• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 1,566 Views, 20 Comments

Frankie's Tale - BronyGuy

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Chapter 3



Void of light, to which nothing is seen for miles… even light-years to come.

Whatever you wanted to call it, Frankie couldn’t see anything but dark, and it wasn’t the kind of dark we all knew.

It wasn’t soft.

It wasn’t safe.

It wasn’t welcoming.

Just pitch black, at every corner… if there were any corners of… wherever he was. He tried to toss around, but nothing occurred. Just aimless floating in nothingness. Forever. He tried again, willing his senses to overcome such an obscure obstacle, of which had no name, no soul, and no answer. He focused his muscles in his right arm, remembering the feeling of the wind rushing passed his skin as he lifted it up, and the tingle of his neurons as they awoke from slumber.

Suddenly, with all his might, he forced out that built-up energy, willing it to rise as best as he could manage. Yet still, nothing happened. Frankie became more urgent at this point, surely there was something he could do to get himself out of this… whatever it was! He tried this same attempt over and over again, feeling the surge of energy through his arms, legs, and neck, yet all succumbing to the empty darkness that surrounded him— no— engulfed him. With the feeling of liquid, warm and moist, beginning to show through his eyes, he lay there in that lonesome darkness, feeling lonelier than ever.

Suddenly a rush of light pierced through from the heavens, basking him in warmth, and the feeling of hope once again. The blinding light caused him to instinctively move his arms to shield his eyes.

Wait a sec…

His arms! They could move! He felt the wrinkle of his cheeks as they pulled apart to make a smile, and glow of the light as it heated up his skin in such a lovely moment. He moved his arms, and tossed about, happily playing in the space he occupied as the light began to move forward, warding off the shuddering shadows of his previous world, and hugging him with a new one. Something about it gave him a sense of— not only hope— but also happiness. It was absolutely nothing he’d ever felt before, however that thought did little to nothing in impeding the creeping smile making its way onto his mouth. He kicked his feet, and found that this… ‘Space’ felt just like swimming through water, so he quickly adapted to this and paddled his way towards the light, feeling the wondrous rays of it reaching his skin, warming him up like a fireplace. He felt his smile grow just a bit wider as the light finally overtook him, sending the same effect as the darkness.

But better.


He coughed and sputtered, sending out cold clear fluids from his mouth. Purging over and over again, feeling the pull and gack of his body ridding itself of the water that enveloped his lungs. He lifted up an arm, and slammed it to the ground, pushing as hard as his weak state would let him. Yet as he got up just to his elbow his arm collapsed, sending Frankie back to the ground where he lay. At first he felt little things.

The dull ache of his arm and chest.

The cold sensation that seemed to wrap around him from head to toe.

The sun as it tried its best to bask him in its warmth.

He rested, motionless, feeling the dull ache become more and more sudden. Soon it wasn’t just a dull ache, but a splitting crunch feeling, over and over again, in some kind of hideous rhythm. He tried one more time, pushing himself up to his elbows where he then worked his way up to a sitting position. With some hesitation he opened his eyes, to find brightly colored leaves hanging low to the ground from a near by tree.

What… where…?

This isn’t heaven.

No shit?

Hey I was just trying to help.

Yeah, lets keep the thinking down to a minimum, my head hurts.

I feel your pain, bro.

…Ha, ha.

He opened his eyes just a bit from squinting, sensing the pain of eyes unused to sunlight, but quickly adapted. He looked around his surroundings, finding the same looking pool catching his gaze, and a line of bright-green trees formatting around it in a row. He opened his eyes wide.

He was right. This wasn’t anything like heaven. At least… not what he’d heard about.

But what did he know? It’s not like they died, went to heaven, and came back again to tell their tale, was it? So maybe he was in heaven. Now what? What could there possibly be to do, if he’s already in the final destination? If he did everything he could as a mortal what the hell was there to do in… well… heaven?

He stood up, placing a hand on his knee and pushing upward until he was standing tall. He felt a wave of nausea and dizziness take over, but managed to stand erect. He took yet one more look around, getting a feel of the pool’s tree line and small woodland creatures.

