna do it. She watched as Scootaloo got up and picked out a book; the very same one Twilight was reading on that day five years ago. Dash felt that twitch again and thought back to another time she felt it.


Two years ago

The day had arrived; she had been training hard and Dash knew she was going to get into the Wonderbolts. She was prepared for celebrating her achievement; her part in AJ’s proposal the day before had been rewarded with a barrel of cider from the Apple family’s own stash (though the real reward was Applejack’s promise to never buck her in the chest ever again, the cider was just a bonus). She knew her routine was perfect; she had spent months planning it. But what made her 100% certain of her chances was this twitch; she felt it the day Fluttershy gave birth, and the day that Twi and herself got together. I got this.

All of her friends were at the Cloudsdale Cloudiseum ready to cheer her on; her closest friends were with Twilight in the royal box, ready to outdo all others in the volume of their cheers. A few minutes were used to congratulate the newly engaged couple and to ask them when the wedding was. They were silenced when it came time for Rainbow’s run.

She approached the starting area. I got this. She readied herself for takeoff. I got this. She took off in the air. I got...nothing!?

Blank. There was not a trace of routine left in her brain. I know it involved...flying. That’s helpful. Twi’, I need help; you’re good under pressure, what would you do? As she looked to her marefriend for any help whatsoever, ideas began to rush into her mind; far too many to think through each one. So she did what she did best; she just acted. She assigned all of her thoughts to her princess while her body just moved.

If something told her to go left, she went left. Right, right. If something told her to form clouds into balls, she made sure she had the right number. If something told her to do a Sonic Rainboom, she did it. If it said to do it again, she was cool with that. If it said to form a six-pointed starburst with her rainbow trail, she did not deviate from her task.

The crowd saw as Dash pulled off a Double Rainboom and then use her trail to form Princess Twilight’s cutie mark. Said princess was too overjoyed to note that wasn’t what Rainbow had planned to do, impressed that the cloud balls from earlier were used as the five stars surrounding her center starburst. And nopony had ever pulled off a Double Rainboom before; Rainbow didn’t even think about it before but here it was.

As Dash landed, she noted that her wing was still twitching; so her performance wasn’t the important thing. It wasn’t long before she discovered what it was. Spitfire herself landed next to the still panting pegasus before giving her a Wonderbolts flight suit. “Welcome to the team, Dash. Training starts up next week and we start touring in two months. Now go celebrate.”

The ecstatic pegasus hardly noticed that the twitching stopped.


The prismatic mare stopped her recollection when the food was finished. Together, the three of them had a nice pasta dinner (the only meal the couple could cook without filling the library with black smoke). They ate in silence and each were left to their own thoughts; Scootaloo was developing a plan of action, Rainbow was discerning the meaning of this wing twitch, and Twilight was thinking about what to do to her fiance later on tonight. Then she contemplated telling her friends the next day.

“I can’t wait to tell the others. Who should we tell first? Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Applejack are the closest to us.” Twilight began to ponder, ignoring her fiance’s reaction.

Rainbow shivered at the last name. Though she had her word, Dash was still wary of the farmer. Worst mistake in my life. “Why don’t we hold off until later and we’ll tell ‘em all at once?” she asked nervously.

Scootaloo, meanwhile, remembered that Sweetie Belle would be at the Boutique tonight; her plan was set and she was determined to go through with it. “Hey, thanks for the dinner but I gotta go see if Sweetie wants to hang out tonight. I’ll see you guys later and congratulations, again.”

The couple said goodbye to her and started cleaning up as she was leaving. They had finished putting away the dishes and were about to head up to living area when Rainbow’s wing started twitching again. She was conflicted; she wanted to make sure Scoots makes it through okay, but she also wanted to spend time with Twilight. The alicorn could sense her indecision and made the decision for her.

“Well, what are you waiting for, featherbrain? Make sure she gets the mare.” Twilight said while making a shooing motion with her hoof.

“You sure? It’s our anniversary and I don’t want to ruin it by ditching you.” Rainbow replied unsure.

“You’re not going to ruin it. Go!” Twilight headed towards the bedroom; before she entered a sly grin came to her face and she turned to look at Rainbow with a half-lidded glance. “But don’t stay out too long; I still need to give you your anniversary gift.” The tone had the desired effect.


“Eep.” Twilight didn’t need to see the erect wings or the flustered face as she headed into the bedroom, giggling. “You better have her swooning kid!” It was hard to sound threatening when her voice cracked. She walked out of the library to follow her honorary sister, her wings too stiff to take off into the air.

Author's Note:

Surprise, early update, all thanks to the oh so beautiful Google Docs.

I will tell you all now that there are two chapters left: chapter 4 and the Epilogue. This story could be finished before or after Thanksgiving.

Thanks again to Wolfie for editing my work. I'd be helpless without cha.

Please comment, upvote, favorite, follow, whatever you will. It all helps in keeping me confident that I do have some skill in writing.