• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 282 Views, 4 Comments

What has been lost, can be regain - fsdewolf

Have you ever felt so lonely, so sad , so different like your from a whole different world, and that Time is your only friend?

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The ground quaked as the fire roared through. Crimson and ash grey smoke filled the air. Bright lights flashed streams of orange and yellow. Sirens screamed and bawled high pitches of warnings. Loud clops of hooves and shout echoed through the metal halls. Clashing pieces of metal and failing mechanics and machines roared, with no end. Scrapes of metal and debris were scattered and were fallen down, from all directions. Then through the thick, eye burning smoke came, a chestnut brown stallion with a dark brown mane and tail. He was covered head to hoof in buries, cuts, and scrapes. He stood there in the hall for a brief second, as he panted from the deadly fighting of life and smoke filled rooms. In his mouth he held a metal pen of some sort, which was covered in saliva and teeth grip marks. As he stood there the metal pen glowed a royal blue, as he quickly observed the hall through the dense smoke. He quickly turns his head and shouts, while holding the metal pen.

“This way, the TARDIS is just down this hall, come on hurry up their gaining on us, Ditzy!” he shouted down the main hall that was partly on fire.

“Okay, you heard your father, home is just a little bit farther, come on hurry!” came from a mare.

All sudden, around the corner came a bluish grey Pegasus mare holding a bundle of blankets and was followed my two other young unicorn mares. In the bundle that she held tightly around her wounded foreleg, was a young colt Pegasus.

As the stallion trudged through the scattered wreckage in hopes of making a safer route, so that his family could pass easily. The Pegasus briskly trotted towards the stallion, with her family close behind. Once close to him she breathlessly coughed that was mixed with some gasps, asked with a weak smile.

“It’s just like old times, doctor, huh?” she let out a cough then looked back to the stallion. In return he shifted his attention to the mare, but still keeping his ears perked up for any sudden changes. While still holding the metal pen, he replied “I guess it is like old times, but I have a whole family to protect this time.” He said with a smile, as he softly stroked the colts face, then turned around and went back to work.

All the mare could do was lovingly gazed from stallion to colt, then looking back to the two young mares that followed close behind. The two young mares were panting and breathing heavily do to the to poor air quality, but seem to be used to these factors against them. The mare then asked, “How you two holding up back there” with a hopeful smile.

The oldest mare replied “we’re okay back here, mom, but how’s Crescent doing?” as she coughed to her side.

“He’s doing fine, Sparkler” the Pegasus replied, as she wrapped the colt with more of the blanket, in hopes to block out the smoke.

Subsequently after the oldest mare the youngest mare then asked, “Mom, can the next trip we go on, not include explosions, smoke or a lot of running in it.”

To hearing the comment the stallion, that was still focused on making a path, just let out a loud “humhm” while he still held the metal pen.

The Pegasus gave a stern look to the young mare and said, “You know your father doesn’t try to make stuff like this happen, on our trips!”

The young mares both gave a rough chuckle that turned into a cough. The concerned stallion looked back with nervous eyes and shouted to the mares, “try to keep your head low, the smoke seems to be getting thicker, okay, just a little bit longer okay, just a little bit longer” as he still trudged forward.

Through the heavy smoke that came from the main hall, they heard shouts from the foe, “THIS WAY, THEY WENT THIS WAY, HURRY!” as they seemed to be getting closer to the escaping family.

Hearing this, the family starts to quicken their gate, to a hasty trot. As they rounded the corner that was covered with debris and smoke, came a most wonderful sight. A dark royal blue box came into view, the box was about twice the size of a pony, and it had a sort of reassuring glow that said “your home, safe and sound.” The stallion immediately scooted the fallen scrapes of metal away, making a path. Then instantaneously ran up to the blue box, and started to take out the key he had safely been tucked into his once red, but now ashy grey tie. As he fiddled with the key into the lock, aloud rumble came underneath his hooves.

He then worriedly exclaimed “HURRY, GET INTO THE TARDIS,THE FLOOR IS ABOUT TO GIVE!” As soon as he said this, the silhouettes of the foe became uncomfortably close to his loving family. Turning back to the key that was already in the key slot, he quickly gave it a sharp turn, then with both front hooves, with all his force he pushed in the two doors. Once he did this, inside the little blue box, showed a vast cavern, which was full with glowing warm lights, with a glorious control console with various buttons and levers, which had a monitor that had strange circular characters on it.

The stallion swiftly turned and yelled, “QUICKLY, GET IN!” Just after he said this, the ground started to buckle, revealing cracks of sky below. On top of this the silhouettes started to become almost completely clear, expose a group of worm, pony looking creatures. In one immediate motion, the stallion placed himself in front of the three mares and went into a defense stance.

Without turning his head he shouted, “GO, I’LL HOLD THEM BACK FOR A LITTLE BIT!” With that said the two young mares quickly ran towards the Tardis, but the Pegasus mare just stood there still holding their little bundle. Her honey eyes sparkled by the reflection from the fire, as she replied to the daring stallion, “DOCTOR WHAT ABOUT YOU?” she said in a worried tone.