Well… this doesn’t exactly feel like heaven.

Yeah, I can say the same.

He took a small step, feeling yet another round of dizziness then continued until he was walking complete steps.

“Hey, do you think we’ll find anything cool looking?” said a voice.

Cool looking? Dear Celestia, please, if you’re going to become an explorer, you must call them something more appropriate!” A more adult sounding voice called back in response.

Frankie almost fell over on the spot.

Well they did always say that heaven was shared…

He faced toward the voices and took his awkward steps, slowly lifting up one foot and placing it down just as the miniscule wave of nausea dimmed, yet quickly lost his balance and came crashing down through the bushes and landing at the feet of the two people.


Those aren’t feet.

…And those aren’t people.


“Whoa, what is it?!” shouted the littler… what was it? Horse? Pony? Pony…. something seemed to fit with that word. So it was decided, Frankie called them ponies.

Great achievement, there…. ‘ponies’ oooh astonishing.

Well what the hell can I do?! I’m just laying here in fr—

“Well… D’I…. I don’t know what this thing is!” said the adult one. He put a hoof to his chin and studied Frankie with caution. Obviously, they didn’t know what he was, and they weren’t exactly thrilled to find out.

“What do we do with it?” the small pony looked up at the bigger one and gave him a questioning look.

“…” Frankie opened his mouth, expecting the flow of voice to come pouring out. Yet nothing came out. No sound. No voice. Nothing, just the escape of fresh air blown out of his lungs and into the air forward.

Oh crap….

“Maybe we should take it back to the vet. See if they know what this might be.” The larger one coughed twice with a strange look on his face. “Yes… maybe they’ll know.” He backed up a bit, implying that Frankie follows. “C’mon little guy, let’s go.”

Well what the hell do we do now?!

You think I have any clue? I never even knew horses of this color were real!

…But aren’t we in heaven?

I don’t know anymore…

He got up, following the instructions given to him by the stallion.

Ok, just stay calm—

Calm? CALM?! Dude, we are following a pony’s orders…. A PONY’S!!

I know that, but going ape shit isn’t going to solve anything! Just do as you’re told and maybe we can find a way out of this.

…Yeah fine…

He got up, slowly at first, but soon gained his balance again and started walking along side them. Needless to say, the little pony was ogling him like a new creature.

Well… technically he is a new creature— to them anyways.

They continued to walk along some hand-made path.

…Should we just call it foot-made?

Wow… they have names, you know.

Oh right! Sorry I was too busy wondering what the hell WE’RE DOING HERE!!

Ok, so it was a hoof-made path, to which Frankie and the… 'ponies' walked along. When he began to feel some sensation of fatigue begin to set in on him, he heard the old pony say out loud.

“Here we are! Now run along Ruby Blossom, I’ll take care of this guy.” he nodded his head forward, implying for him to depart.

The little one did as he was told, scampering off, probably to go play with his friends or something.

The male pony looked at Frankie, eyes portraying something he wasn’t expecting.



Wait… no it couldn’t be that…



A combination of both, possibly?

Whatever it was, Frankie couldn’t think any longer, as the faint sound of a thud somewhere in the distance followed by a pain splash across his head, sending a shock down his spine.

He fell to the floor, unconscious.


“Angel do you think you can watch the place for me? It will just be a few minutes.” Fluttershy quietly said as she approached the doorway. “I’m going to the vet to buy more birdfeed.” She turned to face Angel Bunny, “We’re almost all out.”

He responded— in his usual manner— by shacking his head.

Swish swish.

“Aw come on Angel. I’ll make it up to you!”

His ears perked up just a bit.

“When I get back, I’ll make you a special yummy snack! One with pineapples, and carrots, and cherries!” She presented a warm, loving smile towards him.

He scratched his chin, thinking intently on his odds, then quickly coming over to the thought of that treat. He nodded his head in agreement, and hopped off.

Fluttershy smiled with closed eyes, and turned to the door.

The warm breeze of the mid afternoon warmed up her body, making her sigh in content.

“What a great day to go out.” She said to herself. Flapping her wings a for a bit, she took flight and flew off in the direction of the veterinarian office.


