• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 3,409 Views, 153 Comments

Time Lord: The Story of Polaris - Thrawn1800

A human wakes up in Equestria, but NOT in the time of the Mane 6. He struggles to come to terms with this new world, full of magic and strange creatures. Will he ever be able to live his life in this new place?

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Chapter 3: Magic... How Does It Work?

Chapter 3

When I woke again, it was late afternoon. I’d slept long and deep. Somehow, I still felt exhausted. I tried hard not to think about the looming misery caused by my memory loss. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Eventually, I looked over at the windows. Still just the sky. I wanted to see out them again, but I knew from my experience the previous day that that would be an unwise course of action. After a long time, Blue walked in.

“So,” Blue said, “finally awake.”

I nodded, silent.

“Okay.” he said. “You feel like doing anything?”

I shook my head. I just wanted to stay where I was and stare at the ceiling.

“Well.” He said. “That's just too bad.”

I stared at him, startled by his insensitivity.

“I know better than to let you stay in bed.” he said, grinning. “I know what will happen. You will just get more and more depressed. I understand that you are not feeling your best, but you will certainly feel worse if you do nothing.”

I thought about that. I didn’t care very much right now, to be honest. I just wanted to stay right there. In a blur of blue and yellow, Blue dashed outside and brought in the wheelchair. I yelped in surprise as a golden aura surrounded me and lifted me into the air.

“You are not staying in your bed.” He said firmly. “You are going to socialize, and that is final.”

Before I could respond, he'd deposited me on the wheelchair and pushed it out of the room. Without a word, he started pushing the wheelchair down the corridors. Instead of following the route to the gardens or cafeteria, he went somewhere new. Doors rushed by us as we traveled, most of which were closed. Through the open ones, I caught a few glimpses of other patients.

We stopped in a large room. Inside were a good number of ponies. Some were sitting on couches, talking. Others, were walking the perimeter of the room, which was free of furniture. I looked around, a little scared. This was the most ponies I’d seen in one place yet. I was feeling really claustrophobic, in spite of the large amount of empty space and the fairly high ceiling.

“We are here.” said Blue. “Now play nice with all the other patients.”

I looked back at him, shocked by his directness in thrusting me into a new situation.

Seeing my expression, he said, “Tough love.”

He shoved my wheelchair away from himself with a hoof. It rolled right into the middle of the room, which seemed a bit excessive to me. A few nearby ponies stopped talking and looked at me. I smiled nervously, blushing.

“H-hi there.” I said.

Most of them nodded, and returned to their conversations. One that kept looking at me was a pegasus. A mare with a light blue coat, a dark blue mane and purple eyes. She had a raincloud for a cutie mark. The mare got up and walked over to me.

“Hi,” she said, “what is your name?”

“P-Polaris,” I said, “and… and yours?”

“May Breeze.”

“Cool name.”

“Thanks, my mom insisted.”

I nodded nervously. I could see how that would happen.

“So,” said May Breeze, “why're you in here?”

I thought about what to tell her. I decided it would be best not to mention that I was a human being from another world, whose memories were now completely gone. The pain of that thought caused me to tear up slightly.

“Hey,” she said, looking a little worried, “it's okay if you don't want to tell me.”

I shook my head. “No, that’s alright.” I said. “Just painful memories.” Or a lack of them.

“I broke my leg and a few ribs.” I said, after a short pause in the conversation. “And you?

“I sprained a wing, nothing much.”

“O-Okay then.”

We stood there, or in my case sat there, for a minute, then I made a decision. If I had to be out of bed, I might as well do something.

“So,” I said, “what do you do?”

“I am a cloud manager.”

“Okay,” I said, pretending to understand.

“And you?”

“Oh,” I said, “um, I’m kind of… you know… between jobs at the moment.”

“Okay. What did you do?”

“Oh.” I paused. I didn’t have a clue what kind of jobs a pony could have. “I… uh… well…”

She looked at me for a moment, clearly thinking. After a minute, it looked like she’d figured something out.