He bravely shouted back “NEVER MIND ME, JUST PROTECT YOURSELF AND THE FOALS!” as he prepared himself for the foe.

Instead of following his orders, the Pegasus mare just stood and rebelliously interjected “NO! I’M NOT LEAVING YOU BEHIND!”

With her saying that, it caught the stallion off guard, and made him confused to the fact that they’re really having this discussion now.

He then replied with “WHAT, JUST GO DITZY I’LL BE FINE!”


At that time the group of worm ponies became fully visible, and the stallion had to make on the second choice. Instead of staying and fighting, he gave out a loud snort, and turned around and ran toward the stubborn mare. Once next to the mare, he exhaustedly said, “fine we’ll do it your way, come on lets go” he said with a smile. However as they raced to the Tardis, they heard one of the worm pony yell “GRAB THEM, BEFORE GO THEY GO INTO THE TIME VORTEX!”

As the two got close to the Tardis the floor beneath them finally gave, and cracks of the floor started to fall off revealing the long drop below. The doctor lost his hoofing from a falling piece of flooring, but was quickly pulled up and pushed towards the Tardis by the Pegasus mare. As the two ran, the stallion hopped into the Tardis, but the Pegasus mare that could not fly, due to the colt, wasn’t has lucky. Just before she could hop into the Tardis, the bundle that her fore hoof was wrapped around was grabbed by one of the worm ponies. As she struggled to make him let go of her colt, the floor beneath her finally gave out and started to fall. Just before the piece fell down to the sky, she was tug by the stallion to safety. Unfortunelly the same couldn’t be said for the little colt. In the rush of the moment the worm pony yanked the colt from the Pegasus mare, as she herself was pulled by the stallion. Finally the whole hall way finally gave and crumped, thankfully the stallion already set the Tardis to hover, and did not fall too. All the Pegasus mare could do was lay there and watch as the stallion held her back, as her only colt fell to his doom.

She screamed with all her might as hot tears flowed down her honey eyes, “NOOOOO! MY CRESCENT!” she cried as she tried to jump to save her foal, but was held back from the stallion that had tears swelling in his eyes.

“DOCTOR, LET ME RESCUE HIM!” she cried, as she watched the pieces of the hall crumble and fall down.


But the stallion kept a siren hold on her, and sorrowfully said “sorry, I’m so sorry, but I can’t afford losing anypony else in my life especial you, Ditzy. And you would never make it back, look at your wing!” After he said that the Pegasus mare looked at her wing, which was covered with blood and had a nasty gashed on it. She was in such a rush to save her colt; she didn’t even notice that the worm pony had gouged her left wing.

As the two ponies stood there holding one another in sorrow to losing their only colt, but then the stallion was snapped out of his depressed state by a loud alarm. He looked up to see the oldest mare on the console, pressing buttons and worryingly looking onto the monitor, as it flashed yellow and blue.

Before he could ask what she was doing, the Pegasus mare desolately asked “doctor what is that?” He then shifted his head from the console to where the Pegasus mare was looking. To his surprise a Time Vortex had started to appear. Before he could answer Pegasus mare, her body jolted up and was on the edge of the Tardis’s door frame. Then she shouted with all her might, “CRESCENT MOON! HES falling into it.” She stated as she started to weep again.

The oldest mare then walked up to the two ponies, and then worriedly said “um, dad I tried to save Crescent, but I had to ask the Tardis for help, I thought that if I made a time vortex that, um.” She said with her face towards the floor and her ears pinned back.

The stallion continue from where the oldest mare stopped, “That by making a time vortex you would send him to a place where he would land safely on the ground, instead of….” The stallion paused then continued “and that by doing this saved his life, and you did this with only the help from the Tardis, that was a very good idea, sparkler” He turn to the Pegasus mare and gave her a hug and calmly said “Ditzy, its ok, he’s fine, he’s going to be fine, whoever finds him will surely take care of him, until we find him, he is ok.”

The stallion gave the Pegasus mare a kiss on her ash filled mane, then turned to the oldest mare and said, “Now all we need to do is find where Sparkler and the Tardis placed him, this is great, this is just Fantastic!” He got up, looked at the now disappearing time vortex, and walked to the monitor on the console. He then said out loud while looking at the screen, “Now all we need is to find where the time vortex made him land, then we can just find him, and just pick him up. We just need to know where he is, Spar….”

He was cut off by a soft whimper, “I don’t know where I sent him” the oldest mare uttered.

The stallion looked at her with confusion and replied “what?”

The oldest mare lowered her head and uttered the words out louder “dad. I don’t know where I sent him.”

Still confused he said, “What do you mean, you don’t know where?”

She then looked up and replied again, “dad, I’m sorry I don’t know where I sent him, I mean I don’t know how I even did it, I didn’t even think it would work, I was in such a rush.”

With that said the relief and happiness was washed off the stallion’s face, and was replaced with sorrow and gloom. He hung is head low and gently placed both fore hooves on the floor, and slowly walked towards the Pegasus mare.