Frankie fell to the floor, gasping for air, as the sticky sweat broke through his hair, back, and sides showing through the clothes he wore and drenching the ground along with it. He coughed and shook, disparately trying to get air into his lungs.

“Excellent work.” Said a static voice over the intercom. “You may rest as we depart for the today, please do not bang on the glass again, or we will have to use the same precautions. The static came back, then silence.

He didn’t need to be told twice, first time he tried to break free from this hell hole, he wound up on the floor as a wave of spasms took hold from the electrocution.

If this is heaven… I’d rather stick to hell.

What’s the difference?

Another round of coughing set in, causing him to double over. He felt tears of agony fall from his eyes, gently rolling down his cheeks and splashing on the ground. How could something so innocent looking do something so evil? Even if he were something that they feared, why not try to communicate with him and not just throwing him into this white room, filled with testing equipment and sterile air. He felt his vocal chords vibrate as he began to cry. Yet, as always, nothing came from them. Just his chest pumping in and out, and the rush of tears cascading downward.

He heard a click, and the swing of a door being opened.

“Um… hello? Is there anypony I can talk to? That is… if it’s alright?” Fluttershy practically whispered out into the air. She walked passed each room, looking into the windows from curiosity.

She stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes fell onto Frankie’s defeated form.

“Eep!” She squealed and hid from the scene before her, terrified by this new monster that lurked behind the closed door. With steeled nerves… she looked back into the window, and gasped as she finally understood what this thing was going through.

It was obviously hurt, and it needed medical attention.

…Something these veterinarians weren’t giving.

Ignoring her instinctive manner to run and hide from this beast, she let her other self take over, and went for the doorknob.

It didn’t budge.

She turned and headed for the main office, seeing that she accidentally came from the back door, and asked the receptionist to speak with one of the vets.

“Excuse me I need to talk to Doctor Sunrise.” She snapped back to her old self for just a second, “I mean… uh… if that’s okay with you…”

“Sure thing, sweetie, just wait one moment.” She tapped a button on her intercom and spoke, “Attention Dr. Sunrise, you are needed in the main office.”

Within moments a tall stallion with an orange coat walked in. “Is there something wrong, here?”

“Yes I’d like to speak with you alone.” Fluttershy said, “Oh! I mean… uh… you know… if that’s what you want.”

He gave her a look of annoyance, but proceeded, “Very well. What is it?”

They walked away from the desk, into one of the many hallways. “I’d ike to know if I can help you in anyway.” She pointed with a hoof towards Frankie’s ward. “With the care of that animal.”

“Oh Celestia no! We have that… thing” he gestured with a hoof, “taken care of. In fact I’d say it looks spick and span! Happy as can be! Now please… leave.” Without a moment’s notice, he turned around and walked off.

He won’t help the animal? That’s… that’s SO RUDE!!

She not only ignored her instincts, but also ignored everything and gunned straight for the keys that jingled alongside Sunshine’s side.

With a delicate grasp she took hold of the keys and quickly departed, running down the hallway to Frankie’s room.

He heard the cl-chink of the door being opened, and saw a softly colored mare walk into the room with a determined face.
Now what?!
Wait… she looks like she’s going to help!
And help she did. Using her wings as a sort of ‘lift’ she placed Frankie on her back, feeling her knees buckle just a bit from his weight. With small— amazingly!— quiet hoofsteps she walked out of the office building, leaving the door swaying open in her trail.
Right before Frankie fell into the lair of unconsciousness, he couldn’t help but enjoy the gentle breeze of the day, and the warm coat of this savior of a pony.


Author’s Notes:

Sorry guys about how long this took to update, and especially being that this isn’t a very good of a chapter— nor was it probably worth the wait. But the truth is, I’m becoming more and more distant from writing, so it’s getting harder and harder to work on these chapters for you all. That and I'm terrible with filler chapters. But don’t worry, as long as it takes, I’ll see this fic through to the end, and I hope you all will be by my side as I come closer and closer to wrapping up Frankie's Story. Please, don't forget to track, comment, and rate! <3