“You don't remember, do you?” she said.


“How did I know? The look on your face.” she paused. “And your… your eyes. They seem kind of distant… sad.” After a moment, she added, “that and I heard there was a new amnesia patient.”


“I didn't mean to hurt you, if I did.” she said. “I was just trying to keep you out of that hole you were about to dig yourself into.”

“Oh.” I said. “Thanks.”

“You're welcome. Mind if I join you?”

“S-Sure, go ahead.”

She sat down next to me, and we just watched all the other patients. We were silent, but instead of an awkward silence, it was a more... companionable silence. I tried to remember the last time someone had just sat next to me, to comfort and console. Last night, maybe, when Blue had stayed with me. Friendly, but quiet. I decided I liked it.

After a long time, she got up and said, “I need to go now. My doctor says I should rest often so I can get better faster.”

“Right,” I said. “Well, see you later, I guess.”

“Yeah, probably.”

She walked away, towards one of the exits. Blue came up to me.

“See?” he said, grinning. “That wasn't so bad, now was it?”

“No,” I admitted, “I guess not.”

Blue was looking very pleased with himself.

“Can we get something to eat now?” I said. “I’m hungry.”

“Sure,” said Blue, “why not?”

He grabbed the handle of my wheelchair in his teeth, turned it around, and pushed me out.


In the cafeteria, I dug into my food voraciously. Sweet peas and mashed potatoes. Yum!

“So,” said Blue, “who were you talking to?”

I swallowed then said, “Her name is May Breeze.”


I continued to eat. It had been interesting, I guess, socializing with another pony. Well, one that wasn’t a doctor or royalty. I didn’t know that much about her, but it was a start. I wondered what she’d meant when she said she was a cloud manager. Since when did clouds need managing? But then it occurred to me. Since when did the Sun and Moon need managing?

“Blue?” I said.


“What’s a cloud manager?”

He looked surprised for moment, then said, “Oh, right, you wouldn't know. A cloud manager takes care of the clouds, keeps them under control.”

“Keeps…?” I started to ask. I decided against it. I just didn’t know enough about this world.


Once we’d finished eating, we went back to my room. Blue helped me onto my bed, where I laid, a little tired, but not exhausted anymore.

“Now,” said Blue. “It's probably too much to ask for you to go back to sleep right away. So instead…”

The history book that he’d brought on my first day floated up beside him.

“…you can read this.”

The red book glistened in the light. I studied it for a moment, then I looked over at him.

“Um,” I said, “how do I…you know… hold it?”

“With your hooves, of course.” He made it sound obvious.

“Oh, right.” I’d forgotten about them.

“Here you go,” he said, dropping the book onto my lap.. “It's a pretty good book. Enjoy.”

He walked out of the room, and shut it behind him. I picked the book up. I still wasn’t sure how that was possible, but I’d stopped questioning things a while ago. I opened it up, and started reading.

When I finally looked up from the book, it was late evening. I’d finished the whole thing, and it had been pretty good. I wanted to thank Blue, but he wasn’t around, and I couldn’t exactly go and find him. I paused for a moment, then decided to try and sleep. I could thank Blue in the morning.

I laid back against the pillows, and relaxed. I thought about everything that had happened today. Everything was still strange, but somehow, the loss of my memories had made everything a little less so. I still felt upset about it, and a few tears escaped, but I didn’t lose control like I had the previous night.

Soon, the stars started coming out. I watched, entranced by the darkening sky. It was wondrous, how many stars I could see. I couldn’t see the North Star from my window, since they faced west. While I couldn’t see it, the moon let off its pale light, illuminating the room in a soft white light. Eventually, I fell asleep.


I woke the next morning to the sound of the door opening. I pulled myself upright on my bed, and looked over. I immediately bowed as best I could. Luna and Celestia were in my room.

After a moment, I heard Celestia say, “Polaris, you need not be so formal.”