After hearing the dreadful news the Pegasus mare began to weep heavily. As she wept, the stallion slowly lowered himself down next to her, and wrapped her into his fore legs. While doing this he gently stroked her ashy bright yellow mane and reassuringly whispered “it’s going to be alright, he will be fine. Whoever finds him will take good care of him, that’s the best we can hope, Ditzy, that’s the best we can hope.”

As the two ponies sat there holding onto each other, all that they could do was watch from the Tardis doors as the vortex disappeared, and only hope that their little colt had landed in safe hooves. At the same time, they knew that there search for the colt had just began, and would take them all over the universe.

At that same moment, a Pegasus stallion, with a silver white coat and a mane and tail that inner color was a sun yellow and outer color of a flaming red. Was walking through the nearby forest in dead of night, as he trotted through he started to talk to his self, “uh, Silver what are you going to do with yourself. It’s just everywhere I go, it just feels like something is just missing, ugh” he said to himself.

He walked up to one of various trees and rested he’s head onto it. As he closed his eyes he mumbled to himself, “Come on this is going to be my fifth move to a fifth town that I will probably just end up moving out of, AGAIN! Come on what’s wrong with me”

At that moment, the stallion then heard a strange noise. Quickly lifting his head, and pointing his ears forward he scanned the whole area as far as he could see in the dense forest. Without seeing anything he said, “maybe I’m just hearing thing I should get home it seems pretty late. As he unfolded his wings, stretched them, and prepared to take off. He was stopped by a loud cry. Lowering his wings he once again looked around, and asked “hello?” With no response he then opened his wings and took a leap into the air. Never the less he heard the loud cry again which in return caused him to fall onto his snout.

As he stood up while rubbing his ‘poor’ noise, the cry started to become more frequent. He started to walk closer to the piercing cry. After walking a little bit off the path, he noticed it was coming from behind a bush. He then peaked through the evergreen bush; to his surprise it was a young foal. He then walked up to it and shouted, “HEY DID ANYPONY LEAVE THEIR FOAL! IS THIS ANYPONY’S FOAL?”

With a quick glance around he noticed that there was nopony else around except him and the foal but on the upside, the foal had stopped the crying. Kneeling down he took a better look at the foal. As he undid some of the blanket, he noticed it was covered in ash and reeked of smoke. He slowly uncovered the foal, and as he did this the face of the foal became noticeable. It was a yearling colt Pegasus, that’s mane was dark brown with a coat of chestnut brown, and beautiful sea blue eyes. But as he uncovered more he spotted a dark crimson ribbon with a silver piece of metal attached to it, around his neck. Picking up it with his hoof he gave it a closer look, he saw that it was an amulet coin of some sort. On the front was a loose eight shape with other circular designs on it. Confused and interested he flipped the amulet coin over and on the back was roughly hoof edged was a bunch of letters that made out the words “Crescent moon.” The stallion then looked back to the now yawning colt, then questioned “Crescent moon? Huh, well I guess that’s your name?” He then picked up the little colt, bundle and all then held him up to the moon light then continued to speak, “well Crescent moon, it’s nice to meet you. I don’t know where your parents are, but there probably looking for you. I don’t know where or how you came here, or why you’re covered in ash, but I guess I’ll take care of you for the time being until I can find them or they find you. And I don’t really know why you’re out here all alone, but I do know it is unsafe for a yearling colt like yourself.”

He gave a soft smile, however his ears sprang up as he heard a wolf howl. He then looked up and stated, “Well like I said it’s unsafe out here. Huh it looks like I’m going to be staying here a while longer.” He said with a chuckle, and then looked back down at the colt that was starting to drift off to sleep.

He then quietly spoke with a warm smile “Let’s go home, it’s pretty late.” As he started the walk home he quickly continued “Oh, I almost forgot, my name is Silver Octave, Silver for short, but you can call me Uncle Silver.”

The stallion then turned and got back onto the path, and started the trot back to his home, carrying the sleeping colt in is fore legs.

Author's Note:

This is my first story to summit, please don't judge to badly, but I like to know what I need to improve.
The story goes on the theory I have on the pony Crescent moon.
I'm going to be writing more stories and adding on to this one, but almost all my other stories will take place in the same universe.
'What has been lost, can be regain' is one of the stories that does not or will tie into my other stories.
which most of my other stories will tie into each other.
Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 4 )

Good Start. I like the path the story seems to take. Be sure to get someone to proofread and edit before you post new chapters. I look forward to seeing more chapters.:derpytongue2:

I like how I become a dad =3

Oh, wow! Nice story. I feel like I'm the only one who actually acted out the voice parts. Yeah that's a little weird. <_< >_> I really like reading stories like this. Especially ones that contain my favorite characters. Nice job, although there were a few derpy mistakes :derpytongue2: I still enjoyed it. Please, continue! I want to see what happens to this little colt, and how the Doctor and the others find him. This is just FANTASTIC! :pinkiehappy:

4907168 thank you for the like :twilightsmile::rainbowlaugh: THANKS HOPEFULLY you like the next part toooooo and Im glad you liked it :pinkiehappy::derpyderp1::pinkiehappy:

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