I straightened up immediately. Celestia was standing tall and straight, but Luna was staring at the ground, looking upset.

“Y-Yes, your high…” I stopped, remembering what Celestia had said. “…Celestia.”

She smiled, acknowledging my slip. “Luna, you may speak with Polaris, he will not bite you... right?”

“O-Of course not.” I said nervously.

Luna walked up to me, still looking at the ground. She shuffled her hooves a little, looking nervous and upset.

“Luna?” I asked.

She slowly looked up at me, then suddenly lunged forward and hugged me tightly around the waist.

“I am sorry! I am so so-o-o-or-ry-y!” she wailed.

I jerked back slightly in shock. Luna retained her tight grip.

“Please! I didn't mean for it to happen!” she continued, shouting in what seemed like absolute despair.

“W-what for?” I asked confused and a little scared.

She looked up at me, confusion evident.

“W-what do you mean?” she asked.

“What did you do, or thought you did?” I asked.

She looked at me, terrified, then blurted out, “ItriedtobringbackyourmemoriesbutwhenIdidIerasedthemallinsteadpleasedonotbemadatmeeeeeeee!”

“What?!” I said. “What did you say?”

“I said,” she said, “Itriedtobringbackyourmemor-pphbt!” I covered her mouth with a hoof.

“Slowly, please.”

She took a deep breath. “I said,” she said, “I tried to bring back your memories but when I did I erased them all instead please do not be mad at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…!”

She drew out the ‘me’ for several long, arduous minutes. When she finally stopped, she had let me go and was on the ground, forelegs over her eyes. I was shocked from what she’d said. She was the one who had caused my memory loss? Luna? I was upset, but not with her. I knew she'd meant well. I was upset that it hadn't worked. I looked over at Celestia, hopeful.

“I am sorry, Polaris,” she said, “I can do nothing to help. Your memories, your last life, all gone. Forever.”

I looked down at Luna, who was still on the floor, legs over her eyes.

“Luna,” I said softly. “I don’t blame you.”

She lifted a leg. “Y-you do not? Why not? It is my fault!”

“That doesn’t matter anymore. You wanted to help, that’s what matters.” I paused, then I added, “thank you for trying.”

She stood up slowly. She looked up, and nodded, then backed up next to her sister.

“So, Celestia…” I said conversationally. I was trying to change topics, for both Luna’s and my sake. “Did you find a teacher for me?”

“Yes,” she said, “I did. Iwill teach you the basics, and then you will be able to continue on your own.”

“Y-you?” I asked, surprised. “You, as in you personally? Teach me?”

“Yes.” she said. “But you do not seem to understand. “The basics themselves are not that hard. It is the more complex spells, ones that do not involve movement, that are the most difficult. I shall merely teach you theory and basic telekinesis. The rest... it shall be up to you.”

I paused at this. “Be as it may,” I said, “I’m still grateful you could take the time to personally help me.”

She smiled, and said, “We could start now, if you like.”

“S-Sure,” I managed.


Soon, she’d helped me learn how to channel my magical energy. It’s sort of like the chills you get when you listen to your favorite music, the stuff that really moves you. Just, I don’t know, warmer I guess. You have to focus it through your horn. Then, you have to learn how to properly manipulate the energy. There were several formulas and equations for this, but if I took the time to explain them all, you’d probably all run away screaming “AAAAAHHHH, HEADACHE!” So, we’ll skip the unpleasantness.

I concentrated, and managed to light up my horn. I couldn’t see what color my aura was though.

“Ha!” I exclaimed excitedly. “I did it!”

“Yes,” said Celestia, “now, just think about what you want to move, then, just… do it.”

I nodded, then looked at the history book. I tried to move it. Nothing. I thought about what I wanted to happen. I focused on it again. I imagined what I wanted to happen. The book quivered slightly, then, a glowing yellow aura surrounded the book, and lifted it off the table.

“YES!” I shouted.

I imagined the book spinning, and it started doing so. I put the book through its paces, having it fly through the air, doing a wild assortment of tricks and maneuvers. The door opened, and Blue walked in. The book flew through the air, pulling out of a wild dive, and flew straight into his face. He was knocked flat by the book, which flew in a spectacular arc over our heads and landed on the bed, miraculously unharmed. Blue did not look happy when he got up, rubbing his head with a hoof.

“I told you,” he said, “that you shouldn't start doing that until your leg gets better. How about we take a look, since you seem so very eager to be up and about.”

He came over and lifted my right foreleg. His horn glowed as he studied it. He eventually let my leg go, and stood there, thinking. After a while he looked up and nodded.

“Time to get you on your hooves.” he said.

“You mean...?”

“Yes, time to teach you how to walk.”

I laughed excitedly. Finally, I would be able to walk on these blasted hooves. Able to look out a window without waiting for someone else. And most importantly, I’d be able to get something to eat when I felt like it!

“Just get down off the bed,” said Blue, “slowly.”

I pushed myself of the bed, slowly, of course. I put all four hooves on the ground, and promptly collapsed. Blue caught me before I hit the ground.

“Lean on me,” he said.

I leaned my weight on him, and slowly straightened up. I put a hoof forward, then another, and another. Soon, I was walking slowly around the room, Blue helping to support my weight.

I sped up a little, and Blue said, “Take it easy now.” I immediately slowed down, knowing better than to question him on this.

After a while, I stopped, tired and a little sore. I sat down right where I was standing.

“Whew! I exclaimed. “That was more tiring than I thought it would be.”

“Hmm.” said Blue. “I guess you have never actually walked on four legs before, have you?”

“Not really.”

“Then you should expect some exhaustion.”

“Yes.” said Luna.

I jumped. I’d forgotten that the Princesses were still in the room. I’d been so intent on staying upright that I hadn’t noticed anything else.

“Well,” said Blue, “you should probably rest for a little while. We can continue later.”

“Okay.” I said.

And,” said Blue pointedly, “that includes resting from magical activity.”

“Uh-huh.” I said, blushing. “Yeah.”

“Now, to bed.”

He helped me over to the bed, since I was still too weak to keep myself up. I climbed onto the bed, and laid down.

“We should go now,” said Celestia. “We have royal duties to attend to.”

Luna nodded in confirmation. They walked over to the door, which opened.

“Farewell, Polaris.” said Celestia.

“Bye.” I said.

“Bye.” said Luna.

They walked out of the door, which closed behind them. I looked back at Blue, who had picked up the history book.

“Rest now,” said Blue, “and I'll be back later. We can work on your walking more then.” He walked right up to me. “And, no. Magic. Either.” He poked me in the chest to enunciate every word.

I blushed brighter. “Okay.”

He walked over to the door, which he opened.

“See you later,” he said, and he exited.

I laid back against my pillows, tired from my physical and magical exertion. I went into a half-asleep state, thinking about the day. It had been alright so far. It was just late afternoon. I closed my eyes. I thought about what I’d learned about magic earlier. I could think of some interesting things I could do. Fantasizing about future magic, I drifted into a light sleep.

In the castle of the Royal Pony Sisters

Celestia and Luna were in the throne room again. The late afternoon sun’s gentle rays drifted through the windows. The sisters were deep in conversation. They were interrupted when a guard trotted into the room.

“Your highnesses.” said the guard, bowing.

“You may rise.” said Celestia. “What is it?”

“Your highness, the pegasi scouts are reporting a large storm coming out of the north. The weather teams are not sure they can repel it.”

“Thank you for notifying us.” said Celestia. “We shall attend to it.”

“Your highness.” The guard bowed, then left the room.

The sisters watched him go, then, they turned to each other.

“An out of control storm? At this time of year?” asked Luna.

“I suppose they have to happen upon occasion.” said Celestia. “Well, if the weather teams are unable stop it, we will simply have to fortify the city.”

“Yes.” said Luna.

The sisters then continued their previous conversation.